Member Reviews

Thanks to #Netgalley and the publisher for an e-arc of Lockdown on London Lane in exchange for an honest review.
I read this over the course of one day, but not in one sitting. At first the setting, an apartment building forced into lockdown after a resident contracts a rapidly spreading virus, made me some what anxious. This was a shock to me. I've read other pandemic setting books with no trouble. Maybe it is because of the timeframe in which I read it...late December 2021, when we're going through another surge. So if you find that pandemic setting stories are anxiety inducing, give this a pass.
I, however, continued to read, because I was hooked on the stories of the people living in five different apartments while on lockdown. Their stories grabbed me and from the 50% mark, I could not put it down. The stories include: a couple waking up after a one night stand, a starry eyed couple one month into a new relationship, a couple in a relationship that is four years old and long past the honeymoon phase, a long term relationship in which one partner is locked out of the apartment for the week long lockdown, and lastly, a group of four women who were together for a weekend of wedding planning. Each story was unique and held my interest. I enjoyed the characters and felt that the events and struggles each group went through were realistic given the pressure cooker of emotions of living through a lockdown.
It is a fun rom-com read, highly recommended for anyone who enjoys their romance with sweet and cute storylines.

"Lockdown on London Lane" by Sharon Thompson Production is a new author to this reader. As I began to read this novel, I found it hard to get into one of those cozy cup of tea reads that I was hoping this one would be for me. It started out quite drab for me as there are too many points of views in the book but it is about individuals being locked behind closed doors during a pandemic. I had a hard time keeping up with the characters but found some parts of the story witty and some of the characters funny. It is ironic how you can picture yourself in some of the situations/relationships during a pandemic because you experienced it first hand at the beginning. A bit slow for me but overall a genuinely good plot and pretty nice read.
Thank you NetGalley and Wattpad for this ARC in exchange for my fair and honest opinion. All opinions are my own.

I unfortunately did not enjoy this novel as much as I had hoped. Although I think it is a very clever idea, I don't think that I was ready for a romanticized version of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I didn't love the execution of the story. Perhaps if it had been a little bit more realistic and less of a sugar-coated version of the pandemic, it could have been more engaging to the reader. You may like this story if you enjoy novels that you don't have to think too hard about when you are reading them.

I wasn't sure I'd be ready for a Covid book yet, but this one actually surpassed all expectations.
In Lockdown on London Lane, we follow a group of tenants who are all locked in their apartment building for a week due to someone in the building testing positive. We see the stories of about five different apartments, who are all tied together in some way but kept fairly separate given the lockdown. We see relationships go in every possible direction, with an unexpected ending that brings the whole building together.
It definitely gives very early pandemic vibes, which is why I think I was able to stomach it. I remember the complete uncertainty at the beginning when none of us had any idea what was going on. I feel like we know so much more now that I felt separated from this period of naivety and could focus on the story.
Thank you to NetGalley, BookishFirst, and the publisher for an advance copy of this book!

~ Great, easy read! ~
I really enjoyed this book! It was so fun and addicting to read and had me eagerly turning the page to find out what happened next!
It took me a little while to figure out who was who as there is a rather large cast, but once I did, it was easy to follow along with the branching narratives. I do think it was hard at times to be invested in all the stories as I think two stole the spotlight and left me wanting more from the others. (Though I think it’s personal opinion which stories you think are interesting)
Ethan and Charlotte’s narrative definitely had me the most intrigued and I really loved how it played out! The ending moment was really sweet and very rewarding! I also really liked Imogen and Nate’s arc too! Although I was hesitant to like Imogen’s character at first, her emotional journey with Nate was really well done and swayed me over to liking her!
I still really liked the other stories, but they seemed just a little less interesting than the two mentioned above (but again I’ve seen different stories being liked so I think it’s more a personal opinion)
Overall though, this was a fun read as I always enjoy a good contemporary romance and I was left satisfied and happy with all the warm romance feelings!
CWs ~ frequent strong language and some innuendo throughout the story (nothing overly explicit or graphic though)
*** I received a free ebook copy from the published in an exchange for an honest review and all thoughts and opinions are my own ***

I never got to this one. After what I was hearing from Booktubers who's opinions I tend to agree with, I lost interest in it.

First and foremost, if you are having any pandemic anxiety, this book is not for you. I want to make that clear. I happened to read this one toward the end of November this year (2021) and I found it to be cute and almost like a “throwback” to March 2020. However, fast forward to end of December and things are feeling a bit more restrictive again and to be honest, I doubt I would’ve enjoyed this book as much now. So, I would recommend reading it if and when you feel ready to read a book that is 100% centered around being on lockdown due to the pandemic.
I personally found it hard to get into initially. There are so many point of view in the book, but gosh darn, as I kept reading, I wanted to know more. I also know I’m enjoying a book when I can’t help but tell half the plot to my poor unsuspecting friend. But actually, I spent half the ride in the car and most of the time at the coffee shop blabbering on about the different stories and how I could relate to each one just a bit.
What I particularly liked was this book made me realize what positives did exist for me during the pandemic and what I learned about myself. There are so many things I didn’t appreciate prior to the pandemic and now I’m grateful every day. The book isn’t particularly deep, but rather the topic is relatable.
I couldn’t even begin to tell you who I enjoyed the most, because I really enjoyed them all. We all have our stories from the past two years. This collection of fictional stories is far-fetched at best, but who cares, it’s fiction. Creative license is allowed!

Thank you net galley for the advance reader copy of this novel. I didn't finish this novel as there was too much language in it for me to try to continue. I so wanted to love this book based on the premise. Not for me due to the language and content.

To be honest, I debated reading this book because it’s so soon after we were all in lockdown, but I was pleasantly surprised and would read it all over again.
When the management places the residents in quarantine for a week, tenants are left to deal with with life as it was when at the exact moment management made the decision. With people being forced to spend a week apart or with a virtual stranger, or even having to spend a full seven days with their partner, the residents of each apartment face their own challenges. What will the end of quarantine bring for them as they go through a week of this?
I found this book to be so intriguing and heartfelt that I couldn’t put it down. My initial hesitation almost made me pass on reading this one, but I am SO glad that I did and highly recommend it.

TW - Okay, I’ll give it to you straight. If you’re having pandemic anxiety, I probably wouldn’t read this at any point in the near future.
When I read the description for this, I thought it sounded fantastic but unfortunately, this one wasn’t for me so much - I had a rough time getting into the gist of this novel; I found it slow moving and I never felt a connection to any of the characters.

Lockdown on London Lane was a fun read. This is the first pandemic rom-com I have read and I was initially a little wary about it, but I absolutely loved it! Following five apartments of residents through a week long building lockdown made for wonderful rom-com stakes, especially for the couple stuck together after a one night stand got extended far longer than they were expecting. The writing is fresh and funny. The scenarios and issues the couples faced were realistic. I found myself laughing out loud multiple times while reading.
I was invested in all the couples, but my only wish was that we could have spent a little more time with each of them, so maybe the book could have done with less couples and more in depth storylines for each. The only storyline that felt somewhat out of place was the wedding party because all the other storylines were about couples and that one was about a friendship, which made it seem like a side story rather than a main story.
Overall, I would recommend Lockdown on London Lane for all rom-com lovers. It's a delightful adult fiction debut and I'm looking forward to reading more of this author's adult fiction in the future.
Thank you to Netgalley and Wattpad Books for providing me with an ARC of Lockdown On London Lane in exchange for an honest review.

This is an all around fun book! Very realistic, but still good. Only downfall is there’s a lot of characters, it’s hard to keep track at times.

This book was sent to me electronically for review by Netgalley. It is innovative in that the author writes from the voices of various characters in lockdown due to a pandemic. We can relate to this story. The characters are realistic and at times, somewhat comical. Sometimes too realistic, but that is the basis for this unusual book. This author has woven an innovative detailed plot for readers who enjoy a quick read...try this one...

Overall, there were some good points and bad points. I loved Ethan and Charlotte. I also liked Nate and Imogen (I think that was her name?)
The other couples were kind of meh. And the bridal party was honestly the worst part. I didn’t like any of those plot points and they felt a little out of place with all the other romance going on.
There were honestly just too many characters. A lot of them felt really similar too. Sometimes I’d be like “oh it’s this girl” and it was actually a different one. Sigh. If they had cut the bridal party, I think overall the book would have been better. The four other couples were mostly fine - but Isla and Imogen… you really going to give us two I names for MC’s??
I did really enjoy some parts like I said which is why this got back up to 3 stars by the end. Ethan is a sweetheart and he kind of gets a star just for himself.

A perfect book for lovers of contemporary romance, or those big Hollywood movies where there’s a bunch of different stories happening — think Love, Actually. I finished this story in one day, because each of the perspectives drew me in so completely!
I really appreciated that there were relationships at all different places, all different styles, all different personalities. It felt very honest, whether it was real talks about the future or one person’s fear of passing gas in front of their boyfriend for the first time. I think most people will be able to find at least one character that they can deeply relate to in this story.

This book ticked a lot of my boxes. I love rom coms set in London, and this one was lots of fun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, though at times it felt a bit long. I think a strength of this book was that it was able to incorporate the reality of the pandemic in a way that was both realistic and somehow playful. As I read I could definitely see the scenes playing out like a movie, especially the ending which felt particularly cinematic. I'd recommend this book to other rom com lovers, or anyone who loves a romantic movie.

This was Love Actually but in a book, and during lockdown. 5 apartments go into chaos due to a week’s lockdown. Couples forced to spend every second together, newly dating ones, one night stands prolonged, fighting friends and more.
I went through a lot of emotions reading this and while at times I felt confused or even a bit doubtful about how every story would turn out, I’m happy to say the story worked out great.
What I liked:
- In general, the stages in which all couples/groups are. We see vastly different mishaps, which makes each little plot very unique.
- Imogen and Nate: Opposites in every sense. Loved their interactions and their dynamics were so fun. I would’ve read a book solely of them.
- Danny and Isla: from dating one month where everything is perfect to having to live together (the fart scene made my day LOL). It was very sweet and realistic too.
- Serena and Zach: I’m a sucker for second chance romance. Also loved that she was curvy/plus-size. The angst was great and their resolution felt very mature and real.
What could’ve been better:
- God. The pandemic. Too soon!!! Ethan’s panic sent ME into a panic about it. Couldn’t it have been a lockdown because of a gas leak?? Help a girl out here.
- At the beginning, 5 different storylines was a bit munch. It got confusing at times until I got deeper into each story. Ethan’s was unnecessary until the very end (but his resolution was cute).
- The writing felt very American (which is totally ok) but it wasn’t necessary to make it happen in London Lane imo.
For fans of Love Actually, New Years Eve, and every other romcom movie with stories where all characters are somehow connected and have internal realizations & growth, this is the perfect book for you.

Loved this. So funny and heartfelt. Only reason why I gave it four stars was the flow was wonky to the point it messed with my reading and there was one story we follow that does not end in a HEA. I think you can intuit that the couple will get there, but I wish that it had been clearly shown/stated before the end of the book.
"Lockdown on London Lane" follows several people who are locked up in their building for 7 days after an exposure to COVID-19. The building supervisor refuses to let anyone enter or leave besides food and other deliveries. This leads to several people having an eye-opening experience about what matters to them.
We follow Ethan and Charlotte who are happily living together. But Ethan wonders about the future after Charlotte is locked out of their place. Zach and Serena have been together for 4 years, but after Zach orders something that she was not suspecting, Serena wonders where they go from here. Liv agrees to host a little bridal party at her place, and then when everyone is locked into her place, she wonders whether she will be able to survive 7 days with 3 other women living in her space. Isla has been dating Danny for just a month, and she thinks he's the one. Until he ends up being forced to stay with her for 7 days. Imogen has what she thinks is just a one night stand, until she gets told she can't leave the building. Back she goes to the apartment with a man whose name she can't recall (Nate).
Favorite couple/persons were honestly Ethan and Liv. Ethan realizing how much he cares/loves Charlotte and misses her was great to read. Liv has my sword, because I would have called my best friend out for being a Bridezilla too. And God help me. I would have lost it with being stuck inside with 3 other people for 7 days.
Indifferent feelings towards Zach and Serena. Sorry, her whole thing about Zach was insane. At least the book pivoted to that later on. But I got tired of reading about them. Also going to say Isla and Danny taking off those honeymoon glasses were hilarious.
I honestly didn't care for Imogen and Nate too much. She seemed and was still flighty. I don't know. I liked the others storylines much better than this one.
The writing was good, but the flow was off here and there. I think juggling this many characters was a bit rough in a few places. But I liked it. I will say though that I thought that quarantine was 10 days? I was surprised at the 7 day thing. I guess that was UK procedures.
The setting of the building and other people's individual places was good.
The ending for most of these people works out wonderfully.

Ahh! This is SO good! 4.75 ⭐️
I found myself reading this super slow because I just wanted to stay with these wonderful characters for as long as possible. I could relate to almost every person in some aspect which I love. There were so many laugh out loud moments throughout.
Also, I think it is super unfair for people to give this book a low rating because the book is about the pandemic. If that is not what you want to read about, that’s okay! The book is not for you, but it does not make it a bad book. It’s beautifully written and extremely relatable. I’ll be thinking about this one of a while.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC of this book!

The premise is all about Covid. It took a moment for me to be in the head space or mood to want to read about fictional characters living our real life scenario.
Once I did though I found this novel delightful. I loved the multiple POVs from different characters in each apartment. They each had their own things going on, their own dilemmas, and their own unique story.
I found myself liking other apartment stories than certain ones.
I also found it a little weird that there were ties between characters in each apartment. It was a little “it’s a small world” but London is large so that feeling shouldn’t have been there. They should have all been essentially strangers that they see in the hallways occasionally.
In the end, the “small world” vibes tied the story together. I was happy with the HEAs and at peace with the not so happily after alls that concluded the novel.
I received an ARC from netgalley for an honest review