Member Reviews

I jumped into this series even though I hadn't read the other books in the series.
I was not expecting this to be as emotional as it made me feel. It did take me a few chapters to really get into the story. James felt like he was beyond the usual grumpy hero. So much so that I really doubted these two getting together.

When they finally do get together, it's very passionate until it grows to be more.

This was my first Julie Anne Long and it won't be my last.

Mariana arrives at the Grand Palace on the Thames under the cover of night, having just fled a mob eager to bring down the "Harlot of Haywood Street". The ladies who run the inn are sure they can help restore her reputation and draw patrons to their establishment by offering an exclusive show with the infamous opera singer.

General James Blackmore, the Duke of Valkirk, is a legendary war hero. Some find him cold and very proper but nobody really knows him. Until he clashes with Mariana, someone who represents all the things he detests. And when she pushes back against his scorn it only adds to the attraction he feels.

They are forced to spend time together while he tutors her in Italian as a form of apology. Their attraction grows the more time they spend together both knowing it will go nowhere.

Thanks so much to Avon and NetGalley for this ARC to review.

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I enjoyed this book. I found it to be a fun book from an author that I don't often read but I am now wondering why. I would recommend to others and I will be reading more of this author in the future.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Avon and Ms. Long for the opportunity to read an ARC of this title. An honest review was requested but not required.

I would say this is a solid 4.5 star book and I'm feeling generous today so let's round up, why not.

I will say that the cover really led me to believe this is a Christmas-y story, and, well, it's definitely not. I really couldn't say what time of year this took place.

The male main character is a mid-forties retired General, a war hero really, James Blackmore, the Duke of Valkirk. He's ostensibly at the Grand Palace yada yada to write his memoirs while his townhouse is renovated. His counterpart is Mariana Wylde, an opera singer who is fleeing scandal and a possible mob calling for her head due to her alleged role as the instigator of a near-fatal duel. The Duke is self-righteous and contemptuous, Ms. Wylde is defiant and recalcitrant. Of course they can't stand each other... until one of them takes their adversarial relationship just a touch too far. When asked by the GP proprietresses to make amends, James and Mariana are forced into proximity and realize that all that passionate hatred they swore they felt was really just... passion.

Despite some small quibbles (most especially the fact that the IRL version of this love story could not have ended ANY way but badly) it was a super sweet, charming, heartwarming story. My favorite parts to be completely honest were the way Mariana and Dot bonded over learning new words and practically every scene with Mr. Delacorte. Mr. Delacorte must be just the MOST fun character to write; he adds such great humor and I feel myself grinning every time he's on-page. So yeah. I gobbled this book up at every opportunity in my day and was finished with it all too soon.

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JAL shines in this book!! This is my favorite of the Palace of Rouges series for sure. I loved seeing Delilah and Angeliques friendship continue to be supportive, Delacourte is in true form and precious precious DOT! I loved the relationship between Mariana and Dot. The romance and friendship between Mariana and James was so sweet. The Italian lessons were perfect and I loved watching James make himself happy. I would have liked to see more background between James and his son, but also didn't feel like the story was lacking without it. Kiss your brain JAL!!

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After Dark with the Duke was my first Julie Anne Long read, and I devoured it in one sitting. This book is simultaneously hilarious and heartbreaking, hot and tender. Long takes us through the beats of a story with some classic tropes--enemies to lovers, age gap, class divide--but somehow manages to keep the tone fresh and engrossing.

I actually have a hard time with historical romance novels that are sold as "lighthearted and witty". While many are, I feel like some of the most popular books that have been released recently are so lighthearted that the emotions of the story are lost. After Dark with the Duke made me smirk throughout, with some truly wacky characters and awkward incidents. But it never sacrificed heart for humor. Rather, Long managed to marry heart to humor, and she did so seamlessly.

Mariana is probably one of my favorite historical heroines I've read in a while. She's not a virgin, she unapologetically enjoys sex, and she's shrouded in scandal; such a contrast to what so many readers think a historical romance heroine is going to be. And James is exactly what a buttoned up hero needs to be--quietly seething with not only desire for Mariana, but regret and pain and conflicting emotions.

As a writer, I'm jealous of how good this book is. I can't wait to read more from Julie Anne Long.

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Thanks to NetGalley I received an ARC of this book for my honest review.

***This review contains spoilers.***

This is the fourth book in the Palace of Rogues Series by the author and I loved the first book. I didn’t love the second book and haven’t read the third yet.

The premise and the beginning of this book are very promising but it doesn’t live up to the standard set by the first book of the series.

Mariana, an opera singer, seeks refuge from scandal in The Grand Palace on the Thames and meets the stuffy Duke, James, who is writing a book here because of home renovations.

The issues I had with the story is that while Mariana seems modern (she has a career, she’s savvy, independent and it’s refreshing that she’s not a virgin) the relationship she ends up having with James feels very old-fashioned and lacking in equality (titles aside.) He ends up as her Italian teacher, so there is a teacher/student dynamic in addition to their class difference, which is fine, but it’s never discussed until a critical point. When they have sex, they never discuss birth control and the fear of pregnancy isn’t present even though they have multiple sexual encounters. The chemistry they supposedly have happens more in their internal monologues rather than between them. By the end of the book, I just didn’t buy their attraction or their compatibility.

The other thing that didn’t work for me, is Mariana composes letter after letter to her mother in her mind, but never actually writes and sends it. This is weird because she normally wrote to her mother frequently and regularly, and all she does is take Italian lessons and hang out at the Palace, so what the heck is she doing with her time!?!

The book is well written, there is good dialogue between various characters throughout the story, and there is some delightful creativity interwoven throughout the book for those who like to craft on a shoestring budget. The heroines from the first two books are featured prominently and it’s lovely to see them thriving and happy. There are entertaining returning secondary characters as well.

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After devouring the first three books in The Palace of Rogues series, I was not at all surprised to find After Dark with the Duke to be a brilliant, 5 star historical romance.

Julie Anne Long truly writes slow burn at its finest! This is the fourth book in The Palace of Rogues series, and while it's a close call, this is my favorite. I just adored these characters. The Duke of Valkirk gives some of the starchiest, most insufferable Mr. Darcy vibes I've seen in a long time, and it suits him well. Miss Mariana Wylde is much younger than the Duke, but not naive--her experiences with men have taught her to build a strong barrier around her heart. Reading along as these characters slip past the other's defenses and fall in love against their better judgment was magical, teary eyed, Julie Anne Long perfection.

About the pace: An age-gap with class differences is so necessary as a slow burn in my opinion! This is not the first book written where a Duke falls in love with a young beauty below his station -- but this author takes the time to show you how and why it happens (and that he did not fall willingly!)

This can be read as a standalone, but it is a lot more fun to understand more about the supporting cast and the setting by reading books 1 and 2 first. (Book 3 can be read out of order if needed!) The appearances of characters from the first books continue to make this world at The Grand Palace on the Thames seem real. Outside of fantasy, I've never read an author who understands "worldbuilding" the way this one does.

I cannot recommend this book (and series) enough! Here's your book if you need a good swoon fest!

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I adore this series and the latest entry book was no exception--I'll try to leave a longer review closer to publication!

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The Palace of Rogue series just gets better and better! I think this is definitely my favorite so far in this delightful series from Julie Anne Long. This installment is beautifully intwined with the Grand Palace on the Thames world and characters. Long does a wonderful job of drawing the reader into the heroine's story and her scandalous reputation, I found the plot to be intriguing, well paced and full of delicious banter as a really beautiful love story is crafted underneath the every day activities of the Grand Palace and its residence. Long's characters are three dimensional and people you want to root for, she also does a wonderful job of utilizing past characters and giving us a glimpse of where they are now in their lives.

When Mariana arrives in the dead of night at the Grand Palace on the Thames, after being maligned as the "Harlot of Haywood Street" she is unsure if she will be taken in and what she is going to do with her tattered reputation, now that she has fallen from her former height as an Opera Diva. But the ladies of the Grand Palace are excited about the opportunity her appearance presents and quickly work up an scheme to repair her reputation while sharing in her triumph! But they must keep her apart from another guest, James Duncan Blackmore-a general and a Duke, who is brilliant and honorable. James and Mariana immediately clash and James does not trust her because she represents everything that he does not trust. But as passions ignite and desire burns will he be able to resist her charms.

This book really takes off as Mariana and James banter and test each other as they grow to understand and learn more about the other. Long does a wonderful job making their conversation and relationship lively. I love watching James begin to question his understanding of woman. I love that their passion burns hot and strong. Mariana and James soon enter into an understanding and James begins to help Mariana with her Italian as a new job opportunity arises for her. I love that these moments they share together really help to build a strong foundation of trust which then leads to an all consuming passion that they just can not resist. I found the steam level to burn nice and hot towards the later half of the novel when Mariana and James can no longer resist each other. I really enjoyed that Mariana is a hard worker and that James is able to see and realize that Mariana has worked hard for her dream and that her talent and artistry as an opera singer is what helps to give her life. I also love that Mariana stands up for herself and what she wants for her future as James and her relationship must come to an understanding of where it might go. I think that Julie Anne Long also does a beautiful job with the epilogue, it really gives a lovely glimpse into Mariana and James as their relationship matures.

Overall, an extremely delightful addition to this series by Julie Anne Long, I would definitely recommend that you check this book out and the other books in this series. While this book can be read as a standalone, I would recommend reading the others first because it gives you a better background and understanding of the side characters. Definitely pick this book up if you love an opposites attract romance, two people who are hard workers, and watching an artist and a practical mind fall in love!

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I have tried other books by this author and never been able to finish. I almost DNF'd this one as well. I found I could not connect to either MC. i also am not a fan of experienced women. The age gap and the fact that the H had a grown son who was already married (at 22, really???) was a huge turnoff. I don't think this author's writing style is for me. I found it dry and disconnected.

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This book started out a little confusing for me at first, probably because I hadn’t read the previous books in the series yet, but I still enjoyed it, especially once the Duke and Mariana met. The duke’s personality is refreshingly direct to the point of rudeness, and his and Mariana’s verbal exchanges are hilarious, especially when they first meet. Add in Dot’s foibles and the rest of the characters from the boarding house, and you have a highly entertaining book.

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What a romance! I have to say James and Mariana’s relationship was *chef’s kiss* perfect. It was steamy, heart-felt, and funny. I will say at times the plot itself was a little slow, but the characters, romance, and humor made this book great for me. I highly recommend this for anyone who loves historical romances with a swoon-worthy hero and a strong and kind heroine.

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After Dark With the Duke is a slow burn romance with an unconventional heroine, making Julie Ann Long’s story feel unique and more plausible. Mariana is run out of the theater after a duel for her affection ruins her reputation. She takes refuge at an unconventional hotel that barters her room and board for an opera performance. And while Mariana gets along fantastically with almost everyone the lone exception is a military hero turned duke who definitely forms an initial impression of her that’s less than favorable. When the pair are thrown together they begin to see different sides of each other and start a clandestine romance. But will the Duke of Valkirk be willing to throw off conventions to have a forever love with a woman not considered appropriate for his title? Long makes this a believable romance and surrounds the protagonists with a fun crew of supporting characters that makes the book even more enjoyable. And while this is a book in the middle of a series I never felt I’d missed any major details by not reading its predecessors. A bit weightier than a typical historical romance, but probably more enjoyable because of it.

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I'm a fairly new reader to Julie Anne Long's books which lead me on this delightful escape in After Dark with the Duke. This is such a delightful read for historical romance fans. I have not read any other books in the series, so I know that this works well as a stand alone. If you love an atypical setting like me, then look no further than The Grand Palace. An Inn near the docks run by two women who have found love and are now offering rooms to interesting clients after some vetting.

The book opens on Marianna, a down on her luck opera singer trying to make a quick escape from her home. Her reputation was recently tarnished by two dueling lords and has to flee from the mob outside her home. She has no where to go but The Grand Palace. Marianna is a delightful character. Marianna grew up in a loving family with her father working as a well respected cobbler. She has grown her talent at singing and has been slowly making a name for herself until now.

General James, Duke of Valkirk happens to be staying at The Grand Palace as well. He has escaped his home to write his memoir, a follow up to a much acclaimed book. He is basically a national treasure. James is very concerned with honor and doing everything appropriately.

JAL writes a delightful plot that I got completely swept up in. Our characters go from having a immature flirtation with cruel teasing to a very passionate love for one another. The characters do have a bit of age difference, with James' son not much younger than Marianna. JAL handles that very well and I wasn't put off by it for long. There is also so much character development woven in. There character's moments of introspection were a bit heavy for me, but didn't stop the flow of the book.

The mix of classes, Italian lessons, planning for a big event and settings makes this book a treasure!

Thank you to Avon for the advance review copy. All opinions are my own.

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This is a 4th in series, and while I did enjoy it, it wasn’t my favorite (thus far), maybe because I’ve never been crazy about the older man/younger woman trope.

James is a larger-than-life war hero who is idolized by society and was gifted a dukedom for his heroism and leadership. He is writing his memoirs (incognito) at the Grand Palace on the Thames. Mariana is an opera singer who has been vilified by society for allegedly inciting a duel.

James, with his military background, is dignified, wary and closed-off. Mariana is vivacious and straightforward in her actions and her words. They start off as combatants, but as they are thrown together (James offers to teach her Italian after he publicly embarrasses her after one of their altercations), they begin to see the person beneath the public persona.

I enjoyed Long’s trademark wit and beautiful (almost lyrical) writing. However, I didn’t quite feel the level of engagement with her mains that I normally do in her books. But still, a very good addition to the series. Recommended.

My sincere thanks to #NetGalley , #Avon and #JulieAnneLong for providing me the free early arc for review. The opinions are strictly my own.

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Trope: different class

This was an entertaining book. It's well written and the plot was different. The characters were from completely backgrounds. He a war hero turned Duke, and her a opera singer turned duchess. Their relationship and love story had complications but proved opposite attracts. Their happily ever after well deserved. I highly recommend!

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What a book! I loved every second of this book! In fact, I stayed up all night and finished it in one go. A hero unlike any other and a heroine that made my heart melt. Do yourself a favour and read this book.

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The fourth book in The Palace of Rogues series features an opposites attract, age-gap romance that has to be one of my favorite books by this author to date. After Dark with the Duke had me running a whole gamut of emotions, from happiness to heartbreak and everything in between. I loved every minute of it.

Mariana Wylde shows up at The Grand Palace on the Thames after getting run out of her rooms by a shouting crowd when the gossip rags proclaim she was the cause of a duel between two young noblemen. An opera singer by profession, she has almost no money to her name, but she possesses an incredible talent and so Delilah and Angelique offer her a deal. She will sing for a crowd in the Palace’s brand new ballroom, and they will offer her room and board in the meantime. It’s an offer Mariana accepts happily.

James Blackmore, the Duke of Valkirk is a legend in England. A revered general who spent his life in military service, he earned his new title through hard work and dedication to country. Now he has settled into The Grand Palace on the Thames to write his memoirs in peace while his townhouse is being remodeled.

These two are opposites in every single way and watching them judge one another at first sight and find each other wanting, then quip and quibble back and forth, verbally sparring in the hopes of besting their opponent, to slowly getting to know each other, and then to full-blown lust and love was magnificent. The differences between them are more than just their reputations, he being held in unbelievable high esteem and her having been labeled as the Harlot of Haywood, but also their ages, experiences, and stations in life. There really shouldn’t be a way for them to find their way to each other, but they do.

I was 100% invested in this couple from the moment they locked eyes for the first time. You can’t help but love the down on her luck Mariana, who is self-deprecating yet stands up for herself when no one else will. And James in all his haughty standoffishness who is forced to spend time with Mariana and quickly realizes he has judged too swiftly and too harshly. Their romance was glorious to watch unfold and so very, very sexy.

They are surrounded by a colorful cast of characters, who brighten every page and bring this story to life. I’ve gotten to know each of them through the last several books in this series and I’m always happy to greet them again with each new story The Palace its self is a wonderful, warm setting and I hope this author plans many more tales in this world.

This was such a heartfelt, wonderful slow-burn romance. Highly recommend.

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The newest entry in her The Palace of Rogues series is a lovely enemies to lovers story of Mariana, an opera singer caught in a scandal only marginally of her making, and James Blackmore, the Duke of Valkirk, a straight-arrow war hero who initially views her as only another lightskirt. How the two of them develop a liking and respect for each other makes for a very enjoyable read. And then there's the chemistry that builds between them, which both of them try to ignore because of the seeming impossibility of it all. And yet it's not, which is handled in a pretty believable way, with a slow burn that turns into a raging fire. A number of characters from previous books in the series also make an appearance and adds to the satisfaction of reading this book. I definitely recommend it.

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100% full disclosure: I love Julie Anne Long. Even adequate Julie Anne Long is better than 97% of what I read in historical romance. In After Dark with the Duke, there is an opposite attracts theme between Mariana Wylde, the “Harlot of Haywood Street,” who escapes scandal and her reputation to the loftily named Grand Palace on the Thames and the renowned General James Duncan Blackmore, the Duke of Valkirk. Valkirk has taken up residence because he is struggling to write his memoirs. Fourth in a series of five (so far), the growing cast of characters are all here, who I enjoy revisiting. This somewhat obscured the fact that this felt like a very, very slow burn between the two protagnonists. But it couldn't quite obscure that Valkirk was really, really quite a jerk. It is eventually his acting like a jerk that forces the proprietresses to box him into making amends, and that is when Mariana and he are forced together, finally getting the story going. There is a lovely romantic gesture at the end, but after letting the story sit for awhile, I'm not quite sure I believed in these two characters truly being for each other. However, still recommended.

4.5 stars

An ARC was provided by Netgalley for an unbiased review. All opinions are my own.

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