Member Reviews

An amazing collection of facts and knowledge to direct all men towards a healthy lifestyle. It's comprehensive and easy to read and will undoubtedly be helpful in the long-term wherever youa re.

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Nice, simple overview of the essentials of men's health in a readable format. I love that it isn't espousing any fadish, magic bullet theory about health. Very practical and common sense based.

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Overall, this is a good “quick” mens health guide. As a physician, there wasn’t a great deal of new information for me, but I have patients that would benefit from this. In a way, it reads like patient instructions after a clinic visit. Some of the exercise diagrams didn’t really seem to be necessary and certain;y didn’t help with performing the stretch/exercise being discussed.

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Excellent approachable summary written by a urologist. Short, yet fairly comprehensive, chapters provide a broad summary of male-specific anatomy, issues, fitness, and diet.

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Written just how a man would read it. Concise and to the point. No messing around in this publication. Gives a man everything he need to know and be updated on life stages.

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Lots of Useful Bits

Stylistically, and especially in the opening chapters, this book is heavy on the chummy bro-friendly chatter. Lots of penis, erection, and sex life references. Nudge-nudge. (The author is, after all, a urologist.) Don't let this dissuade you from reading on. There is a good deal of useful information to be found here, beyond the usual advocacy for regular checkups, exercise and high-fiber diets. The overall vibe is an emphasis on common sense, moderation, and fact based practices.

Of course, we get an emphasis on good eating, exercise, and the like. Nothing especially new here, but it's all laid out in a clear and reasonable fashion, so if you're new to the idea of trying to live healthy, this could all be useful. What is unique is the focus on male anatomy and "male problems". There is a clear and thorough discussion of testosterone and replacement therapy, as well as a good basic review of anatomy, and a balanced explanation and consideration of prostate issues, testicular cancer, and the like. Even if you are fairly alert to your own health this section could be quite valuable. We conclude with a discussion of sexual performance and dysfunction, which could be a very helpful intro for men who are encountering problems and haven't yet sought professional help or guidance, (or are receiving questionable guidance).

Perhaps of greatest note there is no proselytizing on behalf of specific therapies or regimens, and no attempt to sell any particular point of view regarding treatment options or common problems. The presentation is balanced and open, and seems to have been written with an eye towards being thorough and informative without advocating any particular approach. The author has no patience with fads, creepy unproven supplements, or magical quick fixes, but that was fine by me. There seems to be an underlying, sincere, effort at myth busting, which actually struck me as a refreshing change from many other similar books.

So, after a bumpy start this turned into a useful and informative book that offered a reasonable survey of common male health issues. A helpful effort.

(Please note that I received a free advance will-self-destruct-in-x-days Adobe Digital copy of this book without a review requirement, or any influence regarding review content should I choose to post a review. Apart from that I have no connection at all to either the author or the publisher of this book.)

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