Member Reviews

Been trying to learn how to read tarot cards and this book really helped! So well explained in an easy way to remember!

I loved this book. It's got a lot of really great knowledge to help introduce new readers to the world of tarot. But in addition to that, there's a wealth of information about how to incorporate tarot into daily practice, using it not only as a divination tool, but as an everyday tool for your spells and rituals. I absolutely love this, and recommend it to anyone who is looking to incorporate a new tool into their craft.

Connecting with the deck at the start. Wanting to have a focus on the major arcana. Get keywords, symbolism, and magickal work. Do get some spreads.

This was a case of me not reading the description carefully enough prior to requesting a book. When I saw the title Magickal Tarot, I fixated on the tarot part, not the magickal part, and as a result, I got approved for an advanced copy that is just not for me. There were a few general ideas for tarot spreads that I may try, and some interesting discusssion of symbolism in the major arcana, but as I prefer tarot as a more contemplative/ introspective practice, less as divination, and not at all as manifestation/ magick, the majority of this book was simply not for me. If you are interested in magickal practice, for manifestation, divination, etc, this may be a better book for you. Thank you anyway to #NetGalley and Quarto/Fair Winds Press for sharing this digital advanced readers' copy of #MagicalTarot

As an extreme novice tarot reader (I’ve just recently started using my cards again after falling away from the practice years ago), I found Magickal Tarot to be a valuable resource explaining spreads, symbolism, and meanings for someone of my ability, but I can see it also being a resource I will continue to consult as I improve my skills. Unfortunately, Magickal Tarot only discusses the cards of the Major Arcana. I really wish the author chose to discuss the Minor Arcana as well. Hopefully she’s saving it for a follow-up volume - but the inclusion of other topics, such as numerology and lunar cycles were helpful as well.

Very useful in learning tarot. Has lots of details and is very descriptive yet is very easy to understand.

The cover is bright which is great for grabbing your attention as you scroll or walk by.
If you have been wanting to learn tarot and use it in your magickal practice but all other books seem too advanced...this is a perfect choice! Full of information but never overwhelmingly so...this will give you the perfect start to using tarot as a magickal tool.

Great resource for beginners. In this book, you can find all about the meanings and symbolism behind each card of the Major Arcana. It's truly important to understand these cards before going any further into your tarot studies. You'll also learn how to connect with your deck and perform some spells and rituals. The spread suggestions are also very helpful.
The first part of the book wasn't really new to me, but I always feel like I'm learning something when I read the perspective of a different author. I only wish it covered the whole deck. It was interesting to me anyway. I enjoyed learning more about numerology, the four elements and the lunar phases.
The graphic work is absolutely wonderful.

Robyn's Magickal Tarot is in an easy-to-use format that explains tarot using language that even a novice can comprehend. It lays out all the aspects influencing each Major Arcana card and how someone can use the cards to positively influence their life.

This book does what it says it's going to do! Deepens your connection with the major arcana and helps you use spreads and spells to take that knowledge and elevate yourself. Will be purchasing!

There are a few books on this subject and I expect there will be more. This particular text is definitely one of the better ones, it is very accessible especially for a younger or newer audience. The history written at the start was very fair, giving credit to Pamela Coleman Smith yet also mentioning that there are areas of her life we are unsure of. The Fools Journey was only briefly mentioned, yet I really appreciate the bibliography at the back. The illustrations were good and presented a little more diversity than the original RWS. I did think some of the spells had ingredients that could be hard to source for some, so a few alternatives could have been given. The moon cycle at the back, table of references and spreads were a very good addition. I would recommend this for a teenagers, beginners. or early 20s especially.

Honestly, this isn't the worst Tarot book I've read, but it wasn't the best.
It does have Spreads, Major and Minor Arcana information, Some spells. However, I was hoping for something ... more. Unfortunately for me this isn't very useful.
Thank for the opportunity to look at and read this.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The majority of the book is devoted to a discussion of the major Arcana. For each card, the book discusses the symbolism surrounding the card, has artwork of the imagery on each card, talks about how to use the card in magical work, and gives a possible spell that could be performed with the intention of that card. At the end of the book, the author gives some basics on numerology, the four elements, and lunar phases. The last chapter is dedicated to some tarot spreads.
I thought the book was interesting, but based on the title it was not what I was expecting. I expected there to be more emphasis on tarot spreads, spells, and rituals. There were only five tarot spreads and very little about rituals. There was one spell listed for each tarot card in the major Arcana. However, I did learn a lot about the meanings behind the tarot cards and typical intentions associated with them.

5 out of 5 stars
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for sending me a copy of this in exchange for an honest review.
I've been doing tarot for a quite a while yet and of course I didn't think I was an expert but this book showed me I was not using the cards to my full advantage. Every tarot book I've looked at used have just explained the meanings of the cards and how to use different spreads. This book takes that to a whole new level. I never even connected tarot and manifestations before I always just saw the cards as a prediction and possible path.
It details everything each card symbolises so well and so clearly.
This should be people's go to book when starting tarot.
I absolutely loved this!
Highly recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley for giving me a free digital Advanced Reading Copy (ARC e-book) of this title. I really enjoyed it! Magickal Tarot by Robyn Valentine was a great read. I love learning about the tarot; I have been studying it since I was a teen and I am always so excited to learn new information about the art. I thought it was really interesting the way that the book connected the tarot readings to magic, and I am ready to try some new spreads! It explained the symbols associated with the tarot cards in a really understandable language and is perfect for beginners or experts alike. I really liked how this book corresponds the cards to yes-or-no answers, and I think this book (paired with tarot) is a great tool for helping readers to become better aware of how the symbolism of the tarot can help us with manifestation and understanding in our lives.

I really wanted to like this. A book on how to use tarot as magickal tools, great! Sadly this was so disappointing. The author combines singular cards with some incense, some sing song incantations and viola! there’s your spell...or maybe not. Some spells chosen include “carrying yourself with pride” (apparently you need a spell for that) and “instant Karma” spells. This is not how Karma works and I really wish authors would read some vendantic sutra on the subject and get educated before sprouting such nonsense as fact. There is even a spell for “consenting BDSM relationships” so I have no idea who the intended audience is as the rest of this books reads for a teen market. My guess is that the purple colour scheme I think was chosen to make it look”witchy” and the illustrations are awful. There are far better books out there for beginner tarot readers and I have this 2 stars not 1 as it’s short.
*eArc provided by the publisher and NetGalley

This is a wonderful reference book. It covers the Major Arcana in detail, but with off of the other information provided, there's no need to waste space on the Minor Arcana. It's good if you just want information on using the cards for divination, but there is so much more this book provides. While the traditional RWT deck is used, most of the information can be used with any other Tarot deck..

YESSS!!! Finally a decent book that combines Tarot and Magick and is suitable for newbies (to Tarot!)
This book is exactly what the title suggests. It is absolutely brilliant! I loved this!!!
The format of the book is great, and makes it super easy to use for reference as and when you need. The index is super useful too, allowing you to focus on key aspects of life/magick/manifesting to find the right card/spell you need. This is great!!
The illustrations are beautiful, and I like how they put a more modern spin on the Rider-Waite deck, yet still being super true to this original style.
This book has so much information in, but it never feels overwhelming! I was lucky enough to be sent an electronic copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but I can say I have just preordered the hard cover for when it's released next month. I need this book in my life and on my shelves!!
Cannot recommend this more!!

I liked the front colour very bright and colourful. I liked the purple going through the book. I felt like there was lots of writing but it was all good information. I found the book very helpful to help me learn what each tarot card means and how to lay them out. I did like the information on the moon cycles.
Thank you NetGalley for letting me me read this book.