Member Reviews

*How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days* by K.M. Jackson gets points for its quirky premise and humor, but the dialogue felt too youthful for my taste. While the plot had potential, the characters’ voices didn’t quite match their ages, making it harder to fully connect with the story. It’s fun, but not quite as mature as I hoped.

This cover completely drew me in. It's one of the cutest things ever! That fact along with the fun title had my hooked.
The tropes are on point. I've read and loved this author's previous work.
Unfortunately, the book was not what I expected.

How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days" by K.M. Jackson is a delightful rom-com that will captivate readers who adore lighthearted, humorous stories about unrequited love, celebrity crushes, and the thrill of the chase, making it a perfect fit for fans of feel-good, friends-to-lovers romances.

The title would lead you to think this is a romcom about Keanu Reeves, and it is... but it’s also about grief and friendship. Lu, our MC, learns that Keanu Reeves, all around great guy and perpetual bachelor, is about to get married, and she jumps in the car with her best friend. A road trip, some truly hilarious situations and, well…KR! I loved this book!

This was really cute and fun! It reminded me of fan fiction and I am always here for it! It was a lot of fun and I loved the antics throughout the story!

I wanted to love this book. I just didn’t. I did love the main characters. I just felt like I was missing something and I’m not sure what it was. It took me forever to get through.

This reads like a fan fic for Keanu Reeves. The book never fully goes into deal with respect to when the obsession began or why, just that she's been in love with him for 20 years. I never fully connected with any of the characters which made it difficult to love the storyline.

2.5 stars
As much as I really wanted to love this book, it missed the mark for me. I will say that I did enjoy the writing style and the humour but everything else seemed to fall flat.
Most disappointing was how flat the relationship read. It just didn't seem like there was much chemistry between the two main characters. I love a good 'friends to lovers' novel but this one wasn't it. Their relationship was just fine but nothing to keep me truly invested.
This isn't a book that will leave its mark on me. If anything, it may only leave its mark with the fictional involvement of celebrities: from the crush on Keanu Reeves to the cameos from Chris Evans and Jason Mamoa. That part even came across as odd to me but I guess it could have been entertaining for some.
***Thank you to the publisher for supplying me with a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

a delightful and hilarious romantic comedy that will have you laughing, crying, and rooting for Bethany and Truman every step of the way. K.M. Jackson has crafted a witty and heartwarming story that is sure to be a hit with fans of the genre.

Thank you to the publisher for providing an advanced review copy! I really wanted to love this book but it wasn't my cup of tea.

This was a funny, light-hearted book. I truly do enjoy the silly nature of going after Keanu Reeves, and I love referential books that talk about celebrities. I think this book could be a good romance for a lot of people, and truly wish it the most success.
The voice/style of the author wasn't my favorite, and I found myself often zoning out or putting down the book and not wanting to pick it back up. It reads like a debut, in that the author seems to not fully have a grasp on her writing yet. I would pick up another book from her in the future, to see if this is improved.

I liked the premise of How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days but it didn’t hold up for me. I’m always excited for an older MC but the characters felt like they were more in their 20s. The celebrity references and sightings were fun touches. I wish the romance had started earlier as I was beginning to wonder if it was actually a romance.

I thought this was a really fun romcom! I didn’t love it as much as I hoped I would, but I still enjoyed it. I loved the premise for the book. I found some of the details in the book to be really fun.

I hate to be in the norm here, but there are a lot of not so great reviews about this book and I have to say that I agree. This is a contemporary romance with a friends to lovers trope. I did enjoy the alternating characters POV - love seeing both sides of the story. The book did just feel stalkerish to me and I'm not sure why the story had to focus on such a real person.

I just wasn't a fan of this. It was a bit cringey at times. I thought the celebrity encounters were fun but I think it all fell a bit flat for me.

This book was good I enjoyed watching the characters realize they were both in love with each other. However it seemed a bit far fetched and trust me I know it’s a book but it wasn’t a fantasy book and the things that happened were a little much. All around it was an ok book

I was really excited to read this and not gonna lie, I totally requested it cause who doesn’t like Keanu Reeves?!!
Maybe I expected too much? I don’t know, but it fell kinda flat for me. In my mind, I wanted this to play out like a chick flick.
It was slow to start. Which is never a good thing for me. While I liked that Bethany was a 40-something, she was kinda annoying at times and I felt like she was more like a 20 yr old.
In the end, it was just okay for me. I think many will enjoy it more than I did.

This was a fun friends to lovers romcom with a gorgeous cover that drew instantly drew my attention. While this wasn't my favorite book, it was definitely an easy read if you can get past the slightly cringy parts (a grown woman so obsessed with a celebrity that she feels he's the secret to her hapiness). It's full of fun movies references and Lu's friend/love interest (True) was absolutely impossible not to love. I'm not a huge fan of celebrities so maybe that's why this one just wasn't for me, but it was still a fun read with a spectacular ending.

I tried about 20% of this one but it just wasn't working for me- after talking with some trusted sources, I don't think this book is for me.

Did not finish. This book initially sounded interesting but the execution of the book wasn't for me. I'm sure other people would enjoy though!