Member Reviews

I was super excited to see this book as a choice! I love this game and use it in class to get kids talking and encourage imaginative thought. This “Eww” version seemed like a middle school teacher’s dream-come-true. Alas, as with many dreams, this one was too good to be true. The concept is cute, but there are too many issues for me to consider including it in my classroom or consider buying it as a gift or recommending it to anyone.
1. Directions are too long and complicated for most children
2. “God”??? (Used in the directions.) Who the heck still uses religious terms for general audiences? And, worse, sexist ones at that! This, alone, is reason not to buy or recommend this book.
3. Quite a few grammar issues (but, since this is an ARC, hopefully they’ll be fixed before publication): confusing pronoun antecedents; missing “not” (or other correct articles and adverbs) for second choice; misuse of words (“scoff” for “scarf”); missing words (“would you rather … stuck in an elevator”)
4. Questions are very repetitive… I lost track of how many times “ketchup” and “sticky” were used in the first section alone.
5. Trivia questions are cute but some are too vague (“An average jar of peanut butter is found to contain what?” My kids would say “peanuts” - which is correct. But the book says the answer is “4 or more rodent hairs.” While this may actually be true, I can foresee lots of arguments for other correct answers.)
This seems to be a one-time use book, with students marking in it and keeping score as they go. However, I can’t imagine it would keep the interest of any kid l’ve ever known for 10 rounds of 20 questions each, plus trivia. Thus the cumulative score sheet and award at the end are useless. I did see the QR code so you could potentially get (and print?) a digital copy, but how is that better than just doing an online search for “gross ‘would-you-rather’ questions”?
In the end, I don’t see a reason for this book. I’d rather have my kids (students and family) come up with their own questions or pick out of a hat (randomly) questions I’ve generated or found online. Cute concept, but the gimmick becomes obsolete very quickly.

This is quite hilarious! Definitely ewwwwwww situations that make you want to run away and hide.
A must have if you have sons!

I had great fun playing the game in this book with my friend and her daughter. Lots of laughter and a few exclamations of “who thought up these questions?!” Haha.
It’s a really fun book to keep the family away from their screens for a couple of hours.
My thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this book in return for an honest review.

My kids loved this book!
It’s full of gems like ‘would you rather sneeze poo or fart snot?!’
It can get a bit repetitive and most of the questions do involve poo, snot or both and while on the surface you think it’s just a bit of fun it actually creates a lot of discussion and critical thinking, but maybe not one for sharing at the dinner table!

When you live in a household of kids who love to play the “what if” game, this is an excellent addition. Add in the “eww” factor and you have instant laughs and endless discussions. This was a great activity to share as a family as we entertained ourselves with all kinds of options, explanations, and excuses. The bonus trivia at the end was a great treat and full of facts that are guaranteed to wow and gross even the most stoic critics.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

Interesting questions. Fun, structured game. I think an adult would need to check questions for appropriateness before giving to all kids.

A silly Would You Rather game book/trivia book that encourages discussion, imagination and sense of humor. I can see this being a hilariously big hit with kids because of the abundance of gross bodily function questions. The variety of topics was lacking in my opinion. The same ideas were used repeatedly with slight differences, but overall a book that I think kids would enjoy.

This is the cutest !
I looked through it . And had a good giggle . So I let my 8 year old daughter look through. read and interact with it ( reading and asking subsequent questions )
She had a ball with this one! As did I.
Too much fun !

Delightfully gross, funny fun, perfect for older elementary kids who can't get enough of that sort of thing! There are plenty of questions to start conversations with, and the book is structured into a simple game format if readers need a bit more direction, though it's not necessary to use. This would be a fun, light way to encourage reading and imaginative discussion.
A note for US readers: this is written UK/Commonwealth English so you many need to explain terms (spots, loo, rubbish, etc.) to readers who aren't familiar.
Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review!

Me and the kids were so excited about this book. We planned for a fun filled evening, got our pencils and all but unfortunately there was not enough space for us 3. No worries though we got an rough sheet for our points. I felt that the game was too long so we only played 1 round before we were unable to continue because the questions were too icky and some questions were not age appropriate. Especially when you’re trying to teach some impressionable toddlers. I’m sure someone else might love this book and believe this is the perfect game but unfortunately it was not for me.

This could be a fun book for kids but teens and adults would probably find it dumb or get bored. The trivia isn't great and the would you rather questions range from actually being good to dumb.

Thanks to the author/publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.
My family enjoyed this book as we sat around the campfire in the middle of nowhere. Everyone’s answers were well thought through and hilarious. Such an awesome book for family games night.