Member Reviews

Depending on which side of the political fence you sit, you will either love it or hate it. The stories are short and easy to read if your free time is limited.

Short and funny well worded takes on various topics, perfect for waiting room or coffee break reading.

Do not buy this book if you are easily offended. Chad Prather is "famous" for his social media rants at @watchchad. Prather pokes fun at the woke left and everyone else in between. If you like his social media posts you will enjoy the book- If you don't he's probably fine with that too.

In our politically polarized climate, half the audience will love it and laugh out loud while the other will hate it and wonder how this ever got published. There's a reason he's referred to as the "unapologetic patriot" and he's not backing down now! If you read this, hopefully, you can do so with an open mind and with a bit of humor. I found him thought provoking, humorous, and courageous.
Am I Crazy is Prather's completely unapologetic, politically incorrect and irreverent takes on the world we live in.
Thank you to Net Galley for the ARC!

Some people won't like this book - - but they probably wouldn't buy it anyway so they won't be reading it. Some of it is hilarious and there are some thought-provoking truths here. I have to admit I agree with him in a lot of his thoughts!

This book had me laughing so often, sometimes I thought I am glad someone had the courage to say that, and it lightened the mood of what has been happening.
He writes about everything in life, even himself, it was a reminder don't take things so seriously, life is short, do what makes you happy and makes you laugh.
Thank you Humanix Books for sending me an ARC through NetGalley.

One thing about this book - you'll love it and laugh out loud or you'll hate it and wonder how it ever got published!
Chad is known as the "unapologetic Patriot" for a reason. He sees things with a "Texan's" (fellow Texan here) clarity and opinion and is not afraid of saying what he feels. Chad sounds so much like my dad and the folks I grew up with - it was hard not to like this book! Do I agree with everything he says - nope - but I do agree he has every right to say it!

This book was a roller coaster and I'm not sure if I want to ride again or get off and never look back. Very scattered but also entertaining.

Chad Prather’s views of the media and the world are well documented through his social media channels and here we get a chance to look deeper into this thought processes with tongue firmly in cheek.
There is a lot to unpack here but he does present his views with a good sense of humour and his own brand of ideologies which may appear to be more right but are in fact, centrally located within the political spectre. The woke society that we are currently are so far left that they are seeing life through a monoscopic lens. Of course, there is going to be naysayers who will dismiss this book as a the rambling of a red neck which is funny considering that the woke’s pledge to life is not to judge a book by its cover, which they tend to do time and time again.
Prather views the world that we should all respect each other and that everyone is entitled to equal rights. He also spells out that equal rights are not special rights for anyone and that everyone is trying to survive. Communication is key and one of the most powerful rights that a person can have is the power of freedom of speech. You take this away and you are no longer living in a free country but a dictatorship which seems is what the general public fail to understand as a whole.
Prather serves this up with humour, understanding and a great sense of political being. It is a fun book and although I do not always agree with everything he states, I do respect his right to have the freedom to view the world in his own way.
Smart, intelligent and funny, this is a great book to look at the world beyond the social media rubbish and media slant to sell more copies and have more click bait. Thoroughly enjoyed.

This book is the answer to "What happens when we let someone bigotted write a book and call it non PC".
I truly can't believe in this time of huge division any one would consider this material for a book. Grossly inappropriate decision.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
I am not a fan of politics but this book was intriguing. I had never heard of Chad Prather but I really like his attitude on the craziness of the world. He actually makes a lot of good points and gets the reader thinking deeper than the usual knee-jerk reaction that people get when told something they either don't want to hear or don't agree with. His sense of humor made for many laughable moments.
This was a refreshing book to read. The media skews so much information and it all seems so slanted and unreliable anymore. So I thoroughly enjoyed getting a different take on the various topics he discusses.
This book won't be for everyone but I encourage people to read it and have an open mind about the good points he's getting across, even though some of it isn't pertinent as much anymore.

If you're not familiar with Chad Prather, consider this your warning. You're either going to love him or hate him. This is an unapologetic Patriot's take on the current state of the U.S. Written in short commentaries, Prather particularly focuses on the insanity of American politics in both a funny and thought provoking manner. He has a way of making you laugh at his whit while still giving you a lot to ponder. Agree or disagree, Prather will definitely leave you entertained. One part politics, one part battle of the sexes, and one part pop culture (anyone remember Tide Pods and teenagers?), Am I Crazy is completely irreverent, absolutely politically incorrect, and highly offensive. But it's also a hilarious balance to the crazy world we live in.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book for review. All opinions are my own.

Prepare yourself for a book full of whining about other people whining. I can't imagine being this stupid and wearing that stupidity with such pride. If you are just sick of learning anything, I promise, this is a safe space for you; no facts live here.

Didn't know who Chad Prather even is. Glad I found the book tho, its spot on. A bit irreverent, but who cares.
Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free, it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

Even if you are not shouting “Amen to that!” at the top of your lungs (or may be afraid to do so), you’ll have to concede that on a fair number of topics Prather actually does have a point. Even if you are not familiar with the nitty-gritty of American politics, there is enough here to make you ponder.
Had to look up quite a few terms - addressees of his tirades and...Tide pods?
Ranty, yes. Opinionated to a fault, yes. Too full of “America is the greatest”, yeehah! Steamrollering, yes. But in places (woke and PC places in particular) a long-overdue breath of fresh air in a stifling world.
Quite often, though, he can be quite like the over-zealous, annoying puppy dog, noisily licking the ice lolly of “American superiority in EVERYTHING”. Then I feel like rolling up a newspaper and shout: Heel, Chad. Here boy! *whap*

A funny and politically incorrect (and non-woke) collection of short commentaries by the Texas-baed author.. Almost half the book is political commentary, ending early in 2020. The second section comments on pop culture and the third on the war between the sexes. Prather does have a great way with words and a gift for invective.

This is my first take on Chad Prather, and I found him thought provoking. He does lay it out clearly his views on things, which is fine, I like that. Most things I agree with, some I don't, but never felt offended. We tend to be overly sensitive lately, which can be exhausting. Made me laugh, made me think. What more can you expect? Would recommend.

Warning - if you believe a female Doctor Who is a good thing or consider yourself “woke” in any way, DO NOT READ this book. It is not for you, it is for normal people who have working brains.
Chad Prather is a common sense-spewing, woke-hating yee-hawing dose of intelligence in an increasingly nonsensical world. Laugh out loud funny with a killer quote on every page, Prather takes aim at modern society’s woke-iest atrocities including politics, marriage & relationships, pop culture and Greta Thurnberg’s ponytail. Several Kardashians were harmed in the making of this book, and gender fluidity is flushed down the toilet where it belongs.
Chad Prather is the voice of clarity the world needs and I heartily recommend this book.