Member Reviews

When I finished The Hollow Gods, I was eager to dive into its sequel, The Echoed Realm. The haunting atmosphere, the tangled web of mythology, and the raw emotional stakes left me hungry for more. But while The Echoed Realm offers a continuation of the story I initially loved, it didn’t quite deliver the same magic.
Let’s start with the positives. The expansion of Black Hollow’s mythology was intriguing, and I appreciated the evolution of the characters, especially Miya. Her struggle to navigate her new ethereal reality and her connection to Kai offered moments of real depth. The book’s darker, more existential themes—primordial horrors, buried histories, and fables brought to life—remained a strength, drawing me in during the best parts of the narrative.
However, the cracks began to show quickly. The writing felt inconsistent, veering between beautifully fluid prose and clunky, stunted passages that halted the story’s momentum. This was frustrating, as there were glimpses of brilliance, but they were overshadowed by sections that dragged or felt forced. It created a stop-start reading experience that made me consider putting the book down more than once.
The pacing didn’t help either. There’s a lot happening in this book—arguably too much. While I was excited to see the plot threads unravel further, it often felt like content was being added for the sake of padding rather than purpose. A tighter focus could have done wonders for the story, especially since much of this material felt like it could have been condensed into The Hollow Gods. If the first book had been wrapped up more conclusively, this sequel might not have been necessary.
Perhaps my biggest frustration was that The Echoed Realm lacked the urgency and cohesion of its predecessor. It felt less like a natural continuation and more like an attempt to justify a second book. As a result, some of the new developments—such as the evolving role of the gods—fell flat for me. While these elements had potential, they didn’t feel essential to the story, and their inclusion diluted the impact of the original’s mythology.
That said, there are readers who will love The Echoed Realm for its ambition, its dark twists, and its willingness to dive deeper into Black Hollow’s eerie lore. For me, though, it didn’t quite stick the landing. The inconsistency in the writing, the bloated plot, and the lack of narrative focus left me feeling underwhelmed.
This isn’t to say the book doesn’t have its merits—it does. There are flashes of brilliance here that remind me why I loved The Hollow Gods in the first place. But ultimately, The Echoed Realm is a sequel that tries to do too much and loses its way in the process.

If I did reread the first book before starting this, probably would have been less confused. I remember enjoying the first one but being confused as well until 65% and the same thing happened here.
The writing style I liked more and I enjoyed connecting with the characters again, probably going to reread them both closer so that I can answer some of the questions I have!

It’s three years after the events of “The Hollow Gods”, Kai, Mason & Miya are back in the final book in this duology. A.J. Vrana did not disappoint in continuing on the fantastic dark and vivid atmosphere that grips you instantly. I could continue to praise her prose. The reader gets thrown back into the realms and immediately into the plot. The world building has been done. What I really enjoyed in this was getting the back stories that I so much desired in the first novel, getting some answers that lingered. Kai and Miya’s romance continued to intrigued and pull at my heart strings. Now there were a few times that things didn’t seem to add up or felt a bit random. This is “The Chaos Cycle” after all.
Fast paced, folklore within a vivd world and beautiful storytelling. What more can you ask for? It’s upsetting to say goodbye to this duology but highly anticipate more to come from Vrana.
Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Sharpen your claws and bloody your teeth. There’s fear to be sown.
The Echoed Realm is the second and final book of AJ Vrana's Chaos duology. This book was the perfect ending to this duology. I wish I could have more! The series, is definitely one to read! This book flows seamlessly and keeps your attention throughout the whole book. The Echoed Realm keeps you engaged and wanting more. If you're a fan of dark fantasy, this one is definitely for you!

I really wanted to like this book but the second book in this duology was still too hard to follow. There are a lot of plot holes and weird characterization. The redeeming part is the plot started right away as opposed to the first book that took a majority of the real estate to get to the point.

I read this authors first book and I enjoyed it so much that when I saw her next book was on NetGalley, I had to request the book. A really good read. This book was a great way to continue the story. I hope there will be another book.

Enjoyed the sequel more than the first book because I understood so much more. I did still spend the first half of the book slightly confused, but it all came together in the second half. The backstory of how they all got there was so interesting to me! I wish we had gotten more of that in the first book.
The folklore around the Dreamwalker and the wolf were my favourite parts. Seeing Miya and Kai working and being together was great. Ama and Crowbar were also a highlight.
As in the first book, I felt like Mason’s POV was irrelevant. I felt like he didn’t really bring much to the story and any information we learnt through him we could’ve learnt elsewhere and instead spent more time with our other two mains. I did have a theory of who he could’ve actually been for a second, but it didn’t pan out.
Thank you MTMC Tours and Parliament House Press for the digital copy for being a part of the cover reveal!

I am sorry to be this late in reviewing this, but I am finally here and what can I see.
I love A.J. Vrana's writing, I love her duology, I love this book, and...did I say LOVE?
This is one of those books you absolutely have to read to understand and experience for yourself to actually see why people rave about it... It's dark, but wonderful, if you like reading dark books and find them wonderful, which, I do. And it's the perfect season to read something like this.
There aren't many duologies out there like this, and I find this one so incredibly unique...I was totally immersed in the world, the plot and characters, and I never for one moment ever felt bored...

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.
I'm gonna be really honest here: I did not like the first in this duology. I read it because I liked the description of this 2nd book, and I wanted to know the background after I put this second book on my Netgalley shelf. It's not that the first isn't a good book. I just felt too old for it. Too cranky. While the magical world was interesting, I couldn't get past the snarky teenageriness of the main characters. I probably would have loved it when I was sixteen. I would recommend the first book to teenagers, or to people who really love YA fiction. It wasn't for me, though. I went into this second one with a duty to read it since I requested it, but not expecting to like it much.
Thank god I was wrong. While the turn-me-off attitude is present at the beginning, I saw character in the characters in this book. They became more, they filled out, they grew up, and I could see that. They were a little vulnerable and not altogether predictable. Their potential caught up with the already solid fantasy elements.
The story itself twisted halfwaysih through and led into a really fascinating backstory of some of the fantasy elements. I think that was my favorite part of the book. I almost wish that had been a majority of the book, or maybe even the main story.
As to the fantasy elements, Vrana did a great job balancing explanation with leaving some mystery to it all. I'd read more from this particular magical set-up. I'd also read more by Vrana in the future, especially if that future fiction is skewed toward an older audience.
I'd recommend this book to a lot of people types those who liked the fantasy of the first but didn't feel like the intended audience and to newbies of the duology.

this was a great sequel to the hollow gods, I really enjoyed reading this book a little more than the first. I think it was improved upon.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for allowing me to read this!
I was instantly intrigued by the synopsis of this book. This book instantly drew me in, I got to explore through the eyes of our main character and this is always my favorite way to discover these details of the story and, it was done very well in this book. I really enjoyed this book and the plot. This author did amazing. I loved the writing style.

The second book in The Chaos Cycle gives the reader more background on the fable of The Dreamwalker, which really helps to wrap this duology up perfectly. It also helped to cement Kai as my favourite character, who really suffers in this book. The story delves deeper into myth and folklore, giving it an ethereal feel reminiscent of those old ghost stories that relied on atmospheric writing and tension rather than action and horror, though there is some gore. This second book feels quite a bit darker, with some really evil characters making an appearance. Again, the writing is fabulously eerie, bringing about a great ending to this series.

5 "Bloody, Magical" Stars!
The Echoed Realm is the perfect culmination to this series. I absolutely adored both books. If it's possible, I may have enjoyed this one a bit more than the first....but it's a tight race. The Chaos Cycle Duology has a bit of everything - - mythology, fantasy, horror, romance, revenge, grief and much more. The author writes a story that reaches out and grabs the reader and does not let go until the absolute last page has been read.
The Echoed Realm picks up three years after the conclusion of The Hollow Gods. Miya and Kai are adjusting to their "new normal." Of course, evil is at play again and they will soon be pulled out of their sense of calm and thrust into another battle for good. This author writes a beautiful story. Even as bloody and brutal as it is, the prose is truly lovely. Character development and the description of the surroundings and overall setting are top notch. I can't say enough positive things about this book - - or duology as a whole. It is a treat to read and I hope more people find their way to this author's work.
"Your story doesn't own you. Write the damn thing yourself. Preferably in blood."
Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

Horror: 4.5/5
Fantasy: 4.5/5
Contemporary: 4/5
Overall: 4.5/5
Blurb: From the Author of Scintillating Debut Novel 'The Hollow Gods' comes the equally brilliant sequel which concludes the story threads of Miya, Kai and Mason. Its Bloody, Its Messy, its Fantastical and its all written so damn well. So Sharpen your claws and bloody your teeth. There’s fear to be sown. Or as Ama famously said
Where we go, a murder is sure to follow
Ease of Language: Beautifully written with a rich vocabulary from both Canadian and Serbian folklore. You will feel yourself drifting to the scenes and into the Black Hollow. A chill down your spine and the whispers among the tree are some of the few sensations you will experience in this amazingly worded novel.
Orme's Rest was the silent scream of a living, breathing gravestone
Strength: Strong Storyline which reflects the hard-work being put behind the scenes. The connections are well-thought-out and not at all forced. The ending comes naturally and in due time. Likable characters all around, even the snooping Mason is vindicated.
Weakness: Considering this is a sequel, a prior reading of 'The Hollow Gods' is required to understand the lore. Some sections feels drawn out, especially with Mason's plot. But even that is realistically portrayed. Anyone would have behaved the same way, including me.
Why to Read: If you loved 'The Hollow Gods' and can't wait to know about the continued journey of Kai, Miya and Mason and love good writing. If you are a fan of Gothic and Supernatural and wants to read Canadian and Serbian folklore.
Why not to Read: If you haven't read 'The Hollow Gods'. Period. That's the only reason I can think not to enjoy this masterpiece. Well Good news is that 'The Hollow Gods' is still up for sale on various channels, including bundles. You can check Author's page for more info.

I want to start this review by thanking our wonderful author for both giving me the chance to read The Echoed Realm before it hit the shelves, and also for writing one of my absolute favourite characters!
Kai, what would we do without your snark and sass!?
We'd be bored, and leading miserable, wolf-less lives waiting for someone - anyone - to turn 'lambchop' into a term of endearment the way Kai has!
Now, what can I say without giving anything away?
I really, very thoroughly, enjoyed this continuation.
We pick up three years after the events in Black Hollow, and Miya and Kai have carved out a new life for themselves, living in peace in the dreamworld, working out how Kai is tethered to Miya in the physical world, and hunting the monsters that need to be hunted, in between.
I confess that The Echoed Realm took me almost a month to finish, and though in the first week or so it was very much down to a lack of reading time, about 10 days ago I realised I was being deliberately slow about it, because I didn't want it to end. I wasn't ready to leave it behind.
The story has great pace to it, picking right up in the last 20-25%, it flows well, both backwards and forwards, but for me, the characters absolutely make this duology.
I mention in my review of The Hollow Gods, that - regardless of the supernatural element - Kai, Miya, and Mason are some of the most relatable characters and this continues in The Echoed Realm. Miya is still shouldering more than she needs to, still unsure of who she really is and what she is capable of, but is steadily finding her way.
Mason is still carrying around all of his (misguided) guilt, and searching for truths that are best left uncovered, and Kai...
Kai is struggling. Underneath his assured, cocky, exterior, he thinks himself worthless, undeserving, and the restraints of the dream/physical world are grating on him.
There is so much of ourselves in them, almost everyone can relate, and its really them that make The Echoed Realm a book 1000% worth reading...the story (which is fantastically woven) is the cherry!
Solid 5 out of 5 from me...and if you're looking for some gorgeous hard backs, go and check out https://thechaoscycle.com/ for all purchase links 😍

The Echoed Realm - AJ Varna
3/5 ⭐️
This book was pretty good. It was a sequel to a book I read earlier this year and my biggest complaint is I feel like the two stories weren’t presented in a way that was easy for me to follow. I feel like some plot points that were in this book should have been in the first and vice versa. Or, I feel like they could have been one book total.
What I did like about this book is the world the author created. While I had a hard time following certain aspects of the lore, what I did learn I enjoyed.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!
The Echoed Realm is book two in Miya, Kai, and even Mason's journey. They've left Black Hollow but has Black Hollow left them?
Miya and Kai have become a monster-fighting team three years after the events in book one. They find news/hauntings/circumstances that don't really have plausible explanations but have a similar feel to what they experienced in Black Hollow to find the spirits causing trouble. It is on their latest search that they encounter more trouble than they've had in years and begin an unintentional journey into the past and who they are.
I think I might actually like this book better than the first one and usually it is the other way around. A.J. Vrana is a great storyteller. She's able to masterfully weave different fabrics of time and lore in a way that'll keep you engaged and reading for more.
I believe that this book answered any lingering questions that I still had after reading book one in The Chaos Cycle Duology. Mason is in this story as well and I found him not as annoying as I did the first time around. I believe he's redeemed himself even if he became overly consumed in his search for the truth. I really enjoyed learning the backstory of Miya and Kai and really why Black Hollow and the Dreamwalker even back a myth in the first place.
A wonderfully crafted story and an enjoyable read!
My rating: 4.5/5 out of 5 stars

I adored the first book in this Duology and The echoed realm is just as amazing. The author knows how to pace the story just right to keep you interested and wanting more. Fantasy but also full of horror and mythology. The romance doesn't overtake the story. You get some backstory in this one, as well as secrets and surprises.

The Echoed Realm is the last book of "The Chaos Cycle" duology and I'm not ready to let go this beautiful story (and my "baby" Kai).
It's been three years since we left Kai, Miya, and Mason and now we found them - again - in darkness.
Miya is in the dreamscape where all is timeless and death does not exist. She can travel between the world of dreams and reality. Kai is with Mia in their “idyllic” dream world, yet they come to the real world, though he cannot lose his connection to her or he could die. For Mason, on the other side, we see him having to confront the things he can’t explain, and having to find peace in that.
I felt more invested in the characters, they have grown and changed between the books.
Can we talk bout "side characters"? Crowbar, Dawn, Rusalka, Kali, and Velizar. I loved reading about them and discover their stories.
The Echoed Realm is not only a sequel. Flashbacks from the past let us better understand the whole story. I really liked them.
Vrana's writing is stunning! I don't have avy other words... maybe captivating. Vrana can slowly enter in your mind and let the tension rise on every page you read. The description of this world, the characters' development, the dark atmosphere, the folklore! (You know that I'm in love with Vrana's folklore and how she use it in her books)
The story is about forgiveness, grief, and confronting your past and not letting it define your worth or who you are. This book is darker than the first.
I can't wait to read other books written by this amazing author! I think only Vrana is able to make me love horror books.
Trigger warnings: lots of gore, self-inflicted stab wounds, murder by drowning, mentions of suicide, detailed description of ways to die.

“The Echoed Realm” is the second book in “The Chaos Cycle” duology, and it does not disappoint!
I loved reading the first book, “The Hollow Gods,” and could not wait to start reading this one. We reunite with our main characters Miya, Kai, and Mason. Miya and Kai stand out in the story, and I loved the scenes. Miya, in particular, is the highlight as she navigates her way in the role of Dreamwalker. She goes through a lot of emotions in the tale, and I was rooting for her throughout. Kai is also excellent in the story, and some moments were heartwrenching to read. Although Mason is less prominent in the story compared to the first book, he has his moments. I enjoyed his scenes where he comes to Orme’s Rest. Moreover, the author adds many thrilling moments, like when Miya fights the imp.
The author also introduces us to characters like Crowbar, Dawn, Rusalka, Kali, and Velizar. Although we see some of these characters from the first book, they are more prominent in this story. Frankly, I loved reading about the more extensive cast of characters, and it was interesting to see Gavran and Velizar get their perspectives. Honestly, I liked Rusalka a lot and would not mind seeing a spinoff series for this enigmatic character. While the first half of the story is gripping, the second half of the story, though, just blew me away! The author amps up the action and drama as Miya has to make the most challenging decision in her life.
Overall, “The Echoed Realm” is a satisfying end to the duology, and I will miss these characters.