Member Reviews

Lockdown on London Lane centers on a block of flats in London that have been forced to quarantine for a week in the early days of the Covid pandemic. Very Love Actually/Valentine's Day-esque, the book is broken up into the days of the week and chronicles the lives of the inhabitants (and sometimes guests) of five different flats and the ways in which their lives intertwine throughout the quarantine. The book is marketed at short stories, but I would categorize this as a multi=perspective novel.

The concept was really interesting. A little on-the-nose for the current climate, it was kind of the perfect setting for a book like this. There were definitely characters and stories that were more intriguing than others, but that seems like par for the course for most multi-perspective novels.

However, I do think it could have used another pass or two in the story-building and editing phase. There were times when I felt reordering the different flat perspectives within each chapter would have helped the story to flow and create more organic connections between the characters. I also found that some of the grammar and formatting choices weren't consistent throughout the novel. This may have been a mindful choice to differentiate characters and story lines, but it took me out of the story at certain moments.

All in all, if you're looking for a light and quick romantic read, this fits the bill. I would also say this would likely be most popular with a late teens to early 20s audience.

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This story was cute and entertaining, but I feel like I would have enjoyed it more if they had been stuck in the building for any other reason. I just am not sure it isn’t too soon for a Covid-19 rom-com. I did like the cast of characters and felt that they were diverse and interesting. One Sunday a small apartment complex wakes up to find notices of a strict 7 day quarantine. This doesn’t sound too horrible, but it resulted in some couples being separated and some being forced together for too long too soon. Liv had her best friend and the rest of the bridal party over for a wedding planning weekend which starts out well, but too many girls not enough space and wedding planning creates tension. Imogen had a one night stand with a boy whose name she forget and when she attempts to sneak out the morning after she has to turn back around and ask to stay the week. Ethan’s girlfriend had been visiting her family and isn’t allowed back in and he’ll have to adjust to life without her. The relationship issues were filled with humor and were all interesting.

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4 Stars

Release Date: February 1, 2022

Imagine attempting to sneak out of a one-night stand’s apartment, only to be stopped by a locked door and a note alerting all residents that the building has been put on lockdown for a week.

Lockdown on London Lane, written by Beth Reekles, tells the story of 5 different apartments in a building locked down at the beginning of a pandemic. Relationships are formed, tested, and even cemented in a week full of highs and lows.

While many people will turn to books to escape the reality of COVID-19, this book is an example of how to write about a pandemic and still provide escapism. When I first began reading this book, my mind was instantly transported back to March 2020 when the pandemic first began. It was a time of uncertainty, but there was also a strange sense of calmness and solidarity in those early days. Reekles managed to capture a sense of nostalgia of those times before the virus turned into a political weapon.

For me, the book was a quick and easy read, perfect for a lazy snow day. As long as you have no issues with reading a fiction book set in the midst of a pandemic, I would absolutely recommend this as a sweet, fun read.

I want to thank Wattpad Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book before it comes out!

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This book in 3 words: Alluring. Sweet. Chaotic.

Lockdown on London Lane follows the story of 5 different couples or groups of people forced to quarantine together.

This was an enjoyable read. Obviously, touching on the state of a pandemic-ish world, but tackling some of the early stages we're long past. Some of the character interactions and thoughts are so relatable and relevant... it's hard not to laugh or even feel a twinge of anxiety.

The writer is certainly talented, with the ability to craft 5 unique character sets/storylines, that somehow lightly come together at the end. I do feel like there were probably 1 too many of these storylines and 4 would've been enough. I will say... Imogen and Nate were my absolute favorite and I'd read another book with these 2 characters.

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This was a quick, funny, heavily character based book. It focuses on 4 separate couples stuck inside their apartments after they’re notified of someone in their building has Covid.

Imogen and Nate were my favourite characters and I could have done with an entire story just based on them but overall it wasn’t too much to handle with so many characters as I initially thought it would.

The story takes place over the span of a week and the ending leaves a lot to be desired.

Overall I enjoyed it enough!

*Thanks NetGalley and Wattpad books for the ARC. These are my honest thoughts. *

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This book was a total five-star for me. Not only was the writing excellent, but the plot was novel and interesting. You get the point of view of five different apartment dwellers who are locked down for a week in their building, with whoever happened to be in their apartment with them at the time. There was a good variety of relationships and personalities, which kept it interesting and engaging. I was rooting for every single character the entire week, and the wrap-up of what was happening in each apartment by the end of the week was just perfect. I laughed out loud and I teared up. This was a great romance novel times five!

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Lockdown on London Lane was a solid 3 star read for me. I was nervous about reading a COVID/ quarantine book because it feels like COVID is still very much on the forefront of everyone mind and all over the media. I LOVED the use of multiple POVS in this story and how unique their situations were. I would’ve loved to see a couple immediately having a great time and very positive because I felt like many of the characters were very negative. Overall it was an easy read, and it brought me back to the beginning of the pandemic and the uncertainty and range of preparation in those first few months.

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I honestly did not expect to like or even want to read a book about this pandemic, but here we are with this pleasant surprise!
Perhaps it's because we have made it through the worst part of this pandemic, and most of us are vaccinated. Still, this book was a weirdly exciting story with a mixture of likeable and unlikeable characters as they are lockdown in an apartment building at the beginning of quarantine.

This story is heavily character-driven as we go through a week of quarantine with the characters and how they do with the lockdown (some strive and others .... lose it); the story shows how a lot of us came to realize what we want, need or can't live with anymore - basically, it put things in perspective. The book was authentic and did it so well, and it almost felt like it was a tv show of the pandemic.

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This book is a terrific one for those that like stories where a group of people are forced into lock-down only to realize that they may not be feeling, or maybe they are, what they thought there were before being stuck with themselves and each other 24/7.
When an urgent notice is given to the residents and their guests in an apartment complex type thing on London Lane a handful of assorted people are thrust into seven days they never saw coming.
Imogen and Nate were simply going to be a one night stand, at least that’s what she was thinking when she tried to sneak away after a night only to be told she wasn’t allowed to leave. So it looks like they have the next six days to figure things out.
Then you have Ethan and Charlotte. They were happily together when Charlotte went out and, imagine their surprises, when she was told she wasn’t allowed back in. For them, they have to see what distance will do to their relationship.
In another apartment, Zach and Serena have been in a relationship for the past four years but then the topic of pineapple on pizza comes up. They really have to sort out what is going to happen with them and, lucky for them, they have a few days to do nothing else but be in each others company.
Liv was planning a simple weekend of having all the bridesmaids and the future bride over to make all the decorations and talk about the wedding. All would have been going just fine, that is until they are now stuck together and the entire party starts falling apart.
Lastly there is Isla and Danny. They are a new couple and this will most definitely be one heck of a test to their brand new romance. One that will throw a budding romance into what it would feel like to be all in.
This is a good story. I enjoyed the writing style and the story in general. There were times when I found myself drifting in and out of the story. The problem was that while I was reading it I was enjoying it but when I put it down it didn’t call to be picked back up. If that makes sense.
The idea of this story is one that works so well. People being thrown together without escape, along with romance and humor, always makes for a good story. The characters were well written and fun for the most part and was one that I will likely revisit again someday for another read.

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Thank you NetGalley for this arc !

I thought this book was unique. The title is what brought me in. Basically they have to quarantine for seven days with whoever’s in their apt. Things get interesting. I would totally recommend this book!

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I loved this super fun, timely and oddly realistic romcom by Beth Rickles. An apartment building on London Lane is required to enter a lockdown due to a COVID case in the building and the multiple POV stories start from there. I loved all the characters and the scenarios they found themselves in for the 7 days of quarantine. The characters were required to quarantine in the building, even if they were only there as guests, which made for interesting room mates. Relationships were made, relationships were lost but in the end, lockdown ended and all survived!

Thank you for the chance to review this eARC.

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After living in a pandemic for nearly 2 years, I was equal parts nervous and excited about reading this book. The whole notion of being in lockdown still hits too close to home. HOWEVER, I had nothing to worry about and this book was incredible. I laughed and cried. You truly fall in love with each of the characters and go through the journey of lockdown with them.

Reekles does an awesome job following the 5 flats on London Lane that are now stuck inside. Friendships and relationships are tested as everyone tries to make it through the week. This book was absolutely worth the hype!! It was my first Beth Reekles book but it will not be my last :)

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Lockdown on London Lane by Beth Reekles was such a cute story! It explores the lives of people living in five different flats in London during the pandemic lockdown and it was good!

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One morning the people living in the apartment building on London Lane each get a piece of paper stuck under their door informing them that they are quarantines in the building for the next seven days because of the pandemic. This is at the very beginning stage of the pandemic, and comes as a complete shock to everyone.

The book is then told in almost a Love Actually form where we see into the lives of several different apartment dwellers. Nate had a one night stand with a woman he met on a dating app, who he is now stuck in lockdown with for an entire week. Ethan's longtime girlfriend has left their apartment overnight to visit her parents, and now can't get back into their home. Liv was hosting a weekend get together with the bridesmaids for her best friend's wedding, and now has an extra long stay set. Zach and Serena get into an argument over pizza toppings that could be the end of their four year relationship. As each set of people settle into the strange situation, realtionships are tested, friendships are put to the test, and new beginnings are born.

I enjoyed this book so much more than I thought I would. I anticipated having difficulty keeping track of so many different plot lines and characters, but the author has really seamlessly woven all the stories together. So many interesting situations were delved into with respect to being quarantined in a small space with strangers, friends, and even people who've known each other for years. What a great look at how the pandemic helped to shape, strengthen, and break realtionships and spirits when you can't function in the same sense of normalcy that we've been used to.

Thank you to Wattpad Books for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and the author, Beth Reekles for providing me with this ARC.

This story was truly unique due to the fact that this was set in quarantine in the start of the pandemic. But, I don’t want to dwell on those dark days. This story was funny and cute. Locked inside, no one in and no one out - I knew this was going to be an interesting book from the start.

The characters stories and backstory were interesting to watch unfold over a week. One night stands lasting way longer than they should, a bridal party sleepover that was pushing the limits, a relationship on the rocks, new relationships being tested, couples separated and learning how they truly feel about each other - you can’t help but get attached.

This was definitely a cute, slower read for me - but nonetheless a book I'd recommend to readers if they wanted a romantic comedy.

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I really enjoyed this book. I was worried that it would hit too close to home being a « pandemic » read but the « unique” approach to the structure really made it what it was and I think the author really captured the mood of those first few weeks of COVID.

Her characters are well developed and fun. I think my preferred apartment would have been Danny and Isla but I also enjoyed and related to Zach and Serena.

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As I mentioned in my mid-book review on Instagram, I never thought I'd be reading books about the trials and tribulations of COVID-19... like I most of the time read to escape... and those I was reading about some entirely different situations (that thankfully, I didn't have to experience) I never dreamt of escaping my reality to read of someone else's "not-so-fictional" reality... Beth Reekles should have classified this book as a Historical Fiction, technically speaking.

I'm deciding to give it 4/5 stars instead 5/5 stars, because though I could pick up some contemporary romance vibes, I definitely was expecting a more catastrophic breakup to emerge from the outbursts that occurred. I also would have loved for the text to be a bit longer, seeing as how just a week in lockdown hasn't even been the worst of it. Regardless it was a great read and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to take a sneak glance/read-through of it, in accordance with BookishFirst, Beth Reekles, and WattPad Books.

Thank you again!

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When I first saw the premise I almost didn't want to read this, because who wants to read about romance in a pandemic when you're LIVING THROUGH A PANDEMIC? I am glad that I did though, because I really enjoyed it. The book focuses on different couples at different stages in their relationships who are all thrown together for a week's lockdown when someone in the apartment complex tests positive for COVID. It would bounce between characters to give us some insight into how they were doing. Honestly I could see this being a rom com movie.. I would definitely watch!

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I loved this story! Even though we aren’t through with the pandemic, I found it interesting reading about lockdown from a different perspective!

It was fun reading about different apartments of people being unexpectedly locked down together for a week and the trials and obstacles they went through. Not all stories were happy, but some came with some big realizations that were enjoyable to witness!!!

I think this will be a story that will be looked back on with a “we lived through that” moment. I would read it again and will be grabbing a copy for myself!!!

Thank you to Wattpad Books, Beth Reekles, and Netgalley for a gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I've read Beth's Kissing Booth books and I was interested in seeing her foray into the New Adult category. Overall, I liked this book! I enjoyed all the different characters and love stories, and I thought the ending where they all interconnected was sweet. It did read a little fan-fic-y to me, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it flows nicely and makes it easy to read and connect with the characters. Fair warning, there are a lot (a lot) of pop culture references in this book. This is strictly a personal thing, but I don't like a lot of pop culture references in books as I feel that it takes me out of the story. I also feel that it ages the story. Along with that, I personally don't enjoy reading about covid, since I like to read to escape life rather than relive a pretty stressful time of it. I did enjoy the way the author portrayed everyone's emotions and confusion during the beginning of the pandemic, when this book takes place. Overall, I think it was a cute story, and I did like all the different types of relationships shown, including a wlw couple.

**Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC copy**

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