Member Reviews

This is an inspiring coffee table book. Each woman is profiled with a lyric from the song, a photograph and a short biography on what makes her special. Most of the women will be familiar but there are a few surprises. This book provides a quick celebration of women's history. Hopefully it will inspire you to learn more about them. This is a updated edition. Enjoy

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Thank you to NatGalley and IBPA for the opportunity to review this advanced copy of I Am a Woman. A beautiful, thoughtful, well put-together, and important book. I loved the photos chosen. the quotes, and the diverse group of women represented in the book. Perfect coffee table reading, lovely to look at and interesting to go through. As the introduction notes, women need positive and encouraging messages too, and this book accomplishes that by truly showing the complexity, courage, strength and wonder of more than 50 women.

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Beautiful photography. Some of my favorite women of time to include Lucille Ball are in the book. 10% of profits go to support women's organizations, which is great!

This book would be great for waiting room reads and coffee house reads.

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A fascinating journey through lyrics and photos of outstanding woman. With a quote and a paragraph or two about the woman, each after a line of the song. The photography is excellent, the featured women are from all walks of life, the text is great, and the concept is awesome.

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Thank you to the publisher and net galley for an advanced copy.

As a student of photography, I absolutely love shooting in black and white, and this book really appealed to me. I’ve looked through this book many times; firstly just looking at the photos and believe this is an amazing coffee table book in itself. But then when when you take your time and listen to the song that accompanies the book and read the quotes it’s even more amazing.

This is a book that I will never tire flicking through and would share with my fellow photography friends.

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O livro é uma bela homenagem, objetiva e carinhosa com mulheres relevantes e de grande representatividade.

Apesar disso a edição em PDF sofre de problemas de distorção das imagens e fontes deixando a leitura indomoda e pouco fluida.


The book is a beautiful, objective and loving tribute to relevant and highly representative women.

Nevertheless, the PDF edition suffers from problems of distortion of images and fonts, making the reading uncomfortable and not very fluid.

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This is a must have for everyone. Powerful black snd white images with quotes by each woman. A variety of women are represented in this book.

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This a beautiful book in so many ways. The photos, the quotes and the journeys of these inspirational women filled me with awe and appreciation. The portrayals of women like Rosa Parks, Malala, Lucille Ball and Princess Diana offer heartfelt and moving snapshots of their magic and their unique gifts. These beautiful, talented, powerful women and their professional and/or personal contributions and achievements define the true sense of sisterhood.
Highly recommended with my thanks to NetGalley, Mary Sue England and Dexterity for an ARC in exchange for an honest book review.

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I didn't find what I was looking for in this book. I though I would get a little more context / history on the pictures it showed, but it literally is just a collection of pictures from relevant women.

Although it's interesting seeing photographies of these women, specially those pictures I hadn't seen before, I felt little to no conected at all with the book itself. The photographies didn't respond to any criteria (other than fitting into a verse from the song "I Am a Woman") and some of them weren't even relevant for the woman they were showing.

I did love some of the pictures (I'm not gonna say which ones because It kind of is an spoiler, since that's all the book has), but I believe this book is targeted specially towards Mary Sue Englund's followers, who I think would appreciate more her words and criteria.

It's not bad, I just expected way more from it.

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This is such a fabulous book, full of beautiful photographs of women from all walks of life and all decades, who have made their mark in the world. It has been lovingly put together as a tribute to these inspiring women, be they housewives, actresses, princesses or scientists. Full of inspirational quotes and teasing snippets of each woman’s life, her contribution to the world, through words or deeds, makes for wonderful reading. Many of these women I have not heard of but now want to learn more about them. This book should be a gift for every teenage daughter who has self doubt or lacks the courage to fulfil her dreams. Highly recommended.

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Beautiful coffee table book. Interesting collection of inspiring and powerful women. Gorgeous photos.

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This is a beautiful, empowering coffee table book that makes me feel closer to the amazing women of the past and present.

It pairs black and white photos of women throughout history with quotes and mini descriptions of their accomplishments, all while following the lyrics of Mary Sue Englund's song "I am a woman." It includes a diverse array of women, all of whom have changed the world by being powerful women. Interesting to flip through for the pictures and to sit down with for the content.

I definitely recommend!

Thanks to NetGalley and Dexterity for the ARC.

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I Am A Woman By Mary Sue Englund is a good coffee book that will give you insight into familiar women and women that aren't spoken about enough. I like that the photographs are in black and white with some of the words being in red -- it made the book have a classic look. I appreciated the women that were spoken about but wish it were little bit more diverse with the women chosen. I would have liked consistency with how women were discussed in terms of writing style but, overall I think this book would be a very nice way to learn about women throughout different eras in a quick and fun read.

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I’ve so much love for this book! Mary Sue Englund is a singer songwriter who wrote a song, ‘I am a Woman’, this book pairs the lyrics of that song with real life women. Each woman featured has a mini biography, an inspiring quote they said and a photograph (always of very high quality). I really enjoyed this and also appreciated that the author used a mix of women from celebrities to pioneers, royalty to nurses working in the pandemic, trailblazers to activists. A book for everyone!

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This is an awesome coffee table book with a simple and clean layout. The photographs are beautiful. The fact that it’s set to such an iconic song is clever and creates a multi-dimensional reading experience. I enjoyed learning about women I was familiar with, as well as some I wasn’t familiar with!

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This is a beautiful book featuring some of the most inspirational women over the years. It features stunning photographs, as well as quotes a little background info on the women featured. The only thing I would say could be better is the layout of the book. You could have played a little more with the design.

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Beautiful photo images of 50 notable women, play the soundtrack of ‘I am woman’ as you pour over the photos and brief descriptions and you will understand more about each achievement. With an American bias and some inspiring quotes, this is a wonderful collection. Thank you #NetGalley for the copy.

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I received this book for an honest review from netgalley #netgalley

Beautiful and enchanting a lot of these photographs I have never seen before and I was completely enthroned.

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A monochrome photo book of 50 women spanning the last 140 years. Each page includes a beautiful photo, a brief biography blurb and a lyric from the song "I Am a Woman". I recognized all but a few of the women that made up this book. The list was a bit Hollywood heavy but include others like Queen Elizabeth, Sojourner Truth and Ruth Badger Ginsburg. This would be a nice coffee table or shelf book to give to a woman in your life. The biographies are brief and uneven in length. Full disclosure, I have never heard the song before and had to look up a performance of it online.

Thank you NetGalley and Dexterity for the ARC ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Book full of blurbs and pictures of women is incredibly interesting and also the pictures are extremely beautiful. This would make a delightful coffee table book.

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