Member Reviews

Abby, pen name Anastasia, is an entertainment writer in London. When her editor propositions her for a show she recaps, The Stag, she is hard pressed to say no. It's hard to say no, it help the show out with publicity and help her career. Except getting a peak behind the curtain and the friends she makes in the house make it really hard come recap time. Things get even more complicated when she finds herself hating the Stag, Daniel, and finds stronger feelings with the producer Jack.

This book was cute. I liked getting a peak behind the rose colored glasses of reality tv. I liked seeing Jack and Abby sneak away and their will-they-wont-they. I was hoping we would see a more well rounded story outside of the show itself. I was hoping there would be some drama about her being a mole on the show, how she proceeded after she got off the show or the consequences of being famous after the reality show as well as Abby and Jack outside of the show. I was also really interested in the story Abby wanted to tell about bachelor-esq type shows and wanted to see that as well.

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3.5 Stars

This one fell a little flat for me. It was interesting but I think the romance part of it was a bit too quick? It felt a lot like insta-love which is not something Im a big fan of.

I did enjoy reading about the friendships formed within the show though, I thought that was nice. The ending, of the show, was good as well. I think that the ending to the book as a whole left me missing a little bit though. I just wanted more out of it?

Overall, it was a quick read and interesting, I just don’t think the romance plot was for me. That being said I did enjoy it anyways.

ALSO, this was another SUPER clean romance. Which I somehow keep reading on accident lol, but just keep that in mind when considering reading it.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins UK for the opportunity to review. All thoughts are my own.

Review will be posted on my instagram sometime between September 8-10th.

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This book was such much fun!
Abby is a sarcastic, sassy, writer who wants to be a serious journalist but writes a celebrity gossip column for the time being. She's really good at it too.
When she writes an especially dishy recap of the new season of dating show, The Stag, their producers decide to have her go undercover as one of the contestants so she can write even better recaps. Abby is horrified at the mere idea, but her boss is ecstatic to score such a close partnership with a media magnate like that. So, against her better judgement, Abby goes undercover as a contestant with strict rules (and a nondisclosure agreement) to not let anyone know who she really is.
Of course, she wasn't figuring on falling for one of the producers of the show, Jack. He's the only one who knows who she really is and she can truly be herself around him. But she's supposed to be falling for the Stag. Or is he supposed to be falling for her? Her life is turning into a mess and she can't keep up with the script. All she knows is that she lives in the UK and Jack lives in Australia and even though his eyes are to die for, and he truly has the world's most perfect lips, how in the world can anything come of it? And which version of herself is the real one anyway? The Abby on the show, the Abby who wants to write real journalism, or the Abby who writes celebrity gossip. Are they all facets of the same Abby? How can it all turn out?
Besides Abby and Jack, there is a delightful cast of characters including the other women on the dating show and the Stag himself is a lot of fun to hate. In truth, he's not THAT bad, but no Prince Charming either.
Anyone who's guilty pleasure is reality dating shows will love this delightful book. It's fast-paced, funny, and just good fun.

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I'm not much for reality tv (although I have seen episodes of the bachelor/bachelorette from time to time, so I'm familiar) so I wasn't sure how I would like this book but it was an enjoyable read. Abby is a journalist who writes a column under another name where she reviews the show with witty and sarcastic commentary. She doesn't want to go on the show but is forced by her employer. Abby figures her time on the show will give her an opportunity to write a legit expose. Abby is surprised by the connections she makes with some of the other women on the show and one producer. Good story although I think the ending could have given us a little more regarding what happened after the show - a little epilogue would have been nice.

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The Dating Game is such a fun read. Abby Jones is a great main character- witty and funny she handles the undercover role brilliantly. I loved how her reluctance at the start turned into a masterclass of juggling different persona as we moved through the show. With nice touches of romance too, Sandy Barker had written a wonderful piece of escapism.

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The Dating Game is a unique and utterly hilarious book which will be perfect for fans of The Batchelor.  I definitely recommend this book and in fact this would make a great Hallmark/ Netflix Movie!
I love Sandy Barker’s writing, it is easy to read and such great fun.  I absolutely loved The Christmas Swap, so was very excited to read this and it did not disappoint one bit! 
I loved Abby as she was totally relatable! She was fun, had such a good sense of humour and way with words.  My favourite thing about this book had to be that it has an index at the back of who all the Characters are, such a clever idea as there were lots to remember.

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Abby Jones has aspirations to be a serious journalist, but has found herself stuck in a rut, writing throw-away celebrity stories for online magazine, Feed Your Mind – whilst accidentally becoming very popular as her alter ego, Anastasia Blabbergasted – the no-holds-barred recap queen for everyone’s favourite reality tv show, The Stag.

Then one day, for reasons that never really become clear, Abby’s boss strikes a deal with the producers of The Stag that Abby will become a contestant on the show and submit her recaps for the new season – set in Sydney! – from inside the manor.

But the recaps are written by Anastasia – not contestant, Doe Abby – so why it would make any difference her being there, when she can only comment on what is broadcast, we will never know.

The real story develops as Abby tries to juggle her multiple personalities and newfound relationships. She flips from being the real Abby, to the fake, rich, mysterious Doe Abby, to the snarky Anastasia. Meanwhile, she can’t help but develop real bonds with some of her fellow Does – Becca and Kaz in particular – and producer Jack.

There are some interesting concepts to think about – such as how reality tv cast members are manipulated to be ‘villains’ and storylines are moulded on set; and how everyone has multiple sides to them – the strong, the insecure, the beautiful and the clever – and how important it is to see beyond what the tv producers may want us to focus on! I also did rather enjoy the fact that no one was really into the Stag and that off-camera he just wasn’t worthy of any of the women. It did make me wonder how much of these real-life programmes revolves around acting and manipulation from producers!

However, it still felt like there was a lot of depth missing in The Dating Game. Abby starts off writing her exposé of The Stag (which already was annoying me a little bit because surely the production company would nip that one in the bud immediately with some kind of legal contract that she couldn’t do that) – but she basically writes a few lines and then forgets to think about it and then can’t be bothered. I mean, how much does she actually want to be a serious journalist if she just forgets to finish the serious stories that she starts?! And we never do get to the bottom of what the mysterious friend Lisa does for a living, what is going to happen with Abby and Jack, and where is her career going next? It was almost a little bit like Sandy Barker’s editor called up one day to say, “Hey so is The Dating Game ready? It’s deadline day!” and she went, “Oh gah yeh that, erm yeh finished!”

Overall, it was quite an enjoyable and fun read, but I did find myself getting a tiny bit bored. And the constant “Oh Cadmus!” exclamations did make me want to punch something a little bit by the 15th time.

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This was an enjoyable read. I found myself caught up in the friendships and dramas of the Does, the developing relationship between Abby and Jack and the crazy “reality” that was The Stag. I would have liked a little more depth to the characters but overall it kept me interested . Nice, light and fluffy read, (3.5 ⭐️)

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I firmly believe anyone who enjoys The Bachelor and The Bachelorette would enjoy this book. It follows Abby who is a writer that writes about a TV show The Stag (extremely similar to the Bachelor) and she is asked to be on the show. It follows her experience of being on the show and playing three roles: Doe Abby (show alter ego), Abigail Jones (herself), and Anastasia (writer alter ego). The speed of the plot was very enjoyable and the way the characters all had a place in the story was very helpful. Often times books like these where they have multiple characters, I find myself going "Wait who are they again?" and thankfully did not have that experience with this book. Further, I liked how the final chapter expanded on where the Does (and Stag) ended up. Although I am not allowed to give half stars, I would give this book 4.5!

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The Dating Game - Sandy Barker

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK and I am leaving this review voluntarily

Once upon a time, twelve women joined the hottest reality TV show looking for love. Except one had a secret identity . . .

Abby Jones is a serious writer. Or at least she will be, one day. Right now, she spends her time writing recaps of reality television under a secret identity.

When a recap for The Stag – the must-watch dating show – goes viral, her editor thinks she should be on set, writing the drama as it happens. The good news: the next season will be filmed in Sydney. Sun, sea and a glamorous trip abroad, this could be Abby’s big break.

I enjoyed the opening of the book and the witty comments - but in the middle I found myself losing interest, I did feel that the ending was satisfying enough to redeem the middle.

Personally I thought that this book had potential - whilst there are a lot of different characters I found it easy enough to keep track. I just wish that there was something that grabbed my attention. If you wonder what goes on behind the scenes on a dating show then this is the book for you, unfortunately it just wasn't the book for me.

Rating 3/5

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Easily my favourite book from Sandy Barker so far.

This is a fantastic look featuring a dating game show The Stag.

Abby who has written scathing recaps for previous seasons, has now been asked to be a contestant on this new series to be able to provide even better insight in her recaps.

Abby is a rather reluctant contestant, and watching her deal with everything with multiple hats on is rather impressive.

I loved seeing how Abby deals with all the situations, her thoughts on the Stag, and her fellow does, as well on the stunning Sydney backdrop.

In addition the recaps of each episode are pure Gold, and greatly entertaining.

This was pure escapism from start to finish and I greatly enjoyed every last word of this book. i felt as though I was right there on the set of The Stag too.

Just wonderful!

Thank you to One More Chapter and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for the ARC.

This was cute! As a lover of reality tv, this was right up my alley. I enjoyed the concept, and the characters were cute! However, this wasn't really anything special. I love a good romance book, but this one was just okay. Not really something I would recommend as my favourite, but I did enjoy reading it.

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This was an entertaining, well-written book. Clever, funny and romantic, it held my interest and I didn't want to put it down. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more books by this author.

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Loved this book so much that I have to go and grab a physical copy! Devoured this beauty and couldn’t help but enjoy it’ Definitely recommend

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Do you follow #thebachelor on Twitter faithfully on Monday nights? Read tell-all’s from former contestants? Watch Unreal for all the behind the scenes action?

If you said yes, this book is for you!

This fun novel is all about a journalist who writes snarky recaps of “The Stag” online. She’s invited to come on the show undercover to get all the behind the scenes dirt, and hijinks ensue.

There fillers, villains (aka the bitches), dark horses, and brides all living dorm style in a swank mansion in Sydney. Who will find love? Who will leave broken-hearted? Will it be the most dramatic season of The Stag yet?

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The Dating Game by Sandy Barker

Abigail is a journalist who currently writes hilarious recaps of the popular dating show The Stag. When her recaps start getting a lot of attention she gets a strange opportunity to be a fake contestant on the show so she can get behind the scenes scoop to make her recaps even better. Only problem is she writes under a pseudonym so now she is pretending not to be herself, on a show she thinks is ridiculous, and she might be falling for the producer.

This is a great read for fans of the bachelor! Or even if you hate the show, you will enjoy the book. Abigail is incredibly witty and entertaining. I loved that while on the show her experience was all about her friendship with the other contestants. And the show is set in Sydney! Definitely made it even higher on my bucket list.

Thank you to @onemorechapterhc for my advanced copy! This is out on September 10th.

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Abby/Anastasia os covering a TV dating show along the lines of Married at First Sight. She is incognito (posing as a contestant). The story is about the lives and interactions of the contestants with each other, the crew and the prize – Daniel.

The book has all the usual elements to make it a success - nice people, bitches, intrigue and an abundance of romance.
While I enjoyed the book, I felt that it was pitched at a younger reader than myself (mid 60's) - but then feel the same about the television shows too.

Thankyou Net Galley for offering me the chance to read this book.

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An hysterically funny take on reality tv!

Abigail Jones is a writer who dreams of being an investigative journalist. For the time being, she has to earn a crust and does it by writing recaps of a reality tv show under a pseudonym. Then the producers decide to take it a bit further; she will secretly be taking part in the next series of ‘The Stag’ as a contestant, known only to a very small section of the crew. The lure is that it’s to be filmed in Sydney, Australia – a place where Abigail has always wanted to travel. How can she say no?

This one is a gigglefest from beginning to end! I don’t watch reality television myself; in fact we can often be found poking fun at them in our house but I was thoroughly entertained by this novel. I can imagine that followers of these programmes will enjoy it even more – if that’s possible. The author has a fantastically quirky take on the whole process and, along with the humour, there are some very tender moments of self-doubt. Expertly written and delightfully amusing with a fabulous cast of characters, this is a book which will lift the spirits of every reader. Thoroughly entertaining, easily earning 4.5*

My thanks to the publisher for my copy via NetGalley and to Rachel Gilbey for my spot on this tour; this is – as always – my honest, original, and unbiased review.

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What I Loved
Without a doubt, the aspect I enjoyed the most in this story was the smartly funny witticisms and the unapologetic and sometimes merciless mocking. I was hoping that the story would be tongue in cheek about the reality behind dating shows, and it is just that and more. The write-ups by Anastasia Blabbergasted had me laughing out loud through the entire book. And that name says it all, doesn't it?

I also loved the entertainment level of this book, which is very high. It's the perfect book to read poolside, on the beach, or curled up at home in your favorite reading chair with a glass of wine. It is so light and funny that, for the most part, the pages fly by.

The romance is more natural than I expected with no sappy or over-the-top moments – my glasses never once steamed up. It's a slow-burn romance that makes me happy to be given the honor of witnessing. There's a genuineness to it that I really connected to and just adored.

The characters are likable for the most part. Of course, not all of them can be likable because what kind of story would that be. But the main characters and the main support characters are all lovely people who resemble, I'm sure, various people in everyone's life. They are not fully developed, but I was okay with that. It could have added more dimension to the story if we had been allowed to take a deeper look behind the curtain rather than just a peek, but I don't know that it would have added anything to the humor or the entertainment value of the story.

Reminds Me Of
The level of mocking made me think of the Gilmore Girls. Rory Gilmore could be Anastasia Blabbergasted, as her reviews for the Yale Daily News proved.

What I Wish
There are only a few things on my wish list. As I said under characters, I wish I had a deeper understanding of the main characters and the main support characters. I am very curious where that would have taken the story. And the only other thing I wish is that the story had been cut back a bit. It felt very wordy and almost too detailed during many scenes, and I found my flow and pace disrupted by the sheer multitude of words.

To Read or Not to Read
If you are looking for a fun light read that will keep you laughing out loud and you enjoy honed mocking skills, The Dating Game is a book you will enjoy from start to finish.

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It's not a surprise at all that Sandy Barker's writing is simply going from strength to strength. Many of us have loved and devoured her previous books-namely the Holiday Romance series and The Christmas Swap-and this, believe me, will be right up there, if not your new fave.

Taking a highly relatable reality TV format such as 'The Bachelor' , the reader cannot help but be drawn into the crazy, multi-faceted (and two-faced, or is it three-faced!?) world of undercover journalist, 'Abby'. She goes behind the scenes on 'The Stag' to uncover and secretly report on the world within the mansion, culminating in a hilarious series of episode recaps that offer insight into the manufactured nature of reality TV.

The writing is sharp, clever, and imbued with just the right amount of sarcasm and wit. Sandy's mastery of first person narrative is engrossing, and I felt like I walked every inch of Abigail's journey with her: the dates, the other Does, the 'blossoming relationship' (won't give any more away!). I loved Abigail from the first page, and the character descriptions (particularly of the Does) were laugh out loud hilarious - as to be expected from Sandy.

Honestly, if you're after a rom com with all the feels and plenty of laughs, this is the one you need to reach for right now.

Thanks to NetGalley and OMC for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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