Member Reviews

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

This book was everything I look for in a book. It was so exciting. The plot was fantastic. It really had me on the edge of my seat, and my heart racing. It was very well written and flowed well.

Beverley Hansford is an accomplished writer, swopping genres with apparent ease. His plots are grounded in realism, which is particularly appropriate in this his first spy thriller.
He writes in much the same way as the late, great Eric Ambler, using an amateur as his main protagonist, who finds himself in an extraordinarily dangerous position in the DDR, where he searches for the woman he has fallen in love with, herself an amateur spy.
It is all brilliantly executed in a sharp, clear and concise style.

This is an interesting mystery. It’s a good pace - fast enough to keep the pages turning and the knuckles white but without being too fast as to lose details. I found it difficult to engage with the characters and the relationships between them and wonder if a bit more time spent on some of this would have added to my enjoyment.

When Tim Mallon unexpectedly meets Boris Smirnov, an old acquaintance from his university days, he has little comprehension of the consequences this encounter will set in motion. Tim is intrigued by Boris's partner Lena, an attractive girl from Berlin who appears to tolerate the humiliation and harsh treatment Boris heaps upon her. When Boris suggests that Lena comes to stay with him, Tim cautiously agrees to the suggestion.
During Lena's stay, an idyllic relationship develops between them and Tim gradually finds that he is falling in love with his guest. One thing does puzzle Tim – Lena's reluctance to talk about her past life. What is the secret she does not wish to reveal? When Lena is abducted from Tim's doorstep and taken back to Berlin, Tim decides to travel to Berlin to try and find her and in the process solve the mystery surrounding her.
When he starts making enquiries in Berlin, Tim finds he is drawn into a web of intrigue and suddenly finds his life controlled by outside forces. Who can he trust, and can he extract himself from this vulnerable situation?
First read by this author I enjoyed this story, it was well written, had good narrative and good pacing and the characters were well developed and relatable. I read this quickly and would definitely recommend it