Member Reviews

“Not everyone is disgusted by their children. And the people who do think like you? Well, they’ll be dead soon enough.”⁣

Wow. Just wow. I finish Razorblade Tears June 30th, and i haven’t been able to finish a book since. The ultimate book hangovers of book hangovers is from my favorite book of the year. Razorblade Tears is southern noir personified, and it will my standard in any future readings of the genre. ⁣

I can’t describe how good this book is. I saw the synopsis and said it wasn’t for me. But, I knew everyone raved about Blacktop Wasteland, so I thought I’d take a chance. Can’t hurt, right? My world is forever changed. Razorblade Tears is like John Wick, Sons of Anarchy, Four Brothers, and The Odd Couple all rolled into one. It was a no nonsense flair with a strong sense of vigilante justice and parental redemption. But also, it’s kind of funny. The humor balances out the tough issues tackled and I loved every moment. ⁣

If this isn’t made into a major motion picture, I’d be shocked. It has it all: redemption, an amazing character arc, action freaking packed, captivating storytelling, flawed characters, humor, grit, the works. ⁣

I ended up getting Razorblade Tears from BOTM because I needed this on my shelf at all time. This book surprised me in the best way, and it’s going to stick with me for a long long time. Thank you so much @macmillanaudio for the gifted copy. Razorblade Tears is my favorite book of the year, and it’s out tomorrow, (the 6th) and honestly, just writing this review had me tearing up again thinking of Ike, Isiah, Buddy Lee, Derek, Tangerine, Arianna, and the entire cast of characters. ⁣

QOTD: What’s the last book that really stayed with you?

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Readers will think they signed up for a thriller, but they’ll get so much more with this book. At first, it’s a murder mystery following two fathers trying to figure out who killed their sons. Soon after, the fathers will find out more about themselves.

Ike and Buddy Lee are elderly, homophobic men. This unusual partnership between these ex-cons has them seeing eye to eye on more levels than they initially thought. Above all, this story speaks to the power of second chances and conceptions of right versus wrong.

This story isn’t sugarcoated. Cosby interlaces storylines of racism, homophobia, and transphobia, within the tragic nature of this book. The violence is graphic, but the complexities of these families overtake any descriptions of these horrific scenes. The development of these characters are so powerful, and truth be told, I wasn’t expecting it.

Brutal yet full of tenderness, this story speaks for those who aren’t accepted by others for only being themselves. You can feel the emotions, you can feel the grief, you can feel what Ike and Buddy Lee are battling.

Although I listened to this audiobook, I would recommend the physical book if you’re capable. It was easy to listen and follow along, but my one complaint is that the voices for the characters were a little too similar.

Thank you so much to Net Galley and Macmillan Audio for this ALC. I think this book will be one of my favorites this year.

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“But time was a river made of quicksilver. It slipped through his grasp even as it enveloped him” SA Cosby, Razorblade Tears

This much-awaited next novel did not disappoint! It was a fantastic follow up to Cosby's previous novel, Blacktop Wasteland. This was a fast-paced, emotional, violent and heart-wrenching story
It's the precision with which Cosby uses language to create emotional, fear, excitement and deep understanding of his characters. "Ike and Buddy Lee, two ex-cons with little else in common other than a criminal past and a love for their dead sons, band together in their desperate desire for revenge."

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Wow! This was a novel that only recently came to my attention, but the description of it grabbed me and I knew I had to get my hands on it... and it's certainly didn't disappoint. I listened to the audio and it was powerful!

There are so many layers to this story right from the very beginning when the reader finds out that an interracial gay couple has not only been killed, but it looks like it was a hit. The story really begins after their deaths when they're families are struggling to come to terms with this and the police aren't getting anywhere. The two fathers of the men killed weren't proud of the fact that their sons were gay and didn't good relationships with them at the time of their deaths. The fathers, Ike, who is black, and Buddy Lee, who is white, come together to try and get revenge on whoever is responsible for the deaths of their boys and what a journey they go on together - both in finding out the truth of what happened to their boys and finding out their own truths. Powerful story that is so layered and moves very quickly - like a movie! So hard to put down! So good!

*Note - there is a reasonable amount of violence, so if that's not your thing, just be aware.

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I devoured this book! I thought I might like it but I didn’t. I LOVED IT. It tackled so many intense issues that we are facing in society today - racism, homophobia, transphobia, poverty, white privilege - and has some pretty graphic descriptions of violent scenes…and somehow I still found myself laughing out at times. It was so incredibly well done. Sensitively approached, but still able to inject humor (specifically with the character of Buddy Lee) this book was like taking John Wick and Lethal Weapon and combining them into a book that still manages to get some very important points across in a way that keeps you glued to the story.

The narrator for the audiobook was incredible. You always knew who was talking and part of the success in the humor was his delivery.

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Fished in two days ( a combo of reading and audio book listening). The narrator did a great job. I really enjoyed the book. The only criticism I have is the author used a few description phrases pretty repetitively like “sucked his teeth”. Face based read/listen that kept me engaged the whole time, would recommend it for sure.

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Thank you to Macmillan Audio, Flatiron Publishing, and NetGalley for providing me with an Advanced Listening Copy of Razorblade Tears in exchange for my honest review! S.A. Cosby’s latest novel hits shelves TOMORROW, JULY 6th!!

CW: violence, gun violence, blood, homophobia, racism, grief, death, murder

S.A. Cosby is now officially an auto-buy author! THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD. I bought ‘Blacktop Wasteland’ for my grandpa for Christmas, but read it before he got to it… I loved it and was so excited to see S.A. Cosby was releasing a new one. I was even more excited to be granted an ALC! Cosby’s writing draws you in from the first page and doesn’t let you go. I did not want this book to end!

In Razorblade Tears, Cosby tackles a lot of hard topics with such finesse. This book isn’t just a crime thriller, it’s gritty, tough, heartbreaking, hopeful. I’m not sure lovable is the right word for what I’m feeling, but I found myself rooting so hard for Buddy Lee and Ike. For them to find justice for their sons and for them to find inner peace.

Cosby’s writing is so cinematic that from the first pages I was visualizing everything about this book. I’m crossing all my fingers and toes that this becomes a movie!

This is definitely in my top books of 2021! Do yourself a favor and READ THIS BOOK!!

Adam Lazarre-White, who also narrated Blacktop Wasteland, gives an excellent performance of the audio version of Razorblade

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I loved this book! Just like Blacktop Wasteland, it is full of gritty characters and lots of action. The development of the characters was amazing, from finding out your sons were murdered (whose sexuality they never accepted) to the extreme lengths they’d go to seek revenge.

I listened to this on audiobook and was completely captivated. The pacing was great and the narrator was very engaging and did such an amazing job with all the different characters.

If you are okay with gritty novels and violence you will love this book! Definitely a new top favorite.

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Fresh off listening to BLACKTOP WASTELAND, I was approved for this audio: RAZORBLADE TEARS. I am struggling to find the words to describe how blown away I am. S. A. Cosby is the real deal, people. The REAL DEAL.

Ike, a black man, and Buddy Lee, a white man, are not friends but they do have something in common: the death of their sons. Both men are guilt ridden and that fuels their need for justice. Together they set out to find out what happened to their boys, and to make it right. Will they be successful? You'll have to read this to find out! (Which you should. Like right now.)

I had no problem picturing the dime-store Sam Elliot of Buddy Lee, or the large, black, muscled build of Riot,(Ike), Randolph. Some of Buddy Lee's observations had me laughing out loud and some of Ike's responses did too. Tackling subjects such as rasicm and LGBTQ rights, and how they fit into current day Virginian life; both the author and the narrator carried it off with aplomb.

I love Cosby's comparisons, in plain language, clear as day. I love his characters, so full of strength and feeling, even if they themselves would never admit it or don't know it. Ike and Buddy Lee's life experiences and personalities were so vivid and real, while being completely different from anything I've ever known; yet they ring true. Those truths are brought home whether or not the reader wants to face them.

S.A. Cosby is a new to me author, but I'm already a huge fan. This man has a style of writing that's both arresting and compelling. It seizes you and once that happens, it's all over for you. You're going to read this, (or listen, as I did), compulsively until you're done. The levels of suspense here reach dangerous-for-your-blood-pressure levels. (Good think I'm on medication already.) The denouement was so tense that I don't want to share one word of it, for fear of spoiling anything.

The narrator, Adam Lazarre-White, does a truly amazing job, especially with the character of Buddy Lee. I freely admit to laughing out loud here and there, usually just before yet another super tense situation took my breath away altogether. Adam's voicing of Buddy Lee charmed me to the point of finding myself wishing to have a drink with the man, if only to experience that charm in person.

RAZORBLADE TEARS, think about that title and what it means. Then go buy this book on Tuesday and see if your thoughts match up to the real thing.

My highest recommendation!

*Thank you to Macmillan Audio, NetGalley and the author for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest feedback. This is it.*

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Incredibly riveting, moving, violent but not needlessly so- actually adds to the realism of this tale of two fathers righting a wrong that can’t be righted by doing deeds that can’t be undone. This novel is FULL. I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s so full and engaging. I zipped through the last half of the book because I just couldn’t stop listening. Even better than Blacktop Wasteland- a gem.

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Ike and Buddy Lee are ex-cons with one thing in common - the determination to find who murdered their sons in cold blood and bring them to justice. Isaiah (Ike's son) and Derek (Buddy Lee's son) were an inter-racial gay couple raising their daughter and building a life together. Though each father and son didn't always see eye, when the boys were gunned down by someone who was against their lifestyle, their fathers stepped up to do anything and everything to find the culprit and take them down.

Wow. That's all I can say about this one. I was lucky enough to get an advanced audio copy of the book and I am speechless. I can't remember the last book that I have consumed in such a short amount of time. This was an absolute home run for me. I loved that the main characters had some grit but still had morals. I loved that we got to see the story of a hero who wasn't always so good. S.A. Cosby knocked it out of the park with this one. Without a doubt, READ THIS BOOK.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Publisher for giving me an advanced audio copy of this book

I really liked the premise of the book. Its about two men from very rough backgrounds but also very different
One is black and the other white. They both get horrible news one day that their boys are murdered and not only that but the 2 boys were lovers.
The two homophomic fathers come together to find who murdered their sons and must overcome their own prejudices in the meantime
Only because I am not a fan of violence did I not finish this book. But I do recommend this to others who aren't so sensitive
This story has alot of substance and good character development
I do recommend it.

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I enjoy many different types of books - some I read for sheer entertainment value, others I read to for the profound lessons and stellar characters…

THIS BOOK HAS BOTH. It checks every box. It also filled a biker shaped void that the Sons of Anarchy left behind. If you find naughty motorcycle gangs interesting, this may do the trick for you, too. The writing and descriptions in this novel are amazing.

First off I want to warn you that there are no “good” characters in this book. Yep, you heard me. You’ll be rooting for some bad motherf*ckers in this action packed and violent revenge story.

It all begins in the South when two Fathers, one black and one white, set out to find the people responsible for the murder of their sons - who were married. But these aren’t your average daddies. These men are both ex cons and have plenty of street cred from a previous criminal lifestyle (prior manslaughter, etc). So, basically, the bad guys messed with some bad Fathers and things get reeeeal.

This daddy duo was perfection. The character development was special. 🥺 To see these men start to understand their gay sons better, overcome racist viewpoints, and form a more loving relationship in their hearts was such a appreciated aspect of the story.

This book is heavy at times and in between all the gunslinging and brawls, it covers numerous important topics - race, sexual orientation and gender, parenthood, discrimination, grief, acceptance…

If you’re a @bookofthemonth member, this is currently an option for your July book choice, and I HIGHLY recommend it if you’re a fan of great characters, shocking showdowns, and redemption. - THIS IS OFFICIALLY IN MY TOP 5 FAVORITE BOOKS OF 2021.

🎧 The audio is excellent. The narrator was wonderful, and read this book perfectly. Get your copy and experience this wild ride for yourself! You need it.

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“A Black father. A white father. Two murdered sons. A quest for vengeance.”

What a fantastic, gritty piece of Crime fiction! Two married men, Derek & Isiah, are murdered in Virginia. The fathers of both men are ex-cons and neither accepted that their sons were gay. Together, they work through their issues with homophobia while seeking revenge on those responsible for their sons’ murders. Cosby has written complex characters along with a suspenseful mystery that really resonated with me. I highly recommend picking this up! Available 7/6!

Thanks to Macmillan Audio & NetGalley for the advanced listeners copy in exchange for an honest review. I loved it!

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I really loved the premise of this book. The idea of two men who go after the killers of their sons, despite both of them being homophobic was fascinating. I was immediately immersed in the story, and loved the camaraderie of the two fathers who in the past had little to nothing to do with each other or their sons. Their bonding and acceptance of the sons in death as opposed to life was very sad and played out in a poignant way. My love for the story was tampered by the amount of violence throughout. I'm okay with a couple of scenes, but this was just never ending and definitely impacted my full enjoyment of the book.

I listened to this on audio, and the narrator was fabulous! I can't say enough good things about him. He changed his voice for the two men so you knew who was speaking, and he had a roughness to his voice that made me see the characters through his voice. Really well done.

Narration 5 stars
Storyline and plot 4 stars
Violence portion 2 stars

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There was no dull moment once the book started. I loved the characters in this book and the way the story has been setup.

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I wrote down so many quotes from this book. So many that were profound, that touched me, so many that I feel would fix the world and the people in it. But around the twentieth quote, I decided, no. Let them read it themselves. This is easily one of the most profound books I have ever read.

Love your babies for who they are. Love them for who they love. Love them for how they identify. Love them, because when they’re gone, you’ll regret not loving them for everything they were.

This book defined the raw pain and emptiness of loss. The all-consuming feeling of loving your child. Of trying to be the best parent you can be, and failing. Of learning from your mistakes after it’s too late. Love your babies before it’s too late.

And please. Read this book. Please. I also highly recommend listening to it as an audiobook, because the narrator has the most sultry voice. It sucks you in.

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From my blog: Always With a Book:

Last year I read Blacktop Wasteland by S.A. Cosby and it ended up being on of my favorite books of the year. So of course when I was asked to be part of the tour for his second book, Razorblade Tears, I didn’t even hesitate…this was a highly anticipated read and let me tell you, this book is just as good, if not better! And will definitely be a favorite for this year!

I don’t know what it is about this author’s writing that just pulls me in but once again I found myself completely engaged from start to finish. Even though I listened to the book, I was still captivated by the characters and everything they are going through. Yes, this is another crime fiction story, but it is so much more than that. This is a story with so much heart…it is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. The journey that Buddy Lee and Ike take, not only physically but emotionally as well, packs quite the emotional punch.

This book is dark, gritty and full of action. At times, it is a pure adrenaline run, and at other times, you feel the suspense and tension dripping off the pages as you are not sure what is going to happen next. The author does not shy away from violence, yet nothing is gratuitous or unwarranted. Every violent action happens for a reason. And it’s to this end that makes his writing so powerful. It’s that perfect mix of dark and tender.

The characters that S.A. Cosby creates are so dynamic. You find yourself really coming to care for them, despite the fact that they are both ex-cons. Both Ike and Buddy Lee are deeply flawed and have their own prejudices, yet while on their search for justice, they also end up exploring their own biases and regrets.

This book is one that will stay with me for a long time. It’s got so much to unpack and one that I know I will be rereading at some point because it is just that good. I highly recommend picking up this one…you won’t regret it!

Audio thoughts: I was able to request this on Netgalley to listen to and what a fantastic book this was on audio. Adam Lazarre-White narrates it and he did a superb job with the voices. He has a gravelly voice and it was perfect for this book. His pacing and intonation were spot on and he infused just the right amount of emotion and tension into his voice as needed. I thought this book translated well to audio.

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Ike and Buddy Lee make an odd partnership, but despite their many differences they have a few similarities. One is they are both ex-cons with dark pasts they are trying to distance themselves from. The other, and more important, is their sons were married to each other and neither father was accepting of their son's lifestyles.

This main factor brings them together when their son's are found brutally murdered. After burying their sons and the police making no progress they decide to take the matter in their own hands. Throughout their journey the learn about each other, they learn about their sons and they have the opportunity to reflect upon their past selves.

I loved this book, If you enjoy crime thrillers, if you enjoy books about LGBTQ acceptance if you enjoy vigilante stories definitely check out this book.

The narrator was new to me but I immediately went and downloaded another book narrated by him because he's on the fast track to my favorite narrator list.

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Razorblade Tears - 12:00 - 336

This wasn’t what I thought it was going to be! It’s brutal retribution!

Author gets an extra star for the multiple use of the words … “wood chipper” in a meaningful way!! Yeahp, that gruesome!!

So why are the MC’s on the war path? A black father (Ike) & a white father (Buddy Lee) have one thing in common (the wood chipper comes later) … the murder of their two sons (Isiah & Derek).

They are familiar with incarceration, bad people, bad things, the mob, all from their past, neither were close to their sons & they both regret it.

The quest for vengeance has them learning things about themselves, each other, their sons & their families. A coming of age story for the fathers of two gay men on the hunt for their killers!

It’s difficult. It’s raw. It’s fast paced! It’s emotional. It’s brutal!! You’ll zip through it in one sitting.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with the audio version of my July BOTM pick! It ROCKED!


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