Member Reviews

I did not get the chance to start this book, so I will not be providing a full review for it because I feel it is wrong to judge it when I haven't read any of the book. The synopsis of the book seemed like a fun sci fi story that I might enjoy. Just wanted to clarify the 1 star rating is just my normal rating system for DNF'ing a book because it is required for this review, nothing against the actual quality of the book.

It's been a while since I started reading Becstar by Joe Corallo, but I will be honest with you - I nearly did not finish this book. It's not that it's a bad book, it's just that sometimes comics come around that just don't do it for you and this was definitely one of them for me. So, what exactly happened?
Becstar was somewhat of a mixed bag for me, thus why it has taken me song long to actually complete my review of this book. The premise and artwork in this book are promising, but the storyline somewhat falls flat at about halfway through. What starts out as a solid science fiction space opera turns almost into a farce with nearly every character bickering the entire time in lieu of a lot of actual character development. There is one easy way to immediately turn me off of a story, and bickering characters is quite possibly the fastest. I felt the same way with a critically acclaimed book called Nothing But Blackened Teeth, wherein the entire cast argued and fought the entire time - I hated it, but here it just made a promising book mediocre.
flashbacks within, instead we trade badass mercenary Becstar for bumbling nigh unlikable Becstar that seems to be completely at odds with her reputation. The only thing keeping me from a total burial is the artwork which is awesome. It's an interesting style and uses an atypical color palette of rich pastels and bright colors. When most space operas opt for varying shades of brown, especially after the show Firefly and Battlestar Galactica made everyone feel that leather jackets were the official space uniform. Hats off to Joe Corallo for being different.
While not wholly irredeemable, this comic was a letdown for me in many ways. The characters were not very likeable, the story meandered a lot, and overall, I felt like the ending was not all that great. I don't like doing negative reviews on here, but I promised to give an honest review, and here I am begrudgingly doing my best to meet that. This comic DOES have a great cast of strong female characters, and I'm sure it can find an audience with somebody, sadly it was not with me.

It’s a good start. The caveat here is I am clearly not the target audience for this material, so the focus of my review is on the quality of the art and the storytelling rather than innate appeal. The writing is very good. Corallo introduces a small squadron of characters, and you get who they are with their individual voices and motivations, quickly. It feels very familiar but not in a boring way. New readers can get on board with what’s happening without a lot of requisite world-building or setup. I really liked the art. The color palette over the entire issue is muted and soft, so there’s a lack of dramatic contrast. The character designs fall into the sketchy, indie style category.

What attracted me about this book? The cover of course. Sweeney Boo does good stuff, and the illustrator is also pretty good (it reminded me a little bit of I Hate Fairyland) though sometimes the frames/art/dialogue didn’t feel cohesive. 84% in I am pretty sure there was a mix up with either the dialogue being out of order or the frames not being put correctly, either way it read pretty confusing. Which didn’t do the story any credit, as after Issue #2 the story itself starts taking a huge cliff dive into the negatives. Characters start showing up out of nowhere with little to no explanation, backstory is told in a rushed fashion and doesn’t provide enough insight. For the life of me I couldn’t understand why Sally would stick with Becstar (and I enjoyed Becstar’s character because I like fuck up characters) since Becstar made her life impossible. I don’t even know what their regular gig is because it is never explained before we are thrown into the quest to find Becstar’s old teammate who has a gauntlet of creation which the bad guy wants, and for some reason we are just going to go along with taking the bad guy exactly where they need to go….
The dialogue was also lackluster/repetitive when it came to the bad guy, Mordecai (one dimensional character; it is also never explained how he went from a small team of thieves to basically ruling the bad guys). Geez, what a mess.
But, the art is great, the colors are fantastic, and the covers are to die for. Too bad the story didn’t live up to the potential.
PS; I was provided a review copy in exchange for an honest review. Thanks go to the publisher!

2/5 I had download problems with this and I know most of my fellow reviewer friends didn't like this much as well.
I say give it a read if you think it sounds interesting enough to you and the art is certainly beautiful but it wasn't for my taste. I love anything space and sc-fi but this wasn't what I thought it would be.

'Becstar' by Joe Corallo with art by Lorenzo Colangeli is a graphic novel about a band of ex-mercenaries and the way their lives changed one day.
Becstar is lucky, and there is a reason for that. She lives in secret, or so she thinks, until her past catches up with her. It turns out that her luck is caused by a relic she found and one of her old band of treasure hunters wants to reunite it with the others.
I liked this interesting mix of a SF story with the fantasy twist of cursed artifacts. The art has an angular almost manga twist to it. I'm interesting to see where this story goes.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors, Mad Cave Studios, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

The premise of this graphic and text mixed book was interesting, but is was also fun. I did enjoy the character and art style.
I did feel like I was more encaptured by the graphic art more than the story, but that's probably stemming from my preferences. However in parts, the story was a little patchy in execution. I did enjoy that the plot was simple, as I do appreciate that incorporating a thicker/more advanced plot in with a graphic novel might be hard to execute.
I do think this is a great light scifi read, for those that don't want too thick of a plot.
Rating: 3/5

Another graphic novel with an interesting idea but with a flat execution. The pacing is all over the place, and the characters are constantly bickering nonstop. Everything was conveniently solved and easy then the evil guy comes and says I made everything “easy for you”. //facepalm
More on the characters, Becstar is the exact opposite of what she is pitched to be. She is part of an “amazing” mercenary group before they broke up but she’s constantly sloppy and naive (even during those days) and she has the audacity to take credit for all the convenient moments which was actually due to the lucky dagger. Don’t get me started on the characters being “gravely injured” but being okay in the very next panels as if nothing happened except for the ending scenes.
Also why is the cover art so different from the actual art style of the book? I see this a lot in graphic novels and its annoying and I think it's to the point that it might as well be a scam (thankfully I got an ebook from Netgalley so I didn't waste any money).
Overall, even though the magical artifacts were interesting, the characters and the plot didn’t appeal to me. I have no plans on continuing the series due to all the plot holes and everything being conveniently solved.
Thank you NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy for an honest review.

It doesnt support or open after I download the protected pdf version of it.
It's also not showing in my shelf in netgalley and I cant open it to read
Please look into the issue and if you can send me the pdf in my mail ID- taniagungunsarkar@gmail.com
I cant read the book from here.
Please look into the issue and deliver me the book to review properly, moreover i was pretty excited about this book

i really loved the artstyle. that being said the plot didn't leave me hooked and wanting more.
there is not much else to say. I have some friends that I'm sure will 100% fall in love with it. but for me personally it didn't do the trick

With a very fun art style and good story line this was a great graphic novel to read. It took a second for me personally to get into the story but it quickly pulled me in after I started it.

I’m giving this 3.5 star
Plot: Becstar is approached by Paprika to help her stop one of her old crew-mates from Universal domination. There wasn’t anything too ground breaking here but it was fun and enjoyable.
Characters: I loved that it was mostly female. I really enjoyed Becstar and Sally, though I wish there was a bit more character development for them, beyond just being moody & unable to let the past go (Becstar) and keeping things together (Sally).
Page Turner: Yup, this was a pretty good page turner and the finale frame was a nice way to keep it open and ominous.
Read More: Yes, I’d pick up the next volume of Becstar to see how it plays out and to hopefully get to know Becstar and Sally better. I’d love to see into Sally’s past as well.
Special thank you to NetGalley and Diamond Book Distributors for sharing this digital copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

Becstar is a space romp. It's action-packed from the beginning and full of jeopardy throughout. There are rods with amazing powers which the evil Mordeci wants to get his hands on (he has one already). Paprika needs to find Becstar to give her a rod so that together they can find Anyssa (another rod custodian). Although it starts a little shakily; the plot becomes clear quickly and evolves into a chase through the galaxy. The characters have little depth but their backstory makes up for that. The writing is snappy and brings the characters to life, especially Sally, and the artwork is colourful and dynamic.

"Becstar": 2,5⭐
(Unpaid Review: thank you to @netgalley, @joecoralloauthor and the publishers for allowing me to read this book in exchange for a review).
Graphic novels are my absolute favorite thing, I love getting a formed image of the characters right in front of me. Believe me, this book deserves credit for the art!
However, not all graphic novels get you stunned. This one just wasn't for me: the world-building and the relationships between characters felt as if they weren't real, like there were no strings attaching them. I just couldn't connect to it.
However, it is a quick read and it did get me out of my reading slump!

The illustration was gorgeous as was the story but just isn't my usual cup of tea, It was a quick and enjoyable read though.

I think everyone would agree that the artwork in this graphic novel was MARVELOUS; it never fell short. It was truly a feast for the eyes.
The story itself didn't fully meet my expectations, however. The beginning felt like it had continued from a previous volume (perhaps that's what we need?) and there wasn't much backstory to Paprika, which was disappointing. Becstar and Sally's relationship was lovely but even the brief glimpse into how they'd met felt abrupt. The ending was anti-climactic too.
Overall, I feel like this novel had a ton of potential which it didn't live up to. Will always be in awe of the artwork though, truly exquisite.

*Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with and advanced copy of this book to read and review.
The synopsis and the cover art of this graphic novel sucked me in and then subsequently proceeded to let me down hard. The art style in this book is not as good as the cover, the characters faces look squished and out of proportion. It was very distracting and off putting while trying to read this book.
I have also never read a book where so much and nothing happens at the same time. it was the same plot loop over and over again. Murder, run from bad guy, murder, run from bad guy, etc., etc. Over and over in an endless loop until we get to what it supposed to be the climatic ending but just ends up being disappointing.
This book also tries to end with a cliffhanger but it was absolutely unnecessary, as there is no where for this story to go. Overall, a big disappointment, and an hour of my life that I will never get back.

I liked it but it wasn’t really my thing. I liked the art style but the story just wasn’t interesting to me.

Becstar is an action-packed graphic novel/comic that is perfect for those looking for a little slice of a simple sci-fi world & a beautiful set of illustrations. Although the story wasn't too in depth, it was entertaining from the beginning and never got too complicated. Its straight forward plot, led to a clear conclusion. I wish it was a bit more complex in the end and had a bit more nuance to it--towards the last couple pages it felt as if it had sped up too much, but other than that it was an easy read, that takes you into a new world for a bit of time! I would love to see more of Becstar's adventures, as well as an expansion onto this story's ending!

I could never download this book. That’s sad. I believe there was a problem with the platform, so I don’t blame the author or the publisher.
Since I’ve never read it, I can’t give my opinion. That’s why I’m choosing a neutral rating.