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Review by

Anastasia P, Reviewer

Exile�(Mercy #2)by�Rebecca Lim Paperback,�UK,�289 pagesPublished June 9th 2011 by HarperCollins Children’s Books�(first published May 1st 2011)Rating: 5/5 Stars Description:An electric combination of angels, mystery and romance, EXILE is the breathtaking sequel to MERCY in a major new paranormal romance series.�There's something very wrong with me. When I wake up, I could be anyone…�An angel in exile, Mercy is doomed to return repeatedly to Earth, taking on a new human form each time she does. Now she "wakes" as unhappy teen Lela, a girl caring for a dying mother but never herself.�As her shattered memory begins to return, Mercy remembers Ryan, the boy she fell in love with in another life, and Luc, the angel haunting her dreams. Will Mercy risk Lela’s life to be reunited with her heart’s true desire?An electric combination of angels, mystery and romance, Exile is the second book in the spellbinding MERCY series.Review:

**A copy was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

Exile is book two in Mecy series by Rebecca Lim.�I was so happy when I started reading this.MIND BLOWING. One word that can easily describe this book. �I�definitely�couldn't put this one down! Loved it!��Exile is a fast-paced novel that I couldn't put down.�The Characters were well developed and had�back-stories�and were also very interesting but others like 'Reggie' and Cecilia seemed very�dense�and underdeveloped.�Mercy is a fallen angel who is no longer with her love, Luc. Mercy was sentenced to Earth with no control over where her path would take her. Mercy takes over Lela Neill's body. Lela is a college student who is responsible for her sick mother. Mercy has to learn to adapt to Lela's lifestyle and personality. The plot from the first book continues when Mercy learns she has the ability to remember past experiences and thinks she may find a way to reach Luc.�We see how Mercy is thrown into the life of Lela Neills whose mother is very sick and counts on her daughter's presence. We see how she battles with the responsibility of her host and how she tries to help her "mother" through her illness. Later in the storyline we see how Mercy has discovered more about who she is and tries her best to save Karen Niells but realizes that it isn't possible and that the course that her "mother" is on is her destiny.�Luc is still trying to get Mercy to find him as he still cannot locate her but he has seen the way Ryan Delay looks at her and he will be the key for them. From MERCY I haven't been able to trust Luc and the events that have taken place in EXILE cement that fact for me even more. We see some of the things that the Eight went through and how Luc is a pretty bad influence on Mercy.�I'm curious if Mercy will figure out that Luc isn't what he says he is. I have my fingers crossed for that.�I don't want to give anything more away and I know if I continue there will be no point in reading EXILE. ��Overall this book was absolutely AMAZING and�I'm�Counting down the days until MUSE is released....I can't WAIT!!�-Ana @SoManyBooksSoLittleTime
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