Member Reviews

These kinds of samplers are so helpful and useful, and I always like getting them. Thanks so much to Minotaur Books for doing these.

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I loved being able to check out a sample of these books and will definitely check out the full editions when I get the time. I’m especially looking forward to reading more of Enola Holmes and These Silent Woods as both have been on my TBR for a while.

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Great little sampler! I am so glad I was able to get a rate for a few of these books!

Four great tales.

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Loved getting a chance to read a sample of all of these books and am definitely interested in picking these up and finishing them. These Silent Woods by Kimi Cunningham Grant especially caught my attention and I will be picking this up as soon as I am able. Nancy Springler's Enola Holmes novel also seems promising. I really enjoyed Springler's writing and want to go back and read the beginning of the series before continuing.

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As if my TBR list wasn’t already ridiculously long, now I have these four Fall 2021 releases to add to it! All suspense/mystery novels, three with youngish female protagonists, they are all appealing. #NetGalley #TheMinotaurSamplerVolume3

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Whet my appetite for some great crime fiction. I’ll be looking out for a number of these! Especially interested in These Silent Woods.

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I always love this sampler! Never disappoints and it always includes titles that I can get excited about.

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In this sampler,you have six different stories to read and get a taste of different stories that will be published .This is just one of many samplers that they come out with. I like this because it gives me a example of what the story is about and then you can decide for yourself if you would like to read the whole story when it's published.. After you do read and you want more,you can find out when the whole book will be published or where you can find the book and author... Received from Net Gallery..

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Thanks Minotaur! These look excellent! I'm so excited to look at all of these books. I've always loved your content.

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Overall, I liked being able to read short beginnings for the books to see if I would like them. I got full copies of two of the books before finishing them in this collection.

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I love these samplers!! There’s always authors I’ve never heard of and would never have read if it weren’t for these samplers!

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This was an interesting array. Enola Holmes has my heart but any of these four will be worth the read.

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Wow is all I have to say to this sampler. These are definitely a tease for the full books. An excellent grouping of four nail-biting books in one sampler, just enough of each novel to tease you and pique your interest. I definitely must read them all. I have not read Enola Holmes but based on this teaser I will be adding to my TBR list. These samplers are a great way to meet new authors, expand reading selection as well as explore new genres. Will definitely be on the look out for these great reads!.

Thanks so much to St. Martins Press- Minotaur Books!

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I love these samplers! I always find books to add to my TBR. Out of this sampler I am adding The Silent Woods and The Transcriber to my list. I can’t wait to see what happens next in these books.

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This was my first experience with The Minotaur Sampler and I wasn't disappointed with the decision to download it. Each sampler contained, at least, three chapters from each of the following books.

Hello, Transcriber – the debut novel by Hannah Morrissey

Every night, while the street lamps shed the only light on Wisconsin's most crime-ridden city, police transcriber Hazel Greenlee listens as detectives divulge Black Harbor's gruesome secrets. As an aspiring writer, Hazel believes that writing a novel could be her only ticket out
of this frozen hellscape. Then her neighbor confesses to hiding the body of an overdose victim in a dumpster. {excerpt taken from inside e-book}

The first chapter began with “I shouldn't be here.”
The main character, Hazel Greenlee, begins to share why... interwoven with pieces of her day.
One part being, she accepted the job as a police transcriber. Said job described as violent and graphic in nature by one of the interviewers. This doesn't bother Hazel, in the least.

From the very first page, you feel the desperation in Black Harbor... with it's lack of jobs and crime filled streets. There's something sinister lurking just around the corner was how it felt to me.

By the third chapter, I'd started to wonder about certain characters... are they up to something or am I super suspicious?

Yes, this one peaked my interest! I plan to continue the story when Hello, Transcriber debuts on November 11, 2021.

These Silent Woods by Kimi Cunningham Grant

For eight years, Cooper and his young daughter, Finch, have lived in isolation in a remote cabin in the northern Appalachian woods. And that's exactly the way Cooper wants it, because he's got a lot to hide. Finch has been raised on the books filling the cabin's shelves and the
beautiful but brutal code of life in the wilderness. But she's starting to push back against the
sheltered life Cooper has created for her – and he's still haunted by the painful truth of what it took to get them there. {excerpt taken from inside e-book}

The synopsis, alone, had my interest peaked!
Plus there's always something about living off the grid, rural/woods/mountain settings and unusual upbringings which captivate me.

Definitely, want to find out what happens with Finch and Cooper... present day and in the past. Awaiting this one to arrive on October 26, 2021

The Missing Hours by Julia Dahl

From a distance, Claudia Castro has it all: a famous family, a trust fund, thousands of Instagram followers, and a spot in NYU's freshman class. But look closer, and things are messier: her parents are separating, she's just been humiliated by a sleazy documentary, and her sister is about to have a baby with a man she barely knows.{excerpt taken from inside e-book}

This one had a rough start and, barely, scratched the surface of the blurb above.

The story is being told from three points of view {Claudia, her sister Edie and fellow college student, Trevor} and each had individual issues they were dealing with.

Despite being well written, this one didn't hook me like the previous two.

The Missing Hours will be available September 14, 2021

Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche by Nancy Springer

Enola Holmes is the much younger sister of her more famous brothers, Sherlock and Mycroft.
But she has all the wits, skills, and sleuthing inclinations of them both. At fifteen, she's an independent young woman – after all, her name spelled backwards reads 'alone' – and living on her own in London {excerpt taken from inside e-book}

I've watched, and enjoyed, the Netflix series so this title caught my eye.

The book begins with a prologue written by Sherlock Holmes, 1889... who comes across rather jerk like {to put it mildly, but what else would you expect from Mr Holmes?} as he recounts tales of his younger sister, Enola.

Moving to Chapter the First, we hear from Enola herself and Dr. John Watson makes an appearance, along with other familiar characters.

Before the sampler ends, we see the prospect of a new case to be solved.

Probably would start the Enola Holmes series with book one and catch up to this one, which is labeled as book eight. Though I believe they are stand alone stories.

Definitely, enjoyed reading this sampler and adding a few more books to my reading list.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley.
A positive review was not required. These are my honest thoughts.

Thank you to the publisher, author and NetGalley for this opportunity!

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These books were stunning I have really enjoyed reading them thank you so very much for the advance copies!

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The Minotaur Sampler, Volume 3

I’m counting myself lucky to have received an ARC to review for books coming out in fall, 2021. What a perfect way to find a book you’ll love.

Four previews, all mysteries, made it hard to find a favorite. Hello Transcriber, These Silent Woods, The Missing Hours, and Enola Holmes were the four great picks in volume 3.

Don’t pass up this sampler to find your pick for a good read or two for those chilly fall afternoons.

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I always look forward to these Minotaur Sampler Books and this Volume 3 did not disappoint! My only problem is wanting to read all the books mentioned and my TBR stack is leaning over....however I really liked two of the ones mentioned. The Missing Hours about Claudia Castro a missing freshman caught my eye. Then Hello Transcriber had me hooked about a police woman named Hazel who listens to crime secrets in the middle of the night. These are teasers for sure - thanks to Net Galley for these samplers!

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I love reading excerpts from books, especially those that are due to release soon-ish or later in the year— reading just enough to entice me—then—stopping to request the book on NetGalley and/or clicking Order link at the end of each if I have money in my Need/Want/MustHave BookFund.



Books that I have requested thus far from NetGalley/Want To Purchase are:

ALL OF THEEEEMM!! Shocking, I know!;)

Hannah Morrissey’s HELLO, TRANSCRIBER 

I LOVE Morrissey’s Writing! Here is a snippet:

‘It called to me like a siren that day and has every day since. I was already halfway across when I suddenly felt its railroad ties beneath my feet, and I stared for the first time into the cruel black below. Everything went silent, then, as the river demanded something of me. Just one piece. A tribute in exchange for it letting me remain above its obsidian surface.’

Kimi Cunningham Grant’s - THESE SILENT WOODS – My Heart!

Julia Dahl’s – THE MISSING HOURS – My Heart! 

Nancy Springer’s - ENOLA HOLMES AND THE BLACK BAROUCHE – I cannot wait to read this one. I love Enola already!

~Available On Amazon~

~The Minotaur Sampler Volume 3 - eBook Is Free!~

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I always love that Minotaur offers these samplers. Gives the perfect amount of a preview for each book so I get to know the writing style and story.

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