Member Reviews

Oh, this was entertaining! Kids are going to delight in the well told story of comeuppence for a couple of snouty mean girls! This is a good one for October (Halloween!) , lots of magical elements that will keep the kiddos reading right up to the end! Well written, fast pace.

Symphony has it rough at her private school until a new girl moves in next door and shows her how to be better than the bullies. Anabatya de Vole notices details around her, especially how often the word bat shows up in the English language. Lots of furn in a typical story about rich bully girls.

As an adult reading this novel I was entertained but glad for the short length of this story.
Looking at this book through a child's eyes I would be wildly entertained. Having teachers such as Mr. Addasum (the math teacher) and Mr. East (the geography teacher) brings the book to life. Having the main adult baddie being named Mrs. Grabbit and all she wants is all the money makes it hilarious. As a child I would even love that the school colours are orange and brown. Annabatya brings humor and life to the story and to Symphony's life that seems to be fairly downtrodden until Anna arrives. The very obvious idea that all the de Vole's are bats comes through but it's still a fun reveal as you continue through to the end of the story. The revenge that Annaybatya and Symphony reap on their bullies, on Halloween night no less, is fitting as is the ending being so neatly wrapped up.
I would love to have this story in my library for students to share and gain enjoyment from.