Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book immensely. I took notes. I thought the Author did an excellent job with a very dry subject. I enjoyed her personal perspectives, as well as the various intellectuals she pulled in to provide their opinions.
Some highlights I enjoyed:
"the shift from role to soul", "reinvent ourselves, from the inside out", "a life review should be backwards, forwards, above and beneath", "welcome fears into awareness; they lose energy and their impact on us."
The only criticism I have, is that the book could have been shorter. I thought the information was continually reformatted and amplified over and over to the point where it became redundant.

Very good. This is a "contemplative" book, meaning one that is read slowly and thoughtfully. Author covers a lot of ground, and brings in lots of perspectives. Highly recommended.
I really appreciate the free review copy!!

This book is one to approach much like a textbook. It’s so in depth that it needs time to digest, revisit and to reflect on. This isn’t a bad thing at all, because it offers ways to challenge ageing as something to be feared, so it’s worth an investment of time. Personally I found it overwhelming, perhaps because I was reading to front to back in order to review it in exchange for my review to NetGalley abs publisher. Much better to read in small doses. I’m grateful to have been given the opportunity to read and review it. When most of the world is focusing on not ageing, or denying age and the inescapable, dying, I found it reassuring to have something of a written guide to challenging assumptions about later life in the form of this book.

I found this book to be one that will be immensely useful to me a bit later in life. I have a few years that I plan to work, and I have not gotten to a point where I have so much free time that I am looking for the growth that can possibly come with retirement.
This is a book that I will work with in the future, and I can certainly see what a wonderful help it can be, as I have known many people who sit around after they stop working.

I recently turned 65 and it is becoming more and more apparent to me that I am in this “aging” category. I have read some books on this topic, but this one has met might needs much more than any other. The author offers practices from shadow work and spiritual contemplative traditions, And this alone makes this book stand out from all the other books on aging available right now. I am finding the ideas and activities presented here to be making a profound difference in my own journey into “aging.” I especially found relevant the chapter on moving from the hero’s journey into the elder’s journey.
I Will definitely be purchasing this book when it’s released so that I can re-read it, and highlight it to my heart’s content!
Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.