Member Reviews

In this 4th in the series, the Special Tracking Unit is assigned to find 4 very prominent men who have gone missing from their annual fly-fishing trip in the Sierra Nevada.

Series lead Steps can see a shine that uniquely identifies individuals on anything they've touched. He can also tell whether or not they are still alive.

Soon, tortured bodies start to show up - and the murders were gruesome. Can any of the foursome be saved?

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I've enjoyed this series since the first installment. I enjoy Steps and his unconventional tracking method, an ability to see where people have been and things they have touched by the "shine" they leave behind. In this novel, four men disappear while on their yearly camping trip and must be found before it's too late. Aside from the slight supernatural bent to Steps' talent for finding people, this is a solid FBI procedural series with great characters.

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Spencer Kope's thrilling series continues in this fourth Special Unit Tracking novel. I love the characters in this series and Kope keeps the plot moving along fine with the quirkiness of the main character's ability to see people's "shine" in order to track them. Always a good recommended series read to my customers.

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This is the fourth book in the series but can be read as a stand-alone. Spencer Kope offers a unique crime thriller with a hint of sci-fi. The storyline is fast-paced and intriguing as the “team” sets out to investigate a series of murders. Kope’s refreshing approach and main character’s peculiarity makes the narrative standout in an overcrowded genre. Love this series.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC of #EchoesofTheDead which was read and reviewed voluntarily.

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First and foremost, a large thank you to NetGalley, Spencer Kope, St. Martin’s Press, and Minotaur Books for providing me with a copy of this publication, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review.

Spencer Kope returns with his fourth novel in this unique crime procedural series, using the abilities of two men to track people down using their own personal skills. The Special Tracking Unit is known around the country for their abilities, but it is the work of Magnus ‘Steps’ Craig, who can see ‘shine’ that adds new depth to the investigation. This may be the more harrowing case yet, with dead ends and a mysterious undertone that connects all those involved. Kope keeps getting better the more this series progresses.

Four men have been enjoying an annual fishing trip for the past two decades. It’s a way to escape their daily lives and enjoy a little camaraderie. When they don’t check in at the expected time, families worry and calls are made. Due to the notoriety of one man on the trip, Washington becomes involved, which means a call to the Special Tracking Unit.

Jimmy Donovan and Magnus ‘Steps’ Craig comprise the Unit, working together to locate those who have gone missing. Steps has a special ability, seeing each person’s unique ‘shine’ or glimmer they emit, which helps with tracking and forensic progression. However, it’s also a detriment, as has become apparent in cases past. Together, they travel to California and begin their investigation, only to land in the middle of something odd.

When one of the victims is apparently found on a park bench, things soon turn baffling. It’s not actually the victim, but a man who has recently died and been buried. This body, having been placed in a coffin, is now out and wearing one of the missing men’s clothes. As Steps and Donovan follow the local authorities, it’s revealed that this has been a body swap and someone was buried alive.

Unsure what to make of the killer or their antics, Steps and Donovan must continue working, trying to hone in on anything, including shine, to get answers. After a second body is discovered, it’s a race to learn the motive and rationale. What may be a political connection could also be something completely different, which only complicates the investigation. Time is running out and the body count keeps mounting.

I discovered Spencer Kope’s books and could not get enough of this unique take on the crime procedural genre. There is something refreshing about a unique take, while still keeping the reader completely attached to the story. Kope writes well and leaves the reader eager to see what awaits in this non-stop novels.

Steps and Donovan surely take centre stage in this piece, using their skills to track down not only the four missing men, but a killer with an axe to grind. While there is a little backstory when it comes to Steps, that is mostly a means of reminding readers what’s happened to him. Personal and professional growth is key in this novel, occurring throughout and keeping the series fan glued to what is to come. As the novels have progressed, I have become more attached to both men, eager to see what awaits and how they will progress.

Kope uses a strong writing style and sinister crime to lure readers into the middle of this piece. There’s nothing like a crime thriller to get the blood pumping, but it is the uniqueness of solving it that adds something special. A great narrative, with constant movement, helps catapult Kope to the top of the genre, while the story never loses focus on what’s important. One would not think that tracking the missing and those who have committed crimes could be so intriguing, though Spencer Kope has found a way, so much so that I cannot wait to see what he’s got coming in the future.

Kudos, Mr. Kope, for another winner. I can only hope that others will discover this series and find the same enjoyment .

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Echoes of the Dead is the 4rth book in the Special Tracking Unit. This can be read as a stand-alone. I have been a fan of this series from the beginning. This book had it all. It was fast-paced with an interesting plot. The characters are well developed. Steps, is such a unique character, it is a refreshing addition to the crime genre. His portrayal of moments of emotion, fear, anger and witty banter makes him human.

Looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Spencer Kope for a copy of "Echoes of the Dead" in exchange of a fair and honest review.

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It's almost as if Spencer Kope read my mind. I've often wondered about killers who had someone in their childhoods treat them horribly... why couldn't they kill the persons who abused them instead of annihilating so many innocent people? In Echoes of the Dead, he takes this thought of mine, turns it on its head a bit, and runs with it.

Due to his synesthesia, Steps Craig is an old soul in a young man's body, and this fourth book in the Special Tracking Unit series finally shows readers that his personal life is taking some very important, and very beneficial, strides forward. I always enjoy reading how he and partner Jimmy Donovan (one of the few who know his secret) work together, and in this book, they get some first-rate help from a member of local law enforcement.

The violence in Echoes of the Dead seems to have been raised a notch or two, which will make it very uncomfortable for those readers who have a low tolerance for such things, but although I had a moment or two of unease, I am the type of reader who only becomes more determined to catch the killer when this happens. I also noticed something that will please readers who shun anything that has the slightest appearance of the paranormal. In this book, "shine"-- the colorful essence of the killer-- is no longer the primary way to identify the killer. Now "shine" is more of a "stamp of approval" that their leads have brought them to the right person. For me, "shine" works either way because I also like watching Jimmy and Steps try to find legal ways to prove what it's been telling them all along.

Was catching this killer satisfying? You betcha. Now I'm looking forward to the next book, especially because of the cliffhanger this one ended on. Bring it on!

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Well. FBI SA "Steps" Craig has the unusual ability to see the aura of a killer (go with it) finds himself with a twisted and urgent case when he, along with his partner Jimmy Donovan, goes on an urgent search for four high profile men who have gone missing from a fishing trip. Make that three, because one of the men, accountant Jason Norris, is found murdered and posed. Who is left? Marco Perez is a Congressman, Wade Winchell is a deputy DA, and Noah Long is a hedge find manager. No spoilers from me as to why they were targeted. There's violence (it's gruesome in spots) that adds to the pacing of the novel. I'd not read this series, making this a standalone, and it was a good one. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. This would be a great travel book (it's a page turner).

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Steps and Jimmy are back and the killer they are hunting is particularly twisted. Action packed and full of tension, this one feels a bit like a series filler though. The case is interesting and we see the characters we love along with some new ones. The shine is a part of it but not a lot. There isn't much of Diane or Heather. But oh that ending! It grabbed me and had me yelling! We are finally going to be getting some momentum in a case we have been wondering about. It's another really good read that left me very excited for the next book.

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Readers, get ready to come face to face with one of the most twisted, diabolical creature I have read about in a long time. Talk about convoluted revenge!

Magnus, “Steps” Craig and his Special Tracking Unit is on the hunt for four missing friends, including a Congressman. With his special ability to see the tracks of the perpetrator or “shine” as he dubs it, Steps follows this unique shine to an evil creature that will make your skin crawl. But will he be on time?

This book comes out next month and if the ending is any indication, we haven’t seen the last of the Special Tracking Unit.

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I was excited to learn that Spencer Kope’s Special Tracking Unit Novels now number four! Kope set up the fourth in the series so that it can be read as a standalone, but you will probably want to go back and read the rest.

Magnus “Steps” Craig is unique as a tracker because he alone can see the “shine” left behind by the killer—a special color that identifies the killer’s presence. Steps acquired the ability as a youngster after a traumatic event, and he tells only those who need to know, most notably his FBI partner, Jimmy Donovan. Now he’s pondering whether to tell his fiancee.

In this high-tension thriller, the team is challenged by the disappearance of four high-profile men who have met annually for years to share a fly-fishing expedition. One is a congressman and former oncologist, one the LA district attorney of Major Crimes. The other two are a San Jose accounting executive and the cofounder of a hedge fund. And when the first body is found, the race to save the rest is pushed to the limit.

Be forewarned that there are some disturbing scenes of gruesome violence. But the research and procedural decisions that keep the investigation moving, the backstories of the four potential victims, and the insights into a twisted killer’s mind and motivation are fascinating and memorable.

My thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Good book! It definitely has a lot of gore in this book but there's suspense, intrigue, action and some crazy messed up bad guys! There's A bit of a paranormal feel to it too! The storyline was very interesting and I would definitely recommend reading this book! But just beware it might turn your stomach a bit! Lol its worth reading though! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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