Member Reviews

Quick paced and full of twists and turns, Do I Know You was exciting to read and I had the best time with it. This is a psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I didn't see the twists that twisted or the turns that turned and I was impressed with the writing style. For fans of Lisa Jewell and Megan Miranda, I would recommend this one.

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This is an interesting concept with Jane being a "super recognizer" and while at work for TSA recognizes a girl who she believes is responsible for her sister's disappearance and likely death. Jane herself was a fascinating character and I really enjoyed her point of view. However there was too much going on in this book and I felt there was a lot that was still unresolved at the end.

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This book started off strong, but then fell off. I usually love multiple POVs but I actually think they took away from the story this time because all the different characters got confusing. I really enjoyed the setting and I thought the concept was good, but wasn’t well executed as some plot holes were left unaddressed.

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Jane’s “ability” seems weird and made the whole plot seem fake. I didn’t connect with Jane, and I never grew to “care” about her. There were also massive plot holes that never resolved. Characters were overall unlikeable. Ending was not wrapped up well and seemed rushed.

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3/5 stars
Jane’s journey through Cape Cod was a page turner about midway through. Her paranoia worried me and had me wondering if half the book was a hoax but sure enough it paid off really well by the end. I enjoyed jane’s character. The Pease family was vapid socialites who grey from money to influencer life and while their story line did not wrap up at all by the end, provided both conspiracy and comfort throughout the book. Are they all terrible people or are they kind community members? The ending definitely is worth getting to here.

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I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a pretty quick read. There were some interesting plot twists, but most of the book I was confused since the two characters getting married were adoptive siblings. I wasn't a fan of that or that the other person in that dynamic was a step-sister. I don't know if there are such things as super recognizers, but that was sort of an interesting idea.

2.5 rounded up

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Fast paced and filled suspense this 4 star read can simply be done in one sitting.. I enjoyed how the story was told by multiple characters and gave me the full picture of Jane and her special skill of recognition. Lots of cliffhangers in between the pages and I didn’t see the end coming at all!!

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What a crazy rollercoaster of a book! I’m fascinated by people with “superpowers” like Jane in this book who is a super recognizer. How interesting to be able to remember faces like that!
The storyline kept me enraptured the entire book! And I loved the crazy twists and tricks along the way!

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A fun read with an interesting twist! Jane is a super-recognizer with the ability to always remember a face. She uses this skill for security screenings at the Boston Airport. During one of her shifts she recognizes someone but not just anyone.... the person Jane holds responsible for her sisters murder. While I thought some of this story was cliché I did enjoy the overall plot and was glued to the pages.

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Interesting read from a new author. I like mysteries and thrillers but this one didn't hit the mark for me. It had some elements I enjoyed and I did continue reading to find out how it ended, but the ending didn't really surprise me.

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Jane Ellison never forgets a face- literally. She has been deemed by the scientific community as a “super recognizer”, making her able to identify people from even the smallest facial details. This works to her advantage when she takes a job with Homeland Security, helping to identify criminals and other wanted individuals as they travel through Boston’s Logan airport. But when Jane recognizes the woman who was the last one to see Jane’s missing sister, Kit, alive, she becomes determined to figure out the truth. The problem is, the woman Jane recognizes is a famous humanitarian, and the fiancée of the son to a very wealthy family. Jane knows she has to be right or her mistake could cost her more than her reputation. Is she willing to risk it all? Is her confidence in her ‘super skills’ enough to lead her to the truth?
Sarah Strohmeyer’s new novel, “Do I Know You?” is edgy and gripping. A seemingly average woman with an above average talent, Jane is constantly made to doubt herself, and is constantly being gaslit by everyone in her life, including her researcher boyfriend, Erik. Beyond Jane herself, there are very few likable characters in the novel, which works to Strohmeyer’s plot as absolutely no one is who they pretend to be, and everyone is keeping a secret.
The story is told from multiple perspectives- Jane, of course, Eve (the new matriarch of the famous and uber rich Pease family) and the bride-to-be, Bella. Each woman brings her own perspective to the novel, and allows for the reader to get a deeper understanding of each character. “Do I Know You” has a twisted, V.C Andrews vibe to it, with siblings (albeit adopted) sleeping with and marrying each other, and the quest for fame and money trumping all else.
I found Jane’s “talent” to be incredibly fascinating, and Strohmeyer is able to build a convincing and entertaining story from this. “Do I Know You” is both unique and creative, and it brings something refreshing to the psychological suspense genre. Jane is an admirable character, sticking to her beliefs even though everyone around her is trying to disregard them as “obsessions” or “hallucinations”. Jane’s commitment to find out what happened to Kit is completely believable and full of emotion, and I wanted nothing more than resolution for the sibling pair.
Every page in this novel will leave you guessing, and when the ending finally comes, it is both unexpected and satisfying. A story that pulls you in right from the beginning, “Do I Know You?” is creative, page-turning and completely addicting.

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Jane Ellison is working for Homeland Security at Logan Airport scanning incoming passenger faces for terrorists or any other threat. Her ability as a super recognizer makes her perfect for the job as she can recognize anyone from as little as the shape of a jaw, forehead or brow. Jane also never forgets a face so when heiress Bella Valencia enters the airport, she jumps to detain the woman she holds responsible for her sister Kit's disappearance eleven years earlier. All chaos ensues, and Jane ends up fired when the mega-wealthy Pease family intervenes. Disgraced and black-listed, Jane decides to infiltrate the Valencia/Pease wedding to finally get justice for her sister. What she learns may surprise her.

Do I Know You is an intriguing thriller with a unique plot line. It starts off strong and sets a steady pace as Jane pursues Bella searching for the truth. It becomes a bit convoluted midways with several schemes hatched by Jane that seem doomed to fail from the beginning. The basic plot line is thrilling, and I enjoyed the story based on that and Jane's character and unique talent. The pace picks back up in the latter half and that's when it becomes hard to put down. All in all, Do I Know You is an enjoyable roller coaster of highs and lows that kept me guessing for some time. Recommended for fans of mystery, suspense and thrillers.

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This one was a little hard to get into at first. Our main character sees the only person who knows about her sister's death in the airport while she was working and tries to have the girl detained at the airport so she can further question her, but it doesn't end up working out for her. The story progresses with multiple character POVs. Overall it was a good mystery

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This was such a neat, intelligent premise with just the right tiny touch of advanced technology/espionage/sci fi themes. I loved the intelligence of the plot, the strong female protagonist with the coolest job, and the fast-paced action. A little bit of Liane Moriarty meeting a little more of Harlan Coben with a woman’s touch and a sprinkling of Carrie Bradshaw. The glamour and intrigue Carries (pun intended) straight through to the end. Cool, whip-smart, and fast paced. This is my first book by Sarah Strohmeyer but it won’t be my last!

Many thanks to Harper Collins and NetGalley for the ARC!

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DO I KNOW YOU by Sarah Strohmeyer is a fast-paced story that you definitely won’t guess the ending to! Very different than any books I’ve read recently.

I loved the alternating POV of each chapter. All the characters were so different and well formed so keeping up wasn’t an issue. I thought I knew where everything was headed, but I was definitely shocked at the ending. It was a quick read and definitely had me reading late into the night because I had to know what was going to happen.

Thank you Netgalley and Harper for the gifted e-galley.

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I didn’t love this book but at the same time I didn’t hate it. I just found it to be very similar to other books I’ve read, nothing unique and memorable

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This was about a woman who was a “super recognizer” and thinks she comes across the person responsible for her sisters disappearance and presumed death. It started off strong in the airport, showing us her in action at her job for Homeland Security, fascinating career and fast paced as she worked to pinpoint suspicious people, very undercover, then she spots someone she thinks she knew from years ago- a woman who was the only person who knew what happened to her murdered sister. After that great set up it Then switched to the wealthy influencer step mother of the man who was with the woman at the airport and her in depth details about her empire and what she was selling and her different aspects of her healthy lifestyle and how she was finessing social media etc I just didn’t care. Had the author kept the story on the main person the story would've been better

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Thank you NetGalley and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks for proving me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review. For me, this was an exciting quick read. I read it in one day and kept wanting to clear my schedule to get back to it. The author does a fabulous job of keeping the reader guessing who is good and who is not so good and blurring the lines on a few of them. Our main character!, Jane, is a super recognizer. This is a unique story line that hasn’t been over explored or explored at all in fiction as far as I know. I really enjoyed learning more about this “superpower”. Without giving away any spoilers, the book does have a few times I needed to suspend belief for some of the things the main character experiences, but I still found a a really enjoyable read.

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The blurb of this book hook, line and sunk me. I couldn't wait to dive in. Jane was interesting in that her abilities landed her a super cool job. She reminded me a lot of the main character from Blacklist. I thought it was nice to have a main character with such a different job in a different field. I'm so used to reading thrillers about stay at home moms or rich trophy wives that it was a really nice switch up.

But that's about s much as I enjoyed about the book, I didn't connect with Jane at all. I felt like the book was all over the place as far as pacing goes. It seemed like the author was unsure of what details to include or not include and it just didn't feel like it had much flow.

The ending was really exciting but it felt like too much was thrown it at the last minute to force the conclusion, instead of something that happened naturally because of the events.

It was a solid read but not something that I would recommend.

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This book was decent. I found the concept interesting however the plot of the book became confusing and hard to follow. The main character was interesting but the rest of the characters were infuriating. I think if the plot twist would have been left out, the book would have been better..

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