Member Reviews

This is a great book of word searches and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's a great book to just chill with and relax.

What fun, packed full with three hundred puzzles of search and find the words, is a jumbo size of challenging fun and entertainment for the whole family. It will help in improving your concentration, focus, and overall brain health.

Plenty of puzzles to try here.
There are lists that include authors, car parts, elections, musical instruments, capital cities, and many more. Some of the searches use American terms - such as state trooper.
An unusual type of search included too where you look for a single word and the grid is only made up of that words letters making it a little more tricky!
I received this book from netgalley in return for a honest review.

Word searches have always been one of my favorite type of puzzles This is a great set of word searches. There are so many puzzles with a different themes. There are a few different varieties of puzzles including some containing numbers and some that are just one word.

The puzzles are large print easy to read and plenty of room to circle the words. This is a fun way of relaxing with a large collection of puzzles. The puzzles cover a wide variety of topics even a few unique puzzles.
All thoughts and opinions are my own, and in no way have I been influenced by anyone.

My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for a complimentary copy of this book of word search puzzles. It contains 300 puzzles with biggish word lists in large print. There is an occasional puzzle in a different shape other than square. At the end of the volume, there is an index and solution section. Well done!

The Mega Word Search book in large print was really fun and easy on the eyes! :) The puzzles were not overly simple, but also not so complicated that they couldn't be solved. Reading it digitally was difficult because there is only so much space on the computer screen but when I printed it out I was loving it! Highly recommend for easy to read fun to take with you to the beach or while in your easy chair at night.~ I was allowed to read this book in advance and the only requirement was a fair and honest review. So, here it is...Have fun with Mega Word Search, my family loved it!

I love word searches! Any word search junkie will also enjoy this book. Good letter sizing and spacing.

Wow! This was a fun book to review. I've always been a fan of word searches and had never thought of doing one via ebook. With an apple pen, I was able to solve these just like I would with a print book. If you're a fan of word search puzzles, I recommend this one.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book. All opinions contained within are my own.

I would love this book in print. I love word searches and puzzles and this is a not-so-little book of both!
With 300 unique puzzles, there are searches on topics for everyone. I liked the inclusion of the shaped puzzles, encouraging the reader to search for the ONE correct spelling of the shape (although, quite frankly, I found two in the Star puzzle!) The number searches added an extra degree of difficulty to the puzzles.
As described, these puzzles are family-friendly, so they'd be great for the whole family on road trips or vacations, or just taking some downtime at home.
Excellent puzzle book

MEGA Word Search (Volume 1) is a new collection of 300 puzzles from Blue Penny Press. Released 1st March 2021, it's a whopping 353 pages and is available in paperback format.
This is exactly as stated on the cover: 300 family friendly word search puzzles. They're numbered sequentially. Each puzzle has a title which gives a hint as to the theme. The word list underneath contains the words which are included in the puzzles. The grids are 19x19 letters and the answers can be found vertically, diagonally, and horizontally, in all directions (forward and backward). The puzzles are high contrast in an easy to read font and the pages are large enough that the print is easy to see. There is a complete solution list in the back of the book.
This would make a really good choice for long car trips, vacation/beach use, or cabin vacations. I remember so many wonderful vacations spent with my grandparents at the lake or beach and I -always- had a huge book bag full of puzzles and books to read. *Bliss*.
Five stars. Well made puzzles are a joy.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

This great set of 300 wordsearches is printed in a large, clear font and is accessible to a wide audience. There are a few more unusual wordsearches, such as finding how many times the word star appears in a star shaped grid containing only the letters s, t, a and r, in addition to the standard wordsearches, which cover a range of difficulties and themes,
For completeness, please note that the formatting cannot be made to line up for the Kindle version I received, but I have ignored that in my rating because the PDF version is fine, and as far as I know this book will only be sold in paperback.
Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a digital ARC in return for my honest review.

Totally enjoying this book. I am a big fan of word search and thus this was great. This does help in improving the vocabulary.

Who doesn't love a good word search? This book is packed with them. Simple word searches to help pass the time on loads of subjects like, The Theater, Car Parts, Breeds of Chicken.

I’m sure this is an excellent way to spend some time. I was intrigued by the idea of an ebook since you could remove all the highlights and do each puzzle again another time, or share with members of your household. I think we’re all partial to word search puzzles sometimes, they’re so relaxing.. However I could not use this book on my Kindle or Kindle app on my tablet at all. The puzzles did not format properly, despite me playing with the font size and text alignment. Ah well.

As straightforward as they come. This is a book of 300 word search puzzles. Other than a few “creative” ones (I.e. shaped like a star; “How many times can you find the word ‘lollipop’ “ in a puzzle of only the letters ‘L,’ ‘O,’ ‘I,’ and ‘P’) the rest are just lists of categorized words hidden among a mixed up matrix of random letters. I was a bit confused by the puzzle titled “Homonyms” because the hidden words were just those on the list, not actual homonyms.
The book is fine, just nothing original or especially interesting .

Word searches are fun to do and an activity for all ages. I like the large print so those that don’t see as well can still participate. Great variety of puzzles too.

Word search is mine and my son’s favorite activity together. Loved the themed pages especially the informative ones like verb, prepositions and compound words. Also the number search is a new thing which got us really excited.

Absolutely delightful, this book has fun that keeps on going! Word searches are popular, somewhat surprisingly, with high schoolers. One of my students recently showed me a word search app that she enjoys daily on her phone. Books like this one would be great to have around in libraries to let kids just pick up and finish a puzzle during their free time.

The Mega Word Search (Volume 1) is a Must for any word search fan. There are 300 large print puzzles, which is great for everyone. Treat yourself to this fun and relaxing game book...you’ll be glad you did. Thank you to NetGalley, and Blue Penny Press for allowing me to have an advanced copy of this fun filled book!