Member Reviews

I like complex books and this one did not disappoint. Nancy is a character with a quick brain. She has her hands in several pies. She is looking for her long lost father. A friend is missing. A techy friend and his girlfriend has their apartment set on fire. Pole, her boyfriend, is wanting her to be less involved. So much going on and she up and goes to Hong Kong. The story is fast paced and a good story. I liked the book.

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This is a great book, I loved all the action and mystery from the very start. I loved the fact that the story incorporated police and many different organisations. With spies , espionage and that it surrounds biotechnology. I enjoyed the use of different different languages and found myself reading with the different accents in my head. It has a real modern day vibe to it. I loved the fact that the Russians will stop at nothing to get there hands on it and the cunning way they do it. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat. It was great that the book follows the 2 main characters and they decided to go down their own route to try and solve this case. I really enjoyed the section where the chase was on and they discovered the person who was trying to sabotage the case and why they did it. This is the first book I have read by this author and I found out that the characters appeared in another trilogy. I didn't struggle to connect with the characters there is enough detail within the book to not have to read other books to get to know them. In fact I loved the part where Nancy reminisce about her past and her culture.
Many thanks to the author and publishing team for creating this wonderful action packed thriller. I can't wait to read more from this author.
I will be posting reviews shortly on retail sites already posted to goodreads. Im having a few issues with the blog loaded and will add there as soon as possible but look out for it on

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An excellent thriller with a wide scope and elements of politics, espionage and biotec.

Nancy Wu is a former QC, now a consultant to Scotland Yard. She is dragged into a case after a fire at a friend's flat and finds her boyfriend, a biotec researcher, was the target. But what was he working on? And how does the murder link to her native China?

The investigation takes Nancy and DCI Pole in many different directions - a case that becomes even more complex when a CIA involvement comes to light.

This is billed as the first in a series, although it follows on from an earlier trilogy with the same main characters. Not having read that series made the opening to this novel complex, as many elements of back story are crucial to the plot. But this still works as a standalone novel.

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There is a great sense of modern history in this book as the author weaves in key events in Chinese history while also bringing readers into the current day and the technological context that brings. The writing style has a well paced flow to it and supports reading at a fast pace! I didn’t find the characters as likeable as might have been helpful in truly investing in the story, but otherwise a great book.

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The author writes well which is always a good thing as it leaves the reader to relax and enjoy the characters and the story line.

The settings in London and China are interesting and the plot has the right degree of complexity with one story line examining the dodgy doings of a biotech firm and the other more personal of Nancy Wu's family history and her father, who disappeared in China around the time of the Tiananmen Square revolt. So there is a lot of meaty politically relevant plot material here.

There is a lot to like about this book, it is an intelligent and well written thriller, but somehow, I can't really get into the Nancy Wu character. Maybe the author was aiming for someone cosmopolitan - a bit of a female Bond type, but Nancy comes across as one-dimensional - she has no flaws, she is always perfectly dressed in her designer clothes, certain that her feminine wiles will win the day, and sprinkles simple French phrases throughout an effected way. The plot about her lost father doesn't really give us any insight into her emotions or show any vulnerability which could have made her a bit more realistic.

Still it is an enjoyable thriller and I am sure that many readers will not have the same view of the character.

Thanks to NetGallery for the opportunity of reading this e-book in exchange for an unbiased review.

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I like this author and this book. It has good pacing and action, along with an engaging plot, and characters I enjoyed following. Recommended.

Thanks very much for the free review copy!!

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