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I don’t know how I missed reviewing this one - Nora Roberts is an automatic read for me, and I particularly love anything in her fantasy series. While this entry in her series moved a little slower than the first book, we got more dragons, magic, battles - it was pure escapism.

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this was book 2 of a series, and it honestly kind of felt like some filler until the proposed book 3. that being said, I still feel like Nora Roberts writes a great story and I definitely enjoyed it. I like all the things she writes that are set in magical worlds.

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The story gathers momentum, battle lines are drawn, and the stage is set for the grand finale. Evil in the form of the dark God Odran and his allies continue to test the boundaries of Talamh. There will be some loss, some heartbreak but good times too and most importantly Breen starts to come into her own.  A solid middle section that sets the stage for the grand finale to come. 
Keegan teleports Breen from her apartment in New York to Talamh with an unexpected passenger in tow; her roommate and best friend Marco.  Clearly Breen's been keeping secrets as Marco struggles with a magic world of no showers and horrors no Wi-Fi.  Fortunately, there's a fairy around who can conjure up a warm rain in lieu of a shower. However, it's a good thing that Marco came with since he's making friends, finds the love of his life and charming all the people in and around the realm with his musical and culinary skills.
Breen continues her education in both magical and battle skills and despite Keegan's frustration at her skills (or lack of) in archery and sword wielding manages to hold her own against far more superior skilled foes as she's tested time and again in battle. Most importantly she's able to foil several evil plans set into motion by her grandfather.
It's clear there is a reckoning in the future as the author lays out her strategy for the next and final book in the trilogy.

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Loved this second installment and am anxiously awaiting the third! The growth and experiences of the characters flowed so well and just sucks you in. A few new twists that I need answers for! LOL

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Once again, Nora Roberts has delivered. The Becoming builds on the world first introduced in The Awakening. Breen and Keegan continue the story begun in the first book and Marco (Breen’s friend) is a central figure as well. Marco, bless him, gets dragged into the world of magic by accident but adapts to this with some help. Breen continues her training to defeat her one family member that wants her for his own benefit, her grandfather. There is death, love and the continuing of the story to defeat the dark forces. Former friends (lovers?) will become enemies, others we have just met will die in battle, but through it all the light will shine to help defeat the one who wishes to destroy the world. Can hardly wait for the third installment!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an opportunity to read and give an honest opinion of this book.

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THE BECOMING is the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy trilogy. While I enjoyed THE AWAKENING, I loved this sequel. I love the writing and the characters! Even though I didn’t fully understanding the magics, it’s okay because Breen doesn’t understand either. Also, I’m not rating for the romance aspect (I’m not feeling the chemistry); I’m rating for how awesome the people in the book are.

Having learned more about her past and the powers within her, Breen is now back in Talamh; this time, with her best friend Marco (gay, Black) with her. As the situation in the world of Fey becomes more dire, Breen has to think fast and train hard to defeat the evil god Odran.

Can I talk about how much I love Marco? I’ve been hoping he’s find a special someone in this trilogy and while it’s kind of insta-lovey (the main romance between Breen and Keegan also feels a bit insta-lovey), I’m just very happy. Many of the characters are related to each other in some ways, so I drew a family tree (cover your eyes if you don’t want minor spoilers):

<img src="" width="400" height="145" alt="The Becoming family tree">

Being the chosen one to defeat a dark god isn’t a new plot in fantasy, but woo boy did Roberts give LIFE to all of the characters. All the good characters are incredibly wholesome, and even though they were all under threat of losing their home to Odran, the overall tone and feel of THE BECOMING is still wonderful and light.

And Breen’s dog, Bollocks; the bravest boy! 😭😭😭

Yes, I did almost cry toward the end of the book, and that was how I knew this was a five-star book for me. I’m surprised the final installment isn’t titled “The Chosen,” but I cannot wait for the finale in THE OFFERING! Breen, Keegan, Marco, Marco’s boyfriend, and Bollocks had better be alive and well until the end.

[content warnings: ritualistic bloodshed (of people and a dog, all with consent), semi-graphic sex (m/f), death of minor character, nonconsensual drugging, killings, mention of homophobic experience from family]

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Nora Roberts' The Dragon Heart Legacy continues in The Becoming. This is the second novel of the series, and I, for one, am inquisitive to see where it is going to go in the long run! Then again, I always was a sucker for dragon-focused novels (thanks, DragonLance!)

Breen Siobhan Kelly's life has changed dramatically in recent years. She's finally reconnecting with some of her estranged family members...and the powers she never knew she had. Breen still has a lot to learn but very little time.

As it turns out, there is a reason why her parents never wanted her to meet her grandfather, as he is not what the average person would call a 'good guy.' To protect Talamh, her new home, she must stand up against him.

“Time's never lost, just spent on other matters.”

Wow. It feels like it has been ages since I read the first novel in The Dragon Heart Legacy. I'm going to blame 2020 (and 2021) for that feeling. Despite all of this 'time,' it was so easy to slip back into the world with The Becoming.

If you love Nora Roberts writing, but have always wanted to see a little bit more fantasy with her works, then this is the perfect series for you. It's undoubtedly the perfect series for me! I love how well she balances fantasy elements with romance and vice versa. It all flows so smoothly.

Breen's adventure has not been an easy one thus far, but it's been really fascinating watching her learn how to control her powers and accept herself for who she is. There's something very human in that, despite all of the magical bits. Don't you think? Additionally, her sheer determination is inspiring on more than one occasion. In short, she's the perfect female protagonist for this series. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'll admit that while I enjoyed the romantic parts in The Awakening, I hadn't really come around to liking Keegan. I think that The Becoming did a better job of getting me to like him (clearly, he's just one of those people you have to get to know first).

On that note, it felt like all of the relationships took a step up in The Becoming. Not just the obvious romance, but the friendships and families ties. All of it. That shouldn't be too surprising, given the cliffhanger from the last book (reminder: her BFF tags along for the ride!), but it was still refreshing to see.

Long story short, The Becoming is very much worth the wait (which wasn't nearly as long as my brain keeps thinking it is). I'm already looking forward to the third (and I believe, final) novel in this series.

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Like with anything Nora Roberts writes, I have such a difficult time putting her books down. I've been reading her books since I was in high school and I will continue reading them for more decades then I already have.

The Becoming is the second in a series that I absolutely love! Roberts has a phenomenal way of writing her fantasy series and making them different. I love the world that she has crafted and the characters are rich and delightful.

I can't wait for the third to be released, now I just have a year to wait!

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I make it no secret that I love Nora Roberts' books. I particularly love her fantasy novels. Perhaps it is because she is amazing at world-building. Maybe it is because her fantasy worlds tend to have an Irish basis. It could be the fantasy elements are everything I love about fantasy. The truth probably lies with all three ideas. What I do know for certain is that while I might forget the plot details of her suspense and romance novels, I never forget the details of her fantasy series, of which The Becoming is the second book in her Dragon Heart trilogy.

What makes this particular series, especially The Becoming, so good is not necessarily the magic or even the fantasy realm full of faeries, mermaids, and dragons. The story shines because of the relationships among the characters. Ms. Roberts always excels at creating bonds of friendship that are better than any familial ones. This time, I believe she outdoes herself in Marco and Breen's friendship. Their dynamic is everything you could ever want in a best friend. The selflessness, the lack of complexity, the unconditional love each has towards the other - we should be so lucky to find ourselves in one relationship even half as pure as the one between Marco and Breen.

On top of that, we have Breen's relationship with her grandmother and new friends. Found family in every sense, there is something inspirational and hopeful about each of her new relationships. It is as if the idea of friendship does not have to be complex or fraught with hidden jealousies. It is a lesson I wish more of us would learn, as I think social media makes us forget just what it means to be a friend sometimes.

As if the charm of Marco and Breen, the lushness of Talamh, dragons, mermaids, and magicks aren't enough, we also get the growing relationship between Keegan and Breen in this second novel. While we all know how this part of the story will end, I love how Ms. Roberts doesn't rush their relationship. With the leadership demands of one and others' expectations of the other, the fact that they are taking their time and not rushing to define anything tells us more about each of their characters than anything Ms. Roberts could otherwise write. The scenes in which they cave to their mutual attractions are HOT, but I relish those scenes outside of the bedroom when they are just people with the weight of the world on their shoulders trying to do right by their people.

Honestly, Ms. Roberts could publish a grocery list, and I would buy it. I love her writing style that much. Yet, when I read stories like The Becoming, I feel justification for feeling the way I do about her books. In particular, The Becoming got me out of a depressive episode and reminded me that while we might not have dragons or faeries, there still is magic in the world if you look for it. And this is only the second book of the series!

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The Becoming is the second book in the Dragon Heart Legacy series. I enjoyed it so much. It was exciting and interesting and action-packed. I'm loving going along with Breen and her crew as the story builds to its epic conclusion in book 3. I. Cannot. Wait!!!

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor or expectation.

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Nora Roberts is truly a master storyteller. The Becoming is the second in a trilogy telling the story of Breen. In the first of the series, Breen comes to find out that she is not just human but that there is a whole other world that she belongs to. In this book, Breen works through her acceptance of her role in her home world of Talamh and choosing her place and people there. This series has romance, adventure, thrills, family and dragons. It's a fantasy novel with tremendous world-building that in Roberts's hands is easy to immerse yourself in and follow. You don't get confused by any of the characters but, instead, come to love them and love reading about each of their own stories. When Roberts portrays love in this book, there i not only romantic love (although that is there and is amazing) but also love of family, love of friendship, love of home, love of nature, and love for oneself. I loved that this book had Bree's friend from Philadelphia, Marco, along for the ride as his role was a ton of fun to read.

All in all, this is a wonderfully crafted book. I would recommend to absolutely anyone, but particularly those who enjoy epic stories of adventure and fantasy. I could not put this one down and am already anxious for the third book to be in my hands. A solid 5 stars!

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If you love a magickal world, a sweet yet steamy romance, family that comes in all shapes, sizes and beings, danger, intrigue and the perfect place to get lost in and not want to leave - THE BECOMING is exactly that read.

Reviewed for Fresh Fiction by Annetta Sweetko

Complete review:

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The Becoming is the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy series by one of the queens of romance writers, Nora Roberts. The first book of this sci fi/fantasy romance series was a lovely introduction to the beautiful world of Talamh, a world of magick. This return to Talamh, however, was one of excitement, with bloodshed, heartache, romance and action. I loved the first installment, but this one was even better! I suggest you set aside a good chunk of time to read this story, as you will not want to put it down.

Not many people can walk between the world of magick and humans, but Breen Siobhan Kelly can. She's back in her deceased father's home in the realm of Talamh, and this time she brought her best friend Marco with her. Actually, she didn't mean to bring him; he grabbed onto her for the journey there. He's struck dumb by the mer folk, dragons and faeries...and by handsome warrior Brian; he's welcomed by Breen's family and friends, and he becomes one of their own. Breen in no longer the timid teacher she was back home; here she is a warrior, learning more magical and battle skills when she isn't working on books somewhat based on her life there. Her teacher for fighting is Keegan, leader of the Fey, and they two become closer to each other. Dark dangers are coming to Talamh, however. Odran, the outcast god who is also Breen's grandfather, is coming to destroy Talamh and all whom Breen holds dear...

Norah Roberts has created a beautiful magical world in this series, and in this volume we see a lot more of it. There's also a lot more darkness. Breen is a wonderful heroine. She is learning more about the world from which her father came, and her skills are growing in leaps in bounds. She's not too horribly bad with a sword, her archery is abysmal, but her magical skills are growing by leaps and bounds; she is "Becoming" who she is meant to be. Breen is a loving granddaughter, a fierce friend and a wonderful doggy mama to her magical dog Bollocks; she is also becoming more and more special to Keegan, moving beyond just being a bed partner. He's a good hero, a strong leader of his people and Talamh, and a great warrior. He is, however, a bit overshadowed by Breen. It's her story, after all. I loved getting better acquainted with all of Breen's friends and her Nan, who I just adore. The darkness of the story, when it comes, is brutal. But it's totally necessary to the storyline. Dark god Odran is a particularly nasty villain, and you will love to hate him, as well as Shana, Keegan's former paramour. Battle scenes are exciting, and the Dark Fey are beyond vicious. I found myself tearing up a lot during this book, especially when Breen finds her dragon, who is almost like her other half, and when friends were lost. I must say, however, that my favorite characters are not Breen and Keegan. My heart belongs to Marco and Bollocks. Marco is the best friend a woman could ever hope to have. I loved him in the first book, and even more so here. His romance with Brian is beyond sweet. And of course, Bollocks is the cutest dog ever, but fierce in protecting his mistress and friends. There's darkness and death coming from Odran's realm, and I hope I don't have to wait long to read the conclusion to this thrilling series!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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The Becoming by Nora Roberts is the second novel in The Dragon Heart Legacy series. While The Becoming can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend reading The Awakening first. I have read all of Nora Roberts’ novels, and, by far, this is my favorite series. I opened The Becoming and I was immediately engaged. I did not want to stop reading (but my dog was quite insistent that I cook his dinner as well as mu mother). I have gotten down the fine art of cooking and doing dishes while reading (I have a holder in the kitchen to keep my e-reader safe). Nora Roberts gave us a beautifully crafted tale with unique, developed characters, a special world, and mysterious magic. I felt like I was pulled into the story. I was there with Marco and Bollocks watching Breen train, seeing the Capital for the first time, and learning to cook with Marg. I love the world of Talamh with the fae, dragons, the wise, and so many others. The story just flowed from one chapter to the next. There are some love scenes that bring the heat that will delight romance lovers, but there is one scene I wish had not been included. It was too graphic and violent for my tastes. I admit that I was put off by the amount of foul language. I wish the characters had used creative swear words instead. Breen is a dynamic character. She has come a long way since her days of dying her gorgeous fiery red hair brown and wearing all beige. Breen has come into her own. Her magic is progressing quickly, her writing is going swimmingly, and she has Marco with her as well as Bollocks and her Gran. Breen is a smart, determined woman who manages any obstacle in her path. I love the relationships in this series. Family and friendships are at the heart of the story. Keegan cares for Breen, but he knows that the evil must be defeated before he can explore their relationship. The ending left me eager for the next tale in The Dragon Heart Legacy. The Becoming is a story of magic, love, heart, hope, and adventure. You will go on an emotional roller coaster reading this action-packed fantasy. The Becoming is a spellbinding story with daring dragons, a gamboling Bollocks, a giving grandmother, a feisty friend, a stalwart taoiseach, and a courageous key.

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Return to the world of the Talamh, a world of the Wise and the Fey, of dragons and trolls; a world a fallen god seeks to destroy. In The Becoming, Nora Roberts continues to build on what she started with The Awakening, weaving a story of light versus dark. And at the center of it all is Breen Siobhan Kelly, the key to Talamh’s rise or fall, and a woman coming into her full power.

The Becoming is very much a bridge book, for better or worse Much of the story follows Breen as she continues to learn more magic, develop her craft, train to fight, and search for clues as to what her evil grandfather is planning to do next. By her side is her best friend Marco, a man who is thrown for a loop after being transported from Philadelphia to Talamh. Breen and Marco are both easy to like and their bond is one they cherish above all else. I loved their friendship and how they always supported one another. Despite being a city boy, Marco is quickly enveloped in Talamh and Breen’s friends and family become his. I enjoyed watching Breen and Marco become further enmeshed in Talamh but it did grow repetitive. As a longtime fan of Nora Roberts it pains me to say the first half of this book is painfully slow. There’s a lot of filler with small bursts of excitement as we follow Breen, Marco, and Keegan on their daily tasks. At a little over halfway the story picks up the pace, as Breen travels to the Capital. There politics and false faces add drama and interest, but the story still doesn’t hit its full stride until the last third of the book. There insidious evil creeps through and forces our heroes to come together and act. I was hooked at the end, though what occurred was still just a taste of what I hope is to come in the final book.

The Becoming isn’t a romance, but there are love stories throughout. From the slow and steady to the lightening quick, from tragic to one-sided, and more – love is the counterpart to the dark and violent elements of this story. Breen and Keegan’s romance, the one you would expect to be the most prominent, remains understated. I liked them together and I actually enjoyed that they are focused on saving the world more than exploring what they could have together. The practicality of it makes sense, though because I expect a romance when I read Nora Roberts I hope to see more sparks between Keegan and Breen in the final installment.

The Becoming moves the overarching plot of the Dragon Heart Legacy series forward but on its own it’s a book I liked but didn’t love. I enjoyed my time in Talamh, liked watching the characters grow and relationships develop, but the pacing made the story drag a bit. I am, however, very much looking forward to seeing what comes next as Breen and all those who stand with her in the light take on pure evil.

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The Becoming is the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy by Nora Roberts. This second book begins right where the first book leaves off. For that reason I would recommend that the books be read in order. Which is an investment with the price point of these books. I will say I have read Nora Roberts for many years starting with her romance books. Roberts’ books are always well-written, never boring no matter the subject or genre.

The first book brought all the fantasy world building clearly in the mind. It also brought characters that I loved and one or two I despised. This continued the story with right more drama. As long as the story focused on the good versus evil fight, building up to the final showdown to come in book three this was a 5+ star novel. However, when the focused switched to the personal dialogue between some characters, meaning the stereotypes, the slang and profanity it took away from the story for me. Perhaps in Marco’s case to show him as urban and cool. Not impressive nor does it seem respectful. I just wanted more than slang expressions and profanity to be his go-to way to express himself.

Still the buildup of tension between the light and dark is memorable. Dark will always want to stamp out the light but the light will overcome. What a theme!

An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is the second installment of the Dragon Heart Legacy series, and I felt the exact same way about this one that I felt about the first one. First off, this author is an exceptional writer, and there really isn’t any doubt about that. The descriptions are so vivid and numerous, I always feel like I am there and can see everything. I always come to know the characters so well, it’s like they are part of my own family, and this book definitely does all of that and more. Now comes the small thing I had about the first book that didn’t make me completely love this book: there was just so much description and it felt like it took forever to get to the action part of the story. I don’t even mind that, but the blurb makes this series and book seem more like a suspense-filled action story. It is for small parts of it, but the rest is about family, friends, learning to embrace what you have and who you are, and dealing with obstacles. Just be aware of that when reading this. All of that aside, this is filled with the great storytelling this author always gives us. Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review.

3 stars

The Becoming is the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy series. Breen is coming into her powers and learning more about the land of Talamh.

While the narration for the audiobook was excellent, the book barely kept my attention.

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Nora Roberts is a master storyteller and weaver of worlds. This latest trilogy is a prime example and one of her best. I was completely sucked into this book. It often felt like I was right there with the characters who have come to feel as old friends. It's an epic tale of finding oneself, the power in it. A story of family, duty, love, and honor. Fantastical settings draw you in. This second part of the battle is action packed. There are so many things to love in these pages and I don't want to spoil it. I couldn't put it down. I'm so excited for the last book. I'm completely invested in these characters and the outcome.

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Nora Roberts never fails to write a captivating series and this one is no different. Breen has grown so much in both body and spirit since we met her in the first book. And, who wouldn’t want a best friend like Marco! As we wait for the next installment, we can’t help but wonder how it will all turn out when Breen, Keegan, and the rest of Talamh battle for their way of life.

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