Member Reviews

Wonderful book with characters that made me really think about my own life. I don't want to give anything away, but I would absolutely recommend reading this heartfelt novel that takes you on a journey.

**please note due to low rating I will not be leaving a public review for this book**
The story 1 stars because I just couldn’t get into it and it just isn’t my style.

I had no idea, nor could I have imagined it out, if I had not read this book about how much misery and calamitous emotions and reactions "Dear John" letters provoked; especially, upon active duty military personnel. If one wishes to have their eyes opened to the damaged caused to such a recipient of such a letter, this is a must read. (Yes, there are "Dear Jane" letters that can be just as devastating.)
The author has really covered many bases with the infamy of this type of letter, I find. She addresses the 'who,' of the sender, and the 'why's', as well as the various "lethal" reactions to them; how did, or did not, the military powers-that-be regard the matter over the years of the many wartimes, and whether there have been any remedial actions implemented to pre-empt them; and so on.
To say the least, I am rather dumbfounded at the "skirmishes" left in the wake of such letters, as well as the disloyal reasons 'why'. Please read this book, especially if one knows someone in the military and/or contemplates sending such a letter, email or delivery-by-phone, message.
~Eunice C., Blogger/Reviewer~
November 2021
Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

This book was a miss for me. It’s a topic I am interested in, but the writing was not engaging. I finished it, but I struggled with each new chapter.

I received a free ebook of the book Dear John by Susan Carruthers in exchange for a honest review.I liked this book and would give it3.5 stars out of 5 .It is a well researched novel about the history of the Dear John letter and the impact it has had on soldiers .The first Dear John was sent in the Civil War and has been blamed for suicides and acts of violence committed by soldiers during their service.ever since.There are many antidotes in this interesting book.

What a wonderful way to learn more about the history of America. It is interesting, reflective and gives a good insight into the lives of people during hard time.
I think it is a great way to read about history and life without it being boring or longwinded.
It was great that it wasn't a long book at 294 pages it didn't go on and on like some books do, so it was easy enough to read, the topic was interesting and I would recommend.

As a veteran who has seen first hand the impact a Dear John letter had on fellow servicemen, I found this book very interesting. The trauma these letters caused especially during war time situations is not really thought of and I liked that this book shed some light on the subject. I think having actual Dear John letters would have been better, but I can see how someone might not want their letters shared.