Member Reviews

I enjoyed the political observations of climate change, survival abd how humanity could respond.
The world building is smooth and consistent.

I seem to be struggling to enjoy post-apocalyptic/dystopian novels at the moment but I was hoping this one would have changed that. It has an interesting premise and it's sapphic so it seemed to be totally up my street, unfortunately, I just couldn't get into this and struggled to finish. I lost total interest at about 70% through. However, it was well written and some of the dialogue was very engaging.
Thanks to Netgalley for a copy of this in exchange for an honest review.

I can’t seem to get enough of dystopian novels these days. I love that Wasteland features two strong women, each from opposite sides of the war. Kate and Dani are wary of each other but then find themselves inexplicably drawn to one another. Both characters are interesting on their own but the relationship between the two elevates them. Wasteland also tackles the seriousness of climate change without making political statements or drawing lines. Because this is book one on a series, the ending left me wanting to find out what happens next.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book.

This dystopian storyline worked for me. I am really interested in what kind of life we'd have after an apocalyptic event. This book definitely shows a detailed description of that kind of life. The characters were well written and the scenic descriptions felt almost visceral. This book grabbed me in the feels and it took me a few days to recover from it before I could pick another book. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

i gave Wasteland 3*
The storyline really appealed to me, the whole Resistance storyline is normally right up my tree. But for some reason, I couldn't take to the story as much as I wanted to. And I struggled with Danielle's character too. I'm thinking maybe I just wasn't in the mood for this storyline at this particular moment and will try again with it in the future. So if your not into this genre of book or just not in the right frame of mood, move on and try again at a later point.
Danielle Clark is done with the Resistance. After years of leading a relentless charge against the National Armed Forces, she has nothing left to give. Her brother Lucas in tow, Dani leaves the frontlines for the solitude of the wastelands, content to start a new life as a scavenger. Dani thought she’d finally found peace until the general’s daughter, Katelyn Turner, shows up on her doorstep and brings the fight right back to her.
Now Dani has to decide what to do about Kate, ranking member of the NAF, a once-sworn enemy…and a woman she can’t keep out of her head. The growing spark of attraction forces Dani into an impossible choice between her newfound life and Kate’s fate. She must act quickly or risk losing everything
I was given a copy for an honest review.

Wasteland snuck up on me, and once I was hooked, there was no way I was going to let it go.
I connected with Dani pretty quickly, and with every chapter, I wanted to know more about her past, and what led her to White River. The secondary characters are either annoying, charming or a pain in the butt, and that's part of what made this novel so good. The characters. They feel real, you can hear them scratching or fussing at each other for some slight or gaff. While the characterizations are good, the setting is excellent. I can't tell you how often I had to take a drink because I could have sworn I tasted the sand that got in everything. The sand that eventually brought Kate to Dani's door. I enjoyed the push and pull between them, the slow progression from interest to fascination, to the yearn they each develop for the other. And the fact that they're supposed to be enemies, and they know their attraction is culturally wrong only adds to the overall desperate and nearly hopeless feel of the novel.
But don't cast this story aside, because it's got a lot more going for it than what I've mentioned.
It's charming in its own gritty way and I can't wait to read the next installment in Dani and Kate's story!
(Many thanks to Bold Strokes Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion)

This is a dystopian novel that's well written and action packed. The main characters are fully developed and likeable and communicate quite well with each other. There is 'no romance in this book but I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end. It's a cliff hanger!!! I can't wait for book two!!! I will definitely recommend grabbing a copy.
4.5 stars
Thank You Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I'll give this 3.75 stars.
It is a slow paced action dystopian fantasy. I love that the authors worked really hard to get the worldbuilding set up, especially since the conflict mostly revolves around the geo-politics of the world. I knew the pacing was going to be slow, because it looks like it is going to be a big series, but for me it didn't really feel like the plot of this book was moving too much until the last 1/3 of the book.
The plot has fun with some dystopian tropes, with the lead being an ex-rebel soldier so prolific that the imperialistic forces think she's a legend. Once she burned herself out, she settled into one of the neutral settlements to live out her life as a hunter/ bodyguard of the townspeople there. But then she finds imperial soldiers fighting a group of raiders, and recognizes the officers as the daughter of the General who killed her father. So she captures that person as part of a half formed plan, but then realizes that the daughter is nothing like the mother. And hot. So, she and the daughter slowly grow closer as she tries to figure out how to get herself out of the compulsive mess she is in.
I like the set up, especially since Dani, the ex-resistance fighter, isn't perfect. She is excellent at her job as a scavenger, hunter, and protector of the village she has decided to call home, but she still is fixated on General Turner, the most ruthless leader of the National Armed Forces, the military of the new American government that has control of the East Coast. This basically starts the events of the book moving forward as she basically kidnaps Kate in order to do... something with her. Dani doesn't exactly know what to do with her, but she's got Kate and keeps her and the rest of the survivors of her convoy, making her town vulnerable to retaliation. And I want to say that that is the most compelling aspect of the book; the tension between her and the town as she builds up her plan in real time. It's dangerous because the NAF have no problem putting down any whiff of dissension. But Dani still can't let go of the pain and sadness of her past.
Kate also gets to have her narrative perspective as well, and while Kate is not as dynamic as Dani, she still gets some of her preconceptions knocked asunder by Dani and the townspeople. Her perspective is a nice change of pace to Dani's. While she still has her issues, she seems to be willing to see humanity in people, even folks on the side she's supposed to be fighting for. She's a humanitarian at heart, and the programming of her government didn't seem to stick with her the way even her own mother wanted it to. I like her and I like her with Dani. It'll be interesting to see what they do in the next book, because, wow that ending feels ominous.
This is looking like it'll be an awesome series. I know people might not like the dystopian aspects of the book, but I think it uses the tropes well, and gives us people we can either cheer for or root against. Also, that cliff hanger ending just got me - Dani looks to go into Beast Mode in the next book, and I am here for it.

Wasteland, book one in ‘The Badlands’ series by Kristin Keppler and Allisa Bahney is a dystopian novel set in a post-apocalyptic land that used to be The United States. This is a very different country now that it’s been ravaged by climate change, deadly pandemics, and a third world war. What is left of the population is now in a civil war between the National Armed Forces (NAF) and the Resistance which is located in the wastelands (the middle part of the old US).
The story is about two women who are on opposite sides of this war. Danielle Clark (Dani) is a semi-retired Resistance fighter, and Major Kate Turner is the daughter of the general in charge of the NAF. The two should be deadly enemies, but there is something that draws the two together.
This is a well-written, dramatic tale with good pacing, a perfectly described setting, interesting and well-developed characters, and a terrifyingly realistic story. The book is written in first person POV from the eyes of Dani and Kate. I liked that it was easy to tell whose mind I was in. Each voice is unique and shows the different personalities of the two characters. That also made it easy to connect with them.
There isn’t a lot of romance in this novel though you can see the attraction between Dani and Kate. The book actually ends on a cliffhanger which kind of made me go, “Ahhh!” at the end. Luckily, this is only the first novel in a series. I will definitely be looking for the next book. I’m invested in this story and these people. I want to know what happens next.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

A great start to a new series. There is plenty of action to keep you interested, with a good story line and well developed characters. Hello did not want to put this one down. I cannot wait to see what happens in the future books of this series.
Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This was a very interesting story. It's actually a story that I would not typically read,but decided to give it a try,and I'm glad that I did. This is a dystopian novel, with mainly one main character and a host of supporting characters. The main character DanI is part of the resistance is basically a loner who feels responsible for several characters in this story and feels that if she doesn't protect them from the militarized government, then she has failed in her mission. There is very little romance in this book, and the love interest Kate doesn't show up until maybe the 6 chapter. I liked how seamless the writing style was, because this was written by two authors, you can't really tell were one begins and the other begin, th I s was very well done. I can't wait for the next book in this series, and would definitely recommend this to my friends and family.

I love me a good dystopian story, usually, they are only reserved for the YA/NA audience but this one isn't.
Set in the near future, or at least I think so, in the US, this book has a real "Revolution" vibe to me. The stories aren't really similar but it did make me think about the 2012 TV series. If you are expecting a romance, stay away from this book. If you don't like first-person POV in the present tense, don't pick this up. I for one really like first-person POV, past or present tense and I don't mind that there isn't a romance to speak of in this book. I think the authors did a pretty good job writing this one. I am not sure how the authors divided up the book but I suspect one wrote the chapters from Dani's POV and the other from Kate's. I think I detected some flow changes between the POVs. If they didn't divide them this way they did an amazing job of changing the "feeling" from each POV. I slightly prefer Kate's POV, not because I like her character better, I like them equally, but because it just reads better.
Dani was part of the resistance but now lives a quieter life in her town. When the NAF (the army) shows up on their doorstep Dani captures them because she recognises the general's daughter, Kate. They both play mind games and try to figure out what the other, "bad", side is up to. There's a lot of battle, death, and some gruesome stuff. It's dystopian but never gets too graphic, for me at least. Somewhere over the midpoint Kate and Dani start to acknowledge that they find the other intriguing and interesting on more than a professional level. There is no romance, just some looks, maybe some flirting, but that's it.
I like the flow of the story, it never gets boring. There are some things that could have been a little tighter, repetitive lines for example (really can't stand that), but I chalk them up to newbie bumps. The book ends with a huge cliffhanger and I would happily read a second book. I am hoping Dani doesn't spiral out of control in that one, I like her character just the way she is now...
3.75 stars for these authos and a nice dystopian story

A dystopian story set in the future where civilization has been forced to adapt due to climate changes and the living conditions have changed drastically. The former USA is walled off from the rest of world and government power is in the hands of the NAF.
According to the resistance that is fighting to keep their own autonomy in the eastern states the NAF is a dictatorial entity only looking for more power and when the daughter of the NAF's leader, Kate and her squad, turn up in a small town where a former resistance member Dani is located she has to make some difficult decisions about what to do with these NAF troops.
I really liked this book, both Dani and Kate are formidable characters and even though they are brought up with opposing world views and a lot of hate for each other both women are not blind for the fact that their opinions are formed by what they have been told. They are similar in that both want to be their own women being able to make decisions based on their own experiences and they see beyond basic Resistance loyalty and NAF loyalty and instead acknowledge the human way of living where everyone can make their own choice. As it turns out both NAF and Resistance are not what they seem and the connection between Dani and Kate might be strong enough to overcome their differences.
It's a fast paced, interesting story with a believable change from hate to grudging respect and more between Dani and Kate. The end is a cliffhanger so I really hope a second book is on its way since I'm looking forward to see what will happen next.
*** An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. ***

This book is told in my least favourite type of narration - first person, present tense. But the author/s managed to do a good job. It's also told from more than one perspective, something I appreciate.
I love post apocalyptic books and the set up for this one was strong. Resistance, Armed forces, opposing sides. Wastelands and sandstorms. Solar powered vehicles (Banana's that came from God knows where in such times) and a bunch of other interesting world-building.
Unfortunately, by the halfway point, my interest waned, which was a shame really, and I can't really say why. Although, I think part of my issue was the blurb lead me to believe there would be more of a romance, even if it was of the push-pull kind. You know, the kind when tension builds. Two people on opposing sides, fighting their attraction. But the romance is more of an afterthought, and I struggle to even call it that.
Then the story ends on a cliff-hanger. It's not the size of the Grand Canyon, but it is sizeable. It's also a very good draw for those who become invested enough in this story to continue with the series.
Oh, and whoever made the cover deserves a shoutout. It's freakin' awesome.

Dani is done with the Resistance she tire and doesn’t want to continue fighting. She decides to live in the wasteland and become scavenger with her brother she thinks she can live a quiet life where doesn’t have to fight.
Dani is annoyed when the general daughter Kate comes to her door and bringing the fight with her when she and her troops are recuse.
Dani and Kate starts to get to know each other and realize what you hear about someone isn’t always accurate and starts to see each other differently.
This ok read.
I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Dystopian future, enemies-to-"I really like you, but we're on different sides of an impossible war". Fighting action, fierce loyalty, wanting to escape conflict, but conflict always finds you. First in what will be a series. I really enjoyed this book. Went out and pre-ordered a copy as soon as I was done reading my arc copy.
Dani Clark is the demon of the Resistance that all NAF children and soldiers are taught to fear. But when Kate and her troops are rescued/taken prisoner by Dani's small, off-the-map town, Kate can see that there is much more to the woman than the stories convey.
**I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

The idea of a post-apocalyptic action-romance appealed to me, but unfortunately I did not enjoy this book as much as I had hoped. The narration is often rather didactic and dry, with too much exposition, while the plot and romance are both a bit thin. It felt to me that the authors' focus was too much on moving all the pieces into place for their cliff-hanger ending (this is obviously meant as the start of a series) and the momentum and depth of this book has suffered as a result.