Member Reviews
This was disappointing. It was just a series of list with the codes in each country explained. It didn’t help me, as a consumer, choose the best products to buy in my supermarket. I was expecting it to list manufacturers and how well they scored on an eco-list. And how to calculate food miles as an example, for fresh produce. There is currently, for instance, controversy, over whether to purchase fresh vegetables say, from abroad, versus from Britain. The calculations can include whether it was shipped by plane or boat; fertilisers used in each location; impact on the country’s economy and the farmers’ livelihood and so on. Then there is the issue over using recycled products such as plastic in the item. What are the carbon outputs to recycle as against using new? I have bought items including recycled material but this is not always the best way to purchase – there are many things to consider from he chemicals and different processes required to make new against other uses of the material or…
The book contained none of these.
Ps. It was full of ‘thanks’ for the presumably financial incentives the author received to create the book. It was not a general book but very specific in its application – as a reference.