Member Reviews
’ll try to leave this as spoiler free as possible, so please bear with me.
In Another Beast’s Skin, Neysa decides she needs to start fresh after going through a divorce and losing her father. She then travels from Los Angeles to England, where she meets a family that quite literally transports her to another realm.
As we know from the description of the book, Neysa travels to the coast of England where she meets a family from another realm. Said family then tells her that they know she’s part fae and Neysa just goes along with it without ever questioning anything or showing any interest of getting to know her heritage. Is she part fae because of her parents? Her grandparents? Who wants to know anyway, right? She just weirdly trusts them with everything, even without actually knowing them.
The world building could have been awesome, but it was mostly just confusing. The author just seemed to throw a bunch of scenes together that, in the bigger picture, didn’t make a lot of sense. I found myself rereading sentences a lot because there was too much info dumping. I couldn’t quite understand how the magic system works. For instance, when Neysa found out about the stones. How did she figure out how to tap into them? One minute she can’t make them work then, after Silas, she can magically (no pun intended) use them, but we never got to know how or why. And this was something that happened constantly throughout the book. Things would happen and I felt that we were supposed to know why that was happening or how, but we never got to read about it.
After one specific fighting scene, there was something mentioned that I didn’t remember reading about. So, I went back to the start of said scene, reread it and still couldn’t find what was mentioned a few pages ahead. Why are they talking about it as if we’ve just read it?
For some reason, I also found the fae world to be a lot like ours and couldn’t picture as being this magical place. The fae realm was also… a lot. A lot of places, descriptions, and people to memorize in only a few pages. A drawing of a map of the fae world at the beginning of the book would be very helpful to check back and situate ourselves. When Neysa travelled to the realm for the first time there were so many places that I couldn’t keep track of where they were for the most part.
The characters were very one dimensional. The only emotion I felt was annoyance reading how dense Neysa could be for the most part. She is the typical character that everyone thinks she’s pretty except for her, and every guy seems to fall for her a few seconds after meeting her. I didn’t really care for the others either. Not even for the whole we’re-written-in-the-stars arc. For the whole book it was as if I was reading about teenagers instead of 30 year (or a few centuries) olds.
Speaking of the characters, the attempt at a love triangle was unnecessary. If Neysa knew who she was in love with, why did the author keep throwing the other person around if it ended up leading to nothing? And “Maybe I want to be in bed with you, but it’s only because I love you as my friend”? Hum, what?
Lastly, can we please acknowledge that “bad guys” can still be villains without having to (try to) sexually assault or abuse other people?
This book unfortunately wasn’t for me, but if you think you will enjoy it, you should give it a chance.
Wow! I was truly impressed with this novel. It grabbed me from the first sentence, “English pubs really had it down to a science.” Tell me more… Glover has me convinced I need to make a trip across the pond to discover my own fae fairytale. The world building was so well done you could tell the author put research into making you second guess whether or not the fae realm truly exists. I think my favorite part is that the characters are relatable in that they are flawed. Neysa is a divorced 3o something and that really speaks to me since I’m 30 something (shhhh we won’t speak of it). Most stories have 20 year olds making terribly naive and silly mistakes that could be avoided. Not this story. Neysa owns her faults and doesn’t whine like a child. Truly a book I could read again, it was hard to put down. If you’re a fan of fae stories and a little erotica put this one on your list.
Thanks Netgalley, for the journey.
Thank you GenZ publishing for providing the eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The cover, title, and genre caught my attention enough to request this book. I was really excited when I was approved. I really enjoyed that the main character, Neysa, is a 35 year old previously divorced woman who is successful in her career. A few reviews I read criticized that Neysa seemed confident one minute and self conscious/needing reassurance the next and that it made the character seem younger. I feel that it made the character more relatable. Who’s confident all of the time? Age doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to have any issues.
If you’re a fan of fantasy than you know that some books require a lot of information to establish the world/mythology/background for the story. This is true for this novel/series. I personally don’t mind this. Exploring new worlds/realms is what I enjoy about fantasy novels.
The only content warning I would include is that there are some threats of sexual violence.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I can’t wait to see where the next book takes us.
I received a copy of this book via NetGalley. I absolutely loved this book! The main character was so likable! I did find the beginning of the book a little boring and information heavy, but it was needed for world-building. Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable read. I can’t wait for the next book!
Thank you NetGalley for an ACR in exchange for my honest review. I love fantasy and I love fae. I cannot wait for book 2!
This story had a lot of potential i feel but it wasn't for me.. It's simply a shame that nothing significant happens in the first half of the novel. We do, however, get a great deal of information. So, at the halfway point, the tempo increases up and we get some action. I simply felt like the balance was incorrect in this, and I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if all of the material had been dispersed across the book.
Thank you to NetGalley and GenZ Publishing for the e-ARC.
So I finished. I actually have quite a few notes, the most I have ever written about a book now that I think about it. But I will try to keep this short.
Another Beast’s Skin featured a 35-year-old divorcee who recently lost her father and decided to move to England. This book had a beautiful message that life doesn't necessarily go in the direction you plan but where you end up might be even better than where you wanted to go. It showed there is no age limit for starting over and that sometimes falling apart is just the one step in becoming who you were always meant to be.
So yes, I loved the idea of this book; however, the execution didn't work for me.
I'm conflicted because the description of the book tells us that she discovers her new friends are fae so it was expected that this revelation would happen fairly early on but when you read it, it just doesn't hit. The pacing of this novel leaves the reader frustrated and confused. How do you become best friends in 3 chapters? They speak to each other like they're lifelong friends but met a month ago. The chapters aren't long by the way. Things just moved way too quickly and fit a bit too conveniently…
Another problem I had was the characters themselves. Because most of their relationship development happened off the page the reader doesn’t get a chance to like them or even care what happens to them. Quite a few times our MC would be upset over something they said or did and honestly, I couldn’t see why.
The story does pick up around the 25-30% mark. I think it's because by the time you get to that part you've already accepted the odd beginning of the book so now you can focus on the story.
All in all, I wish I liked this and I wish I had nicer things to say but I do hope others enjoy it. The writing and execution is not for me but I hope this book finds its target audience.
I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Another Beast's Skin had potential to be a great book. It's just disappointing that nothing really happened in the first half of this book. We do get a ton of information dropped onto us though. So eventually the pace picks up and we get some action around the half-way mark. I just feel like the balance was off in this and if all the information was spread throughout the book - I think I would have liked this a lot more. It just felt like a lot to handle in the beginning in my opinion.
As for the characters, they were okay. I'll admit that some things still confuse me now about them but they were alright. Borderline likable but I couldn't really connect with them. Then there's the romance and eh, it was okay. Not really a big fan of love triangles but once that got out of the way - the book was more enjoyable.
I also wanted more than what I got (romance-wise) between two people. Maybe I will in the next book but I'm not sure at this point. They had their cute moments though.
In the end, I just have unanswered questions right now about how this actually ended.
"Another Beast's Skin": 2⭐
(Unpaid Review: thank you to @netgalley, @genzpublishing and @jessikagreweglover for allowing me to read this eArc copy in exchange for a review).
Does the title give you the feeling it's going to be one of those beastly, fantastical reads you're hoping for? For me, those were my feelings when taking the title in.
This was a disappointment. In the first half of the book, we have nothing going on. Only from page 160 (+/-) do we see things happening and finally getting interesting. For me, a fantasy is only a fantasy when there's romance involved and in this book, it felt rushed and so vague. There was no plot to it.
Another Beast's Skin
by Jessika Grewe Glover
The whole book was little hard to read, the plot and story in my opinion moved a little too quickly making it hard to understand, Saying that I did really enjoy reading it, it has a great storyline that made it enjoyable to read.
The main character (Neysa) moves to England after a messy divorce pair with the death of her father, she decided she needed a change of view and a new start.
She immediately meets (Corra) (Silas) and (Cade) who all turn out to be Fae on a quest to find missing crystals that holds up a vile to the Fae realm.
They tell Neysa that she is part fae and that they need her help to find the stone’s.
Neysa takes this all in very well and gets to work preparing for the possibility of a war between the Fae beyond the vile.
Good thing her father got her into sword fighting since she was young, it becomes clear that her father new about her Fae DNA and about the missing stone’s.
The enemy is close at hand and Neysa finds herself fighting for her and her friend’s life more than once.
highly recommended this book for lover's of adult fantasy books.
Wow. This is an awesome story, beautifully told. If you like fantasy, read this. I’m really looking forward to find what happens next.
Overall, this book was great! a solid 3.5 stars. Nothing like Sarah J Maas and a little reminiscent of Julie Kagawa. My only real complaint is the sentence variety at the beginning was bland and similarly, the story was a little slow at the beginning as well, but as soon as the "quest" starts you are truly immersed in this world and I was eager to learn more. The side characters are very easy to latch onto and interesting and I loved how calculating all the characters can be. As far as a faerie book goes, this cast was amazing, albeit the worldbuilding was typical.
Thank you netgalley for the arc 🙏🏻
I was so happy when I first got this arc because it is a fantasy book which was just my thing. The story is bit different in unique way.... It's about a half fae, half human girl Neysa's adventure to find who she really is and the purpose of her existence. The plot and twist are so great and I loved the chemistry between the characters.
Thank you NetGalley for providing me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Another Beast's Skin had potential to be a great book. It's just disappointing that nothing really happened in the first half of this book. We do get a ton of information dropped onto us though. So eventually the pace picks up and we get some action around the half-way mark. I just feel like the balance was off in this and if all the information was spread throughout the book - I think I would have liked this a lot more. It just felt like a lot to handle in the beginning in my opinion.
As for the characters, they were okay. I'll admit that some things still confuse me now about them but they were alright. Borderline likable but I couldn't really connect with them. Then there's the romance and eh, it was okay. Not really a big fan of love triangles but once that got out of the way - the book was more enjoyable.
Sometimes life turns out the way we don't want.
The message of the book is there but the plot and characters made me struggle to the end.
I was looking forward to reading this book, mainly because I've never read a book about this writer before. Fell a bit disappointed. I don't see the need to post it on social media since other readers may like it.
Thank you.
1.5 stars / 5 stars
I received this ARC from GenZ Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own.
Well, to be completely honest it didn’t take me long to know I was not going to love this book. I considered not finishing it on more than one occasion too….BUT I pulled through!
Lets begin with the plot: to me it was actually pretty good, I do think it has a lot of potential and I also understand where the author was going. However it fell short of the expectation and towards the end I just wanted it to end once and for all. Around the 50% of the book I thought it was getting a bit better, but again I was disappointed.
The writing needs an improvement. Most of the information is just dumped conveniently or just assumed. Also this is one of those cases where you are “told” instead of “showed”. It’s very fast paced, maybe a little too much…...Things just happened and the reader is expected to keep up with too much all of a sudden. To be honest I was just lost, things were either too convenient or not convenient at all FOR NO APPARENT REASON. It got to the point of being absurd and sort of lame again.
The characters didn’t have that much of a development, except maybe for Neysa….. I truly just couldn’t connect with them. Their dynamics were just so weird and to be honest sometimes simply lame. I get the Idea of the love triangle, maybe it could have worked out if it wasn’t just random moments when the characters felt this immense need to have sex all of a sudden. I just didn’t get what was going on there, to me it came out of nowhere and I don’t think it was ever in question who the main character was gonna end up with.
Also I just need the note that it was pretty hard to picture Neysa being 35, to me she was closer to a YA Sarah J. Maas character (I’m also not sure I like those).
All in all, I did enjoy the book’s start, but it just got worse and bizarre every page. A real pity cause it has a lot of tropes that I actually really like, just not well executed. Still it is a sort of fantasy that seems similar to authors like Sarah J. Maas or others that have this trashy-fantasy-romance vibe, so maybe if you like those you can still give it a try…..
Note: I received an e-ARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Excuse me for this rushed review as I’m completing it while on vacation.
In all honesty, I really enjoyed reading this book. However, there were a couple of points throughout it that led me to give it a 3.5-star rating. Firstly, the very beginning felt a bit slow. I found the plot rather predictable, and also a bit all over the place. Suddenly we’re in England, then Brazil, then California, etc. like it’s nothing.
My favorite was the characters. They were all well developed and written for the most part, which definitely added to the story. The one point that I found odd was the main character Neysa. She’s a 35-year-old divorcée, which is uncommon for these kinds of stories, although that wasn’t an issue. She seemed rather immature for her age, enough to perhaps call her childish.
Lastly, I felt that the novel had an abrupt end, but perhaps that was because I was enjoying reading it.
I would recommend reading this novel, and I am looking forward to reading whatever else comes of Neysa and her friends.
Urban fantasy meets high fantasy in this stunning portrayal of love, friendship, resilience, power, family, loyalty and trust by Glover. This book follows Neysa, a market trader from Los Angeles, who ends up renting a cottage on the coast of England, but she would never have imagined the secrets she would uncover and a new world beyond this one.
We follow her the audience as Neysa eventually learns that emissaries from a fae realm have a connection to a neighbouring town, charged with keeping guard of the volatile Veil between realms.
The plot picks up when we find that the four crystals that kept 'the Veil' that have kept the fae world secure have gone missing.
In a race to protect the realms, Neysa must learn about the new world she’s been thrust into and uncover the secrets in her blood. Luckily fae guardian Caderyn and his cousin are willing to help Neysa in her quest. But even if they can get the crystals back, there may be great consequences for the future of the fae realm.
Although are main character is suppose to be in their thirties, the story very much reads like a YA or new adult protagonist so this is definitely something a younger audience would eat up. While the tropes, character dynamics and plot twists aren't defying of the usual standards, they were enjoyable to read and I would recommend this to someone of a younger demographic who's hoping to slowly get into high and adult fantasy while still keeping the devices we adore from YA's.
Thank you to NetGalley and GenZ publishing for providing me with an eARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review!
And honest I will be… if I were someone who DNF’d (“did not finish”) books, I would have DNF’d this one about halfway through. But instead, I powered through it hoping, as usual with books I don’t love, that I would end up enjoying it and eventually realizing that no, I would not.
Between the disorganization of the first bit of the novel, the two-dimensional characters, and information being thrown at you instead of weaving it into the world building, this novel fell flat for me. The ideas have such promise, there was so so so much potential here and I believe that the author could create incredible stories, however the execution did not reach to where the story could go.
Overall, I was underwhelmed by this book and speed-read through it so that I could finish it. It could definitely be a wonderful book for some people, as all books can, so if you like the premise do still give it a shot! However, it was absolutely not the book for me.
Honestly I was quite exited for this book and it disappointed me. The MC is supposed to be about 35 years old and divorced. Well she acts like she's 20 years old. The romance felt wired and I didn't connect with any of the characters. I can understand why some people like it but this wasn't my type of book. The only reason why it got 2 stars was because I finished the book and because the world building made a bit of sense.