Member Reviews

This was very different than what I was expecting! The title says it all — Fletcher is a bad boyfriend, and I could not find myself rooting for the couple.

Very well written book. Really enjoyed this author, would definitely read more by this author and recommend on my book IG

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

Cute book easy read I definitely enjoyed this book and would recommend this book to everyone. If they wanted a fun read

This was a quick and light-hearted comfort read. While the plot was so-so, the leads had great chemistry to propel readers through it.

2.5 stars
A second chance romance. A decent look into love languages and expectations from a partner.
From just reading the description, I found the heroine annoying and downright bitchy. And even immediately, with no communication and all righteous indignation, she cemented herself as a shrew. Yes he wasn’t behaving his best, and you find out why it was secretive, but she never even bothered to ask or be there for him.
No steam, barely even a make out. Maybe 4 kisses in the book total.

This was a light and easy read. It took me a while to get through because it wasn’t a story I was 100% in love with and invested in.
The characters were fine and the story was easy to follow.
Apparently it’s part of a series but I haven’t read the others in the series so I’m assuming it can be read as a stand-alone.
If you are in the mood for something that’s quick and not very deep this was great for that.

This is an lovely and easy read., the perfect beach book. It has a great build-up to suspense, but it didn’t excite me as much as I had hoped, however it’s still a fun read. I liked the characters, although they could be annoying at times. Perfect for a sunny day r with a nice cold drink
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

Didn't realize that this one was a part of a series, but glad that it could be read as a standalone. I LOVE the fake relationship trope - so this book was right up my alley! I really loved the main characters and their relationship development. Cute romcom, moved at an easy pace.

I would rate this somewhere between 2 and 3 stars. This is the 3rd book in a series and is told from dual POV. It's a second chance rom-com with a mystery twist.
I like rom-coms a lot but I usually prefer a bit more angst to them. To me the characters seemed a bit bland and the story wasn't very compelling. I didn't particularily like any of the characters, not even the secondary ones but the mystery was a nice touch.
I would recommend this as a beach read as it is light and fluffy.

An okay-ish read... most of the time at least.
So from the beginning we have an incomplete puzzle. Our female lead is not very happy with her kinda boyfriend, who has a lot of red flags, but why do I feel like a piece is missing here? so the other piece in the boyfriend's POV, Fletcher.
And this is why this reading was good, but it could have been better; the timing. He really took his sweet time to bring the truth out, and at that point I was just as frustrated or more frustrated than his girlfriend, so basically we could say that this has the trope of miscommunication, also knows as NOT my fav.

Another cute story! Huge fan of this book and loved the characters. Very enjoyable! Definitely recommend picking up!

I had a gut feeling this was going to be a dud and of course, I was right on the money.
This ‘romantic comedy adventure’ didn’t appeal to me. The supposed chemistry between Saidy and Fletcher was non-existence and based on their personality/character traits, I couldn’t fathom how they could have ever worked. I didn’t like this couple whatever so please tell me I wasn’t the only one who felt this way.
Besides the characters—the story wasn’t anything to write home about and the overall writing style was off putting. I was more entertained by the synopsis than the book itself.
So worth the read? No. I would not even recommend this place to my worst enemy.

I thought this book was a lot of fun but that the characters lacked the chemistry I usually look for in romcoms.

It was a cute book, I just didn’t totally buy in to the love between the main characters. That said, I still enjoyed it and the mystery aspect pushed me to finish reading it.

I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
World's Worst Boyfriend was something. In it, you will meet Saidy and Fletcher. They are dating... sort of. It's safe to say that Saidy is completely fed up with her boyfriend due to his flakiness. I mean, there's a ton of red flags in the beginning but it also seems like we don't have the full story either.
Honestly, I would definitely not put up with any of the shit she did. Dropping off his dirty laundry? Shoot, I'm not your momma buddy. Do your own laundry at your own place. Ghosting on date nights? I'd ghost him myself after the first time. There's more red flags too so when I say that Saidy wasn't having it anymore - I meant it.
She was so angry with him that she actually entered Fletcher into a competition - World's Worst Boyfriend. It wasn't surprising that she won but it did make me laugh when Fletcher was upset about it. Oh buddy, no, open your eyes.
Remember how I said we didn't get the full story? Well entering into Fletcher's POV, we definitely get why all the red flags were popping up. It just doesn't help his situation because it takes him forever to tell the actual truth. So, yeah, I can see why they were so frustrated and how communication wasn't their strong suit.
Yet, I ate up all the tension filled moments between them as well. I definitely had a like/dislike with these two and everyone else in this book. Even after finishing it, I'm not even sure how I feel about this. Like it was okay and had some cute moments.. but I wasn't in love with the couple or the book at the same time.
It was just okay. Likable.

This review may be a little on the short side as I am writing it a while after reading it due to my final exams and it's also quite hard to talk about this without spoiling one of the major plot points. But, I can confidently say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was such a good read and I couldn't put it down. The characters and the story line were extremely interesting and unexpected, but in a good way.
At the beginning, Saidy is in a relationship with Fletcher, yet he is constantly cancelling on her and missing out on things he was supposed to attend. It was very frustrating as a reader to understand where this book was going as I just wanted Saidy to get rid of him. Saidy enters her boyfriend into a contest for World's Worst Boyfriend, and he wins, which seems to be another sign to her that they need to break up. However, Fletcher continues to appear in her life.
I didn't realise this book was in dual perspectives, so it was a nice surprise to see Fletcher's point of view. It also provided the reason for his behaviour and as the synopsis says it is a very valid reason! This took the book in a completely different direction than I thought, but I was not disappointed. It felt like a refreshing take on a romance novel that I personally haven't read before, and I couldn't stop reading until I knew that everything was going to end up okay.
All in all, I really enjoyed this book. It was light-hearted (most of the time), funny and there were many cute moments between the main characters. It was the definition of escapism!

This wasn't what I was expecting. The synopsis was great and got my attention. The story just didn't keep my attention. Sad to say I gave up at about 25%. Thank you for allowing me the preview and best wishes.

i tried to red this but it really wasn't for me :/ I couldn't connect with the characters or the plot

The World’s Worst Boyfriend was such a cute read! I found the main character to be very relatable and charismatic. Everyone wants to be treated well in a relationship, and after being stood up for every dinner and event by her boyfriend, she finally realizes that she deserves better than what Fletcher is giving to her. On a whim she enters her boyfriend into a contest for the “World’s Worst Boyfriend” and to her shocking surprise, she wins something she desperately hoped she wouldn’t, a breakup. We later find out that Fletcher is a police officer and has been working day and night on an undercover job starting up his tech company and he has been lying to Saidy to ultimately ensure her safety. With his undercover job and Saidy’s newfound freedom this story is witty and captivating. The story and the characters intertwine so well and keeps this book interesting and fun. The World’s Worst Boyfriend, although a troubling record to hold, makes a great story for modern day dating and I would highly recommend this charming and fast paced book!