Member Reviews

I really liked this book! It was supper self aware and it really original. The characters were very well written but the ending was underwhelming .

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This is another one I listened to in audio and binged in practically one sitting. This one reached inside me and provoked tears. I felt for these characters and cried for them. Ike and Maya and Buddy Lee, losing their sons so senselessly and leaving a baby girl without her fathers was so senseless. Ike had been out of prison for 15 years and had turned his life around. He lives peacefully and has his own business. When Buddy Lee comes to him with the plan of revenge he turns him away, that is until their tombstones are busted and then a plan starts to hatch. What follows is nothing but mayhem and destruction. I could see this one being made into a film I highly recommend this one!

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A Southern gothic mastery, this book lived up to all the hype and then some. It wrecked me to pieces in all the best ways and the writing was incredible. I actually found myself pausing the book and rewinding to hear the perfect similes again, making sure I didn't miss a single thing. I will be recommending this novel far and wide.

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With starred reviews from Booklist, Kirkus, and Library Journal, RAZORBLADE TEARS is S. A. Cosby's latest novel. Here, he introduces readers to two ex-cons, Ike Randolph and Buddy Lee Jenkins. One is Black and one is White, but both were fathers. Their sons, Isiah and Derek, were married and brutally killed. The two men decide to leverage their underworld contacts and find out why and by whom. Revenge is in the air and so is some fabulous writing, like when Ike says, "I can get a gun if I need to. This is Virginia. They damn near sell them at Seven-Eleven." Cosby is adept at interweaving social commentary, particularly about race relations and, in this novel, homophobia. One concern about this book is the amount of brutality and violence – be forewarned. Kirkus describes RAZORBLADE TEARS as "A lean, mean crime story about two bereaved fathers getting their hands bloody."

Released about a year ago, Blacktop Wasteland is a fabulous mystery adventure story by the same author. We were enthralled by that audio book (from Macmillan Audio and also narrated by Adam Lazarre-White) during a recent road trip. Cosby's main character, Beauregard "Bug" Montage, has left his earlier life of crime as a wheel man, but due to pressing obligations returns for one ill-fated attempt at robbery. The planning is fascinating and the double-crosses add complexity. One can't help but care for the characters and be drawn into the story of their "professional" and personal lives. Blacktop Wasteland received starred reviews from Booklist and Library Journal; New York Times describes it as "A roaring, full-throttle thriller, crackling with tension and charm." I totally concur and am recommending it highly.

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The Short Version: If Little Fires Everywhere is the quintessential book about Mothers and Daughters, Razorblade Tears is the quintessential book about fathers and sons written with enough grit and grime to satiate any man. This book coils barbed wire around your heart and keeps on tugging until the very last chapter.

The Long Version: I got to listen to the Audiobook ARC of this book thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio.

Prior to listening to this, I was not familiar with S.A. Crosby and truth be told, I almost passed on requesting this title because I was not in a mystery/thriller mood when it became available. Thank goodness I changed my mind, because S.A. Crosby is a writer to watch and Razorblade Tears sizzles and pops like hot grease from beginning to end.

The story centers around two fathers, Ike and Buddy Lee, whose sons have just been murdered under mysterious circumstances. Both men are former convicts and when the police don’t seem to be getting anywhere, they put it on themselves to figure out why someone felt the need to hunt down their boys and end their lives. Like a claymore mine, shrapnel starts flying in every direction as they unravel the threads of the mystery and come to terms with the ways they failed their sons as fathers.

This book was damn near pitch perfect, Buddy Lee and Ike were intensely likable and in many ways relatable as protagonists. They were pockmarked with flaws and failings, but had softer underbellies that get pried loose as they reckon with the feelings of failing as fathers. While the surface of this novel is gunfire and drinking, there is significant emotional depth that rattles you from the inside, and it's the portrayal of these conflicted men that draws you in and keeps you reading so compulsively you might get papercuts from turning the pages too fast.

The antagonists were great foils to Ike and Buddy Lee, even if they were a little more simplistic in their construction. We don’t plumb any real emotional depths with them, but they manage to avoid feeling like caricatures. They serve to elevate the trauma Ike and Buddy Lee experience, which creates a rich narrative you can’t put down.

Pace, Plot, and Prose were all exquisite. The story didn’t drag for a second, it barely gave you time to breath and half the time, when it did, it felt like Crosby only let you take a breath so he could knock the air out of your lungs again. The story is twisty, but it has a simplistic complexity that nestles into the real world very well. The prose is equal parts funny, heart breaking, and profound, pushing genre fiction to the heights of what it can attain. There were one or two times I felt a metaphor was a little forced, but on the whole they were excellent, creating vivid images and feelings that put you in the passenger seat right next to Ike and Buddy Lee.

Perhaps the most impressive part of this book is how many topics it covers and how deeply it examines them. The book isn’t grouped with LGBTQ books, but the book spends a lot of time examining the misunderstandings and overcompensations of straight-cis men, especially in the African American community, when they encounter the LGBTQ community. The book discusses race and privilege, while of course diving deep into the relationships between fathers and sons and the mistakes many fathers make. There are several books I’ve read specifically targeted to discuss race or LGBTQ issues that have failed to succeed in providing as illuminated a viewpoint on either topic as Razorblade Tears provides on both

It's really hard for me to find anything negative to say about this audiobook, but I will mention that the narrator was good, but not excellent. The male voices he voiced were often similar. It wasn’t to the point I couldn’t keep characters straight, just something I noticed. On the whole though, he did an admiral job and his narration enhanced the action and emotion littered throughout the book.

Overall a firecracker 5 out of 5. It packs a hell of an emotional punch while still delivering on all the guns, blood, liquor, violence, and cussing any man could want. S.A. Crosby is clearly a master of his craft, hitting on so many profound topics and truths while still soaking his pages in wrathful vengeance and the blood of enemies.

Component Ratings
Concept/Idea: 4.5 out of 5
Protagonists: 5 out of 5
Antagonists: 5 out of 5
Supporting Characters: 5 out of 5
Character Development: 4.5 out of 5
Plot: 5 out of 5
Pacing 5 out of 5
Prose: 4.5 out of 5
Dialogue: 5 out of 5
Narrator’s Performance: 4 out of 5
Ending: 5 out of 5

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Phenomenal!!! The hype is real.

This story has it all. A quest for revenge leads two men on a journey of healing and understanding. The journey isn’t pretty but damn is it real and gave me all the feels.

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I became a fan of S. A. Cosby after reading Blacktop Wasteland so I was thrilled when Netgalley offered an audiobook of his second novel Razorblade Tears. It surpassed my expectations....great story, talented

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Intense graphic violence, not the kind of book I usually read. The reader comes to know and love the characters, even the ones who died before we ever met them. Audio narration is good, although accents aren't quite authenic. (noticeable but not irritating).

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When Derek and Issac a gay couple are killed it become incumbent upon their dads to look into who killed them. The two dads partner up to try to find the individuals responsible for their sons death but run into some trouble themselves.

So this might be an unpopular opinion but this was somewhat of a let down for me. I was excited to get early access to this one and I had enjoyed Blacktop Wasteland very much. The early part of the book was good and I was enjoyed it but the audiobook at over 10 hours was just a bit too long. I found myself losing track of the story towards the end. The narrator was great though and it was easy to listen to overall

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Razorblade Tears was outstanding! The story deals with many real world issues and deals with them honestly. However, it also is action packed with plenty of twists to keep the reader/listener engaged. The entire time I was thinking this would make a great movie or tv series and it has been optioned for the screen. I bought this as a book, but was also graciously awarded the audiobook by the publisher, for an honest review. I enjoyed reading the book, but also loved the narration as I listened on walks. Do not miss this one. This will be on best of lists at the end of the year. 5 stars!

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Sophomore novels always make me nervous, because that’s when you find out whether an author who wrote a promising debut had only one good book in them or if they’re truly a gifted author.

S.A. Cosby, much as I suspected, has given us a second novel that is every bit as good as his first, and demonstrated that he’s one of the biggest talents in the literary world right now.

This is a novel about revenge on the surface, but it’s also a story of grief, of hope, of friendship, and of the power to change, both oneself and the world around them. I’m not completely sure how to class Cosby’s work genre-wise. Crime Adventure? That’s technically accurate but somehow feels like not enough.

This a very dark story in a lot of ways, though Cosby’s trademark humor lightens the load just enough, and the buddy comedy vibe that emerges from the partnership between protagonists Ike and Buddy Lee is one of the best parts of the book.

I always love the “two old guys on one last mission” trope, and though the circumstances that force Ike and Buddy Lee into it are horrific, Cosby wrote them an amazing story. Both men are complex, contradictory characters, men who have done a lot of things in the past that they aren’t and shouldn’t be proud of, yet whose spirit and determination to be better make the reader root hard for them in their quest. Despite their flaws, I loved them both dearly, and the ending (though a good one) broke my heart.

Cosby’s handling of the nuance of prejudice was exceptional, and one of the things that makes this feel like one of those books everyone should read to better themselves. Straightforward prejudices are commonly part of a novel’s plot, but what Cosby has done here transcends that and explores the complexities of the way that we judge one another unfairly.

The audiobook version of this is a gem, exceptionally well performed and paced. The story lends itself well to the format, and the narrator did a wonderful job of bringing the characters and the setting to life.

After two exceptional five-star novels, I can honestly say I would probably read an appliance manual if Cosby wrote it. What a ride, and what a story.

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Two homophobic ex-cons -- one Caucasian, one African-American -- are forced together to solve the mysterious murder of their romantically-involved sons.

While Ike is trying to keep his nose clean, Buddy Lee is a hardened man with a distrust of law enforcement. Both don't believe the cops are working hard enough to find their sons' killers, so they agree to take matters in their own hands. Will they figure out why their offspring were senselessly slaughtered? And, if so, will they reap their unique vengeance upon the perpetrators? You'll have to listen to "Razorblade Tears" to find out.

This book is super dark. Our two main characters are not supposed to be likeable, but I found myself rooting for them after they teamed up. This book would be good for people that like Michael Connelly, Stuart Woods and other authors who dish out vigilante justice.

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Gritty crime fiction at it's best once more. S.A. Crosby is such a great storyteller. So glad they brought back Adam Lazarre-White for the narration of the audiobook. Thank you netgalley for this early audiobook

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Wow. This will stay with me for a long time. The writing is gritty, yet beautiful. The story is moving and and keeps you flying through the pages.

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Razorblade Tears is an intriguing story about two fathers joining forces to seek retribution for the murder of their married sons.

I was lucky enough to listen to an ARC of this audio book. The narrator did a fabulous job of making each character, and there were many, realistic and relatable.

This novel is exceptionally well-written. Not only is this a story of fatherhood and vengeance. It is a story about race, homophobia, and the irreparable regrets made in life. Razorblade Tears is truly a remarkable read!

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Flatiron books for the ARC. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.


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What a ride!
I listened to the audio version of this book (thank you to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio) and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it! I enjoyed it the way you can enjoy (and appreciate) a story that is far removed from your own reality. This is not a story about character growth and development, it is a story about what loss, grief and guilt can do to a person, if you let it. It is brutal and graphic, full of pain, hate and vengeance.
Homophobia is a central element of this story line, so if that bothers you, please stay away. Same goes for use of foul, graphic language... there is plenty of that, but unlike many other books it isn't just there to shock the reader. It's authentic and part of the story. Honestly. it would be weird, if it wasn't there.
But anyone who does pick up this book is about to go on a wild ride, pretty much right from the start. The pace is fast and furious, the dialogue is full of wit and fabulous one liners. The characters thoroughly embrace their dark sides in order to get back at those who have wronged them. You can't help but root for them, despite the violent way they go about getting their vengeance. Truly one of the best books I have read so far this year!

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Razorblade Tears by S.A. Cosby follows Ike and Buddy Lee, two ex-cons with little else in common other than a criminal past and a love for their dead sons, band together in their desperate desire for revenge. In their quest to do better for their sons in death than they did in life, hardened men Ike and Buddy Lee will confront their own prejudices about their sons and each other, as they rain down vengeance upon those who hurt their boys.

I absolutely adored this book. It read like an action packed movie. Each character was so drawn out and lifelike that it made it so easy to root for these morally ambiguous, ex con, pair of dads. I also loved reading about the racial disparities between the two fathers as well as how both fathers come to terms with their son's sexualities throughout this book. It was so beautiful to read about how these fathers grieved for their sons and how they learned to mourn their deaths. I can't. wait to read more of S.A. Cosby's works.

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I just don’t know where to start with Razorblade Tears. From the very page this book grabs your heart and holds it in its hand the entire time. I found myself talking to friends and family about the book. Begging them to read it, just so I could have someone to discuss it with. This is probably one of the hardest book I’ve read, but will definitely be in my top 10 for the year.

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S.A. Cosby’s newest novel RAZORBLADE TEARS is a gut-punching life changing journey of a novel that puts you through just about every emotion you can think of, and audiobook narrator Adam Lazarre-White creates a world where you feel like the two main characters are living and breathing right next to you.

At first from the description, this novel sounded HEAVY, and believe me, it is extremely heavy. Trigger warning: lots of violent death. But, the violent nature of the story took a sidestep to what this novel really is about: forgiveness, friendship and the love between fathers and sons that can overcome ignorance.

In Virginia, Ike is a black man and former convict that has been out of jail long enough to own a successful landscaping company, while Buddy Lee, a white man and also former convict has been living a less exciting life. He spends his days getting drunk in his trailer. Neither Ike nor Buddy Lee agree with their sons’ choices to marry each other. After all, according to the men being gay is wrong.

When Ike and Buddy Lee’s sons are murdered on the street after getting tangled up in some trouble, the fathers set off on an expedition of vengeance. Who could have killed their sons, and why? All they know is they want to make them pay. Mix in a wife, a young daughter belonging to the dead boys and local ignorance to queerness and blackness, it becomes a painful journey where the only way out is by going through.

Cosby has a way of keeping the reader on their edge of their seat the entire book. I love short chapters and action that gets to the point, so this book was totally up my alley. I truly felt like I was there with Ike and Buddy Lee on the same journey that they were on. I wanted to help them get revenge for their boys just as much as they did. Both fathers had clear characterizations, character arcs and every time they got closer to justice, I was there rooting for them and completely connected to their self-realization journeys about the LGBTQ+ community, race and the relationships they had or didn’t have with their sons.

As the narrator of the audiobook, Adam Lazarre-White so perfectly voiced the characters of Ike and Buddy-Lee that I often forgot it was the same person. He has this gravelly tone that suited the characters so perfectly that I will probably go to sleep tonight and hear his voice in my head. Cosby and Lazarre-White seamlessly melded together to create this world that I was totally engrossed in.

I often found myself punching the air while listening, whether I was angry or happy.

I was truly blown away, and I must make it clear it was in the good way. As a queer person myself, I so related Ike and Buddy Lee as people that I could know in my life, and as I turned the final page, I found myself sobbing. I am grateful for Cosby’s beautiful storytelling and Adam Lazarre-White’s haunting narration.

Because of the violence, it may not be for everyone BUT, I think a lot of people who normally do not read stories like this would really enjoy it. It would make a great gift for many fathers. In fact, I think I am going to give it to mine! The learning journey that the characters go through could really teach a lot of people.

Listen to this book! Or read it! Seriously. Go do it. Like now.

I listened to an advance copy of the audiobook courtesy of the author and Macmillan Audio via NetGalley.

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This is a story about vengeance, and redemption.

I loved this book so much. It was an absolute back alley fist fight of a book, full of violence and raw human emotion. The concept of searching for deserved justice but settling for available revenge isn’t new- but I’ve never read it done like this before. Instead of skirting around the realities of racism, classist & homophobia- Cosby slams into them, and forces readers to engage with imperfect protagonists who are both grieving their sons, and were a source of grief to them before their deaths. The pros is beautiful & I’m certain that lines from this will stay with me. Also, I cried a lot.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️/5

Thank you so much Macmillan Audio & Netgalley for the ALRC of this one!

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