Member Reviews

** I received this ARC curtesy of NetGalley - all thoughts and opinions are my own**
This collection of essays was thoughtful and engaging. In many cases I found myself relating to the texts, which caused for further reflection and allowed me to explore emotions I have been avoiding/hadnt considered expressing.
Easy and quick read but enjoyable.

a heartfelt book of loss, grief and instability. Very emotive and like a big warm hug. Some absolutely gorgeous illustrations too.

I don't LOVE rhyme in poetry, but this title is still endearing in it's lyricism. It touches womanhood, feminism, humanity, love and many other areas that laced together to form a lovely, short work. I enjoyed the addition of some visual aspects which served to break up the flow of things, but in a good way.

Book Review, “Encapsulated Emotions” by Rha Arayal
*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review from the publisher and Netgalley.*
There are a lot of poems that explore feminism, love, acceptance, understanding, and even the decay of emotions.
This collection was somewhat simplistic, but it was better than most of the minimalistic poetry I've read in the past.
The author seems to be very creative, but her ability to put out her best work is hindered by her strict adherence to rhyming. I love a good rhyming poem but I felt like some of the poems on here, the word was only chosen because it rhymed rather than it being the best word to fit the actual poem.
I'm not saying that the collection was bad, as the imagery was vivid and there were a few standout lines I loved here and I liked some of the themes touched upon, but these poems weren’t as impactful as I they could have been.
'Goodbye, grandmother' was one of the stronger pieces in the collection because it really showed the author’s potential. You could tell it was personal and that made it powerful. She didn’t constrain herself to rhyming and she used more of a free-verse style and it really displayed her potential.
I’m not disappointed that I read this, but it’s not something I would read again.

Nothing new to see here... I think Rupi Kaur traumatized me.
Topics covered without much originality or I'm fed up with this type of book.

Poetry has a way to my soul that allows me to feel things I normally would set aside, but she wrote this brilliantly. The rhyming, different stances, and different entry points was planned exquisitely.

Such a quick and easy read. I loved the words used and the poetry created in this book. Definitely a must read for anyone who loves modern poetry.

Encapsulated Emotions by Rha Arayal is full of deeply personal, raw, and beautifully written poetry. I enjoyed the author's honesty and vulnerability as we learned about her life and struggles. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys poetry.

Interestingly written, had great depth to each poem. You can tell the author catptured what what in their sold as well as what reader feel, showing we all feel and have words.
I recommend this to any poetry reader, writer, lover!

Thank you NetGally for allowing me to review this book.
I honestly enjoyed most of the piece that this book presented. The powerful message that it emphasized (feminism, nature, racism and the likes) is truly impactful.
However, the collection can also be overall cliché and also repetitive.
Overall, I did enjoy this

I really enjoyed this collection of poems that hit close to home. Sometimes too close, that's why I really needed time to process.
On the other hand, I don't know how to explain but some poems felt... of, too out of place and cliche, that's why I did not give this collection, a 5/5. But I still highly recommand it because it was really well written!
The art throughout the collection was so good I really loved it!

I really liked this poetry book, some poems spoke to me and others didn’t. I thought some poems sounded cliche/cheesy. While others really resonated with me to the point I would tear up. I really loved the writing and can’t wait to see this authors future products.

I enjoyed this book of poems. I felt like I could relate to a lot of the poems. I also loved the little drawings throughout the book.

Poetry books are my kryptonite when it comes to reading. There are several different ways that a poetry book can go and this book was both personal and global at the same time. The subjects of the poems range from more personal topics like self-image, social media image and also more global topics like womanhood, feminism, white privilege and global warming. However, the poems still feel personal and relatable when it comes to those subjects.
This book is what you could call a quick and easy read, but it is also thought-provoking. I definitely recommend this book.

This was a pretty good poetry collection! I liked all the themes the author covered but I liked a few of the more abstract ones as well. My favourite poems were polluted bloodstream, melancholy moon do you cry too?, ocean of forgotten names, and champagne rain!
While I did like this book I also had some problems with it. I don’t know if I maybe just didn’t fully understand it but breaking the book down into three parts felt like a great idea but then I couldn’t differentiate why some poems were in one part as opposed to the other, especially when sometimes poems would - to me - fee like they had the same overall theme but would be presented in different parts of the book. It was just a little confusing. As well, I didn’t love how the rhyming scheme would jump around from paragraph to paragraph; it made some of the poems harder to follow. other than that I thought it was pretty good! I think it would be a good gateway for young readers to get into poetry!

This book was good in certain ways, but lacking in others. I feel as though some of the poems only existed for the sake of filling pages, I did enjoy certain poems such as Letter to my Student Self and would love to see more like it. I wish the author the best of luck on her release, but this book was just not for me.

Unfortunately, I couldn't really connect with any of the poems in Encapsulated Emotions by Rhea Arayal. Most of the illustrations weren't great either, but I really liked the one that accompanied the poem "the girl/the ghost."

2.5 ✨
Unfortunately, I couldn't really connect with any of the poems in Encapsulated Emotions by Rhea Arayal. Most of the illustrations weren't great either, but I really liked the one that accompanied the poem "the girl/the ghost."
The two poems I enjoyed the most were "cold world, warm heart" and "dear humanity."
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

I thought the cover and the illustrations were really cool. There were lines and themes from this collection of poetry that did standout to me and truly resonated with me, but unfortunately those were few and far between. I just feel as though a lot of times the need to rhyme outweighed the actual translation. I think that maybe this wasn't the collection of poetry for me, but I do plan on reading more from this author in the future in hopes I do find a collection that I can connect to a little bit more. I do appreciate being given the chance to read.

This collection of poems perfectly encapsulated the whimsical , fairytale aroma that I love in poetry!
I adored how the book touched upon so many important topics. A few of them being mental health, love, and heart break whilst maintaining the same feeling throughout each poem.
"Change Is Coming" and " "To My Best Friend" are definitely my favourite poems from the whole collection. They hit so close to home and are written so beautifully.
from the front cover to the insides of the pages the art was absolutely adorable. So to say the least I definitely really appreciated those doodles being placed throughout the book!
Overall I think this is a wonderful read for any lovers of poetry and you should defiantly pick it up on July 7th when It releases