Member Reviews

While not necessarily something I would read myself, I can understand how this title might have some value to Western/Southwestern cultural traditions. The author is forthright about who the book is intended for and explicitly says it is not a replacement for extended training with an experienced elder/practitioner. I think that's an important start for something like this that can so quickly be misappropriated.
That said, I didn't really care for this title myself. There are parts I didn't connect with (largely from alternative traditions, so that can't be helped), but also from choices made within the text. I don't like the lumping together of all "alternative medicines." Often with titles like this, people lean into home remedy discussions or hold up the Willow to Aspiring as some proof positive of things. I'm not here to discredit that. That said, mixing together East Asian traditions and practices with Southwest American ones is not something that I think works. It lends itself to appropriation and cries out to the New Age crowd to add this book next to their energy crystals. There are also some Goop adjacent things that are beyond the pail and shouldn't really be promoted (sure, say what you will about Goop stealing from BIPOC to make millions --they aren't good for anyone and that GP is making bank off of it is bad, but so is encouraging unsafe practices from a local shop).
I love the idea of food as medicine and curing through self-care and re-connecting with the Earth --what seems to be a major theme through this book. It just missed the mark a little with finding itself. There is a missing deeper element of ceremony that hurts the soul and authenticity of this book's message.

Great info and a very special book. It's so rare and important to see indigenous authors published as experts in their own heritage. I have been a long time admirer of Felicia's work and this book is so beautiful and well thought out.

Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read this prior to printing, and a special thank you to the author for creating such a beautiful piece of work.
This book is pure magic! I loved everything about this book except that I couldn't feel it within my hands. First off, this book is stunning! From the cover to the very last page everything in there is crisp, clean, and visually appealing. The author speaks to you like a family friend letting you in on her family's secret treasure. She is welcoming and creates a beautiful connection to the reader. The recipes are easy, healthy, raw, and most of all the work! I am going to be buying this book ASAP, and it will become a regular read. Thank you for putting something so pure, and beautiful out there into the world for people like me to find.

Earth Medicines is a beautifully illustrated handbook to natural healing and wellness by Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz. Due out 19th Oct 2021 from Roost Books, it's 224 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.
This is a book dedicated to and written around traditional Indigenous healing practices. The author is a healer (Curandera) and educator on the methods traditionally used by her culture to maintain and bolster health naturally.
The book itself contains four thematic chapters with recipes and tutorials: Water, Air, Earth, and Fire. The recipes are varied and include many skin and beauty treatments, bath and skin care products, as well as some ritualistic and meditative practices to improve health and lifestyle.
Recipes contain background information and purpose in the description, ingredients in a bullet list sidebar, and step by step directions. Ingredient measures are given in American standard units only (not metric). The instructions are clear and easy to follow.
The book is beautifully illustrated throughout. Photos are clear and in color.
The emphasis throughout is on alternative methods of thinking, gentle and natural body care, and philosophical mediation and affirmations. The author has included a resource and links list as well as a cross-referenced index.
This would be a good choice for readers interested in natural/native medicine, meditation, and alternative philosophy.
This is a five star read for the target audience.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

I came away from reading this feeling so inspired!
I think in today's age we're all (consciously or unconsciously) looking for ways to feel more connected - to one another and our place on this earth.
Lucky for us, Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz has curated her own beautiful tapestry of healing modalities from her own indigenous ancestry as well as those from traditional practices from all over the world (like Ayurveda and TCM) to create a unique vision of how to truly take care of ourselves and our communities.
Each "recipe' is organized by the element that governs it - Earth, Air, Fire, Water - and it feels nourishing just reading her writing about each one of them. I love that the recipes range in difficulty (most being very simple) and some being internal spiritual practices that don't require you to buy anything.
In our "wellness" age, a lot of books on these topics can read hollow and prescriptive. This book stands apart from that crowd. The author inspired me to live more authentically and intuitively, as well as try a few new practices to deepen my relationship with the beauty of life itself.

Words cannot express the beauty and importance of this very doable and practical way. Ms Ruiz has written a masterpiece that will be used for generations IMO by those who do not have the luck of having person of knowledge nearby , ready to help. There are so many teachings that I remember from my Grandmother as I read this book that I immediately knew how important this was to put into writing. First the Earth is mentioned as who we all must work for and with. That was stated early and its very true. As I read I made notes to myself as to what I was going to implement in my life now and later too. The pictures are beautiful and the illustrations are precise and to the point. It is put together is a very good way that places the reader in the state of gratitude to the Earth and those that have gone before us as people of courage and fortitude. I love this book and its way of making life worth living again.

I found this book quite intriguing. I loved that the author shared natural remedies indigenous to her culture. While they all aren't necessarily things I would would make or do, it was fun to learn about her culture. She has many recipes, food, home products, essential oil blends, etc., activities, and often elaborates on the history of them as well. There are many beautiful pictures throughout the book as well.