Member Reviews

I'm a sucker for not reading blurbs on a story and just reading based on on the covers. The book is a prime example of that.

This is my first book by Sandy and it's got to be said that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I used to watch a programme called UnReal and I found this book very similar. This made it even more enjoyable for me.

I loved all the twists and the turns. I didn't find that to be too many characters especially since we lost some quite early on. I've thought that it was quite easy to keep on top of them.

I really enjoyed that there was lots of other aspects going on and it wasn't just a couple of characters. It kept you interested because of how much was going on and I can't wait to read more from Sandy.

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Sandy Barker always gives us such interesting, fun reads. They are brilliant!
Abby, writer and scathing critic of a reality dating show finds herself as a contestant on that very programme so to ensure her witty reviews score even more publicity for the show. Reluctant is not the word to describe how she feels about this but we see her take it on and fair play she handles everything far better than I would.
Her hilarious recaps of the show are what really kept me entertained throughout. I enjoyed seeing how Abby developed as a character, unsure at first the more she settled into the more she seemed to discover herself.
What a bunch of characters though; some to love and some most certainly to hate. They are all very well written and part of the fun!
I liked how the romance element was slow and steady, who would have thought in this nightmare scenario she would end up falling up for one of the show’s producers. Could love to put a spanner in her dream career plans?
Full of fun, wit and laughter. A great read, very well written. Highly recommended.

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What a funny book, I loved this one and read it very quickly. The characters were so funny and I warmed to them very quickly. It made a lovely change from reading crime and thriller novels. Brightened up my day completely. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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Even if I had never read a previous book by Sandy Barker and she hadn’t become one of my favourite romcom authors of recent years, I would have wanted to pick up a copy of The Dating Game, just based on the premise of the book alone. I’m not a devotee of reality TV shows as such, except the annual car crash that is Love Island, but the idea of a book set behind the scenes in that world was too delicious to pass on.

So, I was frothing with anticipation when I started this book, but I have to say this book exceeded even my extremely high expectations. This book is absolutely perfect in every single way and I can remember when I last enjoyed a romcom as much as this one. I devoured it in what was basically a single sitting, interrupted only when I physically could not stay awake a moment longer and I dropped my Kindle on the floor as I fell asleep, and revelled in every single moment.

Even if you have never seen a single episode of The Batchelor, (the reality show that The Stag of the book is clearly based on), you will immediately be drawn into the ridiculously fake world of so-called ‘reality tv’ which is about as far from reality as you can get and the whole scenario is scripted to play out for maximum drama and ratings. This book explores in great detail and with excoriating commentary the ludicrous notion of trying to make real people behave in a scripted way to make other people watching it believe that it is all true. When you step back and look at it, the absurdity is clear and the author plays this to the max in the book.

The main character, Abby, is very likeable and carried the story, and the reader, easily, but the person I really loved is her wicked alter ego, Anastasia Blabbergasted, an online commentator on reality TV. This woman is a total goddess with the wickedest wit and the fastest mouth in the west and her recaps on the episodes of The Stag were my favourite parts of the book and had me laughing out loud every time. In fact, Sandy could make an absolute fortune on any reality TV show doing the commentary, if Ian Bentley retires and TV companies weren’t overly worried about being sued. I’ve set myself a reminder to check out Sandy’s Twitter feed next time an reality TV show comes on. I wonder what she could come up with for the new series of Bake Off that starts on Tuesday.

There is a romance involved in the book, with the geeky but cute Jack, but for me this was a secondary plot concern compared with Abby’s dilemmas of pretending to be two things she isn’t, her struggles over her friendships in the programme with the part she is forced to play in the show, and the blurring of fiction and fact in reality TV-land. There is so much to unpack and enjoy in this book that the pages fairly flew by and it was obver well before I was ready for it to be, I was enjoying the story so much.

As I said early on, I am a massive fan of Sandy’s writing but these is by far and away my favourite of her novels yet. A big, fat five stars from me and I urge you all to go out and buy it immediately if you are looking to be amused and entertained.

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I absolutely love Sandy Barker and this book confirms my love! What a fun premise- the behind the scenes of The Stag reminded me of UnReal and the snarky recaps had me laughing out loud at every turn. I adored the female friendships in the book but I LOVED the heat between Abby and Jack. Send me on a trip to gorgeous Australia ASAP please (and give me a happily ever after sequel with some of the other Does!).

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I really enjoyed the bachelor style setting of this book. I loved Abby and her interactions with Jack. I definitely be reading this again as I was glad there wasn’t drama or a love triangle.

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This is the third book I have read that is based on the Bachelor series, two of them I have read within a month of each other. You would think I would be sick of it by now but no 😂 In fact The Dating Game took an entirely new spin on it which was so fun.

I loved the cast of characters, even the ‘Villains’ and I laughed more than once at Some of the recaps Abby wrote for the show. I did think that this book could have been a little shorter, it slowed down a bit for me at once point. However, the ending was everything I wanted to be and more.

This was my first Sandy Barker book and it won’t be my last.

Thank you @rachelsrandomresources for including me on the tour and the complimentary eARC.

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This was a fun romp! It was funny, swoony, and made for a perfect beach read. I also liked that it took place in Sydney so we got to see a different backdrop for a romance than what's typically on the shelves in the US. Great for those who enjoy a Slow Burn.

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There are some fun kissing scenes, but otherwise this is a clean book with no sex. Overall, this was a hilarious and great light-hearted read. I recommend it.

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If you’ve ever watched reality tv shows like The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, or the many other dating shows there are where a group of men or women are vying for the affection of one person, or indeed if you ever saw the tv show UnReal, then I can honestly say you will LOVE this book! Sandy is one of my favourite authors, and I think this might be my favourite book of hers.

Abby wants to be an investigative journalist, but in the meantime she writes snarky reality tv recaps under the nom de plume Anastasia Blabbergasted. I loved the fact that she was so comfortable writing her recaps, but completely out of her element when thrust into the actual dating show The Stag she was going to be reviewing as a secret contestant. She was such a wonderful character, kind, self-deprecating and fiercely loyal. I loved her connection with show producer Jack, and he was the perfect book boyfriend. I love that on social media or her own blog Sandy often shares her inspiration for her main characters. I didn’t notice who she thought was perfect for the character of Jack until after I had read the book, but I have to say actor Adam Demos was pretty close to my idea of what Jack was like, and I think Emilia Clarke would be perfect as Abby. We need this on Netflix or Prime!

I found the recaps between the episodes (and dates) were hilarious, and reading the author’s notes, the idea for this book came when she was writing recaps for her friends who were watching The Bachelor at the time! I loved the cast of characters on the show, neatly fitting into the usual tropes for contestants on shows like these, so there are characters you will love to hate, characters you will love and characters you might eventually love.

The Dating Game was a funny feel-good insight into the fake element of reality tv, and how true friendships can arise out of the most staged situations!

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Abby writes snarky reviews of reality TV under a fake name - she writes serious pieces as well, though not enough to pay the bills. But her snarky alter ego just landed her the most amazing gig ever - behind the scenes of a reality dating show. As a contestant. Fighting the requirement, Abby eventually gives in - and looks forward to her time with Jake, the hot Aussie producer.
This is a very slow build rom com - I lost interest around 40% in. Abby was just settling into the dorm/mansion, making friends. Too slow.
I enjoyed the female dynamics - very realistic as well Abby's desire to be supportive and encouraging to all. I just love women's friendships - not just the kindness and support, but also the reality of mean women. Those women we all have in our lives capable of destroying our self confidence with one snarky comment, look, sniff, etc. Women need to come together, heal from their trauma and support each other.

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This was the first book I have ever read by Sandy Barker and I loved her writing style. It flowed so smoothly and was just really pleasant to read.

This book sounded fun and I wasn’t wrong,! I am not a big fan of reality shows and I have never watched a single episode of The Bachelor, but I was still curious about this story and I liked the idea of a writer going undercover.

I think my favorite part of this story was not so much the rom-com side to it, Abby finding a love interest on her trip, but more the friendships and camaraderie between the girls on the show. It was also an interesting insight into how reality shows are not necessarily any kind of “real”, but staged to huge extents. This may not always be the case but it would not surprise me if there is quite some truth to this!

This was a fun, light read and above all a reason for me to start looking for more books written by Sandy Barker.

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I really enjoyed this original & witty romcom. I loved Abby & how she had so many sides to her & all of them were fun. The concept of behind the scenes of a reality dating show made for good fodder. Who hasn't wondered what really goes on behind the scenes? We all know there's not a lot "real" about them. Highly recommend reading this thoroughly enjoyable book!

Thanks to the publisher & NetGalley for advanced copy in exchange for honest review

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This was such an entertaining, light rom-com. I only made it through Season 3, with Andrew Firestone, so it’s been quite some time since I’ve watched an actual episode of the Bachelor (or Bacchie). This story definitely highlighted all of the gossip that keeps fans tuning into these types of reality shows, giving you something fun to chat about weekly with friends.

Abby writes snarky recaps about the popular dating show game, The Stag. You can only imagine how surprised she is when her boss sends her undercover as a contestant in order to gain extra insight for her articles. I loved Abby. She was incredibly sarcastic and her comments/inner thoughts made me laugh out loud numerous times. She has to play this role as a made up character and sometimes struggles with not being able to share her true self and identity. Especially when she begins to make genuine friendships and a surprising love connection.

Here’s what else I loved:
- The Australia setting. This was a perfect backdrop for extravagant dates. The contestants do everything from cuddle koalas, climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge and tour the beautiful Opera House.
- The drama!! You put 12 women in a mansion and have them compete for the affections of an eligible bachelor and the cattiness is going to shine through. The cast included everything from villains to someone just along for a free vacation.
- Behind the scenes. I enjoyed seeing what all goes on to making these shows appear to be real and flawless.
- Abbey’s recaps. I looked forward to them after each episode because they were hysterical and exactly how you would chat with your friends.
- Jack’s shirts. They made me smile!

While there is a love connection, I felt this book focused more on friendships and the struggle to step out and share your true identity with the world. Recommended for those times when you need a hilarious and light hearted read.

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Whilst I can't see the appeal of reality TV, the characterisation, humour and romance in this book kept me turning the pages. Abby is an easy to like character with a good heart and witty sense of humour. This book is a good balance of romance and comedy and is the perfect escape from real life, maybe just like the fictional show it features?

The romantic element has a realistic blend of conflict and emotion. The reader is invested in its outcome. The friendship dynamic is believably written. The show's details are well-researched, immersing the reader in the world of reality TV. Enhanced with angst, believable characters and well-timed comic dialogue, this is an addictive original story.

I received a copy of this book from One More Chapter via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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This is the story of Abigail and Jack, which is told over the course of 25 chapters (+Epilogue). As you can probably tell from the blurb this isn’t your typical romance story. Boy does meet girl but not in the most ideal settings. However this fact does not stop this being a really great romance story.
From the moment readers start this story they will fall in love with the main characters but only that they will be intrigued by situation they are in. This intrigue will keep readers attached to this story to the very end. They will want, no need to find out how if these characters can figure out how to be together.
This entire book is littered with moments that will leave readers laughing as well as the odd moment that may leave them a bit emotional. This variety of emotions for the reader to go through will just make them even more attached to the story. Whether they are laughing or tearing up, each emotion will make them want to finish this book.
Overall I really enjoyed this book. I will confess it is the first book I have read by this author, however it will certainly not be the last. I am about to head to Amazon to go check out more by Sandy Barker.

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I am a sucker for any book that seems like it is inspired by "The Bachelor" franchise. The Dating Game is no exception. I love that it felt like it was a real behind-the-scenes look at what goes on during the filming of a romance reality-based tv show.

Overall I'd give it 3.5 stars. The only reason I didn't rate it higher was that the premise of how Abby ends up on the show, it felt so absurd and frankly like such a terrible idea, that I didn't buy it and it ultimately distracted me from the plot itself. I kept thinking well, they will probably catch her in this chapter and when it didn't happen I was like it will be the next for sure.

But if you want a cute, fun, book I'd recommend it. Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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this was so fun and cute and wholesome, i’m obsessed.

i LOVE reality tv. it’s so fun to get into, especially love island, and i 100% sit and ponder watching each episode what is going on behind the scenes. the dating game gives the absolute best of both worlds.

with abby going undercover on the show that she writes anonymous recaps for, she’s determined to prove that nobody falls in love on these shows. to an extent, she’s right - in walks producer jack.

the slow burn, the tension, the ‘forbidden’, everything was SO good. 100% would and will read more sally barker releases.!

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The Dating Game is a new spin on a romantic tale that features a Bachelor-like dating show. The show in this case is The Stag, where the bachelor (Stag) choses one of sixteen contestants (the Does) to be his bride. Not only does the bride find love, but there is also a nice prize of 50,000 pounds. The entire show takes place at Stag Manor, which is a rented mansion used on location for each season. Each season, columnist for magazine Feed Your Mind, Anastasia Blabbergasted, writes the episode recaps. Only the editor, Prue van der Puttin, and her best friend, Lisa, know that Anastasia’s true identity is 33-years-old Abigail (Abby) Jones.

With her journalism degree, Abby dreams of writing more serious investigative journalism articles; however, for now, she writes about reality shows. Her witty writing and division of the Stag contestants into five categories: (potential) Brides, Villians, Dark Horses, Miscellaneous, and Filler, finds her a solid audience and the attention of the showrunner, Roberta. Abby receives a call from Prue that the show wants her to go undercover as a contestant for the next season. The new season will film in Sydney, Australia and feature six British and six Australian contestants vying for the attention of new bachelor, Daniel. Abby eventually agrees to take part and becomes Doe Abby, a 28-years-old public servant, who will try to win Daniel’s heart and write the recaps of the episodes with an insider’s perspective.

With the addition of Doe Abby, Abigail now needs to try and balance her three personas, the Stag contestant, Anastasia the writer, and the real Abigail. While this aspect of the story was interesting, the true standout is the humor within the Stag’s filming. The contestants and situations for the show were all enjoyable and it was an entertaining tongue-in-cheek take on the reality show. Abby starts to have feelings for one of the producers Jack Freeman, but she does not know where she stands with him. Jack and his brother Harry were greatly enjoyable and I loved Abby’s core group, such as Kaz and Becca. The friendships, amusing date situations, and a slow burn romance all create a very fun story.

The romance is fairly low angst as the focus leans towards the friendships between the various contestants. Abby is a very fun character as she tries to balance her real life with her writer one. There a few moments in the format where it was difficult to tell where the recaps and narration separated, but context did help. One thing that I wish there was more of was tension for Abby’s secrets. Considering that Abby is hiding her true nature, it seemed there would have been more anxiety on her part and those around her to make sure nothing happens. There is some in the story, which I enjoyed and appreciated, but I expected a little more.

Overall, Abby was a fantastic main character as she was realistic. She has her hopes and beliefs, but she is not perfect. She makes mistakes and has insecurities, which made her a very likable and enjoyable character. Her fellow “Does” and her interacted well as it is a difficult situation where you like each other and wish to be friends, but you are pitted against each other in a competition setting. Daniel was an excellent choice for the Stag as he was complex and you never fully knew what to expect with him all the way until the end. The ending worked really well for the style of the story and fit the characters. Sandy Barker continues to write charming novels and I cannot wait to read more!

**I give a special thank you to Rachel @rararesources,, the publisher, and the author for the opportunity to participate with this enjoyable novel via Netgalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.**

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Loved this book! I loved the characters and the way everything came out. Definitely gave me the Bachelor fix I was wanting. Definitely grabbing a copy

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