Member Reviews

Such a fun read! Loved this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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Jane Lovering rates, wonderful and heartwarming stories, this one is no exception, I love the story I can just fall into, feels effortless to read, Jane has the ability to suck me right into the pages of a book, and I’ll look up later to see many hours have passed. This is a beautiful on my written story when I recommend to everyone..

Thank you to net galley and the publisher for a free copy in return for an honest opinion

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my copy of A Midwinter Match by Jane Lovering in exchange for an honest review. It published August 19, 2021.
I read this as part of a Christmas in July mood, and it was totally cute! I thought it was great for an out-of-season read, because the main focus was not Christmas, but rather, it just happened to be set at Christmas. I really enjoyed the way things unfolded in this book, especially the character development. I loved getting to cheer them on as they progressed, and the ending was just perfect!

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This book was a warm cuddle on a cold winters night. An easy read, fun characters. Will probably read again!

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Ruby Oldbridge works as an employment counsellor in York. Zac Drewe does a similar job for the Leeds branch of the same company. Their offices are to be amalgamated and only one can be kept on.

Initially unsure about him, Ruby soon realises that Zac is a really nice guy, but there is something bubbling away beneath the surface. As is the case with her. Ruby is struggling to keep up debt payments from the mortgage and house she had to abandon when her feckless boyfriend left to live with someone else, as well as managing anxiety attacks.

YouIn2Work, the company Ruby and Zac work for, is trying to get them to dish the dirt on each other and making unreasonable demands at very short notice. One of these has unintentionally hilarious consequences, although it isn't funny to Ruby at the time.

As events progress, Ruby and Zac are drawn together and finally make a decision that will benefit both of them.

I enjoyed this story, particularly the way in which Ruby and Zac were able, gradually, to learn to trust each other and open up. The underlying theme here is mental health and anxiety, a theme that Jane Lovering deals with sympathetically through the experiences of her two main characters.

Another theme is self-confidence. Ruby is low on self-esteem because of what happened to her, but with a little help is able to address this.

I also liked Priya, Ruby's work colleague, who has her back throughout, even though she can be quite full-on at times.

This is a good read, which made me chuckle in places, but also addressed serious issues in an approachable way. I would be happy to read more from this author.

I received a digital ARC of this book via Boldwood Books, in return for an honest appraisal.

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This book was an enjoyable read.

It covered mental health issues with care and sensitivity and really showed the characters in a strong light with how they deal with their respective personal issues.

I enjoyed the characters, and the chemistry between them all, both romantic and platonic. Priya is a delight and seems like a great cheerleader to have in your corner.

My first book by this author, but I would certainly seek out her others.

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I haven't read as many of Jane Lovering's books as I feel I should have, but not to worry I will soon be rectified this as I am slowly adding titles to my kindle.

I have to give a massive thumbs up to how mental health and the difficulties who live with it are dealt with in this book, this is a topic incredibly close to home for me as I do live with a person with mental health illness and I know how taxing and emotional and damn hard life can be for everyone concerned and the author has dealt with all of that with the utmost sensitivity.

I was drawn to this book not only because of the author and the cover - which is so pretty- but also the setting, yup I am biased and tend to grab hold of a book when it is based in my home county. but really is there any other place lovelier and more dramatic than Yorkshire? I think not! Again I am biased!

I loved the characters and how they deal with what's thrown their way and the drama which follows, their relationship feels real and solid and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting them all.

This isn't your stereotypical fluffy romance there is darkness entwined which makes it grittier and full of emotion and it works perfectly for the story.

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Lovely feel good book to read. It was a joy to read. Lovely characters. Great plot. The book was charming. Very well written. I’d definitely recommend this book

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This book was a magical adventure full of winter magic. I loved following these characters as they fell in love.

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

Award-winning author Jane Lovering writes romantic comedies with plenty of warmth, heart and bite and she is on top form with her latest novel, A Midwinter Match.

Ruby Oldbridge is a counsellor who is an expert at solving other people’s problems – it’s just a shame that her own life is a complete disaster area! Her love life is a mess, her finances are a shambles and she lives in a house-share after splitting up with her ex. At least Ruby doesn’t have any worries on the job front – or so she thought! With management keen to restructure and save money, it turns out that even her job is in jeopardy as there is only one post available for a counsellor – and it’s between her and Mr Positivity himself, Zac Drewe. Ruby has already lost so much already and she is not prepared to lose her job as well. She will do whatever it takes to keep the post that means everything to her – except fall for her rival, Zac!

Zac is well known for his optimistic outlook and sunny disposition. But beneath the surface lies a man who has got his own host of demons, fears and insecurities. Zac is just as good as Ruby at his job and he is not about to let it slip through his fingers so easily. However, as the two find themselves pushed in close proximity by fate, they surprise themselves by the fact that they seem to be drawn to each other and as respect and attraction lead to something far deeper than either one of them ever imagined, Zac and Ruby wonder they might possibly ever have a future together – outside of working hours.

Zac and Ruby are the best thing that ever happened to one another, but will they fight for their future together? Will they allow their careers to get in the way of their happiness? Or is their burgeoning relationship simply not meant to be?

I am a huge fan of Jane Lovering and her quirky, whimsical and magical books. She effortlessly provides her readers with plenty of laughs and giggles, but her books always aim for the heart and never miss. She has this ability of tackling serious issues like mental health, job insecurity and anxiety with a light touch and this is beautifully brought to life in her latest novel, A Midwinter Match.

Funny, heart-warming, absorbing and moving, A Midwinter Match is a delightfully enjoyable tale full of humour and heart about life’s unexpected twists and turns, healing from the past, steeping out of your comfort zone and moving forward even when things go awry that is bound to strike a chord with readers everywhere.

Enjoyable, emotional and wonderfully witty, Jane Lovering has penned another winner with her latest novel, A Midwinter Match.

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This checked off everything I look for in a book. Was not disappointed. Really enjoyed this book. I will read more from this author. Must read. Read, read and read this.

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This was a brilliant read and is being featured on my blog for my quick star reviews feature, which I have created on my blog so I can catch up with all the books I have read and therefore review.

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Moving,feels realistic book. Though festive it dealt with anxiety. Fresh,fun,heartwarming. Quick,easy read.

Pub Date: 19 Aug 2021
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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I was given this book in August but I wanted to wait until it was the season to read it. This book gave me The Hating Game vibes. It was the same basic plot, except I preferred the writing in this book to the other. This book also focuses heavily on mental health and I can appreciate that as well. I really enjoyed their relationship dynamic and how it evolved. It wasnt very Christmasy other than it was set at Christmas time but it was a quick easy read that held my attention and definitely deserves 4 stars.

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ANOTHER holiday romance ruined by a main character that is treated horribly by an ex. Can we please find another trope, because not all women need to saved from their past scars.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved this book. It's a rivals to friends to lovers story and Ruby and Zac have great chemistry. But aside from that, they create a very strong friendship and that was really lovely. I appreciated how they supported each other despite being pitted against each other.

The story is very mental health focused and talks a lot about the struggles that lie behind a smiling face. The book covers a lot of subjects that are potentially triggering such as descriptions and experiences of panic attacks, anxiety disorders, depression, medication and other subjects associated with mental health and the brain.

The characters in this story were all so well written. I really liked all of the supporting characters in this story too - even Cav and his bloody bike. They all had so much personality, even if we didn't see them very much.

There was one scene when they are called into a meeting that Ruby was not prepared for and the whole scene had me laughing out loud. It just jumped right off the page and I felt like the characters really came to life in that moment. It was brilliant. In fact, there were so moments and off the cuff remarks that made me laugh.

‘A man with a plan.’ His level tone and the way he squeezed my hand in return was hopeful. ‘If you’ve also got a van, I think Doctor Seuss may want a word.’

Ruby often describes an oncoming panic attack as a corset, slowly tightening and I thought that was such an accurate description. I also loved that despite getting her happy-for-now ending, her mental health problems weren't magically erased. The guy didn't fix her and vice versa, they just embrace each other for all they are and that's beautiful. Ruby and Zac were never presented as people that needed to be fixed and that's why this story really touched me. They were just real people with real issues who found love. We need more stories like that.

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Ruby Oldbridge is a terrific counselor, who is having a hard time working on her own life.. She is actually floundering and can’t seem to get her footing. Zac Drewe is also a counselor, he is new to the office and is supposed to be competing with Ruby for the same job.. They both have their troubles and secrets. The stress of the holiday’s, their lives and competing for this job, actually brings them closer than making them enemies.. working together might get them both what they need and make their lives easier. Can they get all things settled by the Holidays? Can they remain friends? Maybe become something more? This was such a cute, fun story. I really enjoyed it and glad I was able to review this for the Holidays..

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This is the first time for me to read a book by Jane Lovering and I am very I did! I absolutely enjoyed reading this one! The storyline is quite unique. This book is fun but there are also more serious or sad parts. It's very easy to read and it's very entertaining! This book is definitely a page-turner! If you buy it and read it, you won't regret it!

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This was a little less like the classic Christmas movie format, but then, it’s not really a Christmas plot, it just happens to be set in the winter. Our two characters both do the same job, and when their companies merge, they are forced to compete for one position. They’re both good at what they do, and each has their own reason for desperately needing to keep the job. Ruby thinks Zac is too nice to be true, especially since they’re both after the same job. As she gets to know him, instead of hating him, she hates the situation they’re in. And, in the end, despite her nearly crippling anxiety, she makes a bold decision in order to secure a future for both of them, leading to a satisfying conclusion. The characters were all well-drawn, even the stereotypical incompetent boss and the ubiquitous gay best friend.

This is another one that doesn’t go past kissing, although there is the aforementioned gay character and a man who wants to be a drag queen. A few vaguely sexual references, like hoping someone’s “willy rots off.” I don’t recall any strong language.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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When Ruby and Zac meet they are going for the same job thanks for the merger of the companies that they work for. What starts out as rivalry soon turns into friendship and as they allow each other into their lives and drop their defences can friendship turn into more?

Although this book deals with difficult topics such as mental illness, it still had a festive feel.

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