Member Reviews

There is misunderstanding of the Antifa movement in our media and culture. The mainstream media has not said a lot about them and to be honest I would not know of them if it was not for Twitter and following Jack Posobiec and an Asian reporter that I think has been kicked off Twitter. I tried looking him up in the writing of this review and he has not come up.
Jack puts his own experience with this group and the hate that they project. They are not about helping the minority but about destroying law and order, capitalism, and families. They are a well organized gang that is well funded by Elite liberals. I appreciate Jack's willingness and courageous efforts in getting the word out. There is a real battle between evil and good.
Things in this world are changing quickly and there is a reason. People need to be informed and think thru what these implications will mean for future generations. Progressism is not going forward but going backwards and Antifa is leading the way!
A special thank you to Books Go Social and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

This book was an interesting look into the world of Antifa. fiction books about contemporary political issues are some of my favourite reads.I appreciate Posobiec's style of journalism and his looking beyond the mainstream media's lack of critical investigation into this topic. Thanks for Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for unbiased and honest review.

First off, Mr. Posobiec may not be a 100% reliable source, so beware. The book is actually a history of anarchism, starting with the assassination of President McKinley in 1901, and then covers the Spanish civil war, the black shirts in Italy, the Brownshirts in Nazi Germany, and so forth. Thus, the information on Antifa itself is limited. This book would be greatly enhanced if it had citations and footnotes.

I found this rather interesting but the problem I see Is the Republicans will agree with this and the Democrats will see it as all lies and propaganda, other wise it could be considered quite informative…..

The Antifa is a self-professed nonfiction investigative report on "The Antifa" by Jack Posobiec. Released 1st June 2021 by Calamo Press, it's 300 pages and is available in softcover and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately; it makes finding phrases or passages so much easier when reading.
I try to hold myself to some personal standards in reading and evaluating every book I review. I try my very best to give an unbiased and objective review whatever my personal feelings are on the subject matter. This applies especially to non-fiction selections. That being said, this book, and this author, challenged my attempts to remain objective.
This is a comprehensive, 300 page screed on what's wrong with America (mostly minorities and people who "hate America") and what to do about it (mostly "fight back" against everyone who doesn't think, talk, and more importantly *look* like he does. It reads like an alt-right angry white guy manifesto on why and how to take back "his" America which has *never* existed in any form, but most resembles the 1950s suburban overwhelmingly caucasian segregated south of post WW2 USA. In the process, he fabricates, sensationalizes, and spins every occurrence about which he writes.
There is no unbiased retelling of independently verifiable factual events anywhere in this book. The writing and recounting of actual events shades quite unapologetically into fiction. There are no references or verifiable sources. There is not a shred of journalistic integrity.
The author spends quite a lot of content naming and shaming venues and individuals for canceling their events due to concerns for public safety and bandies "cancel culture" often. Unironically, he brags about his #DumpStarWars campaign in the same paragraph he's decrying being accurately quoted by the media and simultaneously recounts banning mainstream journalists from the "Deploriball" celebration of Trump's election and inauguration reporting calling it "tough love" and claiming their journalistic standards are not up to snuff.
As a last aside, the book would benefit from professional proofreading and editing. I normally don't refer to editing and mistakes in eARCs but this is a final release copy.
One star. This book will probably appeal to Fox News viewers, QAnon fans, and conspiracy theorists. For readers looking for unbiased factual reporting with verifiable sources, this book lacks the most fundamental journalistic standards. I think this is the first one star review I've ever given. (And I've written thousands).
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

Reading diverse viewpoints and looking critically at information is important. While Jack Posobiec's The Antifa claims to do so, it doesn't. This book is what one expect from an alt-right extremist with ties to white supremacy groups. This is merely propaganda with a lack of evidence and unfettered, sensationalist talking points from the author's target base. With circular arguments and a reliance on extremist viewpoints rather than facts, this book should be shelved in the fiction section.

Granted that there is a growing in America with BOTH left-wing and right-wing extremist groups. White-supremacists, Nazis, and with growing evidence of the existence of it, Antifa. Both sides are guilty of stoking hatred and of destroying property and lives.
HOWEVER, this is not the book to use to document Antifa! The author is so far out in the fringe that it makes almost everything he says suspect. Rather than to use his platform to document proven facts about Antifa, he instead uses undocumented or questionable statements to make his case.
Not to mention his undisguised hatred for the United States Government. Or, at least, the parts of the government that insist on fact based evidence, and not the latest tweet by an unsatisfied person.
Some examples:
"Simply, the federal government is biased towards targeting right-wing groups rather than left-wing groups. This derives from a number of factors, but a strong component of it is single-source media consumption by those who live in the Beltway and truly run the government of the United States; the interagency bureaucracy."
"The intelligence community is truly run by rent-seeking bureaucrats all vying to lie, cheat, and fail their way into making the next rank."
"All the analysts were working from home because of COVID so they really only had access to unclassified. So they're sitting home using Google and CNN to write open source intelligence."
And what does the author base these revelations on? He openly states, "Much of this comes from firsthand knowledge from my years serving in the intelligence community in Washington DC, as well as interviews I conducted with current and former members for this book". ALL OF WHOM REMAIN UNNAMED!
So, what could have been a valuable insight into the growth and development of the Antifa movement, is wasted on the author's rantings and ravings. Very disappointing!

This could have been good if it did not seem like the author was almost putting everyone associated with Antifa on a pedestal of honor. Trump supporters and sympathizers made the threat/popularization of Antifa even more prominent than it should have been. This could have been he neutral book/research about Antifa that was needed except the author's POV made Antifa ok. WTF ? Seriously? How is this ok?
Disappointed. Cannot recommend. Skim read most of this.
Thanks to Netgalley, Jack Posobiec and Books Go Social for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Already available: 6/1/21