Member Reviews

This is a good source to look to when you are wanting to add EOs into your routine. I did skip some sections that didn't apply to me but I did highlight many things to refer back to. My main gripe is the heavy Christian leanings, but I understand that it's a part of the authors' lives, it just didn't vibe with my pagan views.

This is a wonderful resource for using essential oils. The authors list the 6 purposes of the book and go into more detail about those purposes. There is tons of information about each oil and how to use it to help you feel your best. It is filled with recipes for infusion, roll-ons, capsules, sprays, and inhalants. I found this book very insightful and loved the religious approach. It is a perfect book for someone that practices living a healthy lifestyle or someone who is looking for a natural/alternative medicinal remedy for aliments.
Thank you to NetGalley and Rodale Inc. for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

A wonderful book FULL of home herbal remedies (no crazy ingredients that are difficult to source!) and easy to follow step by step recipes. I have tried a few of the recipes for my tired feet and was pleased with the results over time. I am a newbie to essential oils but this book is for everyone, whatever level you are at!

This book had a lot of really great information. Each chapter was about something different depression, chronic illness and so on. Each chapter showed essential oils that are beneficial to whatever the chapter was about. Then it goes further and talks about each essential oil and how it helps. Then under each oil are recipes for capsules or diffuser blends or roll-ons,inhalers and so much else. I definitely found myself scrolling back and forth looking for blends I wanted to make. I already have three blends that I've made from this book. Definitely I must have for your home.

Great resource on essential oils. The Apothecary covers basic information about essential oils and supplies, basic recipes, how to use them, and usage in various chronic medical conditions. The authors also provide companion demo videos on their website. The Essential Oils Apothecary is a great addition to the home aromatherapy library.

I have recently become more interested in essential oils but where can you get good info? This book was a wealth of information and not just essential oils. I learned about many other health boosting tips snd tricks and how to reduce my toxic exposure. I loved on the kindle version all the links you could click on for more info. I also loved all the essential oils recipes to make your own blends, cleaners, air purifiers, and a host of all different kinds of protocols for ailments! What a fantastic book!!

This book is divided into three parts, with 17 main chapters, and a total of about 352 pages in the digital version, not including Appendix/Notes sections.
One of the first things I noticed, is that starting right from the Preface, this book contains quite a bit of reference to Christian beliefs and scripture, which wasn't really apparent from the cover or description. The author says that he credits his healing experience to his faith, and that God delivered his wife from an eating disorder. The book is very focused on Christianity, and frames many conversations around these beliefs.
Part One is about the healing power of essential oils. The first chapter discusses chronic disease, identifying some myths and causes. The next chapters discuss advice for purchasing and storing essential oils, using diffusers, using carrier oils, dilution, and methods of delivery. The authors also identify six major sources of toxins in the home, and provide recipes to use to fight them.
Part Two discusses treating chronic conditions with essential oils. There are chapters that discuss strategies for dealing with insomnia, stress and anxiety, depression and substance abuse, CFS and fibromyalgia, and libido and ED. Each chapter gives some general advice about lifestyle changes that can help with these issues, followed by specific essential oil-based recipes.
Part Three describes “advanced strategies” for dealing with chronic diseases. There are chapters that discuss Alzheimer's and dementia, bone and joint disorders, cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and obesity, fatty liver, inflammatory bowel diseases, and Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. These chapters have a similar format, where chapters start with general health tips, and then contain a list of specific recipes to try.
Appendix A is a list of “Lifestyle Hacks” that includes several fairly obvious suggestions, such as advising you to lose weight, move more, stop smoking, and drink less alcohol. Appendix B is a Drug Interaction chart, which lists potential interactions between orally consumed essential oils and prescription and OTC drugs.
I felt like this book had a good deal of information about various oils, and it could be a valuable source of information for those looking to make their own essential oil-based recipes. I am somewhat wary of a few of the suggestions though, as some advice seems to be more “trial and error” based and less scientifically derived. I also wasn't the biggest fan of the way the book was organized, and I would've liked to see a chart just clearly listing what each oil can be used for. Some people also might question the medical advice of a chiropractor that credits most of his healing powers to his religion; and some transparency here might have been nice, since none of that is mentioned on the cover or description.

The Essential Oils Apothecary is a must-have book to help improve brain health, mood, sleep and support a healthy immune response.

I usually enjoy books on essential oils and aromatherapy. Each one is generally a little different, especially since aromatherapy is not an exact science...most things are presented from personal experience.
Unfortunately, I couldn't get into this one...mostly because there were multiple instances of conflicting information from what I've researched myself just in the preface and 1st chapter. There may be other good information in there, but I didn't finish it.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is a very comprehensive guide to using essential oils for a wide variety of chronic health issues, such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Diabetes, Obesity, Parkinson's, Migraines, Fatty Liver Disease, Cancer, Depression,. and Inflammatory Bowel Disease, just to name a few. There are a plethora of recipes, helpful hints, and lifestyle hacks. There is also an abundance of information on each essential oil, letting you know all the ways it can be used, what it is best paired with, what the appropriate dosing is, drug interactions, and more. This is definitely a handy book to have whether you are just starting out with essential oils, or you want to add to your essential oil book collection.

There’s a lot of great basic information on oils, supplies you should have, how to store etc. There are also quite a few useful blends for around the house-cleaning, disinfecting & laundry to name just a few. The sections on chronic illnesses like anxiety, substance abuse etc. have numerous blends to try. The book mentions the synergy of blending 2 or more oils which is very interesting. All in all this is an amazing book that would be a great addition to your personal reference library.

While this apothecary is a great, basic resource for safe essential oil usage, including help for chronic conditions, I’m knocking off two stars for the religious lecturing throughout the book. The authors are clearly Christians, which is fine, but I find it irritating and unnecessary in the context of this manual. It’s very heavy-handed and takes away (for me) from the health information in the book. I don’t need to hear that you’re praying for me, nor do I need scriptural lectures on weight loss.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book. Overall, I won’t be recommending it other than to a small niche audience who enjoy biblical references included in their health-based manuals.

While I am a big advocate for more natural methods, this book was heavy on telling you that you need to switch to oils and now. While their examples of chemicals contained in every day items such as our drinking water away be true, essential oil use, as with anything, needs to be done with discretion. I honestly, couldn't get past the first few chapters due to this but the savi g grace of this book are all the amazing.blends and recipes for different items using essential oils from room sprays to rollers. Just make sure to use in moderation and be aware of the oils not safe for kids and animals.

This book gives you a lot of great information on essential oils. It is also easy to read so is a great reference book for anyone interested in the subject.

The Essential Oils Apothecary by Eric Zielinski DC; Sabrina Ann Zielinski A valuable resource for Essential Oils written in an easy to understand, informative style. Well researched with detailed examples, histories of the plants, charts, and blend recipes.
Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

Dr. Eric Zelinski is a natural health researcher who has specialized in the area of essential oils. I have followed his writing for a number of years and have also read and reviewed his previous two books. As a nutritionist, I appreciate that all of the information about essential oils and health in his books are backed up and documented by research. This book, The Essential Oils Apothecary, is more specialized than his previous two books. There is one chapter that gives a good overview of what essential oils can do for health and how to safely use them. The remainder of the book gives information about specific health conditions and the oils that may be helpful with them. There are a number of recipes for making your own blends in each chapter as well.
This book would be an excellent resource for health practitioners who want to become more familiar with essential oils for their work. It could also be useful for the general public as a more advanced resource for essential oils. For those who are beginners with using essential oils, I recommend Dr. Zelinski's first book, The Healing Power of Essential Oils, as a better place to start.
I received a complementary copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

It has only been in the last few months that I've begun exploring the world of essential oils, a journey I began primarily motivated by significant health issues in late 2019 that led to a 10-day hospitalization and subsequent amputation of my upper left leg.
Health challenges are not particularly new to me having been born with spina bifida and already far surpassed my life expectancy. However, after 50+ surgeries by the age of 18 I'd largely enjoyed a somewhat stable life over the past 30 years.
While I'm not what I would call "in shape," I'm rather remarkable for someone with spina bifida and have traveled over 6,000 miles by wheelchair doing outreach/awareness on behalf of children's organizations. My hospitalization not only was triggered by significant issues, mostly dehydration and infection, but it also shook my confidence. Having recently become a Reiki Master (because I do believe there are too few people with disabilities in the wellness field), I've also recently started practicing yoga and exploring the world of natural wellness.
As someone who has always utilized candles and incense and nature, essential oils were sitting there waiting for me the whole time.
As I began reading "The Essential Oils Apothecary," I wasn't quite sure I'd resonate with it. I was unfamiliar with the work of Natural Living Family, co-founded by Dr. Eric Zielinski and his wife Sabrina. I will confess there was some unease initially with a weaving together of Christianity, wellness, and what might be described as somewhere on the Prosperity Theology spectrum.
However, I opted to keep an open mind and kept reading.
"The Essential Oils Apothecary" is a comprehensive exploration of soothing practices, healing rituals, and 150+ practical recipes for applying essential oils to the treatment and symptom management of 25+ chronic illnesses.
Dr. Zielinski, author of the best-selling "The Healing Power of Essential Oils," gets down into the nitty gritty here yet does so in a way that is accessible, understandable, and extensively researched.
Faith is at the foundation of Zielinski's writing here, an undeniable truth, yet it's a faith that allows for scientific truths and an unwavering belief in John 10:10's abundant life.
It's clear from early in "The Essential Oils Apothecary" that Dr. Zielinski has a broad understanding of essential oils and he's put in the time to study both the academic and practical sides of essential oils. They share the research that backs their 150+ recipes and are quick to acknowledge strengths, weaknesses, limitations, and all the disclaimers that one should acknowledge when dealing with chronic illnesses. The recipes and remedies here are largely those that get to the root of chronic illness and Zielinski explores over 70 aromatic plants.
As a bit of a coincidence, or not, I happened to be in a bit of a transition when I began reading "The Essential Oils Apothecary" as I'd been on a prescribed medication to deal with phantom pain and minor bouts of depression following multiple losses over the past year. However, I'd grown tired of it and had just begun my "detox" off the medication and had committed myself to more deeply exploring natural options with fewer side effects and risks.
I began exploring some of Dr. Zielinski's recommendations as I read the book and experienced for myself positive results as I weaned (with my doctor's awareness and approval) myself off the concerning medication and have begun the journey to explore my concerns naturally.
Is everything miraculously cured? Nope, but I'm exploring and seeing positive results and learning quite a bit from "The Essential Oils Apothecary." I'm also realizing how incredibly doable so many of these actions are. While some wellness practitioners like to paint this journey as almost otherworldly, Dr. Zielinski instead prefers to make it more accessible.
While there are tremendous details throughout the book, Dr. Zielinski writes with both warmth and a laid-back, friendly tone that fits the material nicely. He's realistic, well informed, and encouraging along the way.
I'd dare say that even for the uninitiated, "The Essential Oils Apothecary" is so well researched that at minimum it would be hard to argue against the fact that essential oils are, at minimum, an absolute complement to one's healing and wellness journeys and will, at minimum, support addressing chronic illnesses.
Does that mean I necessarily resonated with everything? Of course not. However, with "The Essential Oils Apothecary" Dr. Zielinski serves up vital tools and teaches how to use these tools to live a healthier, more empowered, and abundant life.
"The Essential Oils Apothecary" is a book I expected to appreciate, but it's also a book I tremendously enjoyed and one I found both educational and entertaining. If you've ever wanted to go deeper into the exploration of essential oils, "The Essential Oils Apothecary" is a terrific place to start and will introduce you to the much broader world of Natural Living Family.

This essential oils book is an invaluable resource! It is so detailed and informative! There are many blends for each medical issue and numerous easy to read tables that help, including a drug interaction chart. There is also a lengthy list of additional resources, if you were to need more information about a specific issue, though this book seems to have everything! It has been well researched and there are many, many pages of notes and references. This is a wonderful resource to have on hand!