Member Reviews

Thank you to Macmillan Audio for providing me with an early audiobook of Razorblade Tears in exchange for an honest review!

I'm gonna be real, if we exclude the horror genre, I don't believe I have ever read anything as dark and violent as Razorblade Tears. S.A. Cosby's crime novel is in a realm of its own (with maybe Blacktop Wasteland, but I've yet to read that one yet, so --.)

Seeing the reviews, it's safe to say that a lot of people loved Razorblade Tears; unfortunately, love is a strong word & I've never been very good with commitment. However, I did like the book & the plot has an extremely good (& heartbreaking) premise. Perhaps, my issue is that it's predominately character-driven & maybe that's just not for me, because any scenes that didn't include Ike and Buddy Lee, my interest waned big time.

Our main characters, Ike and Buddy Lee, are beyond flawed. Throughout their journey, they are forced to undergo a lot of growth. Unfortunately, throughout this growth, it felt like we had several repeats of the same conversation: both are horrible fathers who are extremely homophobic & did not accept their sons while they were alive. On one hand, this is perfectly fine -- change doesn't happen at the snap of a finger unless you are Thanos & happen to be equipped with the Infinity Gauntlet. Learning takes time & that's perfectly fine as long as you continue that growth, but in the short span of a novel, it gets a bit tiring rereading the same thing over and over again.

Buddy Lee also learns a lot when it comes to racism & there are some very important lines in this book that should be printed for everyone to read. S.A. Cosby is sure to open a few eyes when it comes to what life is like being a Black person in America. Razorblade Tears' social commentary makes this book beyond worth reading.

Adam Lazarre-White, the Audiobook Narrator: Adam gets 5,001 stars for doing the narration of Razorblade Tears. His voice absolutely nails the range of characters; making each person distinguishable regardless of if the text states who said what. He delivers Buddy Lee's one-liners like it's nobody's business. After listening to Razorblade Tears, I really believe Adam is the only person who could bring this story to life this well.

Although I didn't necessarily fall in love with Razorblade Tears, I do believe that this book is worth picking up.

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“They could call what they were seeking justice, but that didn’t make it true. It was unquenchable, implacable vengeance. And life inside the gray bar and out had taught him that vengeance came with consequences.”

Last year it seemed like everyone was raving about S.A. Cosby’s Blacktop Wasteland. I had looked at the synopsis and, while I thought it seemed kind of interesting, I was trying not to cave to the “maybes” when I had so many “definitelys” beckoning me already. The hype was tempting, but I’ve been burned by that before.

I humbly acknowledge that I made a mistake. That “maybe” is now a “definitely” for me, having loved Cosby’s powerful new release so much!

The first chapter Razorblade Tears was chilling and heartbreaking, pulling me deeper into the story than most do at inception. I’ve been struggling lately to find a book with writing that successfully probes at my emotions, but this one hit at full force and never relented.

This is partially like a high-octane action flick, but it does what those films so often fail to do. It goes deeper into the characters’ minds and motives.

In this book, we meet two grieving fathers, one white, one black, both with criminal pasts. Their sons were married to each other. Their sons have now been murdered. These men hadn’t been accepting of their sons’ sexuality in life. Now, in death, there is so much to make up for, so much they cannot say, and to alleviate the overwhelming ache, they seek to do what the police have not been able to succeed with: Find those responsible for the murder of their boys.

It seems like a lot of stories about parental grief don’t really delve into the mistakes parents make and the guilt they’re left to carry as they suddenly have no way to repair the damage. There is something so beautifully human in this story. We may not all seek retribution for what we’ve lost, but we are an imperfect bunch left to fight our failings in a variety of ways that often don’t include facing them head on.

Razorblade Tears gave me a lot to think about, especially in terms of prejudices: How they are equally and unequally doled out, how one who is judged can be just as judgmental, how there is so much we don’t comprehend about each other and how our erroneous assumptions, due to that lack of comprehension, cause so much hurt and harm. This author does incredibly well demonstrating this through his storytelling. Admittedly, I liked these profound details more than the quest for vengeance, but it all blends perfectly together and these components couldn’t exist so powerfully on their own.

This is a gritty, violent tale, yet one that overflows with exquisite depth and emotion. Some moments made me gasp, others made me cry, and all of it proved fully immersive. If you want a balance of heart and havoc that keeps you on the edge of your seat, Razorblade Tears needs to find its way onto your reading list.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 💫

I am immensely grateful to Macmillan Audio for my audio review copy through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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4.5 rounded to 5.

An incredible story of two ex-convict fathers (one black and one white) joining together to solve the murders of their sons (both of whom were gay). Through the book, both fathers grapple with the tragic reality that they never accepted their sons for who they really were before they died. On the road and in pursuit of the truth about their sons’ murders, this is also a story of personal redemption for both men.

Wow! This was a wild ride that was so hard to stop listening to. A unique story that is action packed while also being insightful and complex! The journey that Ike and Buddy Lee go on is full of graphic physical altercations and a lot of violence, but somehow it’s also full of growth, love, and acceptance. This story gave me some serious “Sons of Anarchy” vibes — and I was all in for it!

The narrator did a fantastic job, and I don’t think you can go wrong with either reading or listening to this one! This is such a great book, I highly recommend!

A huge thanks for Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for the audio ALC in exchange for an honest review!

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I was fortunate enough to receive an ARC on audiobook. The premise is a gay married couple is brutally murdered. Both of the men’s fathers come together to search for the killer. Both fathers are ex cons and homophobic. They each had issues with their sons life choices. One black and one white. They have racial issues that they quickly decide they need to be addressed and come together for the good of their dead sons. This story is so intense from start to finish. It’s full of controversy, black vs white, love vs hate, good vs evil. There is a ton of violence and bad language. This story screams of many discussions going on in our world today! How these two men come together for a purpose bigger than themselves.

This book was hard to read at times. Very realistic and believable. Be guarded if your sensitive to violence!
There’s a lot of grit but there is also love and redemption.

Fun fact: this book takes place in my hometown area. I enjoyed all the references that I’m familiar with.

Thanks to Netgalley and MacMillian Audio for a copy in return for my honest review!

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First I need Hollywood to make this a movie.. Like idk who needs to be contacted but this needs to happen!

Y'all this book is amazing. There is so much action! It reminds me of a 90s action movie. But you also have some social commentary because you are in a setting with a southern white dude and a black man who team up to search for the people who murdered their sons, who were married and had a daughter.

It could definitely be a hard read for some because it deals with racism and homophobia throughout.

But it is truly a lesson in regret and redemption. But also it illustrates how things still are in the south when it comes to Interracial relationships and also the LGBTQ community. 

This book is going to be a top book of 2021 without a doubt.

Thank you to Netgalley and McMillan Audio for the ALC! If you enjoy audiobooks, this audio was fantastic!

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First time reading this author and it was a good read. Ike and Buddy Lee are two men that don’t have much in common and are an unlikely duo at first. Then the more time they spent together they realize how similar they both are and it was nice to see a friendship form due to the tragic circumstances.

This story touches on racism, homophobia, discrimination and stereotyping. There were some unexpected twists in this story that caught me off guard. The ending of the story did have me in my feels. I have to make it my business to read Blacktop Wasteland.

Audiobook Review:

I’ve never listened to this narrator before and he did a great job portraying both Ike, Buddy Lee & the various characters in this story.

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TW/CW: Racial Slurs, Homophobic Slurs, homophobia, transphobia, the murder of LGBTQIA characters, torture

Ike Randolph has been out of prison for 15 years living a straight and narrow life, but that does not stop him from panicking when he sees a police officer at his front door. What he does not expect is to hear is the police officer tell him that his only son Isiah, along with his husband Derek, had been brutally murdered.

Derek's father, Buddy Lee is also shocked to hear that his only son has been murdered. Like Ike, ex-convict Buddy Lee did not approve of his son's life choices and did not approve of his marriage to Isiah. While still having criminal ties, Buddy Lee is eager to set out and prove who killed his son and Isaiah. Can he convince Ike to join him on his quest to avenge their sons?

Finding those who killed Isiah and Derek will force Buddy Lee and Ike to confront their homophobia, their racism, and all the ways they failed their sons. The two men set out to right their wrongs and find family in the most unexpected place.

I love the relationship between Ike and buddy, how they go from unwilling fathers trying to find their sons’ murderers to become a family, like their sons always wanted to have. Also adding to the family-like relationship between the two men is Ike’s wife Maya. Losing her only son Isaiah has broken her in ways that she cannot express. However, the need to be present for Derek and Isiah’s toddler daughter Ariana has given a way to focus her grief, along with pushing Ike to do whatever is necessary to find who killed her son and son-in-law. Having Maya and Ariana also adds to the tension of the story as the two pursue those who killed the sons.

S. A. Cosby is still a new writer to me. I haven't had a chance to read his breakthrough novel Blacktop Wasteland from last year, I'll soon be rectifying that. There are not many authors who can skillfully blend intellect, compassion, and violence as well as Mr. Cosby. He is a gifted writer and I look forward to reading more of his southern grit.

This is my first time reviewing an audiobook and I'm very glad that this is the first one I chose to review. The choice of Adam Lazarre-White as the narrator of this story was a brilliant one. He had the perfect southern accent and was able to differentiate between the voice for Ike and then a different drawl for buddy Lee. He added to the authenticity of the story being set in the South.

Razorblade Tears is one of my top books of the year thus far. This story of redemption and forgiveness, along with timely discussions of homophobia, LGBTQIA rights, marriage equality, racism, and transphobia, has moved me in a way very few other books have.

5/5 Stars

Thanks to #NetGalley and #MacMillanAudio for providing me with the audiobook for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Wow! What an incredible story of two ex-con fathers seeking justice for their son’s lives. Are the murders because the two men where married or is there scandal at the root? The fathers, Ike and Buddy Lee find out the case isn’t actively being pursued by the police. Together they go to great lengths to find out what happened to their sons, avenge for them and atone for their own past. I fell in love with these two fathers who would be unlikely friends, but only had each other in the quest for justice. The character development in the book was impeccable. I was completely blown away by this story of redemption. Also, narrator’s southern cadence brought the story to life.

Thank you Netgalley & MacMillan Audio for this ARC audio recording,

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Rating: 9.5/10

Thanks to the publisher and author for an advance reader copy of Razorblade Tears for review consideration. This did not influence my thoughts or opinions.

I wasn’t sure Cosby could top Blacktop Wasteland, but Razorblade Tears took everything that was great about his previous and added a massive amount of heart, tenderness, and love to go along with all of the grit and hard-nosed violence to make this one of the best novels I’ve read in 2021. This cements Cosby as a must-read in contemporary fiction.

I’m finding myself lacking for words again like I did with Blacktop Wasteland. I finished and felt extremely satisfied with the read, but words just completely fail me when I need them the most. It is a read that is self-contained and ends perfectly. Cosby takes two (2) men with checkered pasts, teams them up for a pedal-to-the-metal thrill-ride, and doesn’t care about the path strode to get there.

It is a story about past regrets that can never be absolved. It isn’t until Isiah and Derek have died that Ike and Buddy Lee realize just how much they have lost, especially considering the aversion they both had to their sons’ lifestyles. It also doesn’t help that both of them spent time behind bars, leading to further embarrassment to their sons. Sort of a “don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone” and now will forever be marred by what could have been.

While Ike and Buddy Lee are a couple of the biggest anti-heroes you’ll find in fiction, you can’t help but root for them from the very beginning. There is just so much honesty there with how much they regret their relationships, but still cannot overcome who they really are inside… it cuts deep. This is what I like most about Cosby’s writing. Characters. Man, can he write them so well and have me wanting revenge just as badly.

Also, Macmillan Audio. Keep Adam Lazarre-White for every single one of Cosby’s novels. He is 2 for 2 in my book as PERFECTION in narration.

If you enjoyed Blacktop Wasteland, this is an auto-buy in my opinion. If you haven’t, well, from the time you read this review, you have less than a month to rectify that as well as preordering Razorblade Tears. If you enjoy crime fiction, Cosby tops the list.

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I think that this book was definitely interesting. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting when I read the synopsis but what it turned out to be wasn’t it. This book dealt with a lot of timely issues of race, corruption and violence.

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When this story opens Isiah and Derek are murdered in their home. Ike Randolph and Buddy Lee who are their fathers are reeling from this news and want to avenge their son’s deaths.

Ike and Buddy Lee are both ex-convicts, both atoning for the way they treated their gay sons. Ike and his wife Maya are now the guardians of Isiah and Derek’s daughter. Buddy Lee presents Ike the idea of finding the murderer of their son’s.

This leads the two in an unexpected journey and even more a friendship. This is not a pretty story. There is a lot of intrigue and innuendos throughout. The story takes a turn that was truly unexpected and oh so good.

This book is not typically something I would read, but came highly recommended from a trusted source. I am so glad I read this one. It was a great mystery and adventure story. Also, I would note, this would make a great movie.

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an Advanced Reader’s Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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True fact: Razorblade Tears isn't my kind of novel. Also true: I enjoyed every minute of the audiobook!

I considered this title only because Annie Jones @anniebjones05 (a trusted recommendation source) talked about it on her podcast From the Front Porch. The narration by Adam Lazarre-White truly brought the characters to life; I wouldn't have enjoyed this nearly as much had I read a print copy.

The novel is like a great buddy movie with powerful LGBTQIA+ themes. These may not seem like they’d naturally work together, but S.A. Cosby created an outstanding novel with a lot to say about race, social status, family, and love. And I loved the moments of humor included to relieve tension.

Readers experience it all through main characters Ike and Buddy Lee, ex-cons whose sons marry and are brutally murdered. The journey to vengeance for their sons' deaths takes Ike and Buddy Lee on a wild ride. I pictured Ike as Danny Glover (from the Lethal Weapon era) and Buddy Lee as Chris Elliott (as a much harder version of his Schitt's Creek character).

This is my first Cosby novel but won't be my last. I have Blacktop Wasteland on hold at the library and am eager to read his next creation.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for providing the ALC; all opinions are my own.

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Though there is suspense, this is not a book with a big shocking mystery. I don't even think it is supposed to be. It is about the journey of two grieving fathers - one Black one white and their overwhelming need to seek justice for their sons murder.

While listening to this audiobook I just kept seeing this as an HBO mini series. 8 episodes of watching grieving fathers Ike and Buddy Lee seek vigilante justice while talking about the loss of their sons. Their friendship grows reluctantly, incrementally as their barriers crumble and they get closer to the truth about who killed their sons. Along the way they learn so many life lessons about race, class, gender, sexuality and identity. They also find something for their sons in death that they never gave them in life - acceptance.

The narration was amazing. The omniscient narrator (Adam Lazarre-White) voiced all of the characters in the book. He gave us insight into everyone's thoughts and feelings in a way that I think would be too difficult for some of the emotionally stifled characters liked Ike to convey. He also gave voice to the wonderfully funny "shit kicker", hard drinking Buddy who always has a funny line even amidst his sorrow.

The thing I loved most about this book is that it will make you want to reach out to your family and friends and give them the one thing that matters most - love.

Thank you & Netgalley for my advance listening copy.
I really enjoyed listening to this audiobook.

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Razorblade Tears is a fabulous book in my opinion !

Ike and Buddy Lee's decision to embark on a mission of revenge was fueled by the determination to find justice for their murdered gay sons and haunted by the guilt they felt for the way they treated them when they were alive.
Their sons were married to each other, something that neither of them could accept or tolerate. Bonded initially by shared grief and regret but wary of each other because they are both ex-cons but Buddy Lee is white whereas Ike is black, the grim hunt into a web of bikers, weapons and politics leaves them with the stark realization that the only way they can partially atone for their own intolerance was to exact a horrific retribution for their sons' deaths. This is a tough-as-nails, compulsively readable noir thriller set in rural Virginia, dark and unrelenting as the spirit that drives its two protagonists.

And while Ike and Buddy Lee are the heroes of this story, there are enough questionable actions to ensure that the reader is unlikely to ever mistake them for “good guys”, it’s enough that they are better than the “other guys”.

Brilliant writing, I enjoyed the whole ride, the fighting scenes, their ribbing and banter, the sweet moments with their shared granddaughter and even though this book was dark it had fun and funny elements as well !

Thank you so much to @netgalley and for this ALC. I think this book will be one of my favorites this year.

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Thanks to S. A. Cosby and Macmillan Audio. This has to be one of the best books I have ever read. Everything came together perfectly, the story, the characters, the ending. A definite must read.

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Let me start off by saying this is not your typical read and cannot be defined by a specific genre; it is just so much more.

It was such a wild ride that was fast paced and full of heart pounding suspense. It also managed to be an extraordinarily beautiful story of revenge and redemption that addressed some extremely important and heavy topics of race, homophobia, fatherhood and interpersonal conflict.

This was my first by Cosby and now I cannot wait to dive into Blacktop Wasteland. Razorblade Tear has also been optioned to be adaptive before it even came out! Its going to be a good one!

Ultimately, It’s insightful, powerful and incredibly thought-provoking. It’s gonna leave you with all the feels and will stick with you far beyond the final page.

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Wow. One word that pretty much sums up this compelling novel. I listened to this on audio before my physical copy arrived and I highly recommend the audiobook! It reads like an action-packed movie and I was on the edge of my seat for the entire ride.

Two ex-con dads, one white and one black, unite to seek revenge on the person who murdered their sons. These daddies didn’t agree with their sons’ gay lifestyle but they refuse to allow their deaths to go down in vain. They’ll go head to head with a bike gang until they find the one who pulled the trigger and WHY.

Razorblade Tears is a character driven, descriptive novel with gritty, raw characters that, although on the other side of the law, you can’t help but understand their reasoning for vengeance. This story covers so many important topics including stereotypes, racism, sexual orientation, grief and forgiveness - with so much heart (and even humor at times.)

I want to warn the faint at heart - It’s violent, graphic and contains MANY scenes of gun-slinging, torture and murder. These 2 dads are not your typical, likeable “good” guys and you won’t find any of the bikers much nicer either. 😂

If you loved Sons of Anarchy, you’ll DEVOUR this book!

Thank you @netgalley and for my #gifted ALC in exchange for my review!

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Gritty and gruesome, RAZORBLADE TEARS centers around a white man and Black man grieving the brutal murder of their homosexual sons. In life, ex-cons Buddy Lee and Ike could not bring themselves to accept the love between their sons, Derek and Isiah. In death, the fathers embark on a violent trail of redemption fueled by regret.

While the search for vengeance was the catalyst for the story, the themes of acceptance and unexpected friendship was the heart. Despite the veneer of hardness from years of incarceration, each man's weathered heart became a little softer as the mystery unfolded. The character arcs for both men were thoughtful as each faced their own prejudices head on.

The audiobook narration by Adam Lazarre-White could not have been more perfect. His low, gravelly voice captured the father’s rugged mission perfectly. Yes, this is a gory book, but the grisly scenes were balanced out by the tender friendship that developed between Buddy Lee & Ike. This is a brotherhood bond you won’t soon forget.

RATING: 4.5/5 stars (rounded up)

A big thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow, what a ride this novel is! The story plays out like a movie and definitely stands up to any film in the crime thriller genre. I could picture watching this all play out on a big screen throughout, even though some parts were definitely graphic. Additionally, it explores a lot of themes and has a lot of conversations that have not typically been explored in this genre. A great story, strong writing, and unique subject matter will definitely make this one of the top books of the summer, and the year.

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Thanks to Macmillan Audio for the ALC.
I'm going to need you to add this book to your TBR, stat. This will be one of my favorite books of 2021. Cosby writes with so much depth and emotion. Ike and Buddy Lee are unforgettable characters. There are a lot of issues they must work through when it comes to avenging for their sons deaths. I liked how the author wove so much about society and relevant topics into the book that was so natural, and yet people can learn from. The transformation in this book was heavy for the characters, and I liked how they slowly had to look at their own prejudices and how that affected their children and what it meant about the kind of fathers they were. It's not a light book to get through. It is a book that will affect how I choose to parent.
These characters will stay with me long after I listen to this book. I highly recommend the audiobook because the narrator was fantastic. The voices, emotions, and intense scenes were heightened by the fantastic narration performance.

TW: Lots and lots of violence, racism, homophobia

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