Member Reviews
A wonderful book which is incredibly well written. The characters are well established and realistic, you can really feel the work put into them. The plot is well thought out and planned with impeccable pacing that keeps the reader gripped.
This was fun and different as I expected.
It was action packed and had a different take on demon´s living in our world.
I really enjoyed the slow world building in this novel. There seemed to be a lot of foreshadowing for future books. I like the main character, Nadira. She was a great lead and felt true to someone of her age with the choices she made. I liked a lot of the secondary characters as well and hope to see more depth with them in future books.
This Time held my attention, and I would recommend for anyone who enjoys Urban Fantasy. It was action packed and reminded me a bit of Cassandra Clare’s world building.
This Time by Azaaa Davis is the first book in Nadria Holden, Demon Hunter series. Nadria wakes up and everything is different. Will she be able to figure out this new world?
I read this book many months ago and while I do remember parts of it there is much that was forgettable. The main character was not the smartest one around. I mean if you have to dig yourself out of a hole in a cemetery, you probably were in a grave. That is what I remember most about the book because it annoyed me so much. The main character was strong but that is the only characteristic that stuck in my head. The plot was, well I don’t really remember the story.
Two stars for what could have been an interesting story with cool main character but ended up being forgettable. Thank you to NetGalley and Azaaa Davis for the free copy. This was an honest review.
really enjoyed getting to know Nadira and her journey. She was a great female lead and I enjoyed going through this book. It had a great premise and I look forward to more from the series.
I’m a big fan of urban fantasy and always on the lookout for a new series to start. Finding one with a woman of color as the main character, with some gorgeous dreadlocks on the main cover, and written by a woman of color, was a treat.
I just wish that this was more my speed. The start was action filled and interesting. We start with a lot of questions that I want to find the answer to, and an action oriented heroine who needs the same answers.
Unfortunately, everything comes almost to a full stop at about the quarter mark for lots of exposition. And a lot of the answers to the questions I had don’t make any real sense to me.
I think my biggest qualm with this is that it feels like a prequel. Everything is given to us so fast that it feels like this story is entirely to set up interesting things about our main character before she really gets going. This is backstory. And I didn’t get invested in seeing what the main character does after this story ended.
This was a fun read, nothing out of the ordinary amazing but nice. However, it’s the first in a series and will be building up to more hopefully and first books have to do so much scene setting that I’m always generous and I am definitely going to be reading the next, it shows so much promise for the future. 3.5 stars
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion
I always have so much fun reading NA and YA urban fantasies that feature a strong female lead. This book was no exception! The introduction was a bit nightmare-inducing with Nadira being buried alive and all, but it definitely grabbed my attention and compelled me to keep reading.
The book wasn't anything super special, but I had fun reading all the way through and didn't want to put it down for any length of time because I wanted to know what was going to happen next.
I like the premise. I found the 2 souls thing interesting. There was just a lot that wasn't explained or expanded on very well, and I was sort of weirded out by Nadira being jealous but otherwise chill about a teenager who she thought might be dating her 40-something-year-old previous flame. Dafuq?
This book felt very first-in-a-series. There is groundwork being laid. We understand where Nadira comes from, some of her history, a bit about the children of orion, but it isn't enough. It's a short book that could have benefited from being longer, for the relationships to have been expanded upon, for Nadira to have experienced a bit more emotional conflict about who she is and what she does.
In terms of romance, I like where we're going with Derek. I'm interested to see how that pans out, but I'm disappointed that we have a book about a succubus with no sex in it.
Nadira Holden was dead - then she was alive - then she was possessed - now she is learning to live in a foreign world with powers gained from an enemy and trying to survive without losing herself once more. Nothing will ever be simple again.
This novel set up a lot of promising storylines, but felt a bit jumbled to me. The mid-book twist was startling, but faded back pretty quickly. I think it could have used a shift to first person POV to make everything feel a little more immediate. I had a hard time rooting for Nadira despite her kick-@ss nature - she felt too disconnected to me. I hope the next book in the trilogy answers some of my questions.
Thank you for the opportunity to read this title. Sadly I just couldn't get into it and quit about 20% in. I wish you the best and am sorry that this just wasn't my cup of tea. Thanks again
This urban fantasy book turned out to be a great find. Once I began reading this book I realized that this book is a true urban fantasy read. Nadira Is a great character that even though she discovered she was paired with a succubus, she still was human enough to be able to work as a team member. There were great action scenes in this book. When Nadira had to fight several different types of demons, she was able to show how a demon soul and a human soul could work together. I was very glad to see that there are other books in the series, because I am ready to find out what else happens to Nadira.
Three and a half
This review is quite difficult to write because I have no wish to give things away and actually things do happen fairly quickly here. Nadira has no idea why twenty five years later she’s crawled out of her grave and is as if she never died fighting the Demin King. The war that raged as he sought out his missing daughter is apparently well and truly over with those who previously hunted Demons vilified. Who would have guessed that Demons would openly walk the Earth ? Nadira doesn’t know who to trust anymore but finding out her father is missing means she needs to get her head in the game because this time it’s personal !
I really liked this story and it had a lot of things going on that felt very unique. I did feel occasionally that the writing tried to tell rather than show and sometimes the words used to describe things felt overdone eg Nadira describing her fellow Hunter as being manhandled . However this has a different heroine with immense possibilities and potential to shake up everything. Obviously no spoilers here but if you enjoy a slice of romance in your urban fantasy then the next book is bound to be an eye opener because this is left in a way that is very intriguing.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair
I am still trying to find the right fantasy Novel and so far they all fall short of expectations. The story has lots of action but the female lead lacks something to pull me into her world. However Devon was funny at times and a enjoyable character.
The author repeats a lot of scenes making some unnecessary. While the author could have taken away a few things a more detailed backstory would have filled in some missing information.
The story dragged on at times and lets face it even a Urban Fantasy needs a little believability ad this story lack it in spades.
Thank you to Netgalley for a Copy of Azaaa Davis This Time
I was intrigued by the concept of this book and I did find the world created by Davis to be very interesting. However, the execution of the story left me struggling to get invested. I found there to be an abundance of 'telling' rather than 'showing' throughout the narrative-from world building elements to characters' emotions and intentions. Additonally I feel the story would have benefitted from witholding more information than was quickly revealed-elements such as Roquelle's identity and Nadira's parents' actions could have been hinted at to raise suspicions but not confirmed immediately.
That said, this book explored an interestng premise as well as a world and characters I would be interested in exploring more of.
The book caught my attention from the first line. I read it in one sitting and enjoyed it enough that I would like to read the other books in this series. It is a supernatural romance that I can only assume develops the romance between the characters in the following novels. It does however, have enough intrigue in it to leave the reader wanting to know what comes next because just when you think you have a handle on the story it throws a twist.
Nadira's character soon became a source of irritation for me. She's bored, irritable, and complacent. The timing wasn't even close to being reliable. Throughout the novel, there were numerous spelling and grammar errors. I was about to DNF this one, but I kept hoping it would get better. Regrettably, it did not. Even the conclusion was a letdown. In some places, the writing was a little repetitive, and I had hoped for more display from the writers.
I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review:
This book is a Urban Fantasy that takes us along with our main character Nadira Holden as she is resurrected into present day New York to save the world again.
The plot was action packed which a lot of people, including myself, will really enjoy. It started out nice and action packed, but towards the middle became slow and seemed to become very repetitive.
I think what bothered me the most was how the characters seemed to believe so easily that Nadira came back to life and there was nothing strange about that.
Nadira I a strong female character that we see in most books of this type. This is a great trope when done right but in this case, it was boring. She was strong sure, but even more so she was annoying. The other characters just did not stand out for me. They were rather plain and there didn't seem to be a lot of information on them to help bring them to life.
All in all, I would recommend it as a quick, simple read when you want something short but fast paced.