Member Reviews

Sorry I didn't get to read it before the time ran out. I didnt know you couldnt renew once archived. I was looking forward to reading it aswell

Higgins's debut paints a cinematic picture of one woman's will to survive as she struggles with terror on the high seas.
After the sudden death of her infant daughter, Dagny Steele joins her husband on a sailing voyage with the hopes of beginning to heal from such a terrible tragedy. Their yachting adventure quickly devolves into a true nightmare, testing Dagny's physical strength and intelligence at every twisting turn.
Higgins writes with precision and expertise, pulling back the curtain on Dagny's wounded psyche, as well as illuminating the true dangers of being at sea. A page-turner that will have your heart racing until the very end, "Furious: Sailing into Terror" will have you checking the waters around you.

This book was extremely fast paced and I had a hard time putting it down between readings during a busy week. For fans of Stephen King, Riley Sager, and any horror or psychological thrillers - this is the one for you!
The book starts with a mother losing her infant daughter, and the inevitable unraveling a person experiences when dealing with a tragedy of that magnitude. Her less-than-supportive husband springs a month long sailing voyage on her to “get her mind off things.”
I don’t want to spoil anything for this one - so let’s just say that chaos ensues almost as soon as the couple sets sail. Not only does the main character, Dagny, have a fear of water, but is inexperienced at sailing and at the mercy of her husband to keep them safe on the water.
This book was SCARY and towards the end I could barely keep my eyes from flicking ahead to see what would happen next. The pace is especially amazing and I would recommend this book to anyone! Jeffrey James Higgins has a winner here and I can’t wait to see what he comes out with in the future!
**Thank you to Netgalley and Black Rose Writing for the eARC of this terrifying title!**

Thank you Netgalley and Black Rose Writing for the eARC.
Dagny is still suffering from a deep depression 6 months after her 3-month old baby daughter died of SIDS. Her husband is getting fed up with her and suggests a long tropical trip by yacht, even though she is terrified of water and swimming after a childhood disaster. She reluctantly agrees and both of them take a few months off from their jobs as doctors, sailing a luxurious yacht borrowed from a friend.
Up to this part I enjoyed the book, but then one thing after another goes horribly wrong. It almost becomes a horror story and the unending dramas they survived felt a bit tedious. There are some good chapters on sailing and interesting medical factoids, but I got tired of the creepy details. I couldn't understand the decisions Dagny made and disliked her husband intensely. Not being a fan of sailing myself, I think I'm in the minority for only giving the book 3 stars, it's probably a good read for people who are less squeamish than I am!

Dagney is suffering an unending depression after the loss of their 3 month of old daughter to SIDS. In an attempt to help her, and their relationship, Brad convinces his wife to join him on a month long solo yacht sail from Bali. Although Dagney has an intense fear of water, she relents and off they go.
The sail begins well and Dagney’s fear begins to be replaced with a sense of peace and confidence in her husband’s skills. He teaches her to sail. Things seem better. What could possibly go wrong?
The open sea is beautiful and wild. It can be peaceful and dangerous. A watercraft at sea can be impossible to find, but with today’s technology that risk is mitigated. Then there are storms, sharks, fire is really bad, even piracy is possible. However, the biggest risk to Dagney will be one no one would have ever imagined.
Furious tells the story of a couple struggling in marriage due to loss, depression and career issues. The both needed this get-away. Perhaps it’s fate, but staying one extra day in Bali to avoid a storm set them on a course for disaster. Once they set sail the novel reads at a feverish pace. I had figured out what was happening before the author told us (maybe because of like line of work), but that didn’t lesson the trepidation at all. It might have even increased it. This is an excellent, edge of your seat, tale that I recommend for anyone wanting a quick read that ominously builds to an epic run-hide-fight on a small space surrounded by the sea and one persistent shark.
#Netgalley #Furious:SailingIntoTerror