Member Reviews

I wasn’t able to finish this book. Because of this, it is my policy not to review the book on my site or on Goodreads/Amazon. I also didn’t mark it DNF.

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Love this series. I have read it multiple times over the years. I would love to see it as movies or even a mini series.

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I gave feedback on this years ago. It suddenly reappeared on my shelf after the addition of audiobooks. I contacted Netgalley a week ago and have heard nothing back so am getting these off my shelf this way.

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I love this series so much. I am always rooting for Gwen! I can see how much she has grown throughout the books. Exciting, page-turning, fantasy series- at an boarding school :)

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As a young woman, I started this series, and now as an adult woman, I often revisit it purely for the characters, as well as the plot.

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This series combines so many levels of awesomeness that it's unbelievable! There's descendents of Spartans, Valkyries, Gypsies and Celts! It's just so cool and I'm in love with the idea behind the books; that there's an academy out there teaching these teenagers how to kick butt.

So, this is book #4 in the series. The first book was soooo good, the second was okay, and the third was alright. I was totally scared going into this one that it would just be a repeat of #2 and #3. And for the first fourth of the book it kind of was. BUT, it got a lot better!

In the previous installments I had complained about Logan's lack of presence. Estep said that he could kill someone with a Twizzler, yet I never really saw him pulling some Chuck Norris-ish moves. In fact, he was barely in the books, despite being Gwen's love interest. In this book, I'm glad to say, we get more bada**ness from my dear, dear Logan. Gwen, I feel was a little too much of a pushover in the beginning and middle of the book. She just needed to stand up for herself a little more.

The plot of the book was really good after getting over that first schlump. Things move along fairly quickly. And in the last half of the book, until things were explained, I totally had no idea what was about to happen. Thus, I was very excited about the ending.

Some minor things that I didn't enjoy included how un-butt-kicking the other students were in the book. Gwen's supposed to be a fighter, but she often says that others are a lot better at it than her, so I couldn't understand why the Valkyries, Celts, etc. were fleeing the scene. Oh, and a certain fight scene dragged on a little too long for what I picture Gwen's skill level being from her description.

All in all it was definitely better than the previous two books in the series. It's totally my second favorite of them all. Now excuse me, I need to go pick up Midnight Frost.

4/5 stars

*Note: I received a copy of this book to review from Netgalley. This in no way altered my opinion/review.

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I gave the first book in this series a read and I wasn't a fan so I am not going to be reading this as I am not continuing on in the series.

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I ADORE this series for so many reasons: the hot romance, the awesome library, the action, the danger, and Gwen's ability to kick butt! I'm so addicted to it and I can't wait for the next book. In this installment of the series, I love how Gwen's friends and family surround her with love. They give her the strength she needs. I love how the action unfolds, with more danger than ever before. The action and the danger make this series one I devour. Beyond the action and danger, there's so much emotional torment in this novel. I feel for Gwen as she goes through the roughest patch of her life. As much as I hated the ending, I understood the reasoning behind it. It leaves me curious to uncover what will happen next.

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