Member Reviews

I had so much fun reading this! book! It was full of Gothic suspense and mysterious happenings, with just enough romance and feels. Now, reader, go into this knowing that the burn is slow (which I love), so don't expect things to rush along, but I never got bored and had a hard time putting the book down (I *might* have stayed up way too late reading because of that). Jane Eyre is my favorite of the classics, and I really enjoyed how Matthews handled this retelling, especially how she added in another classic Gothic novel into the mix! I won't say which book it is, you'll figure it out, but the mashup really worked for me. I won't pretend this book is perfect; how often to you read a perfect book though? It was close enough for me. I enjoyed the changes and liberties taken with the story, the gender flips allowed for some interesting new tropes to come into play, or at least a different take on the classic tropes. Mrs. Rochester's journey through the story kept the feminist themes in place, and the addition of supernatural elements definitely raised the creepy factor. I'm gonna be recommending the heck out of this book, it's a perfect choices for reading challenges because it fits so many of the prompts those usually have, it would be a good book club read to discuss the similarities and differences between this book and the source materials, and I feel it can stand well enough on its own that if the reader hadn't read the original books, it would still be an enjoyable read.
I received a free copy from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review; these are my honest opinions and thoughts, I really enjoyed this book!
#JohnEyre #NetGalley

John Eyre is a gender reversed tale of Jane Eyre mashed up with Dracula, but because I’ve never read Dracula, and it’s been many years since I’ve read Jane Eyre, I never felt compelled to compare these stories. In fact, Mathews writing kept me wondering what would happen next at every turn, putting this book in the unputdownable category. I must say the only thing I didn’t like about John Eyre was reaching the last page and realizing I couldn’t continue reading. This book is so good that I couldn’t focus on anything else during the day because my mind kept returning to its pages.
So, why is it so good? First and foremost, the writing is phenomenal! I can say that I’ve felt sadness, horror and even afraid at times. I don’t remember the last time a book made me feel scared, but John Eyre pulled me right into the castle with Bertha and made me feel everything she was feeling.
John Eyre is so well written that the reader is not a bystander of this gothic novel, he is part of it. He starts living every scene with the characters and that is what makes this book memorable.
The main characters were another aspect that captivated me throughout the entire story. I absolutely loved Bertha Rochester. She is a strong female who is not afraid to follow her dreams, and when things go south, she is not afraid to face what is up ahead with a resilience that is admirable. The story takes place in 1843 but it is intertwined with Bertha’s letters and journal entries that reveal to the reader past events which help explain how she became the women she is when John first meets her. This structure of the book, as well all the details the reader slowly uncovers, makes him understand how strong and lonely Bertha must be, and how John Eyre is exactly the companion she needs to have at her side. He is not the typical romantic hero, but he is everything she needs, and their love story was also something I loved in the book.
The love story in John Eyre is not between a lady and her savior or protector, but between a strong woman who only needs someone who trusts and believes in her. Someone she can rely on and who is willing to be her equal. John stepped up to the challenge and conquered my heart by doing it. It was refreshing to see a different type of romantic hero who is not a stereotype character, and to be presented to a heroine who was able to do so much on her own for so long.
Because John Eyre is a gothic novel, there is also a lot of mystery in it and I loved it all, especially the mystery surrounding the boys. I wouldn’t have mind to know a little more about them and how they ended up in the situation we found them.
Summing up, John Eyre is an exciting gothic novel that readers will find difficult to put down. It is extremely well written, full of mystery, and with characters that are well built and hard to forget. It is definitely one of my favorite books this year and I highly recommend it to everyone.

Mimi Matthew’s could write a grocery list and I would find it captivating. Her ability to write a story, a hero, everything is beyond this world. John Eyre is just another book to add to my favorites list!
I received a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The perfect book to read in October! It was delightfully mysterious and spooky, with all the Gothic vibes of Jane Eyre and sinister thrills of Dracula. I enjoyed the gender swap, making John the tutor and Mrs. Rochester the estate owner. Their two stories are told in a staggered timeline, with slowly-revealed details of Bertha's ordeal shedding light on the present circumstances John finds himself in. I loved how his relationship with the two boys grew and how he brought healing and light to the gloomy home. John advocates for them to Mrs. Rochester, despite her strong edicts. They soon realize that they don't need to be at odds with each other since they both are trying to protect the boys. Her unexpected arrivals and departures from Thornfield Hall brings a sense of uncertainty, and the story grows more intense as the mystery unfolds. The story reflects parts of the original story of Jane Eyre, but the author's twists and additions made it such an imaginative and creative retelling!
Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.

Wow. Mimi Matthews is at her best and beyond on this twist to the classic tale of Jane Eyre.
Suspense, gothic atmosphere, twists and turns and a little of the supernatural seems to wind through the story that I could not put down since the first page!!

This retelling of Jane Eyre is dark and imaginative; a wonderful, atmospheric and eerie historical suspense story that pays homage to Victorian Gothic historical suspense and Charlotte Bronte's landmark literary masterpiece. Writing of this quality is hard to find, and Mimi Matthews is remarkably gifted

An inspiring piece of retelling, John Eyre grabbed my attention just from the title alone—a gender-swapped re-imagination of Jane Eyre. Mimi Matthews' writing maintains much of the old-school gothic lyricism, but there is one additional stroke of creative genius that elevates the novel beyond its one-note elevator pitch. If the book sounds even remotely interesting to you, I would recommend steer away from reading too many reviews, in order to keep a pivotal reveal a surprise.
The one minor drawback I can think of regarding John Eyre, is its faithfulness to the source material. Beyond the gender switch, and sections of new materials, the bulk of the plot is almost a direct one-to-one recreation; depending on one's familiarity with Charlotte Brontë's classic, this new version might not offer enough fresh excitement as a distinct novel.
It is like watching a handsomely made Masterpiece Theatre production, but with a twist. While tonally John Eyre still preserves the style of a past era (it's up to one's preference whether this is a turn-off or not—I actually found it worked out quite well as an audiobook), its core concept is a very modern 'remix' with undeniable appeal, and seems so obvious in hindsight, I'm surprised it hasn't been done prior.

A dark and gothic spin on a classic tale, it definitely envokes feelings and memories of the original story while still creating it's own unique story, setting and atmosphere. There are definitely some horror elements involved mixed with gothic romance. I great and unique read.

Such a neat concept, a gender-reversed Jane Eyre mash-up with another dark classic… Really enjoyed it. I highly recommend. I will definitely check out other novels by Mimi Matthews.
I am a library associate and received an advance copy from #NetGalley

Even though this was a bit different than other Mimi Matthews books that I've read I thoroughly enjoyed it! It was deliciously creepy and I could not stop until I found out what happened with Mr. Rochester, Bertha, John and the rest of the characters. I think this is fun re-telling of Jane Eyre!
Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.
Published 20 July 2021.

DNF. This book was just not holding my attention. I might try again later at a better time. Those who read Jane Eyre might appreciate the story better. I admire the author's attempt to delve into paranormal, I just don't think this book was for me.

Mimi Matthews is a master storyteller. The characters in this book were vivid, and the story seemed to jump off the pages at times. I want sure how I’d like the gothic angle, but she did it with excellence.

I loved this supernatural gothic retelling of Jane Eyre. Instead of Jane we have John, who takes the position of tutor to two young boys at Thornfield. Not everything is what it seems there. Strange mists, storms, sightings of apparitions, manic laughter, and then the mysterious Mrs. Rochester. All this becomes an intense novel that hooked me right away.

Review featured at www.books-n-kisses.com
3.5 Hearts Ok here is the thing. I have never read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I know! As a fan of romance and books in general I should have by now but there are just so many great books out there. Anyway, with that being said it was hard for me to “compare” the books to see if Mimi Matthews was able to pull off the retelling.
Even though I couldn’t compare I can tell you this was a really well written gothic romance. The characters are interesting and charming. The story can turn very dark but you expect that from a gothic story.
I was pleasantly surprised.
I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

I've read quite a number of Mimi Matthews books, and liked all of them. I didn't dislike this one, per se, its just I don't think I really cared for the conclusion and what that made this novel.
Things I did like:
- A gender swapped retelling of Jane Eyre. Mrs Rochester/aka Bertha Mason is an amazing character.
- A strong faith element in what is techncially General Market Fiction
- Victorian Gothic Romance
I can't put what I don't like without serious spoilers, so I won't. I will say it goes beyond the normal "Gothic" territory, and parts of it are like Dracula, which I have not actually read. These elements might not be according to everyone's taste.
Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for approving me for this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

Review excerpted from my blog post over at Titillated Termagant Romance Reviews (https://titillatedtermagant.wordpress.com/2022/01/22/john-eyre-by-mimi-matthews/)
My Rating: 4 stars
Library recommendation: Recommended for public library historical romance or gothic romance collections.
Warning: Hereafter, you chance spoilers. I try never to reveal major plot points, but to review any book, you must reveal some parts of the story.
Number of titles I have read by this author: 11
Love story speed: Medium burn
Relationship dynamics: The Globetrotting Widow (h) / The Orphaned Schoolmaster (H)
Physical descriptions: John is described as being “tall enough” and not particularly handsome. He has a slight build, with black hair and dark eyes. Bertha is of a similar height, slim, with black hair (with a white Mallen streak) and hazel eyes.
Sexual content: None. Kissing only.
Triggers: Spousal abuse; child abuse; PTSD; murder; drug abuse
Grammar/Editing: My ARC had a few typos.
Review: This moderately paced tale is presented in a blended format: the present is represented in prose and the past is revealed via letters and journal entries. It is a gender-swap mash-up of Jane Eyre and another classic Victorian gothic novel which shall remain unnamed because it would be a major spoiler. From the beginning, there are clear differences between the original source material and this re-telling, particularly in main character circumstances and motivations, so readers should not be looking for this to be a direct translation. Although the world building is consistent with the original, Matthews’ tale is set in Bulgaria, Egypt, and Yorkshire – a broader array of settings than in Brontë’s offering. All that said, this book could be read without having encountered either of the originals.
The main characters are Bertha and John. Bertha is a strong, independent woman and John is an intelligent man, gentle yet firm. This dynamic is a very interesting one not often seen in historical romance, and it works quite well. That is, it is Bertha who is in the position of power and authority, and John is her “paid subordinate” who is required to navigate her mercurial temperament. This is not to say that John has no personal agency; he is, after all, a man in the Victorian era. Neither is this to say that Bertha is an unlikable character; as her past becomes clearer, is it easier to understand her less likeable quirks. The supporting characters are quite often gender-swapped mirrors of those in Jane Eyre and are quite well-developed and memorable, particularly Stephen and Peter (traumatized children adopted by Bertha), for all that they don’t really speak.
Full disclosure: I received a free advance review copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

John Eyre is a gender‐switched retelling of Jane Eyre that also incorporates elements of the supernatural. The story was well-written and suspenseful and remains true to the spirit of the source material while still being an original story. I would definitely recommend this book if you're into Gothic Romance and classic literature.

This story didn´t quite work for me. I love this author and love all her works, but this time, I don´t know, I didn´t feel it. Maybe it was the (too much) strong heroine, or maybe it was the (too much) beta hero, or the pairing. Or the (too much) subtle paranormal element. I really don´t know, but I´m going to re-read it soon, just in case I was not in the right mood.

To be perfectly honest, this book started out slow for me. I didn't make progress for days. It wasn't that it wasn't interesting, the pacing just wasn't great for keeping me reading. After the first 20-30%, it did pick up steam.
Despite my initial reservations at the beginning, I actually really enjoyed this book! The plot was very intriguing and a very satisfying mix of classics. The characters are engaging and well developed. I found the writing to have a more Gothic feel than a lot of current books and I quite enjoyed it. There were some nice twists in the story and I enjoyed seeing how they panned out there the book. I can't wait to check out more by this author!

Mimi Mathews never disappoints! I love the merging of two classic stories in this captivating story.
The gothic vibe is this story makes it the perfect read to keep you up late into the night. Once I started reading, I could not put this book down. I was really happy with the little twists that were added to keep it fresh.
I would highly recommend this to anyone that loves classic literature, gothic novels, and dark romance stories with a touch of the paranormal.