Member Reviews

This was an interesting read. I did however have issues with the format of the ARC but I assume that was corrected since. It just took me a while to get into the book and found myself skimming over some of the information. I did learn a lot from this and have made some notes about the horoscopes.

getting some information about the tree and how it can be a factor in one's personality. This can be cool if you do connect more with trees than other astrology or a combination.

This was a very interesting book both in the way that it discussed the trees and the relationships that the Celts made with a persons birthdate. I foound out lots about the trees themselves that was so informative and it was so easy to relate this information with the described related horoscopes. A very unusual book full of so much wisdom and facts even for those that are not inclined to relate themselves to their horoscopes.

This is a guide on the Celtic tree horoscope. Introductory chapters explain the basis of this system, what it has to offer, and the spirituality of trees. The tree horoscope is not as specific or descriptive as a planetary horoscope but rather empowers, heals, and inspires the individual to forge a stronger connection between root and sky or earth and heaven.
A two page over-view of each tree based on one's birth month and day is provided.
I do have a couple of questions for the author
1. What does it mean if you are allergic to your birth tree?
2. What is the best way to work with your tree if the tree is not native to your geographical area? How do you call in its energy?
Overall this is an interesting short read on a unique nature based horoscope. With that being said, I did not relate to my tree as much as I thought I would.
Thank you to the publisher for providing me with a free ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Although I had never heard of tree horoscopes, my love of astrology lead to give it a go. I recieved an ARC from NetGalley and the ARC was a bit of a mess with heading sized text randomly interspersed throughout the text (which I can only assume was due to it being an ARC but did take away from the read.
There are differences between the information the book provides and what is generally available online. For example, the book provides 22 trees while online 13 is the number provided. According to the book, I fall under the Yew tree while online sources put me under the Reed tree. I connected with qualities of both however.
Still a decent read with information regarding the tree astrology in the chapters before you get into the different tree signs.

An interesting approach on the Horoscope. I used to read a lot about Horoscope, but this was all new to me, and quite fun to read.
Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for a review.

As I’m interested in horoscopes and astrology I though I’d give this a go. Although for my some of my tree horoscope was true, I don’t think it was entirely accurate. Plus the book says I’m a Rowan but other books and internet pages say I’m a Alder. The layout seems a little basic and there could have been more pictures of the trees to celebrate their beauty. All in all not bad for a bit of fun.

A unique and often overlooked form of horoscope, the Celtic tree horoscope opens up a whole new way of divining our inner self and our greater purpose.

I connected to this book the instant I read about Ms Huber and her struggles and the assurance trees give her. I find that to be true also. I never thought trees had a sort of intelligence but after reading this book and others I now know that they communicate with each other and have mystical qualities that have been known for thousands of years. I looked up my birth tree and the information was right on. It occurred to me that I have always been drawn to the Linden tree and now I know why! Amazing and synchronistic in nature the more I read of this book the more I wanted to go outside and explore which is what trees do for me. This book is gentle and informative. The writing style is conversational and understandable. The illustrations and picture are accurate and match the content. An excellent book to connect with nature and the tree world.

This was a fun little book to explore. I have never heard of tree horoscopes before and I enjoyed reading about some of the Celtic history of trees and their connection to us. As with a lot of horoscope-type books, the reader will only connect with one tree based on their birthdate, so there's really only a handful of pages that most readers will be interested in. Each tree horoscope is broken down into different parts including its associated element, gifts and talents, a mantra of sorts that the author refers to as "carpe arborem", symbolism, healing powers, an inspirational quote, and a summary of the life path. At the back of the book, famous people who shares these trees is listed as well as other related reading materials. Overall, I enjoyed this book and while I didn't find enough value in it to purchase it for myself, it has lit a spark in me to try and research the idea of tree horoscopes more on my own.
Thanks to the author, Earthdancer Books, and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

2.5 stars
Wow, okay, my copy of this galley is supremely broken! Entire paragraphs and passages are jumbled up, thrown out of place, starting and stopping midway through each other. I was able to read and understand about half of the text (including, thankfully, most of the horoscopes), but otherwise this file is a house of mirrors.
It’s always fun to learn something new, and Celtic Birth Trees are something which I had never heard of before this book. Something which confuses me though, is that any Celtic/Druidic astrology I look up online claims 13 tree signs, not 22. Also, according to the Internet I am under Hazel, whereas this book would consider me a Cedar. Reading both, I am obviously more Hazel than Cedar. The same applies (respectively) to my close loved ones. So who is correct: the author or the majority of Internet sources?
I would love to see this book in its final published form. Whether the information laid out in The Tree Horoscope is more accurate than what the Internet gives me, I really can’t say. Regardless, this is an interesting read and great springboard for a new topic to explore.

This book offers a most unique interpretation of meanings of birthdays correlated with trees. What a great balance to all the books on totem animals. Ancient knowledge brought into contemporary language.

I didn't really expect to believe the information in this book (it just doesn't really align with my personal belief system) but I expected to have fun with it as I tend to love this type of book for entertainment purposes. They can usually get pretty accurate for everybody with vague enough descriptions and a few things everyone is likely to identify with. Unfortunately, this book didn't come close to describing anybody I tried to plug into it -- myself, my husband, my friends or my five kids (okay, one kid was kind of close but the law of averages would give you one). It was vague but even then it felt like a miss for most of us. Most of our trees weren't even ones that grow around here, which is a bit of a shame. I would have loved to have been an oak, elderberry or hawthorn (most of these are not options). IIRC, I'm a yew, which is poisonous. Hmmm... I related more to the apple tree description, though still not that much (I didn't really identify with any of them). The book is also very short and doesn't really give you anything much to do with your newfound tree horoscope. Even a Chinese restaurant menu tells you which animal sign you get along best with. 🙂 There's about a page and a half for each tree sign with descriptions and a line about what use the tree may have. A lovely thought, but not really a hit for me personally.
I read a temporary digital ARC of this book for review.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for an advanced review copy in exchange for an honest review. Hmm, I'm not sure if this was supposed to be the full book or just a sample because I 1) read every page in under 15 minutes and 2) the writing was constantly broken up by bold letters stating "FOR REVIEW ONLY". So please keep this is mind when reading my review. I love anything horoscope related so when I saw this title I was excited as I've never heard of tree horoscope. Unfortunately due to the above reason I was unable to learn anything of value from this book, I am not even certain which tree relates to my birthday (which one would think would be the most simple info to find). Unfortunately this book taught me absolutely nothing the title at least has given me something new to research.

A fun take on Celtic Tree Astrology also known as Druid Astrology. The information is presented in a clear and well designed layout. I can see that this would make tree plantings for new borns more significant. Sadly Northern hemisphere centric.
*eArc provided by the publisher and NetGalley

This is lovely book telling you about different trees and which trees match your date of birth which gives you your tree horoscope.
Thank you NetGalley for letting me read this book.

An amazing insight into the 'Celtic Tree Horoscope'..
Before today I had no idea that based on your date of birth, and according to the Celts, you were assigned a tree. There was a lot of pulling from Greek philosophy and other houses of through- and it was very quick and interesting read.