Member Reviews

There was never a book that I've read that impacted me the way Walden and Thoreau did for some of the characters. This book was quite different than I thought it would be. Character development wasn't too bad. The different settings were very realistic. In fact, I know exactly where the main character "woke up" in Penn Station. The bathroom where he meets Jack is a real place too. This book was definitely a worthwhile read.

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DNF unfortunately :( Tried to pick this one up multiple times and couldn’t get into it. Just not for me!

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This title was archived before I could download it - I am unable to read for a review. This is no longer a book that I would usually pickup.

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We meet our main character (Hank) of “Being Henry David” by Cal Armistead in Penn Station, and we learn that he is struggling to remember who he is. There are hints and clues, like the copy of Walden by Henry David Thoreau, as well as the gash on his head. There’s instinct that guides him, but he knows so little of who he is and what he is doing there that we are immediately pulled into the intrigue of the story.

Hank meets up with a couple of homeless teens who are living on the streets of New York, and wonders all along what it is he has run from. What is he missing? Where is he missing from? When a situation gets out of hand, Hank finds himself with proverbial blood on his hands, as well as blood on his sweatshirt. One of the teens brings him to the boss on the streets, and from there Hank knows he has to escape. With the copy of Walden as his guide, he makes his way to Concord, Massachusetts.

Guided by the words of the Transcendentalist author, as well as who Hank meets on this journey allows him to feel his way through this darkness as his mind searches for clues. Armistead’s clear writing brings the reader along a journey that is captivating, and readers will find this story hard to put down. The audiobook version is perfect for a road trip, especially one that connects you to nature. It was this belief that brought Henry David Thoreau to Walden Pond in the first place.

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I have revived an old account and this is an archived read from that time. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review, but unfortunately I cannot now. Thank you again.

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In high school, I loved Henry David Thoreau. Not for Walden, though I didn't mind that book (I couldn't imagine living in the woods by yourself at the time - I was down for the peace and quiet, but woods? I can't even kill ants without freaking out.); no, I loved Henry because of this quote:
"Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!!"
The entirety of that quote is fabulous, but I remember sticking with that section because I so desperately wished my complicated, complex life could just be simple. (I was a dramatic teenager.)

So when I saw this book? I knew I had to read it. Walden-esque YA? Hell yeah. I'm in. And then when I read the synopsis, I was so intrigued! Who's Hank, and what did he do that he's running from and repressing the memories?

On the whole, this book lived up to what I'd put it to. There were a few things I didn't quite like, but generally, it was a fantastic, easy read with a great story to it.

The word I gave this book is satisfying, because it really is in both a good and bad way. There's a reason for everything in this book, and it's very satisfying how it works out and how it all comes together. There's nothing forgotten, nothing left out, and it all makes sense. But at the same time, it's also satisfying because nothing is really unexpected, either. What I thought came true; nothing more and nothing less. Even though I enjoyed the read, I'm mostly ambivalent towards the book.

Something that surprised me was how sad the book is! I know going into it, obviously - Hank has done something so terrible he's repressed the memory and is now lost. But as you go on and get deeper into the story, everything you learn and the people you meet make you sad as well. Everyone's got a tragedy, and even though good does happen eventually, that feeling of heaviness stayed with me the entire time. Oddly, being sad kind of fit the mood for the entire book; but it was still a little strange for it to stick around the entire time.

What I did love? The history and story of Thoreau and other storytellers of his time! Especially Louisa May Alcott, since Little Women is the book that started me on my reading journey at the tender age of 4. (I was quite indignant when Hank couldn't quite remember what she wrote!) It's a lot of fun to get to travel with Hank as he lives a little bit of Thoreau and follows his path. The characters it brought about were also fantastically fun, and I loved getting to see what Thoreau meant to others.

Being Henry David can be simplified (see what I did there?) into three words: Boy Remembers Truth. And even though I did have my problems with it, I still want everyone to read it and know the truth, too.

3.5/5 stars

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I have lost interest in this. I will not be reading and reviewing this book at this time but may do so in the future.

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The writing alone makes this book worthwhile. The book starts off with a character who doesn't know who he is in New York City. What a hook! I love using first chapters with my students to discuss suspense, conflict, setting, and characterization. When the writing is quality, you know that the students will be engaged and devour not only the first chapter, but that they will beg for the rest of the book! This would be an interesting read aloud at the high school level, and would be great for a classroom library.

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I really enjoyed this book. I have recommended it many times to kids looking for realistic fiction with heart

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I didn't get a chance to read this before it expired on my nook. I'm sorry!

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