Member Reviews

Areally sweet and fun book full of lovely ideas of activities to do with children. I loved the author's enthusiasm and positivity. I would imagine the book to be far more accessible as a hard copy. Thank you to the author, the publisher and to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this nice book

This book is filled with fun ideas for craft time. A wonderful book full of great ideas for children of all ages. I love the craft ideas are laid out with beautiful bright photographs.
I received a copy of Crafty Family Ideas in exchange for an honest review.

Das Buch ist gut gemacht, leider konnte ich viele Projekte nicht umsetzen oder mich mit ihnen beschäftigen, weil die englischen Titel nur auf Zeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden und dann aus der Netgalley App verschwinden, dieses Buch sollte man in seinem Regal zum Zugreifen haben, die Ideen sind inspirierend.

If you are like me, and get overwhelmed by Pinterest, then this book is very handy to have around. It has organized activity ideas, colorful pictures and simple to follow instructions.

Have definitely had a lot of fun over the last few rainy days making some arts and crafts with my 2 year old and 5 year old.

I would have given 5 stars but certain information I felt was missing. As a mother who loves making crafts I am grateful for the Crafty Family Ideas but I feel like something is missing with the instructions. I love that the recipes list the ingredients but it would be great to know if any cooking equipment or items or utensils are required so the children can help by getting them out of pantry or cupboards. Little picture icons so the children know what they are looking for so the parent is there as a helper or guide I’d the children are unable to read the items or instructions. For the crafts I also noticed that there’s no list of required items so they could be ready to begin the craft. The children could also help by taking the needed items for the craft activity from their craft box. It’s an ideal book of family crafts for a rainy day on days off, weekends or short or long holidays and has all seasonal holiday crafts and cooking. Fun for the whole family young and old to participate in togetherness.
#CraftyFamilyIdeas #NetGalley
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Dox Chapel Publishing via NetGalley for my honest review of the book Crafty Family Ideas Projects to Make, Things to Bake, and Lots of Homemade(ish) Fun
by Kristen Gambaccini. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own thoughts, feelings and viewpoints of the book.
Review run date 2021 for Netgalley, is posted on my WordPress blog, Facebook blog, Instagram, LinkedIn, Amazon.com.au, goodreads, along with the non-linked retail online stores that sell the book is at:
My WordPress blog link is http://bluefalkon95adorationofallgenres.wordpress.com I have 27 followers
My Facebook reader blog page link, is https://www.facebook.com/BlueFalkon95-Readers-blog-104660277776984 I have 27 followers
My Amazon link is: Sorry I do not have any followers, I have a reviewer ranking #10,871

Looking for things to do with your kids that is fun and crafty? This is definitely the book for you. This is full of fun crafts and recipes for the whole family!

This was a great crafting book and there were a ton of ideas that I am definitely going to try. These would be great for kids who love crafts.

A really sweet and fun book full of lovely ideas of activities to do with children. I loved the author's enthusiasm and positivity. I would imagine the book to be far more accessible as a hard copy. Thank you to the author, the publisher and to Netgalley for the opportunity to rad and review

The ideas in this book are so varied it would make a great gift for almost anyone! From recipes, to small gifts, decorations, and even bug spray, there is truly something for everyone in here. Fun bonus: the photos in this book are so vibrant and creative!

I love crafty family activity books. There were a lot of really fun and actually interesting crafts in this book. They had silhouette paintings which are some of our favorites and using eggshells to plant things which is something that we have done before and so many other ones that my kids are very excited to try. Definitely a fun family activity book

Crafty Family Ideas is full of seasonal crafts with simplified directions and detailed photos. Kristen Gambaccini shows readers that crafting doesn't have to be difficult. It's not just for small families. Gambaccini gives families tips and directions needed to make time for hands on activities. Plus, her personal stories and candid photos are reletable and refreshing. Crafty Family Ideas is a must have for am in-home library, as well as, educators looking for outside of the box Ideas.

Crafty Family Ideas is a collection of crafting ideas and tutorials for lots of different all-ages projects written and presented by Kristin Gambaccini. Released 25th May 2021 by Fox Chapel Publishing, it's 160 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats.
I really liked the exuberance and fun energy of this book. The author is enthusiastic and upbeat and the project tutorials are colorful and engaging. The layout is easy to follow.
The crafting prompts and tutorials are grouped thematically by season: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. The tutorials include nature crafts, found objects, cooking, art, papercrafts, and recycled project materials. The bulk of the content is given over to the projects. Each one includes an intro/description, tools and materials, and step by step photo tutorials. The photography is clear and abundant. There are color photos on every page. Alternate steps and enhancements are included for many of the activities. The recipes have ingredients in a bullet list in a sidebar. Measurements are given in American standard units, and nutritional information is not included. Those tutorials which are made to specific patterns have templates included in the back of the book.
This would make a superlative choice for staying home activities, as well as great ideas for a library or classroom activities (when we can gather together again). This would also be a good book for folks who spend time with kids (grandparents, teachers, scout leaders, activity groups, etc).
Five stars. There are a ton of good ideas here.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

I was disappointed in the book Crafty Family Ideas by Kristin Gambaccini.
The book opens with a few pages of the author’s life and thought’s as to why she decided to write this book. The book was broken down into crafts and recipes by season; Spring Break, Creative Summer, Fall-ing Back into Routine, and Crushing the Winter Doldrums. There was also a section called Idea Collection where the author recommended certain crafts and/or recipes for an occasion or theme. As an example, she did an Idea Collection of All Things Organized. There was nothing new or exciting about the crafts or recipes in this book. On the positive side, the pictures were well done, and the instructions were quite clear. Out of the entire book, only three craft ideas sounded interesting to me; Pet Silhouette, Bubble Gum Machine, and Book Pouch. The book pouch was quite clever, yet appeared quite simple to make. One recipe jumped out at me and that was the Grinch cookies. I know my great nieces and great nephews will enjoy making those at Christmas time.
My review is voluntary and all comments and opinions expressed are my own.

A book packed with ideas for doing things together with your family. Delicious cooking recipes and beautiful craft ideas that you haven't seen a hundred times on Pinterest. The great DIY ideas are well explained and great to try out together.
A super nice book. I like the many ideas that are not too elaborate. So you can also plan a few ideas for a child's birthday.
A great book and therefore there is a recommendation from me and a full 5 out of 5 stars.

Lots of good craft ideas more geared for older children and some unexpected recipes thrown in for good measure. A nice craft book that has a lot of fun felt pompom and hot glue gun activities. Some of the activities look like fun for children however lack a little finesse for a more discerning eye and there is a heavy reliance on a hot glue guns that may not be suitable for younger children.
Not being familiar with Kristen Gambaccini it was interesting to read about her experience as a mother to 8 (!) children and her busy life. I'm sure that to a big fan of Gambaccini this would be a great book.
Many thanks to Netgalley for an ARC in return for an honest review.

This was a fun book for families and individual crafters alike. Whether you have kids or want to do the crafts with your partner, this book provides a lot of great ideas for being creative and getting crafty with those you love!

This is a very sweet, very wholesome compilation of crafts, recipes and life tips. There's nothing really new here... my 2 kiddos are 14 and 17 now and I've had an I home daycare for the past 10 years, so I feel like I've tried or seen just about everything at this point. There are some nice variations on crafts HERE, though. The popsicle sidewalk chalk is a fun twist and the numbered cup tray to keep drinking glass usage to a minimum is BRILLIANT. And if you've ever found yourself wanting to cover ever conceivable surface in colorful felt balls, then this is definitely the book for you!
If this isn't your first rodeo, this book isn't going to show you anything new BUT if you're just starting to find fun activities you can do with your kiddos, this would be a great place to start.

I found a couple ideas that provided some inspiration for family activities. Much of the book contains mundane activities like using a drinking glass for a flower vase, and some recipe for baking together. I was hoping for more creativity

If you're a fan of hot glue, felt and crafts that'll keep the kids entertained, this is the book for you! Kristen Gambaccini is a mother of 8 (!!), and in this book she shares the tips and tricks and recipes she's come up with to make running such a large family easier. She introduces the book and explains her rationale behind being thrifty and crafty, and is non-apologetic in her use of recycled materials.
The book is broken down into seasonal crafts, so that one can jump forward to winter activities rather than flicking through to find a gingerbread recipe, for example.
Speaking of recipes, there are some wholesome, simple family favourites that are sure to be a hit with my family, too.
The crafts themselves.. I'm torn. In the crafty blogging circles, there are some crafts that are just busywork, and I don't get them. I don't understand the wreathes and non-edible food displays and so on. (There are instructions in this book for non-edible candy apples. In a household with small children, my only question was - WHY?!)
Having said that, though, there are some cute, practical crafts and tips in here, too that will help kids make fun gifts. While a hot glue gun is used throughout this book, it wouldn't be hard to substitute for PVA if kids aren't able to use hot glue.
~Many thanks to Netgalley for a copy of this book in exvhange for an honest review~