Member Reviews

Not my favorite Nora Robert’s trilogy because I don’t really care for the plot. But I’d still like to know what happens in book 3.

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This was very much a middle book. I felt like the story didn't really progress much with the exception of Shana's arc. I will read the last book in the trilogy.

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This is the second book in the popular "Dragon Heart Legacy" series by Nora Roberts. i could not wait to dive back into this wonderful story. Thank you too the publisher and to Net Galley. My review opinion is my own.

This is another winning series by Nora Roberts. She weaves the story and charcters like no other author can to capture the readers . This is a fantasy romance series that is one of the best i have ever read. its impossible to put this book down once you start reading.

We return to all the glorious magic and charcters of The Awakening. The dynamic action returns along with heartbreak and more romance between charcters. Breen is still embracing her magical guidance from Keegan and her Grandmother and has the support of her family and friends as she proceeds to take on destroying evil. This is a wonderful second book in series with growth of charcters, action and thrills for her readers. I look forward to the next in series.

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series so I was thrilled and so thankful to be offered a preview copy by NetGalley and the publisher. This installment did not disappoint. Marco and Breen have brilliant adventures in this story setting up for the third book. As usual, Nora Roberts creates characters who stay with you long after the pages are turned making the reader thankful for a trilogy.

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This is book 2 in the Dragon Hearts Legacy series. It continues the story of Breen Kelly and her life in two worlds, an author in modern Ireland and America, and a warrior in training helping to save the magical world of Talamh. There is adventure, fighting, romance and as always with Nora Roberts, the underlying theme of family, friends, and friends who become family, and loyalty. Excellent read. I'm looking forward eagerly to book 3!

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The Becoming picks up moments from where we last left Breen, and this second installment of the Dragonheart Trilogy is just as enthralling as the first. The world that Roberts has built is full of life and color; at turns it will make you laugh and cry as you journey along with Breen, Marco, and Keegan as they find their way to becoming who they are meant to be and discovering how that fits in the world of Talamh. I am now anxiously awaiting the final installment, and will happily revisit Talamh in the meantime.

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The second novel in Nora Robert’s Dragon Heart Legacy, The Becoming is a fantastic addition to the series! With strong, immersive world-building, a well-layered and dynamic protagonist, and tons of heart-stopping action, the story is a magical and exciting read.

In The Awakening, the first book in the series, Breen is just learning of her heritage and her powers. However, in this story, Breen is embracing and honing her abilities. She is truly “becoming” what Talamh needs to defeat the evil that threatens their peaceful existence. With guidance from her grandmother and instruction from the hunky Keegan, as well as the support of her best friend Marco and other new friends, Breen learns all that she can to defeat the evil Odran, a banished god and her grandfather.

Breen is such a dynamic protagonist, and I love how her story progresses. She is fierce and intelligent and so determined to succeed, and I was continually impressed with the way she handled all of the obstacles that stood in her way. It can’t be easy knowing you are the key to saving the world from evil, but Breen had a strong support system and a ton of determination. Breen thrives when busy, so she is always in a constant state of motion, and she accomplishes so much over the course of the book, especially in regard to mastering her abilities and working on her writing. Her relationships grow and develop as well, and I love how she strengthens her ties to Talamh and the people who live there. Breen also learns a lot about her father and her history, which I think helps to connect her even more to Talamh.

One of the highlights of the story is the plethora of wonderful relationships. Friendships, romantic relationships, and family bonds prove strong and unwavering. One relationship that I loved in The Becoming and continue to love in this book is between Breen and her grandmother Marg. Marg is so fantastic! She shows Breen in a dozen different ways how much she loves, supports, and understands her granddaughter. A wise and strong woman, Marg is not only a wonderful grandmother, she is also a great teacher and mentor. I think this relationship is important because Breen didn’t have it for most of her life. In fact, she didn’t have a strong and supportive female role model in her life until she reconnected with Marg, and it’s plain to see that both were missing the connection.

At the start of the story, Marco, Breen’s best friend, accompanies her on her journey to Talamh. Breen and Marco have the best relationship. They show complete acceptance and support and always have each other’s backs no matter what. Marco has a lively and effervescent personality, and he brings a bit of optimism and levity during some intense moments. Marco is amazing. He is thrust into this new, fantastical world, and he goes, blindly ignorant to everything because he loves Breen so much. There is nothing these best friends wouldn’t do for each other. Even when Breen uses all of her hardcore power, Marco stands beside her, frightened and unsure but willing to risk his own safety to support her. They have an unbreakable bond, and they seem to understand each other without even speaking at times, as lifelong best friends can sometimes do. Their relationship is one of the highlights of the novel.

Then there’s the romance! I love a swoon-worthy love story, and the romance between Breen and Keegan is slow-building, angsty, and wonderful. Keegan is super swoon-worthy, even though he has no idea how to communicate, and I love his developing relationship with Breen. They are well suited, though their relationship is not without its problems. Keegan and Breen are alike in that they both put the good of others ahead of their own needs. They are both torn between duty and desire, and they have to figure out if they can balance both. With their very lives and the lives of all they know at stake, they don’t take their responsibilities lightly, and I’m curious to see how their relationship fares as the story continues. Between the threat of Odran and his followers, jealous people, and other obstacles, their love will have to be strong to survive.

Another highlight of the novel is the immersive and layered world-building. From Ireland to the magical realm of Talamh, the setting is dynamic and detailed. Plus, Breen has a special gift. This gift leaps off the page and helps to create such a vivid and vibrant setting. As she experiences the wonder of being one with all living things, we can almost see this unique world through her eyes, and it is amazing! There is so much beauty in Talamh, and so many wonderful aspects (did I mention dragons? There are dragons, and they are brilliant!) are described, which severely contrasts the brutal evilness of Odran.

I also need to do a special shout-out to Bollock, Breen’s loyal dog. Like Breen, Bollocks is coming into his own and has proven himself a fierce and loyal companion. Animal companions are the best, and between Bollocks and the dragons, I’m in total adoration. I love that we learn more about these beautiful, magical creatures, and I have a feeling they’ll have a significant role in the next book.

I thought this was a great addition to The Dragon Heart Legacy. It’s immersive and suspenseful, and you can tell things are ramping up for an epic finale! Between the intriguing plot, the dynamic character development, the wonderful relationships, and the romances, (yes, there’s more than one, and they’re soooo good!!) there is never a dull moment, and I love the messages of empowerment and fighting for what you believe in. I’m so eager to continue this series and find out how Breen, Keegan, and the others fare when faced with the ultimate villain. Thanks so much to St. Martin’s Press for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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3.5 stars rounding up to 4 stars
I received an ARC of this novel via NetGalley and St. Martin's Press in exchange for an honest review.

As Promised, Breen returns to Talamh to embrace her powers, fulfil her destiny, and help Keegan save the Fey. Breen is unexpectedly joined by her friend Marco. Although shocked by the revelation of Talamh and its people Marco pledges his aid in the pending battle. As Odran continues to gain power, his efforts to obtain Breen's power and destroy Talamh become more difficult for Keegan and Breen to stop. War may be inevitable but Breen is determined to become what she was born to be.

The Becoming is the exciting second novel in the Dragon Heart Legacy series. The novel picks up where the first novel left off- with Keegan bringing Breen and an unexpected traveler, Marco, through a portal to Talamh. Marco is left a bit stunned by the revelation of another world, the Fey, and Breen’s true identity but he quickly steps up to Breen’s aid. We also get some new shocking twists in the battle of good vs evil, meet some new love interests, advance in some not so new love interests, and enjoy some preemptive battles along the way. Breen and Kegan continue to strategize battle plans while gaining support and troops from other Fey. I felt the novel was a really good transition from Breen's awakening to her becoming as they prepare for the battle against Odran and his dark forces. The romantic plots are a bit thin in this novel with everyone trying to focus on battle rather than love so the development of those relationships feels a bit hollow. Unlike the "Chronicles of the One" I don't LOVE or relate to the characters in this series as much. I was hoping my feelings towards Breen and Marco would change as they developed through the series...but sadly they didn't. I do enjoy several of the other characters and the plot is well developed and intriguing. I think we are in for an epic battle in the final novel so I look forward to an exciting finale.

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The Becoming by Nora Roberts is the 2nd book in her Dragon Hearts Legacy series. I loved the first book (The Awakening) in this series, and could not wait to read The Becoming. Needless to say, I also loved this book, which is the norm as Nora always creates such wonderful trilogies.

Breen Siobhan Kelly, our heroine, returns to Talamh, where she was needed and is destined to be, especially loving the beautiful incredible land and family/friends she knew when she was a young child, only to be taken away by her mother. She knows she needs to train more, as well as learn how to use her magic, and stand up to fight the evil god, Odran and save Talamh and the Fey. Breen didn’t plan on her friend, Marco jumping into the portal with her, but everyone in Talamh welcomes him; even though he is dazzled by the magical place filled with filled with magic, fairies, witches, dragons, elves and weres.

Breen is happy to return to her family and friends, and it was great to see them all again; Keegan, Nan, Bollocks, Morena, Harken, Aisling, and I loved Tarryn (Keegan’s Mother). The slow build romance between Breen and Keegan is very promising, but both are determined to stay focus on her training to be ready to face the challenge of the dark forces facing them. Keegan pushes Breen to the max in learning to fight as a warrior, but it is Nan (her grandmother) who teaches her how to build her skills magically; with each passing day, as well as separate threats against her, Breen’s powers grow.

What follows is exciting, action filled adventure that kept my attention throughout, unable to put the book down. I loved watching Breen learn how to use her enhanced magical powers, as well as learn more from Tarryn; not to mention Keegan pushing her to the max. Breen was such a great heroine, stepping in a few times using her escalated powers to save the day, especially standing up to the evil villain (Odran). I also loved how Breen continues to use her private time writing children’s books centering on Bollocks, as well as doing an adult novel. Of course, I loved loved Bollocks, who was also one of my favorites.

The Becoming was another fantastic story, so very well done by Nora Roberts. I love the world of Talamah, with so many wonderful secondary characters, and a fantastic heroine. I will not give spoilers, as you need to read this book from start to finish, but if you have not read The Awakening, then please start there. I loved everything about this book, as I devoured it from start to finish, and look forward to the next book.

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series so I was really excited to have the opportunity to read an early copy of the next one. This one is just as magical as the first one. I wanted to travel with Breen and Marco. Ride a dragon high above the fields and witness all the magic. I enjoyed this book and anxiously await the next one.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the early copy

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In book 2 of the Dragon Heart Legacy, Breen Siobhan Kelly has just returned to Talamh through the portal created by Keegan, and unexpectedly accompanied by her friend, Marco. Marco, who at first believes Breen has been brainwashed or taken into a cult, soon comes to realize faeries, dragons, elves, witches, and all other manner of mythical creatures are real. As Marco is welcomed in Talamh, he begins to fall in love with the world that Breen now calls home. Breen & Keegan train diligently, knowing that time is short. Meanwhile, the outcast god Odran, is busy moving ahead with his plot to destroy Talamh....and anyone who stands in his way.
I loved the first book in the series, so I was excited to read the second book. I thought his book was even better than the first one. I love the world-building in this series, and I love the characters - especially Breen & Marco. This book was a lot had a lot more action and edge-of-your-seat drama than the first, and it will definitely keep you turning the pages. I couldn't put it down. I can't wait for the final book, to see how it all plays out in the end.

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In this second book of the Dragon Heart Legacy series, Breen Siobhan Kelly has returned to the magical world of her father, Talamh, continuing her education to become a warrior and maturing into her considerable inherited powers. Breen’s roommate and best friend Marco gets accidentally dragged across the barrier to this land of the Fey, Elves, Fairies and other mythical peoples where he is initially quite taken aback not surprisingly. Breen returned with Keegan, the leader of the Fey, who has been training her with not a little impatience because time is running out. Breen and Keegan’s relationship is based on more than work and learning the ways of Talamh though they both resist it to some extent because war is coming. Marco has to learn fast about this new to him world where humans are at a disadvantage because they have no power and tech of any kind does not work in this world including weapons.

Breen’s seriously evil grandfather, the outcast god, Odran, plans to destroy Talahm with his dark forces. Odran’s strategy involves plans for Breen’s capture to use her magical blood and considerable powers. Currently he cannot break into Talahm because of his banishment; however, Odran’s nefarious and evil intentions will abolish all that is good, peaceful, and pure should he succeed. Since Odran is Breen’s relative, she feels some familial guilt for the coming troubles.

Keegan bears a heavy load as leader of the land using combined forces and Breen’s essential magic to keep the darkness at bay although several attempts are made, some successful, send some of Odran’s forces into Talamh. Keegan made a serious error in judgement with a certain elf daughter of a high council member who was known to pleased to be cast aside once he met Breen; now, that situation is coming back to bite him in the arse adding to the difficulties and dangers they already face. As Odran is extremely malevolent, the chapters showing his side of the world are grim and gruesome especially in the abuse of women.

Breen spends part of her time learning from her grandmother the ways of magic while continuing to train with Keegan when he has time from his various other responsibilities and duties. She and Marco are together for much of the book as he is still her roommate in the cottage she has on the Irish side of the barrier as well as coming back into Talahm whenever Breen does. Considering how important Breen’s relationship with Keegan seems to be she does not spend as much time with him as would seem necessary and desirable to forge the ties between them especially in the romance department. And since this book is in the genre of Romantic Fantasy, the relationship part seemed lacking for this reader. The first book, The Awakening, should be read prior to this one because a lot of the backstory and world building would be missed for this second tale in the trilogy.

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Five Gold Stars is not enough.

"Breen Siobhan Kelly. She has just returned to Talamh, with her friend, Marco, who’s dazzled and disoriented by this realm—a place filled with dragons and faeries and mermaids (but no WiFi, to his chagrin). "

Talamh is magical in all ways you expect, but also in the ways we all would wish "home" to be.

The second in the trilogy gives us more, explains a little more, introduces us to more. It gives us laughter and tears and pride and sweetness and hard things.I

Anyone who loved the first in the series can rest assured they will not be disappointed.

Now we have the long wait for Book #3. Knowing that it will be worth the wait.

Best Nora Roberts trilogy ever.

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I was expecting more romance. From the book's description, I thought there would be a lot of time devoted to Marco and his significant other's growing love. It just seemed that they went from meeting to in love, and the reader did not get to see how that romance developed. They didn't have any big love scenes. I also wanted more with Breen and Keegan. Keegan just seemed a little too alpha in this one, and I wanted to see more of a partnership between them.

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Becoming, The Dragon Heart Legacy book 2

Breen Kelly returns to Talamh, to embrace and face her destiny. She knows she must face Odran, the evil God and his unquenchable greedy obsession for power. He waits to slowly drain her of her power and end her life. Breen knows if this happens all worlds will end. As she faces this burden she works to build her skills both physically and magically.

Familiar characters return, Marco, her BFF inadvertently joins her in this magical land. Bollocks the dog, is back, also maturing and coming into his own. Her Nan continues to support her on her journey, and to help guide her as Breen begins to build and embrace her power. The relationships of her many friends from Talamh strengthen, and her and Keegan's attraction builds. A new enemy emerges out of jealousy and desire for power, causing betrayal and grief.

Breen faces many challenges as she works to find her center, her purpose, her inner strength. To become. The adventure continues on a wild ride, involving dragons, faeries, trolls, and more amazing creatures. Breen and company kept me engrossed and on the edge of my seat. I can hardly wait for the 3rd book. Another winner from Nora!

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