Member Reviews

This book was so hyped up but it fell a little short for me. I can’t stand toxic relationships and I know that wasn’t the focal point of the story but the plot wouldn’t be there without it. It’s really hard for me to read about them so please take this review with a grain of salt as it’s for very personal reasons.

The romance was so stellar. I love Delilah and every other one of the characters. It’s amazing how much can go unsaid in familial relationships that turns out to be untrue. I would love to visit Bright Falls & Claire’s bookstore! Also Ruby deserves her own book imo.

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This book is absolutely wonderful. It has intricate character relationships that don't feel overly complicated or muddled, amazing growth for everyone, but especially the titular character, and so many moments that just made me smile. The author deftly reversed my opinion of Astrid over the course of the book, which I didn't fully notice was happening until I reached the end! Overall, this book is an emotional and beautiful look at loneliness, hope, and reconciliation.

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I had so much fun reading this book. First of all, Delilah and Claire both felt so real. Claire had such real issues and her priorities ALWAYS felt like they were in the right place. Normally, the angsty "I hate everyone" character bugs me, but Delilah's anger and hurt made so much sense that it fit. And she wasn't unkind, just wounded. Also, asking Astrid if Spencer was her Gilbert Blythe and playing around with the Literary Witches Oracle (which I own) really got me. Great job! Can't wait to see what happens with Astrid next.

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Ok this one had it all and then some for me, definitely one of the most perfect romances I’ve read lately and I freaking loved it! You have a grief element, former mean girls who are all grown up, a single parent, bridesmaid shenanigans, found family, a perfect balance of tenderness and steam and much more. Adored it SO much!

I love that we’re seeing more queer romance being published lately and this one is the cream of the crop. Delilah is unapologetically queer and Claire is bisexual and instead of it feeling like the author just slapped a label on them it felt like a true part of their identity and incredibly authentic to boot. Both women are complex and have depth and not only are they well drawn, the secondary characters are as well too. Oftentimes in a story with so much going on some characters will fall a little flat and that wasn’t the case here at all, everyone felt purposeful and intregal to the story and they added value to an already valuable story. I’m thrilled this is a start to a new series as I could read about these characters again and highly recommend this one to romance fans!

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The way this book stole my heart early on. The writing itself was wonderful and encompassing. The romance was written in a way that felt so real and it was so clear how these two could have fallen for each other. Which is saying a lot considering how quickly it all happened. Despite the timing, it never felt rushed or insincere. Another great thing about this book was the way it handled a lot of topics, from content to anxiety and panic attacks and parental relationships and so much more. I appreciated seeing and reading it in such a book, and I am so grateful that this exists.

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This was a fun read, although a bit longer than I necessarily needed it to be. The good girl/bad girl energy was great, I loved the way that aside from the romance there were nice plots about gaining the love of sisters and friends, and the scenes featuring Ruby were especially enjoyable. I did feel like the idea of the bet either should have been more present or just cut out - it didn't pop up enough to feel significant or as if any of the characters were actually invested in it, so it seemed obviously planted simply to derail things for five minutes at the end - and you have to suspend your disbelief a bit in terms of the timeframe/slight instalove. Plus the reveal about Delilah having taken pictures of Claire without her knowledge was a bit weird, and I wish it had at least been foreshadowed a little more in her POV so it didn't come as such a strange reader surprise. Overall, however, an entertaining new series that plenty of romance readers will dive into.

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Delilah’s estranged stepsister, Astrid, is getting married, and despite not going back to their hometown in years, Delilah gets talked into being the photographer for Astrid’s wedding. When she gets Into town, Astrid’s best friend Claire approaches Delilah at a bar making it a little awkward when they are forced together for all the wedding events. Between trying to convince Astrid to call off the wedding and trying to ignore the feelings developing between them, Delilah and Claire have a lot going on during this wedding.

There was os much to love about this book. First of all, each of the characters was so well developed - their lives, their personalities, everything. They were each very distinct with many layers, and each one of them added so much to the story. Their relationships with each other were also so integral to the story and so well done.

This one was SO steamy and the chemistry between Delilah and Claire was so intense. I loved how they came together. There were so many laugh out loud moments. There is so much to love about this book and I can’t wait for the next one!

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I really wanted to love this but I don't think I got there. Delilah and Astrid have a really interesting sisterly dynamic and honestly this was the most poignant part about the novel. I found the family and grief conversations, not to mention the stepmother, very interesting. This being said, the actual romance between Claire and Delilah just felt off. Delilah was very interesting but honestly, Claire needed more development. I just wasn't rooting for them in the way I would've liked. Props for the high points but this one fell a bit flat.

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So far in 2022 I have attempted to be more stringent with my reviews. I made the decision to be more frugal with my five-star reviews, reserving them for only those works that I believe truly merit it. I've been nit-picky with everything I have read so far this year. But despite my best efforts, I could find absolutely no nits to pick with Delilah Green Doesn't Care. I loved absolutely everything that Ashley Herring Blake has given us in this story of found family, friendship, and discovering that one person who feels like home.

Delilah Green is a photographer, trying to launch her career in NYC, when she gets hired to return to her hometown to photograph her step-sister Astrid's wedding. Orphaned at a young age and left in the care of a cold and emotionally distant step-mother, Delilah was always viewed as a strange, reclusive outsider by Astrid and the girls Delilah refers to as Astrid's "coven." Delilah fled to New York as soon as she turned 18, leaving the small town behind and embarking on a life focused on work and zero romantic entanglements. When she returns to Bright Falls for the wedding, she brings with her all of the long-held resentments from her childhood, as well as her continued refusal to let anyone into her life or her heart.

Claire Sutherland, bisexual single mom of a pre-teen daughter, Ruby, also has reason to keep her heart under lock and key. Her unreliable ex has a history of disappearing from their lives for weeks or months at a time, too young and immature to have taken on the role of father when Ruby was born. Claire has made a quiet life for her and her daughter, running the town's bookstore and definitely not looking for love.

The one thing that stood out most to me about the book is that it is a queer romance that doesn't necessarily feel queer. It's hard for me to describe, precisely. I guess it's because the queerness of the characters here really makes no difference. There are no closeted characters, no townsfolk who look down on two women holding hands in public, no judgements relating to the characters' sexual orientations. The queerness is not an issue that has to be "dealt with." It just is. And that was very refreshing. The author didn't take what could be considered the easier way out, with external forces and societal expectations being the problems that drive a wedge between the two lovers. Instead, these characters are forced to turn inward, to examine how their own personal issues and their unwillingness to let anyone in are preventing them from being truly happy.

So indeed, this sapphic love story is exquisite. And as an added bonus, the supporting cast is delightful. I particularly loved the fiery Iris, the third member of Astrid's friend group, a brash woman with no filter and with whom I absolutely want to be friends. I also adored Claire's pre-teen daughter, Ruby. Her attitude and her sass are everything you would expect from a girl that age, and she reminds me of why I'm grateful to have been blessed with sons. Seeing the growth and maturity of Claire's ex was also quite satisfying, when another author may have just let him be some one-dimensional symbol of why men suck.

It's only the end of January, but I can already tell that Delilah Green Doesn't Care will be a strong contender for my Best of 2022 list. I encourage everyone to give it a try when it releases next month. You won't be sorry.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was so so much more than a queer/sapphic romance. It was packed full of self discovery and self love. I was not expecting to be hit so hard with the representation of familial traumas.
Definitely looking forward to learning more about Iris and Astrid; especially Astrid in the second Bright Falls book “Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail.”
I found the characters to be very relatable and well developed. The only things holding me back from giving a five star rating is that I found it to be a bit slow paced and had a few repetitive phrases.

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Here's a bad joke: Delilah Green doesn't care, and neither did I for most of the book.

Delilah's childhood was very cold while living with her stepsister and stepmother. She moves away to New York as soon as she can to be a photographer, and her steps sister hires her to be her wedding photographer, which forces Delilah to come back to her hometown. There she meets her old crush Claire, and she has a chance to start a romance with her.

The romance didn't do it for me. There were no spark or communication skills. However, I was very interested in reading about Delilah's stepsister, Astrid. How these two viewed their childhood was completely different from each other, and it was exciting to see when they would come to an understanding. In the beginning, Delilah dismissed Astrid as frigid, but you could see that there was something more to her. Watching their relationship grow was the real heart of the book.

This review is based on an advanced copy provided through Netgalley for an honest review

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I absolutely loved this book. The characters were so relatable and I felt like I really knew them by the end of the book. I did not want this book to end because I loved it so much. I will probably not be obsessed with it!

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Okay, I just absolutely adored this book. I seriously loved everything about it. Delilah stole my heart from the very first page. The romance was utter perfection. I just adored Delilah and Claire together and I loved seeing their relationship evolve. I was laughing and grinning throughout the book. It wasn't just the romance that was fantastic, though. I loved seeing Delilah's relationship with Claire's daughter and Astrid and Delilah working through all the heartbreak. I have not stopped talking about this book since I finished and I cannot wait to handsell this to everyone. If you are looking for an absolute gem of a book, look no further than Delilah Green Doesn't Care.

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I truly cannot rave about this book enough! I was hooked from the first chapter! I love how the chapters go back and forth between the two main characters, Claire and Delilah. I myself identify as bisexual, and seeing myself reflected in Claire was such a warm feeling. I also loved seeing Delilah flourish from a struggling artist in New York City who was stuck on her last heartbreak, to being absolutely head over heels for Claire. Such a simply, yet beautiful love story. I cannot wait to read more from Ashley Herring Blake and to recommend this to any avid romance readers!! This book is going to take over the romance world when it comes out, and I cannot wait!!

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Before diving into this read I already thought the synopsis sounded wonderful. “A clever and steamy romantic comedy about taking chances and accepting love”? Yes, please! With one of the MCs—Delilah—being a photographer hailing from New York? Yes yes yes. (I love photography for reference). And she’s back in her hometown for the wedding of her loathsome stepsister? What could possibly go wrong?!? Oh just perhaps falling for said stepsister’s best friend—Claire!

I went into this read for the romance but this story is so much more than that. Each of the characters, not just our MCs, felt fully fleshed out. We get to know Delilah, her stepsister Astrid, Claire (and her daughter Ruby who I adored!), and Iris. There was so much emotion to everyone’s storylines, and the novel touched on many heavier topics (e.g. death of a parent, teen parenthood, difficult familial relationships). But despite the topics addressed, there were still so many shenanigans and laugh out loud moments, and novel felt very well balanced. And through it all, Delilah and Claire’s chemistry was palpable from the moment they laid eyes on one another. Which is a win for me!

This book is listed as Bright Falls #1 and the end of the book contains an excerpt from book 2. I am looking forward revisiting this cast of characters and the town of Bright Falls when the time comes!

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When I saw that I was given the opportunity to read an E-ARC of this book, I was ecstatic! I have read nearly every single one of Ashley Herring Blake’s books, and I was so excited to see she was branching out into adult romance. Let me just say, I was NOT disappointed. This book is everything I wanted and more. I absolutely adored the chemistry between Claire and Delilah, not to mention the steamy encounters between them. I also loved the relationship Delilah developed with Claire’s daughter Ruby. Truly all of the relationships in this book were honest and beautiful. The friendship between Claire, Iris and Astrid is the kind of friendship I wish that I had in my life.
This book checked all of my boxes when it comes to things I love in romance, and Blake’s writing style never disappoints me. In the moments that I wasn’t reading this book, I found myself wishing I was so I could be back in Bright Falls with everyone. This was such an easy 5 star and I can’t wait for it to be released to see if everyone else loves it as much as me.

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4 ⭐️ A delightful adult sapphic romance

Before I even talk about the book, I just have to say that this cover is PERFECTION! I'm obsessed with the depiction of Wisteria House, the lavender background, and, of course, the spot-on portrayal of our sexy MCs! Could Claire be any more delicious and Delilah be any hotter????? I knew from the moment I saw this cover that I HAD to read this book!

Here are some tropes to expect from the story:
- Best friend's sibling
- Single parent
- Grumpy / Sunshine
- Instant attraction
- One-bed at the inn
- 'I bet I can sleep with them'
- Weird girl in high school glow up
- Working together to stop a wedding

Delilah Green Doesn't Care was my first book by Ashley Herring Blake, and I am blown away. While there are some light-hearted moments and the romance is brilliant, this is a deep story that dives into navigating difficult family dynamics, leaning on friendships, healing old wounds, giving second chances, learning to be vulnerable, and realizing your self-worth. This story is heartfelt and realistic - the two things I hope for in every romance.

I really connected with Delilah's story. As someone who suffers from childhood family trauma, I understand how difficult it is to go back to the place that made you feel nothing but pain, sorrow, hurt, loneliness, and rejection. While my trauma is different from Delilah's, the feelings are the same. My heart ached for her throughout the entire story, but it was lovely seeing her embark on a journey towards healing. It's amazing that love has the power to heal old wounds.

On a different note, Delilah is my new girl crush. Let me preface this by saying that I'm a straight married woman, but I won't lie, Delilah's got me feeling some kind of way. Not only do I appreciate how she took control of her life after high school to pursue her dreams AND after all that's happened to her she's still a sweetheart looking to be loved, BUT she is hella fine! I mean, the way Claire describes her physically along with her mannerisms had me swooning.

I loved Astrid's friend group but Iris was the best. I wasn't prepared to fall in love with a side character, but here we are. Iris is bold, upfront, crass, and genuine. She's the kind of friend who tells it like it is whether or not you want to hear it. Iris is a no-bull, no finesse kind of girl, and I loved it! Plus, the banter with Delilah was hilarious! I need to see even more of her in the next book.

The romance between Delilah and Claire was sensual, vulnerable, and real. There is an immediate attraction between these two women, but what really draws them together is their ability to offer compassion and support during times of struggle. Both Delilah and Claire have past hurt that comes up throughout the story, and seeing them comfort one another and offer nothing but love was absolutely beautiful.

I think the one thing I didn't really understand about this story is Astrid's and her friend's opinions about Delilah growing up. As an adult, Astrid says she only wanted to befriend her and it was Delilah who kept pulling away, which hurt her feelings. But Delilah lost both parents by the time she was 10 - like straight-up orphaned, living with a stepmother who didn't care about her (hello, Cinderella) - and Astrid has the audacity to be bitter that Delilah didn't want to hang out with her because she was grieving? I know she was just a child and that might be how children perceive things, but it just wasn't 100% believable to me. Maybe more of this will be explained in Astrid's book.

I also thought it was odd that Delilah used the photography she took of Claire at the gallery show. Delilah mentioned she hadn't shown the photo before because she never signed a consent waiver. But apparently, for her big show at the Whitney, it was okay to use? It felt out of character for Delilah. I honestly think maybe the author forgot to include a sentence or two where Claire gives verbal consent or says something like "This is gorgeous. You should use it in one of your shows." But since this didn't happen, it makes Delilah seem thoughtless and shady.

Overall, Delilah Green Doesn't Care is a steamy queer romance that was perfectly fun-loving and thoughtful. 100% recommend reading! I cannot wait for Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail - Book 2 in the Bright Falls Series!

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review! As always, all opinions are my own.

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~Delilah Green Doesn’t Care Review~


I requested a ton of books from Netgalley and this is one i’m super excited about! I love a good sapphic read and this has “clever” and “steamy” in the little blurb talking about it. what else can i ask for??

+always love a story with people from New York bonus points if they’re a creative
+also weddings are such a breeding ground for chaos which makes for the best stories
+classic only one bed trope
+sexy sexy consent
+aw ruby and delilah is so fun
+i love the dynamic between the women in this book
+happy ending!!!

-i like bets but not when they have to do with making someone fall in love with someone else. it feels icky and gross everytime (and almost always bites someone in the ass)
-oddly antagonist relationships (they work through it tho)

I started school while reading this so there was a moment where i completely forgot it existed but i ended up enjoying this book! it was a fun queer romance and wasn’t too serious or taxing. i could see a lot of people enjoying this one!

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Thank you Berkley Publishing Group and Net Galley for an early ereader of this book!

This might be my favorite book of 2022 and it is only January. I absolutely loved this book. From the dynamic of the three best friends, the family drama to the chemistry between our two girls, everything was perfection.

First, you have Delilah which spoiler alert does in fact, care. She may be hard on the outside, but she is warm and mushy on the inside. I love seeing the representation of someone with crazy curly hair that has a mind of its own. I know it is silly, but that small bit of representation really tugged on my heart strings. ANYWAY, Delilah is super artsy, has tattoos, doesn't wear a bra and has been burnt a few times (by significant others and by family). Delilah is a lesbian-rep.

Next, we have Claire who has a pre-teen daughter. YES, more representation on something you don't see in a lot of romance books in my opinion! She us curvy, retro, runs a bookstore, will die for her friends and is trying her hardest to co-parent with her daughter's dad who she has deemed not responsible. She has not only her curves but she has stretch marks and they are seen as gorgeous. Claire is a bisexual-rep.

The steam in this is a 10/10, If you don't like detailed-sex scenes, then this book might not be for you. I enjoyed it though, LOL. The characters have layers, the side-characters are set up for their own books (looking at you Astrid and Iris), and the trauma these characters are dealing with are real. I really enjoyed this one, and highly recommend it!

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This book is like a delicious mango salsa - the perfect combination of spicy and sweet!

I realllllly enjoyed this story, even more than I thought I would! What really shines are the characters. They are so real, raw, relatable - they’re people that you just can’t help but root for.

Delilah is a queer, semi-struggling artist in NYC who’s determined to escape her childhood, the dark time after both of her parents died when she was living with a stepmother and sister who never seemed to want her.

Claire is a young single mom trying to find balance in her life and overcome her trust issues from her own father and her kid’s dad.

The chemistry between Delilah and Claire is evident, but what stood out to me more was the friendship. Their story explores themes of belonging, of unconventional and found families, of loneliness, of finding yourself. And there’s many laughs along the way.


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