Member Reviews

Being a Wood Badge recipient recipient I couldn't help requesting this book.
I found it interesting even if some parts were a bit removed from my experience.
I think that it should be read by who is interesting in scout/guide movement.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

A Fine Sourcebook
This is a well organized collection of inspirational and aspirational commentaries on various aspects of the Boy Scout Oath, Motto, Law, and Slogan. It is intended as guidance for Scoutmasters who are called upon to make brief remarks during their "Scoutmaster Minute". As such the book is an effective and valuable resource for Scoutmasters who are sometimes stumped about what to say. My experience has uniformly been that Scout leaders are earnest and sincere in their commitment to Scouting principles, but public speaking can be a challenge. This book offers some help in that particular.
The book is useful, though, for any youth leader who is called upon to offer brief remarks. While the content is oriented to the specifics of the Scout program, the minutes are easily adaptable to any situation that calls for inspiration. Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, and so on, are welcome topics in any venue.
For what it's worth, the actual content of the minutes struck me as balanced and fair. There was no hint of the red/blue, left/right sort of speechifying that marks so much of current discourse. There is no judgment or ideological bent to any of the messages. Many of the minutes refer to or are built around a quote from a noted leader or a lesson drawn from an historical event, and I would be hard pressed to take issue with the content of these mini-homilies. Again for what it's worth, and it's sort of a shame to even have to mention this, these minutes are neither snarky nor heavy-handed. This is straight up, heartfelt, positive messaging. An excellent resource.
(Please note that I received a free ecopy of this book without a review requirement, or any influence regarding review content should I choose to post a review. Apart from that I have no connection at all to either the author or the publisher of this book.)