Member Reviews
I really struggled to connect with the writing style of this book overall. At one or two points i found my self so disengaged that I was rereading the same thing over and over but getting no where.
Let’s first take a moment for the fight scenes! Wow, so detailed and creatively written! Up there with some of the best fight scenes I’ve yet to read.
Overall, a fun and easy read with fun throw backs to old school rom coms
Unfortunately, as many other reviewers have mentioned, I was unable to download this book so I am unable to provide any feedback at this time.
After a century of ruling Hell, its princess, Cecilia's human side emerges and she escapes, seeking a normal life.
She finds anything but when she joins Cornelia High School, only to discover a hunt for an ancient artifact, a charming demon, and a developing love triangle that threatens to unsettle the gentle balance between Heaven and Hell.
Lucifer's daughter + love triangle sounds exciting. I can't really enjoy this because I'm annoyed with the main character, Cecilia, she's 200 old for god's sake. As other YA fantasy MCs, she shares the same vibes. Wishy and washy + annoying.
Fantastic read! This book was a pleasant surprise and I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end. Cecilia is the Princess of Hell and decides to try and live a normal life. She runs unexpectedly into a demon and finds the love of her life in the process.
I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for an interesting story. I can't wait to read the second book in the series and see where this story goes.
I've tried many times but I can't download to my kindle. I'll keep an eye on this though, the premise intrigued me and I think this may be my cup of tea.
☆☆☆☆ /5
(english review below)
Une lecture agréable que j’ai bien aimée, qui m’a replongée dans les romans semblables que je dévorais par le passé, plus jeune.
Après un siècle de règne sur l'Enfer, le côté humain de la princesse Cecilia émerge et elle s'échappe, cherchant une vie normale.
Appréciant sa vie d’humaine, elle rejoint le lycée Cornelia, sans se douter que cela va la rapprocher du côté surnaturel de sa vie qu’elle cherche à éviter. Dans cet étrange lycée aux allures banales, elle va découvrir une chasse pour un ancien artefact, un charmant démon et va se retrouver dans un triangle amoureux qu’elle ne souhaitait pas. Tout cela menace de perturber le doux équilibre entre le paradis et l'enfer et les conséquences risquent d’être désastreuses.
Plus jeune, j’ai eu une grosse période pendant laquelle, je bouffais et bouffais des romances. Des romances en tout genre, que ce soit contemporain, paranormal, etc… J’en lis moins aujourd’hui car mes goûts ont changé et mes exigences aussi. Je suis moins tolérante envers les nombreux clichés présents dans le genre et finalement, je privilégie plus les histoires dans lesquelles les romances sont en fait secondaires.
Pourtant, je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de laisser sa chance à VAGABOND… et je ne regrette pas du tout ! Je l’ai lu en à peine quelques heures tant j’ai trouvé l’histoire addictive.
Le style d’écriture de l’autrice est accrocheur. Dès les premiers mots, j’ai été captivée par ce qui était racontée. Les phrases sont construites de manière simple, mais chaque mot choisi pour décrire les événements était assez percutant pour me donner envie de plonger dans le récit.
Au tout début de l’histoire, on nous présente le personnage de Cecilia, fille de Lucifer et d’une humaine, qui vit parmi les mortels. On n’a pas beaucoup d’informations sur elle, si ce n’est qu’elle se plaît dans sa vie d’humaine et qu’elle fuit son père. Elle pense qu’en intégrant le lycée Cornelia, elle suit le cours logique d’une vie banale. Et finalement, nous finissons aussi surpris qu’elle.
J’ai beaucoup apprécié le personnage de Cecilia, jeune fille affirmée, qui ne se laisse pas marcher dessus et qui garde ses secrets pour elle. Également, elle est généreuse et empathique, n’hésitant pas à apprendre à connaître les autres avant d’avoir un quelconque avis sur les personnes qui l’entoure. Pour moi, de sa première interaction avec Sebastian, Alexander et le reste des personnages jusqu’à la création des différentes relations qu’elle va entretenir avec eux, j’ai trouvé que Cecilia évoluait de manière réaliste et intéressante. Malgré son vieil âge, elle a encore des choses à apprendre sur la vie et sur elle-même.
Évidemment, la romance présente dans l’histoire est remplie de clichés. Mais je ne peux nier que ce sont des clichés qui fonctionnent assez pour rendre le roman intéressant, captivant et pour que je ne me détache pas de ma lecture jusqu’à la dernière page. Même si le triangle amoureux m’a parfois fait lever les yeux au ciel, je dois dire que j’ai ressenti une certaine excitation face à la haine et à la compétition que se vouent les deux jeunes hommes et à l’indécision et à la confusion que ressent Cecilia dans ses sentiments pour Alexander et Sebastian. C’est palpitant.
La lecture de VAGABOND m’a rendu nostalgique. Et au-delà du fait de m’avoir fait souvenir de cette période pendant laquelle la romance m’apportait beaucoup de douceur dans ma vie, ce roman m’a donné envie d’en relire !
A pleasant read that I really enjoyed, which plunged me back into similar books that I devoured in the past when I was younger.
After a century of ruling Hell, its princess, Cecilia's human side emerges and she escapes, seeking a normal life.
She finds anything but when she joins Cornelia High School, only to discover a hunt for an ancient artifact, a charming demon, and a developing love triangle that threatens to unsettle the gentle balance between Heaven and Hell.
When I was younger, I had a big time reading and reading romances. Romances of all kinds, whether contemporary, paranormal, etc... I read less today because my tastes have changed and so have my demands. I’m less tolerant of the many clichés present in the genre and ultimately, I favor more stories in which the romances are actually secondary.
Still, I couldn't help but give VAGABOND a chance... and I don't regret it at all! I read it in just a few hours because I found the story addicting.
The author's writing style is eye-catching. From the first words, I was captivated by what was being told. The sentences are constructed in a simple manner, but each word chosen to describe the events was punchy enough to make me want to dive into the narrative.
At the very beginning of the story, we are introduced to the character of Cecilia, daughter of Lucifer and a human, who lives among mortals. We don't have much information about her, except that she’s enjoying her human life and running away from her father. She thinks that by entering Cornelia High School, she’s following the logical course of a mundane life. And finally, we end up as surprised as she is.
I really liked the character of Cecilia, a strong young girl who doesn't let herself be walked on and who keeps her secrets to herself. Also, she’s generous and empathetic, not hesitating to get to know others before having any thoughts on those around her. For me, from her first interaction with Sebastian, Alexander and the rest of the characters to creating the different relationships she will have with them, I have found Cecilia to evolve in a realistic and interesting way. Despite her old age, she still has things to learn about life and herself.
Obviously, the romance in the story is filled with clichés. But I can't deny that these are clichés that work enough to make the story interesting, compelling and so that I don't detach from my reading until the last page. Even though the love triangle sometimes made me roll my eyes, I have to say that I felt a certain excitement in the face of the hatred and competition between the two young men and the indecision and confusion that Cecilia feels in her feelings for Alexander and Sebastian. It was exciting.
Reading VAGABOND made me nostalgic. And beyond reminding me of that period when romance brought me so much sweetness in my life, VAGABOND made me want to read romances again!
Thank you to the author and Netgalley for providing a copy. I have reviewed honestly.
This book was really well written and I loved our main character. Her personality and personification really drew me in. The plot was unique and interesting, though I found some parts predictable.
Overall, I think this book will appeal to many YA fantasy readers
I am a fantasy reader and this book delivered! I loved the characters and the story! I definitely recommend it to all my fellow fantasy lovers!!
This is a beautifully crafted fantasy book, which i completely lost myself in. I loved seeing through into a new world and finding out all about the characters and their mythos. Definitely one for fans of fantasy and YA!
I really enjoyed this book! I was a bit skeptical initially but I enjoyed reading it and I thought that the characters in it were really compelling and interesting. This book is really well written and Cecilia is empowered and amazing.
Going through my arcs on Netgalley and it says I downloaded this title but it's not on my Kindle. And seems to have been archived but it also says it is not out until September. So I'm not sure what happened. But I still plan to check it out when I can. Thank you for the opportunity.
It was a great book and I enjoyed reading this book. Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book. It had a great storyline and characters.
Have tried 4 times and this book won't download to my kindle.
It's a shame it sounded good, I will keep an eye out for it when released.
This book has not loaded on my screen and I am unable to read it. But the synopsis sounds really good and I will buy a physical copy of it so I am able to read it when it comes out.
I finished this book and felt kind of let down. I came in with very high expectations (i usually try and keep my expectations down but i was pretty excited about this book) and I just couldn’t find myself liking or getting attached to the characters. they didn’t really feel likeable in my opinion which made me get a bit bored with the story. That being said, if the description interests you I encourage you to give it a try as everyone’s opinions are different
Cecilia is a halfling, the daughter of Lucifer. She is as beautiful as the fallen angel, and for a long time, she was an evil demon and had the powers to go with it. Growing tired of mass killings, she has been on the run from her father. Fleeing the last time, she found herself at Cornelia High School, where she sees a brooding teenage boy. After deciding to enroll, she finds she isn't the only demon at the private school.
I had high hopes for this story, but they remained hopes. First off, what is with the trope of century old beings deciding to date angsty teenage boys? It's unrealistic, old, and really time for it to go by the wayside. Cecilia is not a likeable character, and at no point did I find myself vested in what happened to her. The love triangle? Again, centuries old being is in a love triangle with angsty teens. It's old. The love stories were not believable at all. The magic being wielded is inconsistent. At times demons are all powerful beings able to make anything happen with a snap of their fingers. Other times, they go cold because they don't want to traipse back to grab a jacket.
As I neared the end of the book, I was excited to be finished, only to find out that the book ends on what was meant to be a cliffhanger for the next book. This is a big pass from me.