Member Reviews

Jay Kristoff never disappoints! This story gripped me from page 1 and I cannot wait to read the rest of EOTV to see where Jay takes the story.

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Wow, what an absolute delight this was. Despite receiving 400 pages of the tale in this sampler, I still couldn't get enough of it! I wanted the story to keep going and I loved how much background and detail went into the meat of the story. The world-building was unlike anything I've ever experienced in this type of dark fantasy novel. I was intrigued and fascinated right from the beginning, and this book didn't shy away with how dark and gritty of a world it created.

This is the first work I've read by Jay Kristoff, but I had heard of his other works before like the Illminae Files, The Nevernight Chronicle, and The Aurora Cycle. I have heard so much praise for these other series and the summaries for these are so intriguing and seem right down my alley (I've already added these books to read in the future as well!), I knew I had to give Empire of the Vampire a shot. The last vampire stories I've read are probably the Twilight series if I'm being honest, and they could not be further in content from that of Empire of the Vampire.

Kristoff's work has solid characters with clear histories, beliefs, and motivations for their actions. The vibe and atmosphere is so dark and suspenseful. And I really enjoyed the format of the storytelling in which the reader is plunged into flashbacks as told by our main character. I can't wait to finish the rest of this book, and I'm sure I'll be looking forward to the sequels as soon as I reach the last page.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this sampler arc.

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It’s not often that I get stuck on a book that I have read and do not get me wrong, I knew this one would be incredible, but oh my… My heart has been ripped out, somewhat repaired, ripped out again only to bleed for a character that has the most haunting tale that it will reside in your soul. Lord help me, but Gabriel de Leon is now one of my favorite characters of all time. Jay Kristoff this truly is a bloody masterpiece and I’m loving having these editions on the ladder!

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What I got to read I really like. Had 20 days left and it didn't let me open it to read so I did buy my own copy can't wait to read it.

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This sampler was everything I needed. Now Kristoff's darker and big world fantasy style isn't going to be more everyone. It's the type of book that you have to read. It's not a flippant surface level rom com. But I appreciate this difference. It's dark, it's gory, it's messy. You will need a palette cleanser after reading this ... now to read the rest of this book as this sampler was just such a tease!!!!

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So this style of book isn't going to be for every one. But this sampler gives great insight into the authors vibes. It's dark, it's gory, it is NOT YA .. but the story telling is amazing. World building superb, and I can't wait for the rest of this book! Highly recommend if you like higher fantasy a la Brent Weeks and Brandon Sanderson. Except insert vampires instead of wizards.

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A bitter prisoner tells his story of revenge. He is Gabriel de Leon, last of he Silversaints, a brotherhood of half-humans and half-vampires who have sworn their lives to the Church to kill vampires (full-blooded). After the vampires arrest him for crimes against them, they make him tell his story as the empress of the vampires wants her historian to chronicle his life. Why? Gabriel gives a bitter and angry recollection of how he earned his reputation as a most “fearsome” swordsman. He abandons his fifth to kill the Forever King. Does he kill the King? His only hope that he has left is to find the Holy Grail. Will he find it?

This horror novel is long — it reminds me of reading the Anne Rice vampire novels in length. It is a different vampire novel that is chilling and fascinating. There is action and bloodshed in this story. The characters in the life of Gabriel are many and interesting. I think it is well written. There is some humor in the story at times. I liked the occasional melodrama aspect of the story. In some ways, this story has a fantasy feeling to it. I can’t wait to read the next book!

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Eeeeeeeeeh I am very disappointed to say I dnf'ed this. It simply didn't grab me and I got 400 pages in. I believe the writing style simply doesn'twork for me, the way the characters spoke to eachother frustrated me. I was also a bit taken aback by the random reference to an adult character's relationship with a minor, it seemed very unnecessary?

I love a good vampire story and this was very dark and atmospheric. I'd recommend reading a chapter or two to see what you think of the writing style before commiting to this chunker!

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Bloody. Brutal. Bleak.

Breathtaking. Brilliant!


**Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.**

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This book is epic so far. Absolutely one that will not easily be forgotten! So happy to have gotten this sampler before the book came out.

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Jay Kristoff knows how to write. I fell in love with his writing in late '18, and he has done nothing but improve since. In his new series, he has seamlessly created a new world with easy to read world building that doesn't feel like one giant info dump.

This was a terrible tease into his new series, both the publishers and the author knew what they were doing by only giving you the first 400 pages. Gives you enough to get hooked, then keeps you crawling back for more. Like a true horror author, Kristoff doesn't shy away from the suspense and gore. This will definitely leave you wanting to pick up the series, and any others that Kristoff has in his future arsenal.

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This is my first Kristoff book and I chose to pick this one up as something completely out of my reading comfort zone from other readers who have been anticipating this novel release. As a new reader of Kristoff I definitely would head recommendations of reading his earlier work first and YA novels before venturing into this big book.

Kristoff did not disappoint with this one and I see why it was highly anticipated as his best work yet. The world building, character development, and structure were all combined so well. The writing style is unique and keeping the reader engaged to visualize the content of the story. The pacing is good with the story line, regardless of how long this book is.

I may not pick up more Vampire novels of Kristoff's since it is not preference but I will keep this author on my radar for his other work that is highly praised as well.

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Absolutely epic. I am three-quarters of the way through the actual book (I got two copies!) and I cannot stop! Thank you for the sneak peek!

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This book is incredible. There is a depth of worldbuilding rarely seen. The narrative in complex and grandiose. The best parts of gothic classics mixed with Dracula, Anne Rice, and more.

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Thank you so much for the preview copy. It started off so fast with Gabe explains his backstory, I picked up the physically cop and plan to binge read. Jay Kristioff never fails to disappoint when it comes to his writing. From the first sentence to the last word of the series he always has me hooked.

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"We are hope for the hopeless. The fire in the night. We will walk the dark as they do, and they shall know our names and despair. For so long as they burn, we shall be flame. So long as they bleed, we shall be blades. So long as they sin, we shall be saints."

Book Review:
Let me start out by saying that this book was a magnificent peice of dark art and everything that my vampire, goth, soul wanted! The world is dense and dark and mysterious. you can tell that Mister Kristoff took his sweet time with it. It had major Nevernight vibes that I adored so much. Then you had the lore and differences in the vampires, from the undead, to the beautiful dead, to the living dead. Each one was spectacular and flawed in their own way.

In this epic story, we start out with Gabriel de Leon in prison, recounting his tale for the historian of the Beautiful, Undead queen and how he killed Fabion Voss. It gave me major Interview with a Vampire vibes. I think I liked Gabe the best because he wasn't clear-cut. There were obvious flaws in his character and honestly, I loved them. In many ways, Gabe and Rice's Louie, had some very similar characteristics that I think the fans will really love too.

The best way I can really sum up everything in this book besides calling it epic, is to say this: EMPIRE OF THE VAMPIRE is the lovechild of Anne Rice's Interview With A Vampire and The Witcher tale all rolled into one.
Five stars, This year's MUST READ!

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A beautiful and wonderful masterpiece.
I really just...have no words, but cannot wait to finish this! Kristoff has become one of my favorite authors this year and this just solidifies that!
Run, don't walk and grab yourself a copy.

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It's a little self-indulgent, but for the most part you just have to let Jay Kristoff be himself: smug, theatrical, and incredibly talented. I love his work, and this book is an enormous undertaking that is just as decadent and fun as his other adult work.

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Empire of the Vampire: 5/5

Jay has done it again! I am a long-time fan of Jay Kristoff, as Nevernight is one of my favorite series of all time. This book out does Nevernight. This book is amazing.

It was kind of cruel to only give us a sample of the book ESPECIALLY how it ends, but it's a good thing I finished after the publish date. This book is everything and possibly crosses over into my favorite book of all time. If I could give this a million stars I would.

I am never at a loss for words for my reviews but I am now. This is utterly tragic and perfect. I wouldn't change one thing about this amazing book.

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Holy moly, what a teaser. SO good, well-written, and I can't wait to finally read the whole thing! The writing is rich and atmospheric. I normally steer away from dark and violent novels, but something about this book just kept me reading.

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