Member Reviews

Absolutely loved but that’s no surprise because Jay Kristoff is absolutely my favorite author! This book is going to be absolutely epic.

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This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year, Jay did not disappoint! This book was so addictive, dark, gory, heartbreaking and leave you wanting more! I love thats its told in alternating povs of when Gab is young, when hes captured and a few years before. It shows how became the man he is because of his hardships and losses. We have so many different fun diverse characters, some awesome animals and such interesting world. I loved it! Can wait to read more!

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Not a huge fan of this storytelling method, everything is in quotes as he tells his story and is sometimes interrupted by questions from the vampire. The formatting is distracting and unbelievable. As if someone can remember every single word spoken and how they reacted and who they were with and how everyone was positioned. The details included are unbelievable in my mind. Once I got past the storytelling method and quotations within quotations, it became easier to enjoy the story. Gabriel jumps around in his timeline, even going several years in the future before backtracking. Though the story is difficult to follow at times, the characters are unique, memorable, and entrancing. There are a lot of terms and places to familiarize myself with but the writing style is incredibly enticing, outside of the whole verbal storytelling aspect.

The humor can be hit or miss, as can the insults. It’s not great to see what I think is a thirty something year old man spouting off your mother jokes.

I’ve read books this long before and felt like I was slogging through. This, I feel like I’m flying. Since this particular bit is a sampler, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of a preorder, in the form of an ebook, so I can continue seamlessly with the story. Empire of the Vampire is most certainly not for children, for the gore alone. There is also language, sex, and complicated plots for your enjoyment. This book brings to mind the Scythe trilogy by Neal Schusterman and I think it will be good for fans of that series and, of course, fans of Kristoff’s past work. I’ve only seen the Witcher TV series, but Gabriel is very similar to Geralt, in mannerisms and in other ways. I’d be lying if I didn’t picture Henry Cavill as Gabriel. I was reminded also of Julie Kagawa’s Blood of Eden series, in the way the vampires were depicted. Empire is not necessarily for the same audience, but I think fans of Kagawa’s series will find some enjoyment here, as well.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me an in depth look at this book! While I only received a sampler, it is more than enough to keep me going and to recommend this book.

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The best thing about a Netgalley sampler? Getting the chance to read a good chunk of one of my most anticipated books of the year! The worst thing about a sampler? NOT GETTING THE WHOLE THING WHEN IT IS SO GOOD! Honestly, this book release is right around the corner and I can't wait. I especially can't wait to see all the illustrations in all their glory!

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I don't think anyone who knows Jay Kristoff's work should be shocked this one is another bad@ss book. I received an early release "sampler" via netgalley and devoured it! It's rich, dark, and compelling, with the usual sass Kristoff is known for and all of the depth without being too bogged down in details. I'm absolutely heading out to snag a copy once it's released!

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I wanna thank NetGalley and Publishers for sending me this arc!

I could just NOT get into this book. Maybe it’s just not for me? I honestly couldn’t understand the general appeal of it.

I felt like because of the POV you can’t necessarily connect with the characters, and characters are always an important component for me. They mostly all felt very bland and unseasoned. I’ll say I didn’t mind Gabriel and Celeste, but other than that, all the characters bored me quickly.

Plot felt very bland as well. I don’t necessarily know how to describe it but it was just too much fighting and brutality (which is strange considering I LOVED the poppy war trilogy), it really didn’t interest me in the slightest.

All in all, I’m still conflicted if I’ll pick up the rest of the book once it’s released. Maybe reading the whole story will change my review and opinion on it. Only time will tell!

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I really was looking forward to reading this, but within the first 50 pages 15/16 year olds being sexualized soured the whole book for me.

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Oh my gosh. This sampler was not enough! This was fantastic and I can’t wait to finish the story! Jay has done it again!

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Empire of the Vampire is Jay Kristoff's latest book. And the first one with a male protagonist.

I will be honest and say that the biggest issue I had with this was that title. But as a long time fan of Jay Kristoff, you learn to just roll with it. The size of this book is daunting as well, and it intimidated me for a while before actually picking it up to read. But once I started I could not put it down.

Empire tells the story of a land where a natural phenomenon gas clouded the sun - the only thing keeping the vampires at bay. The vampires of this universe are definitely far away from the friendly, good intentioned ones that we have gotten used to in modern YA fiction. This is the proper monster that Kristoff writes about. No YA tropes in sight.

The main character Gabriel de Leon is the last of the order of Silversaints - an order sworn to protect society from these monsters. It starts off where Gabriel is forced to chronicle his life for the reigning vampire of the present time. And very reluctantly he obliges.

What makes this book special are the illustrations that accompany it. The art is absolutely gorgeous and fits the style of the book so well! It makes the book feel like a collector's edition.

I would gladly recommend this to anyone in search of an action packed, monster slaying, epic scoped fantasy. One that explores family, belief and faith in equal amounts. Definitely a favourite of the year!

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I’ve been a big fan of Mr. Kristoff for quite some time, but this one really knocks it out of the park. Empire of the Vampire has received a ton of hype over the past year, and sometimes that can backfire, but, boy howdy, this is a novel that absolutely delivers.

Our main character, Gabriel de León, is a Silversaint in a time and place where the sun has basically been blocked out for twenty-seven years, and the ruling houses of vampires have risen up and basically carved up the world into their kingdoms. What’s a Silversaint you ask? A Silversaint is the result of the union between a vampire sire and a human woman. The sons that result (there are only sons) inherit a bit of vampiric power from their undead fathers; as well as a degree of their bloodlust.

Now Gabriel has been captured by the creatures he has vowed to destroy, and the bulk of the story is him telling his life’s history to a vampire historian.

Empire of the Vampire has all of the Kristoff halmarks. Sex? Check. Violence? Check. Incredibly witty banter peppered liberally with crude jokes? Also, check.

There is an undeniable comparison to Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire, just from the way the narrative is presented, but this gem of a novel is wholly unique. Mr. Kristoff is no stranger to the anti-hero, but de León may be his finest masterpiece to date. At some moments the reader feels very sorry for this peasant’s son: hell, there are even moments when he seems kind and tender; but there is also a nihilistic and destructive side to Gabriel that will often make the reader reconsider their opinion of him. Hell, as I was going through it, I just was hoping that we’d figure out why he seems so incredibly jaded.

In building the setting of Empire of the Vampire, Mr. Kristoff absolutely goes all out. We have divided and conquered kingdoms with rich histories, the creation and deep lore several religions, magick and power systems to go with each tradition and House, and a vast landscape that the reader can actually see, feel, hear and even smell. This is a craft that Mr. Kristoff is very well-versed in, and he’s definitely used the finest tools in his toolbox to execute this one.

This is definitely a book that wraps you up in a rollicking story mixed with enough fervor, blasphemy, faith and action to keep a reader seriously engaged while furious page flipping is going on.

This novel is going to be on lists and winning awards very shortly. Don’t miss it.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me a free e-book ARC for Empire of the Vampire, in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading Empire of the Vampire. This is the first book I have read by the author Jay Kristoff, though I did see the author featured on the YouTube channel for The Brothers Gwynne, talking about the book. I agree with the author’s presented description that this novel feels like a marriage of Interview with the Vampire and Name of the Wind, though it’s much more than that simplified equation.

This is a fantasy setting full of French influence; thankfully I know enough French that none of the words or phrases took away from my reading experience, and it’s mostly commonly known words like yes, father, brother, etc. While younger audiences may feel tempted to read the book, especially with it being about vampires and having great cover art, it’s really not young adult fiction. There’s way too much violence and cussing for it to be classified in that category.

I highly recommend the book for fans of vampires and fantasy stories. My only nitpicking issues were that the phrasing of “I don’t have any f***s to give” seemed anachronistic to me in a setting with horse-drawn carriages (and it was used several times, in several differently phrased ways) and I would have preferred the narrative to jump around in time less than it did. Luckily, those issues didn’t take me out of the narrative too much, and thus I still really enjoyed the reading experience.

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So excited to get this sampler!! I was sad it was a sampler then saw how many pages it was and was way less sad! Can't wait to finish this fantastic vampire story that Kristoff has given us!! I've been waiting for this book ever since he announced it, it's been awhile since I've read a good old fashioned vampire story and this doesn't disappoint!

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I am so pleased that I was able to get the exclusive sampler for this book! After first hearing about it over a year ago I knew I'd want to read it, and this sampler gives a perfect amount of pages to make you want to get the whole book. I LOVE adult fantasy novels but sometimes I find them overwhelming and hard to get into or hard to understand what's going on within the first few hundred pages. That is absolutely not the case with this book, right from the beginning you're thrown into the story and it is marvelous. I didn't feel overwhelmed at all, the pace is great and Gabe is fantastic. It was SO easy to become completely consumed by this book from the start. Also can I just say SHORT CHAPTERS FRIENDS, I am not a particularly fast reader, having short chapters makes books so much easier for me to get through so props to that. Also this book is divided into smaller books which divides it up really nicely, made it so easy to read. I felt like I flew through it! Overall, excellent so far, characters YES, world building YES, plot YES, the overall feel of this book is perfect for this time of year, put on a good ASMR room and enjoy. I enjoyed every minute of what I've got to read so far and I'm so excited to get the full book and finish when it releases.

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Can't wait to read the full book! This excerpt definitely has me even more excited than I already was. However, I am a bit biased towards Jay's books.

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This book is an epic, dark, twisted, vampire nightmare fantasy like none I’ve read before. Hints of the familiar intertwine with fresh new takes and ideas. Some of it is beyond thrilling, some of it is a slog, some of it is blood chilling. Overall I really enjoyed it. There is a bizarre hyper masculinity that pervades throughout that some might find off putting. Not every thing works here. Some characters feel underwritten and generic. The back and forth time jumps of the storytelling often slow the momentum of the whole thing. I will say though I do want to know more. Jay Kristoff can write some fantastic action scenes. That is undeniable.

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Kristoff did it again with a dark, engaging story of vampires. Really enjoyed the world building and the character development in the story. Excited to read the rest of the story soon!

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I'm really glad that I waited to read this sampler until close to the release date!! Of course it would end where it did.. I can't wait to read the rest!!

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Fantastic start to a book I'm sure I'm going to love till the end. I cannot wait to receive my full copy to finish!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this SAMPLER.

This sampler was about the first half of the book. To be honest, I don’t know if I could force myself through another half. Of course, it ended at an interesting bit. But I’m sure it would go back to me trudging through after that. I liked some parts, struggled with others. I absolutely detested the format. I am all for the storytelling narrator or whatever. But I want flashbacks and actual scenes. I want distinguished differences between timelines. This one one big dialogue. There were very few instances where it wasn’t just quotes coming from the MC. And nothing was ever specifically noted to represent what time we were in. Present. Past (school). Or past (a few years). It made it confusing sometimes. Also, the amount of vulgarity in this book is overwhelming. I’m all for cussing and whatnot in stories, but this felt forced and overdone. Very crass. The MC also got on my nerves. I don’t know. Between the format and the rest, I’m not sure ill read the other half.

For reference, I loved Nevernight.

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Brilliant. Religious spin on Interview with a Vampire if it met Castlevania. I deeply enjoyed this and Jay’s classic humor amidst the gore. One of the best books of the year. Thank God vampires are back!

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