Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this follow up to 'Jamis Bachman, Ghost Hunter.'

The sarcastic ex television star is pulled back into the creepy world of paranormal. What do they say about horror sequels? They have to be more frightening, more kills, more gore, etc.? Well that is certainly true for this second book in the series.

Her relationship with Johnna is still going strong but is tested by an inability to move beyond her calling to solve haunted mysteries. I wasn't excited that the two were separated for the entirety of this book. But the friendship between Jamis and Sapphire is front and center again, and that makes up for any lack of romance.

Jamis Bachman is one of my favorite characters to read. I love her acerbic and self deprecating thoughts and dialogue. It provides an amusing respite among the heavy and dark themes

I recommend to people who love to read about the paranormal, mysteries, friendship, uncovering the past, personal growth, and terrifying lady ghosts.

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Book 2 in the series. Jamis is still recovering mentally from her last adventures when she decides to take up another challenge. With Johnna being a supportive girlfriend and her friends she must face a dark entity even if she doesn't want to.

The third book from Jen Jensen and I am looking forward to the next one.

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If you're a fan of paranormal, kinda creepy with a good bit of scary - this is a good series to read.

I DO recommend reading the first book before the one.

I love the quirky characters - Jamis is strong willed, opinionated, a bit fool hardy and still struggling to understand her skills in ghost hunting.

Sapphire is the sidekick who, in the name of justice freely hcks her way to information as needed.

Johnna is the supportive girlfriend.

Idana is the scary entity that holds most of the answers.

The story is very fast paced with a lot of action. I look forward to the next book.

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Origins was refreshingly unique. It's a pretty good continuation from Ghost Hunter, the first book of Jamis's tale. But while I liked Origins, I have to say, it didn't get under my skin the way its predecessor did. Honestly, I think Origins would have been stronger with three fewer characters. It just felt like too large a cast. But that's just my opinion. While I admired Jamis's bravery, I also thought she rushed into things a bit too quickly. She struck me as less centered in this book, and a little more desperate to prove that she could still connect with spirits.

All that being said, there was a lot to keep me engaged and interested. I never quite knew where the story was going, and I liked that. I don't want to be able to guess the ending, and Origins ending was both satisfying and intriguing. It felt as if there's more coming for Jamis and friends. I certainly hope so.

Thanks to BSB and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Wow, this is genuinely creepy and very well handled by Ms Jensen. The lead character Jamis Bachman continues from book one (which I think you really need to have read to understand the various characters and how they fit together) and is thrown - literally - into an investigation into a house in the middle of nowhere with a “torture” room in the basement. From the moment Jamis turns up at the house, we are in the middle of a hideous scenario which is brilliantly described and somehow even seems credible even though it’s spirits and disembodied voices and possession…

Ms Jensen has created a world and a protagonist that recognises strength even when there is a lot of reticence. Jamis needs the cohort around her to help her face what only she can deal with - even when she really doesn’t want to. She is a sort of social worker/Counsellor for the scared and the material is beautifully managed by the author.

I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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Jamis Bachman is a ghost hunter, and in this second mystery she finds herself in Arizona trying to help out the new owners of an old house in the desert. Scary apparitions appear each night, but there may be more to it than unhappy spirits. With the help of her friends, she must find out what the ghost wants, before it’s too late.

This is a creepy, scary story, with plenty of twists and turns. Behind it all there are some fascinating historical details, and characters who kept me turning the page. If you’re up for a few frights and like a well-written mystery, then this is the book for you.

I was given this ARC to review.

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Unfortunately this one didn't do much for me. I just couldn't get into it too much. I liked the ideas used but I didn't really connect to the characters. That might be because I haven't read the first one. The story has good parts but it was easy to get distracted while reading.

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Unusual, different, and FRESH! This is very different from anything I've read in the last 3 to 4 years. And I loved this story, the characters are also different, interesting, and keep you gripped. This is a must-read for anyone who enjoys paranormal stories. This is the 2nd book in the series, Jamis Bachman and unfortunately, I've not read the first. This is the first book by Jen Jensen I've read and she's differently on my list of fav readers.

Still healing from her last adventure, Jamis is pulled into another dangerous mystery. There's a house which has recently been inherited out in the middle of the Arizona desert and a strange spirit visiting the new owners at nighttime, repeating "she Knows' There's a leaving person creating mayhem. In Jamis's ear, a demon keeps whispering. Behind it, all is a woman Jamis only see sees in the shadows. Somehow, it's all linked together to Jerome, Arizona, where Jamis witnessed terrifying visions the year before. She's about to learn her path wasn't arbitrary and the truth of her origins as a ghost hunter.

I gave this a 5*. I was given a copy for an honest review.


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Jamis Bachman continues to be a fun romp of supernatural horror with a lot of heart. Jamis Bachman continues to be a hot mess of a psychic with a heart of gold, who is slowly growing into her found family. This time she is traveling to Arizona to investigate another violent haunting that turns into something more.

One of the things I enjoy the most about this series is that it does not shy away from it's horror elements, in fact, it leans heavily into them. In this one we managed to have some supernatural beings, another interdimensional ghosts, possessions, and a serial killer just for kicks. Interspersed with all the supernatural shenanigans, Jamis is still messy and still trying to navigate her new status as a person with a group of people who care about her. Her girlfriend, Johnna is not really there, but she still pops in here and there to help ground Jamis when she sort of back slides. The real star this time is Sapphire, archivist and hacker extraordinaire, and Jamis's new best friend. She and Jamis are opposites, and bicker all the time, yet they are equally devious and loose with the law.

There are some points that felt a little off to me, especially with some of the earlier events in the book. It felt like they didn't tie into the finale of the book, when just about everything else did. The book was so tightly plotted that those events (specifically the demon-like entity) just felt out of place. I also didn't quite like how, even though most of the book highlighted Sapphire and Jamis bickering their way through the investigation, Sapphire kind of got booted to the side near the end, especially when Johnna shows up in person. I liked the events at the end of the book, except I missed Sapphire.

This book manages to mix a surprise ending, horror, and a whole mega ton worth of heart. I recommend this book to fans of the series and first time readers. I don't believe it is necessary to read the first book, to enjoy this second one, but readers might have a better time with Jamis and her friends if they read the first book before this one. This is one of the few supernatural horror books that actually tries to scare you in Lesfic, and I appreciate that.

*I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Best book I've read this year. The main character Jamis Bachman is such a quirky interesting lead, who tends to jump into some very dangerous situations feet first, even though she can be very analytical about some things, but not all when the feeling hits it just hits and there's not much she can do about it, but hope that her friends and allies have her back at all times. I will say that the real people who are villains in this story were the scariest of all the happenings in this book. Jamis and Joanna were such a great couple together, while Jamie is the take charge now character, Joannas character was very calm and centered which was a good foil for Jamis, because it kept her grounded in a way that helped her see what was happening in a new light. The supporting characters were great too lending some hilarious and scary moments of there own. I will absolutely be looking out for more from this author and hopefully it's another Jamis Bachman story

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Well done!! I thoroughly enjoyed this. Great settings with wonderful characters. This is packed full of suspense, quite engaging and a bit scary. I recommend 4.5 stars

I received and ARC copy from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley for my honest opinion. Thank You.

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Origins by Jen Jensen is the second book in the “Jamis Bachman” series, and this is not a good standalone novel. The first book, Jamis Bachman, Ghost Hunter gives you information that you need to understand the characters, their relationships, and even certain aspects of the story in this second novel. This book happens not long after the first book ends, and takes Jamis and a couple of her friends on a wild trip to Arizona. There she encounters ghosts, demons, haunted buildings, and possessed people. Oh, and there may be a killer roaming around as well. While sorting all these things out, Jamis may even find out information about her own origins.

The main characters in this story will be familiar to those who’ve read the first novel, so obviously they are already well-developed. The author did a great job with the newer characters in this tale, making them just as clueless, scary, evil, and/or frightening as they needed to be for their roles. Jamis is still the deeply curious (read obsessed), hyperactive, troubled, yet loveable character we came to know in the first novel.

The setting really makes this story. The author takes us deep into the Arizona desert and into a rather frightening former ghost town called Jerome where a lot of the paranormal activity seems to be coming from. The descriptions make me want to either search this place out to see it, or run screaming from the area in fright. I had a lot of fun reading this story, and I recommend both novels to those who love a good paranormal tale. I do hope there will be future books in this series. I want to see more of Jamis Bachman.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

Rainbow Reflections:

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I love the characters in this series, I want a tv show with Jamis and Sapphire going on adventures. Definitely a recommend from me. The books have a cast of characters that are emotional and troubled but you want to see where they’ll end up. I was so happy to read the second book to Jamis, and hope for many more in the future.

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Origins is the second book in the Jamis Bachman series and cannot be read as a standalone. It picks up not long after Jamis Bachman, Ghost Hunter ended, with Jamis travelling to the Arizona desert at the invitation of siblings who have inherited a house and some sort of demon as a package deal. Spirits, Jamis can deal with. After all, it’s her job, and the fact that, after years of struggling to communicate with ghosts, she now sees them everywhere should only help, right? But when a living person seems to be committing all kinds of murders linked to the house Jamis is investigating, all hell breaks loose.

As you probably guessed from the title, as she investigates the mysterious and terrifying 19th-century woman pulling the strings from the hereafter, Jamis will uncover information on herself and her origins.

As she says herself, Jamis is a lot of work. But she’s also very lovable. She’s driven and strives to do the right thing. There’s no romance in this book, Jamis and Johnna spend almost the whole story separated but it only helps their relationship to grow, get stronger. I wish Jamis and Johnna had spent more time together, I’m very willing to believe in their chemistry but it would have been nice to be able to witness it directly.

I also would have liked a little more interactions between Jamis and Sapphire. With this one, it feels like we got the chance to see Jamis on her own, in a way, even if she’s almost never alone. She really is the centre of the story and the only main character, unless you count the ghost.

All this gives this book a transitional feel. I’m looking forward to the next book and to, maybe, a less skittish, more settled Jamis. Not settled as in boring, settled as in more in control.

Most of the issues I had with the writing in the first Jamis Bachman book are gone, it flows much more easily and there’s a dry and sometimes goofy sense of humour I love. The atmosphere is eerie and unsettling, with just the right dose of wit and perfectly timed humour to stop it from being terrifying (I’m a chicken, I’m not looking to be scared).

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series and had such high hopes for this book, but unfortunately it didn’t quite live up to my expectations. It was original, made me wonder what would happen and I enjoyed it alright, but for some reason I found it too easy to put down.

The book starts with Jamis and her new friends, Carmen and Sapphire, and her new girlfriend, Johnna, resuming life after what happened in the first book. Jamis receives a letter from Charlie asking for help, he and his sister inherited a farm and it appears to be haunted. Jamis, Sapphire and Carmen head up to Arizona to check out the farm. Once they arrive they immediately experience the full extent of its problems. Furthermore, the ghosts at the farm appear connected to something that happened in Jamis’ past.

I really appreciated that the author gave a recap of some of the details from book one on how the characters know each other and what happened. I tend to forget these details after a while and they are quite important to get a good grasp of the dynamics. I remember from the first book being a bit surprised that there weren’t that many ghosts in it, Jamis was in fact searching for scientific proof of said ghosts. Well, this book has plenty of ghosts from the first to the last page, which fed my appetite for the paranormal. I found that I really had to adjust to the writing though, only somewhere in the second half did I get into the flow of things. Ghost sightings, visions and changes in dimensions confused me every now and then, making me reread some lines to keep track of what was happening.

The storyline had some bumps for me, the biggest one being, it was very chaotic. There are lots of ghosts and characters and I tried to connect all the dots, but not everything added up, and in my opinion not all characters/ghosts had much added value. Because of this clutter there were quite a lot of things that felt unfinished or unexplained and I’m still trying to make up my mind how I feel about the main villain/ghost and how this storyline ended (did it end?).

Another bump for me were the characters, I enjoyed getting to know them in the first book and I loved their dynamics. I missed those dynamics in this book. To start with Jamis and Johnna, I had hoped that their romance would get some more depth in this book (as it just got started in book 1). However, Johnna and Jamis are separated for almost the entire book and while there are many “I love yous” I did not really feel it. Carmen, who is a gentle and steady character that Jamis could lean on in the first book also has a very small role in this book. I actually liked where her storyline was going, but you don’t get to see much of it. I also missed the fun banter and energy that sparked between Jamis and Sapphire in the first book, there is some, but I was hoping for more.

It seems that there might be a third book coming and I am still interested in reading it, hoping it will be more like the first book. This book scores points on originality and piqued my curiosity, but in the end, I was somewhat disappointed.

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Jamis is back with her girlfriend Joahna friends Sapphire and Carmen.

Jamis receive a email from a man name Charlie who him and his sister Gwen inherit a house and land from their aunt Jessica. Jamis decides to go see what happening and she bring Sapphire and Carmen with her. What they found is more then they bargained for especially for Jamis.

This was great read. It was funny scary engaging story with a little bit of second chances. I look forward to next book.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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I don't have words for how awesome this book is! I loved the first book in this series and yet this one is even better. Terrifying, funny, suspenseful, engaging and so much more. This is a hardcore recommend! I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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